Hey hey!
I’ve got a big announcement to make here. (Where’s my gong? I feel like this really needs a good gong hit.)
CSS-Tricks, this very website you’re looking at, has been acquired by DigitalOcean!
You can hear from them directly on the DigitalOcean blog as well.

This will be the most fun if we have a conversation about it, so allow me to kick it off. I’ll pretend to be you at first and then you can be you in the comments.
Hey, congrats!
DigitalOcean? Aren’t they like a… web host?
They are! A very good one. You can build anything on DigitalOcean infrastructure (probably best to think of them as a cloud computing platform that has tools ranging from servers to managed Kubernetes). One thing I think is particularly cool is their new App Platform which to me feels extra aligned with front-end developers like me. We’ve covered that before. Also, their whole concept of Droplets (super simple servers that are quick to spin up) has been transformative in the industry. But more importantly about this acquisition… have you seen their DigitalOcean Community site? It’s loaded with top-notch developer education. DigitalOcean has been super committed to that for a long time, and to me makes this a very natural and well-suited move.
What happens to CSS-Tricks?
The site and content is staying right here. DigitalOcean is committed to continuing to produce high-quality content on front-end development and tending to the trove of content that exists here already.
Will you still be running CSS-Tricks?
I will be working with the DigitalOcean team as an advisor as we transition CSS-Tricks to DigitalOcean’s management, and will then step back to focus on my other projects.
Why now?
When I started CSS-Tricks in 2007, I couldn’t have imagined how much it would grow. I wanted it to grow, that was the plan, but now it’s a far bigger job than any one person can do. That, I was never ready for.
Let me take a quick moment to give some thanks here. I had the incredible help of Geoff as lead editor, sponsor wrangler, and site manager. Robin turned the newsletter into the must-read industry rag it is now. It’s a family business as well! My wife Miranda helped with the books, working with authors, and her guidance on running the site as a proper publication has led the site where it is. I literally couldn’t have done it without any one of them. And of course, the incredible group of authors, with a special shout out to Sarah, a long-time staff writer and friend.
A small but mighty team, indeed. And that’s the thing. CSS-Tricks deserves more human muscle behind it than I’ve been able to provide for it. That’s where DigitalOcean comes in. That’s the “why now.” They have the resources to put behind CSS-Tricks, and the motivation to do so. I fully trust them to do it, as they’ve been successfully doing it themselves for a long time.
OK! Your turn! If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to comment below. We’ll read them all and publish anything useful and constructive.
Chris, thank you so much for everything. Back in 2009, I started doing web stuff for clients and frankly, bit off more than I could chew and CSS-Tricks was so valuable to me, helping me through that.
This site has always been here ever since and has forever been a valuable source of content. I’ve been lucky enough to have my writing published on here, so thanks for that too.
Same. Thanks Chris & congrats.
Dude, awesome news for you and the site! I would not be the developer I am today without this resource and the wealth of knowledge from the community it’s generated. How darn exciting!
same year here!
ajaxian and css-tricks helped a lot and were always a good read!
wish you and your team all the best!
Congratulations and thanks a lot for your amazing work over the past 15 years, Chris. I wish you good luck, a lot of fun and all the best for what’s ahead of you!
WOW! Congrats Chris, and everyone who’s behind the phenom that is css-tricks. I’ve been a long-time fan — discovered your site around 2008 — and check is almost daily now. I’m inspired by how you’ve managed to grow and scale everything. And I’ve been a DigitalOcean fan & customer for nearly as long. You’re right, their in-depth knowledge articles are cream of the crop. This is a great fit, and should become a win/win/win/win situation.
Thanks for all the knowledge!
It’s been a long ride, and like all things that change, there’s always a bit of sadness.
In this case it’s probably due to the fact that an independent (even if well established) project like CSS Tricks must necessarily be acquired by an even bigger company to keep on “working”.
In any case, congratulations to Chris and the whole team for the work done in these years. You have certainly helped to change the lives of many people in the industry.
Good luck to Digital Ocean who now has the responsibility to keep this project running smoothly.
It would be very interesting to read a little retrospective on the highlights of CSS Tricks history.
What an awesome website and resource. Congratulations
Wow! Congrats Chris! If there’s one thing I’ll miss, it’s your voice on this platform in particular, but I’m sure this will continue to be a very enjoyable website to follow. Thanks for everything.
Also… how the hell did you sell a blog in 2022?! Wild.
Congrats Chris and the team. As someone who only gets limited time to spend on web development I really appreciate the range and quality of the articles on here. I wish more sites were like this, but hopefully this acquisition will mean there will be more of this site.
Congratulations Chris.
Appreciate your time, effort, and vision.
May you continue to prosper at doing what you love.
CSS-Tricks has been my main go-to site for CSS tidbits and inspiration since I started my Web Dev career way back in 2011.
To everyone at CSS-Tricks but particularly you Chris – congratulations, and thank you.
Congrats Chris and I wish you good luck on your future projects and hope they also get as big as css-tricks and help people around the world.
Indeed a big news. Congrats Chris. Looking forward to see what DO does next, have a faith in them that they will take it forward.
I’m a better developer also because of you. Thanks for CSS-tricks :)
And as a proud digitalocean client I wish everyone the best in this new venture!
Congratulations Chris! Really grateful to you for running this site. It’s been a stalwart voice for developers and the open web. Good luck with whatever cool thing you do next!
Congrats on the sale, and good luck with whatever’s next. Looking forward to many more years of great reading here. Cheers.
Congrats, Chris! I can’t stress enough how large of an impact CSS-Tricks has had on my professional growth. Especially during my early career, it really helped demystify some of the tech-talk that I couldn’t wrap my head around.
Thanks for everything, and all the best with whatever you choose to do next!
Chris, you’re a legend mate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, what you created was/is next level. Hat tip. Onwards and upwards! Cheers
This is great!
I know how weird it must feel letting go of all this.
I am super proud of what you achieved and highly regard you as the mentor you are.
I know it must have been tiresome running this, together with all your other projects especially around Codepen.
But the amount of content you produced, the quality of it, and the guidance and learning you gave was the greatest gift of all this. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it all.
Keep on trucking, I will be here for the journey
Congrats, I’ve been dipping in to the content here almost every day and have found it invaluable. Thanks you and your team for all the hard work thus far and going forward.
Congrats, guys! Wish you all the best in your future projects and hope they compensated you well, you deserve it!
Chris, thanks for a site that has been instrumental in making me the developer I am today! There was always a resource for everything I was struggling with!
Thank you for running the site with empathy for readers, developers, and authors. Congratulations on this next step for you and for the site!
It’s literally one of the highlights of my career to have been published here and look forward to doing it again under DO’s purview as well!
Wow, congrats! CSS-Tricks is one of my favorite sites, I’ve learnt so much from it and has made me smile so many times. Thanks so much for having made one of the best sites of the Internet! Your articles and insights will certainly be missed
Congrats on the acquisition. Your mark on the internet will forever be remembered. Looking forward to seeing your new projects come to life.
Thank you so much for all your work, and on a personal note, for allowing me access to write for you from time to time. While I trust CSS-Tricks is in good hands, it won’t quite be the same without you. Best of luck on what’s next!
Congrats Chris and team!! I basically built my career on the back of all the hard work y’all put into this site. Thanks for all the amazing and accurate content. Here’s to another 15 years!
Wow! What a huge change. Since 2010 or so I’ve regularly read CSS Tricks articles to learn web development and became so familiar with your name on the byline.
Congratulations on the acquisition and best of luck in whatever’s next!
Congratulations! This website has helped me so much. To the point that when I search for something css related on google I automatically search
"<term> css-tricks"
. Tough to tell how many people’s careers you and team have positively impacted.End of an era! Sorry to see you go, but thanks for all the help i got from csstricks.com.
I know the site will still be here, but it won’t be the same i’m afraid.
All the best to you and i hope you’ll find what you’re looking for.
Massive congratulations, Chris & team! Like many, many others I’m sure, I owe a large portion of my career to the generosity and consistently amazing helpfulness of this website and everything you’ve built it to stand for. Thank you for everything, and I hope this change results in even more people discovering the joy of “just build websites!”, in a way that lets y’all breathe a bit easier!
Congrats Chris and the team! At this point, I don’t even think of CSS-Tricks as a website. I think of it as an institution.
A profound thanks for all your years of dedication and I hope the next chapter is the best one yet.
Congratulations to you Chris, and everyone around you who have contributed!! Thank you for all the content you’ve shared. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years, along with, I’m sure many thousands of others. You’ve made the world a better place. Congrats again!
Well done Chris! it’s been an absolute joy following your journey. I think I’ve been an avid reader roughly from around the start and you’ve always been a bastion of knowledge I’ve relied on :)
Thanks heaps for all your hard work and effort Chris, as well to the rest of your team. You guys will always be remembered as rockstars!
A huge thanks to you, Chris, Geoff, and everybody else on this brilliant team.
CSS-Tricks has been a huge part of my learning curve since I got into front-end (started off with tweaking CSS) almost two years ago.
So thank you!
Congrats! CSS Tricks has been an essential resource in the frontend world for so long I am glad to hear that it is entering a new chapter.
CSS Tricks was, is, and likely will continue to be an invaluable resource for front-end web development. I owe so much to this publication. Thanks for everything, and here’s to the next chapter!
I’ve followed you for years so best of luck in this transition Chris. You made a difference to all CSSers ;)
CSS Tricks made web dev feel like anyone could do this, and we’re just all trying to figure it out together.
Thanks a million for making this seem more approachable.
Congrats Chris and team!
You have my sincerest thanks as CSS-Tricks has been instrumental to my betterment as a developer with its invaluable content, from whimsy tricks to complete guides.
Well done and well deserved! (and thanks for publishing a few words of mine)
CSS Tricks has always had a human-friendly tone that made me a lifelong fan. The amount of information I have consumed from this site is innumerable and has helped me countless times in my own journey as a developer. Onwards and upwards, Chris – you really are a legend!
Congratulations, Chris. CSS-Tricks has been one of my top five go-tos when I need help with something; reassuring to know it remains in good hands.
Congratulations Chris, I must have used your site two or three times a week for reference since it went live. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it and best of luck with future ventures.
Hey, I’m a long time reader but just remembered now that I’ve never commented. Your website and articles have been of great help. Thank you!
Thank you for all the hard work!
All the very best for your coming projects :)
Hi, Chris – congratulations!
Under Digital Ocean, will there still be the opportunity for developers to guest write for CSS-Tricks?
100%. And we’ve already updated the guest posting page to reflect the DigitalOcean process. It’s very similar, and even pays more!
Congrats! CSS Tricks has been a part of my web design life since it launched. I can’t count the hundreds of times I searched for solutions on this site and found the answers I was looking for.
Chris, you made a huge difference for me learning CSS. Thank you and wishing you the best in your next chapter.
You got me started down this road back in 2008 and I really appreciate it. ❤️
CSS Tricks has gone from a curiosity to a frequent mention to an authority to a dependency. Always a relief when a front-end dev question’s search includes a result from CSS Tricks because you know that it’ll demonstrate all the possible working solutions, provide the much needed background context, share the future community roadmap and deftly guide you through the whole story.
Thank you for everything, and may CSS Tricks only grow bigger and better!
For many years, CSS Tricks has been my go to site for understanding some of the subtle nuances (read as “insanely frustrating things”) of CSS.
Thank you (and your team) for all the effort you poured into this site.
Thank you for years and years of this. Endlessly grateful.
Csstricks has been a unique and invaluable resource for front-end developers for the last 15 years. Thank you Chris for everything you’ve done for us. Congratulations to you and your family.
Chris, thanks for everything you’ve created and for your generous sharing and teaching. Looking forward to seeing what’s next!
Congrats for creating a Stack Overflow for HTML and CSS… I still come back to the flexbox section to refresh my memory… Well-done!
Massive congrats Chris & team! I know I’m not alone in saying I owe a ton of gratitude to this amazing resource. It’s been a significant influence and source of inspiration over the years — it’s practically where I learned how to code! Looking forward to seeing it continue to be invaluable for web builders all around the world.
CSS Tricks was there for me when I was first learning how to code. I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without it! Thanks and congrats to Chris and the team
Congrats Chris! I’ve learned a lot from this site (and the newsletter) over the years, thanks to you and the team.
You’ve always put the community first (this comes to mind: https://twitter.com/chriscoyier/status/1154459247410733059), and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in making this decision as well. Here’s to whatever comes next!
Congrats, Chris! I remember way back when when you started this blog. What an awesome resource it’s become. Couldn’t have happened to a better person!
I attribute much of the success of my early career (and therefore my entire career) to this website, and Chris in particular. Chris, your accessible, pragmatic, and humble style helped me build the confidence to take on new and exciting challenges. Thank you for everything.
Chris, friends, and family; you have created one of the best resources for front end web development ever. I’m very early on in this journey and I’ve already learnt so much from you. Thank you, and congratulations!
Congratulations Chris and the team, this is well deserved!
CSS Tricks has been my goto resource for many years, congrats Chris!
Bravo et respect pour votre site toujours source de connaissance et de réflexion pour un meilleur web. bonne suite à vous chris
Thanks for fifteen years of pushing the good web forward <3
Thanks for fifteen years of being one of the best resources on web development things <3
I’ve really always admired how you go about things Chris. I’m so happy for you! I hope the step back gives you the time and energy for the things you want. Wishing you all the best!
I cannot express how happy I am for you and the team Chris. You folks deserve all the moneybags for what you have done for the industry. Please remember us when you buy your own island or something
Hey Chris and all of the CSS-Tricks contributors, congrats on the sale. Thank you all for all of the amazing work you’ve done in sharing your knowledge and expertise. CSS-Tricks has been a foundational part of my growing in my career, and a longtime source of inspiration.
Is ShopTalk Show part of this acquisition or are you and Dave going to continue running that?
Not a part. We’ll keep truckin’ along with that over on https://shoptalkshow.com/ and the YouTube stuff has it’s own home now https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0z_y1EirBhSQN96P4foZ1A
Congrats Chris!! Bookmarking this page, not just because of how much your work has helped me level up, but because it will someday become a UX Case study: How do you build a Comment Section with thousands of replies. ❤️ godspeed
I’ve been using CSS Tricks for over 10 years now and if it wasn’t for all the awesome content that allowed me to learn and grow I don’t think I would still be working in the industry.
I really owe you one Chris!
Congrats Chris,
So pleased for you and thank you for so many years of exceptional quality content. I always figured when you Google a problem or look something up, if it’s got your avatar next to it on the results page it was always as good as a “verified correct” result!
Enjoy the new projects
Wow, this is huge.
DigitalOcean (my fav host) has acquired
CSS-Tricks (my fav blog).
But honestly, congrats @ChrisCoyier & team. Hats off to all of the hard work since 2007. I cannot thank y’all enough for all the amazing content and over a decade of inspiration. I’m a web developer today because of you!
I had mixed feelings when I got to know about this news, who wants to see Chris stepping back from this site (hint: no one), but then it hit me, wait, I know DigitalOcean very well — and it’s a legit investment on their part. I know it’s in good hands.
Is there a web developer out there who hasn’t turned to css-tricks for some help at some point in the last 10 years?
I doubt it.
Congrats to Chris and the whole team.
A big congrats and thank you to Chris and the team, well deserved.
Like many others here, CSS Tricks has been part of my web dev life for a long time now, over a decade.
Maintaining that kind of quality for so long is no small feat!
Can’t wait to see what’s next…
I was telling some students about how helpful CSS tricks was when I started out (and of course still is.) We were talking about WordPress and magic-fields and ACF and churn and I showed them how many themes CSS-Tricks had been through. Now that they’ve seen how complex a CMS like this can get – they could really see how intense it must be to manage something like CSS-Tricks and keep it looking so great. So many themes!!! Love that frog.
Thanks for being so rad, Chris. Maybe there just weren’t any CSS tricks left. You got em all! ;) Probably not. There might be more tricks out there. But it’s fun thing to say.
Congrats Chris!!!
Thank you and congrats!
Congratulations Chris!
I may have not taken the path I have if it wasn’t for this site. It helped me become a web design enthusiast and land some well paid jobs. You have truly inspired many people and helped them on their journey, just like mine.
My heart is broken and I’m happy as hell at the same time.
Thank you for always be there for me Chris for ~15 years now, even we don’t know each other.
Good luck in transitioning that Codepen to PWA :)
Congratulations, Chris. I will miss your “voice” here on CSS-Tricks and how you made things very human and approachable, with real-world examples and explanations (something often lacking in even popular reference sources.) Thanks for all the years of sharing and learning.
Congratulations and thank you
Congrats Chris and a big thank you to you and your team for all the great content since 2007. For me css tricks was the stack overflow of front-end development. (i mean that in a positive way)
gl and hf for your new projects. :)
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for your amazing efforts in CSS Tricks, and congratulations with this news!
I’m sure this is a huge milestone in your personal life as well, and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best with your future endeavors.
As many others have said, there was a tremendous impact on all of us with your content here, and I wish Digital Ocean continues that spirit for years to come.
I owe so much to CSS Tricks, a go-to for years of trying and hacking stuff I didn’t know how to do, but somehow always find helpful insights here. Not only for the knowledge but the human vibe it had. My only hope is for it to not go all corporate route, robotic feel. I am concerned at some point it will, just a gut feeling from years of my favorite sites being taken over by bigger fish, it kinda happens almost every time. Still, congrats and thanks for everything, you the real MVP.
Found css-tricks since I was a 12-year-old around 2010, bearly knew any English word. I just followed the “tricks”, it made me today somehow. Got me into design & front-end development. I really love what I’m towards.
Thanks, Chris. First-time comment. We owe you. Wish you the very best in doing any of your incoming projects.
Congratulations! Thank you so much for your contribution to pushing forward the web experience. I’m a designer so CSS tricks can be a godsend when I’m doing development.
I truly do hope DO doesn’t try to massively change things. Because we all know acquisitions can go this way quickly. Don’t change a good thing.
I’ve used this site countless times over the years.
Also, thanks for being a customer of Flywheel and Local. I work as the product designer on Local and have always enjoyed the praise and recommendations over the years. I hope this doesn’t mean we lose you as a customer. Big things are coming!
Thanks for everything Chris and CSS Tricks content team!
Congratulations! Well-deserved.
My whole Front-end career is connected with tips and articles from this page.
You are one of the developer’s greatest source of knowledge.
I really appreciate it. Thank you!
This is probably the first ever time I comment here, but first of all congrats!! I wish the whole team of CSS tricks all the best, huge thanks to all the people who made it where it is right now!!
Later I’ll be able to tell young webdevs about that good ol’ CSS tricks. Was it good? ..It was legendary!
This is great news. CSS-Tricks has been so helpful to me over the years as I’ve learned and grown as a developer.
Most of the things that I know, I learned from this website. It was, it is and I believe it will be one the best resources for Web devs. Thank you Chris and rest of the team for your amazing work! I am looking forward to see whats next…
Congratulations @Chris!
Whoosh… time flies! I’m really happy for you.
Thanks again for your long-lasting commitment and for all the positive energy you have invested into this precious project.
This website is at the top of my go-to reference list, a source of renewed inspiration and comfort (and security) that has travelled with me throughout these last 15 years.
You have epitomised what I love about our community: sharing, learning and caring.
The best is yet to come — enjoy whatever comes next <3
For everything I know to date on website development I have to credit you. From the first tutorials in 2009 on iTunes to the publications of Perishable Press with Jeff. I always mention your name in a humans.txt file of my work for 3rd parties. Thank you so much in person, Chris, and all the best with your future endeavors.
I’m super happy for you. I am really sad for myself. The comments reflect a sense of “goodbye” and “farewell”. We all know that this is an end. It was fantastic while it lasted. I really wish that you got compensated properly, though I believe that this is not possible, considering how much your education has elevated people up over the years.
I’m not gonna lie, this feels not good. But on the other hand, I am curious to see where you are gonna go next. All your previous side projects have all proven just as foundational and elevating to individuals as css-tricks. Good luck on your further journey.
Thank you for creating this web site!
Digital Ocean are also a great resource for educational material.
Two amazing sites.
Like everyone has already said… many congrats Chris.
You deserve it!
CSS Tricks is my goto resource, and has been for as long as I can remember.
Congrats to Chris and DO for this acquisition! CSS Tricks is and will be the go-to resource for millions of developers around the globe.
Eternally grateful for the work you and the fantastic authors have done throughout the years!
Congrats Chris and the team! CSS Tricks has been an incredible resource that’s helped me virtually every day over the course of my dev career, you absolutely deserve to be proud of your great achievement. It’s been a pleasure to write for you guys a few times too. So much love for all of you!
Killer. Congrats for seeing it through and setting yourself up for more success. The Flexbox, Grid and attributes guides have saved my bacon dozens of times.
Congrats! And THANK YOU for all these years of running one of the very best webdev resources out there.
FWIW I’m cautiously optimistic that DO will do right by CSS-Tricks (contra MDN’s handling by its new owners).
I remember being a backer for the redesign of CSS Tricks on Kickstarter which from memory gave you the capital to walk away from a “normal” job and go into CSS Tricks full time.
With that change CodePen was born soon after (publically at least)… can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for the community now you’ve got more time to build again.
Huge contratulations to you plus the rest of the amazing CSS Tricks team xoxo.
Congratulations to Chris and the whole team! I’ve enjoyed the site and newsletter on a regularly basis since years and am very thankful for sharing all this content that is full of knowledge, excitement and curiosity.
Thanks to you folks I’ve been able to grow as a web designer!
Thanks Chris, CSS-Tricks has been my go-to site for any front-end dev question since around 2011. Have always recommended it to new developers and designers when I can.
Best of luck in your next steps!
Congratulations Chris! You deserve this and I’m glad you’ll be able to put your focus on your priorities of late.
Your blog and videos have helped us all so much!
Congratulations Chris and Geoff! Well deserved!
Congratulations Chris and team. This is a really exciting move!
I was fortunate enough to be an editor/writer on DO for a short time and I know how diligent they are with their content.
Excited to see how CSS-Tricks continues to grow!
The biggest congratulations to you Chris! I hope CSS-Tricks will remains as awesome as it’s been under your wing.
Hi Chris. Thanks for the update and congratulations. You, and later all your staff, have put a lot of work into helping others. I found your site around 2010 when I was stuck on a CSS issue. Don’t remember what it was, but your site most likely saved my bacon. Since that day, I’ve regularly found answers to those pesky CSS issues that come up from time to time. And I used to watch your videos. Even if I wasn’t interested in the topic, I found your presentation entertaining AND educational. Also, these days, when googling for CSS answers, I first look to see if any of the results are from css-tricks. If not, I scroll down a bit or look at the second page of results. Finally, kudos to your Flex and Grid guides. I have those urls in TextExpander command that takes me there instantly. Good luck on your next adventure.
Congrats Chris,
I learned a LOT from you! Hope you have the same success with your next project!
Other projects? You can’t have other projects! We want to keep you all for ourselves.
Congratulations Chris! I’m a big fan of DigitalOcean (long time customer) AND CSS tricks!
So its a good match!
Congratulations, Chris and team!
Even though I have never met you in person, you have been like a favorite colleague of mine for a big chunk of my career as a self-proclaimed CSS queen!
I hope this won’t mean that we quit hearing from you (keep shoptalkshow alive). You, and this thing you built here, really are the heart and soul of the front-end of front-end!
I am excited for you, Chris and for everyone else on your team. I wish you all the very best and much success. Congratulations!
I am a tiny bit worried, however, since ownership of CSS-Tricks will be out of your hands, that some time in the future Digital Ocean will decide that CSS-Tricks will need to be taken offline despite promises to the contrary despite its obvious value to the web development world, or they will decide to make it substantially different or put its content behind a very expensive paywall.
I also want to say Thank You for your generosity for creating and continuously updating CSS-Tricks over the years.
Congratulations Chris and Team!
I’ve been reading this site probably since the beginning. The start of my career and its continued success owes a large part to this amazing place you’ve created. I visit here often for instruction and information, but, just as often I keep reading for enjoyment. To me, that’s what makes this place unique.
Best of luck to you and to all the contributors. I’m looking forward to DO carrying on your work!
Wow. Thanks for all the effort. I have been a users since 2011 and owe much of what I know about CSS to the tricks that I have learned in this space. It is sad to see you go but I am excited to see where this leads.
Congratulations Chris and Team! It’s been an honor to read this blog for my formative years of my career, and have an opportunity to write for it as well. You’ve built an amazing publication and I’m happy you are getting the support you need to focus on what’s next. I’ll be here and submitting articles again once I’ve gotten through my master’s program!
Congratulations, Chris and team! This site is invaluable to me and so many, and I’m excited to see where it goes next.
I wouldn’t be a developer right now if it wasn’t for your photoshop to HTML and CSS videos. It was many years ago but those videos and the way you explained how everything was done helped me become a successful developer, you were the one that gave me the understanding that nothing else could.
I also bought your Lynda course back in the day too. It helped me understand WordPress better and landed me one of my first jobs.
Seriously, thank you and congratulations. So proud of what CSS-Tricks has become.
(I also use codepen nearly every day, too. )
Big congrats, Chris & team! CSS-Tricks has been such a valuable resource that I check practically daily and look forward to the newsletters.
While the site in its current form will be missed, I’m surely wishing you the very best in your next phase!
THANKS for all the years Chris & CSS-Tricks Team!
I’ll we forever grateful for your endless efforts and inspiration from 2009 onwards.
Good luck for the future and let’s continuine to build an inclusive and open web for everyone ♥️
Thanks for everything, Chris. I would not be the developer I am today without CSS Tricks.
Congrats Chris & team, I have never commented but you have been a source of help and inspiration countless times over the years. Thanks for everything and God bless your future endeavors.
Congratulations, Chris and the CSS-tricks team! This is good for growth in the long run. More visibility, more reach and in turn, more power to you. Here’s to exciting times ahead. Best wishes and good luck!
Really excited and sat at the same time. Congratulations Chris and your team. CSS Tricks has been a helping-hand to us frontend devs
Congratulations, Chris and the CSS-Tricks Team!
This site is one of my main sources for reading about frontend stack/development.
And I am looking forward seeing where CSS-Tricks will go next.
Congrats and thanks a lot for the past 15 years. This site has always been a great source of inspiration and knowledge to me.
Good luck to you, Chris.
Congratulations Chris!
I’m super excited for you! 15 years is a long time and I guess all things come to an end. It’s a bit sad though, you ARE css-tricks, will forever be linked.
You’ve made me a better developer, no question about that. I’m forever grateful. And I guess almost every frontend developer has been on your website getting help and learned new stuff at one point or another.
Thats quite an achievement!
Good luck in the future, I hope it’ll be all that you want and need.
Groovy man, does that means we can get a discount if we host at Digi Ocean? lol!
Kinda! They are definitely doing a $100 credit thing.
Congratulations, Chris, and I hope all your other projects turn out at least as successful as this one!
Wow! I’m actually not sure how to feel about this. Oftentimes, when sites/companies who do X are acquired by larger companies who (mostly) do Y, not X, then the fans of the first company feel all sorts of not-so-nice things about the news. I… kinda? wanna react that way? But on the other, more prominent hand, I’m also a fan of DO, and most of all super-happy for Chris! So yeah, bit of confusing feelings, but overall… congrats, man!
Congratulations! This site has been a valuable resource to me since I started down this road of web dev. I appreciate all you have done over the years. Good luck on your next adventure!
Oh wow!
Congratulations on the partnership! DigitalOcean is super lucky to have you!
I’m seriously thinking about where my hosting goes in the future, too… I’ve seen too many people get taken in by the Bluehost and sitegrounds of the world. I use a US-based hosting service that I trust, but I don’t think they’re all that scalable. I’ve had my eye on DigitalOcean and Pantheon for some time now.
I’m looking to see what cool things you do next (and yes. That includes the banjo too. I’ll bring my fiddle if I ever know that we’re going to be at the same conference at the same time again!)
Congratulations Chris, well-done.
CSS-Tricks has been invaluable for me as a web designer.
I’m glad to see you get good recognition for it and look forward to the good Digital Ocean plans to do with it
Wow, that is huge! I’ve been a happy DO user for a couple years now and regularly visit CSS-Tricks.
Great to see both combined now.
This is amazing! CSS Tricks was one of the first websites I used to get my styles sorted back in the days. You totally deserve this Chris. Digital Ocean can be so lucky to have CSS Tricks as their baby. High5!!!
Congrats Chris. CSS Tricks has been an invaluable resource over the years. Best wishes to you and the team.
Congratulations Chris, learned a lot from you and your friends on your website. Well deserved and good luck for the future.
Congratulations, the contributions from this website for web development is far beyond awesome and it’s a good time to have it grown. I have a feeling it’s not what I’d like to have but it’s not really about me. Thanks again and again. You guys are incredible.
Oh man Chris! I was in college in 2007 when I started learning web design on my own while working on my graphic design major. I remember how I could not wait for your site redesigns of css-tricks. I felt like we were learning together. Your website was/is so valuable and had a big impact in my education and career. I have to thank you for everything you put into this website. Your screencasts were the best. Time flys so fast. Congratulations Chris. I am happy for you.
Good for you and the CSS Tricks team!!
Chris, on startup, my Chrome opens three pages: my gmail, my calendar and css-tricks.com. Since 2008 I’ve been learning from this site…depending on this site! A well deserved congratulations. You earned it!
This is so awesome Chris. Congratulations.
I first got into WordPress and web development in about 2009 with your videos transforming those musicians’ sites from Photoshop mockups to real WordPress sites. I finally realised how everything fit together watching the screencast of you work with all the tools and build the sites from start to finish.
DigitalOcean’s tutorials are by far the best and most reliable on the internet and it’s amazing to see that you’re joining them.
Amazing news! Css-tricks has been always my go to site since I was just a newbie. This was just the natural progression. I wish you the best of lucks for the future.
It won’t be the same without you. Great work!
Chris, Congratulations! It’s ALL about acquisitions! I want to thank you as well. My foray into web design coincided with you starting CSS-TRICKS in 07. You and this site were an invaluable resource. I learned how to use WordPress and so many CSS tricks through this site. Thank you!
I will always remember the responsive frog from the 2nd (maybe 3rd) re design. It was sci-fi at the time! This site and community have bee incredibly helpful at the beginning of my career and is still the day when I come here to learn or find solutions because I know the quality of the articles and resources are top of class.
Congratulations for an incredibly good job, you should feel very proud, and enjoy a hopefully more relaxed adventure in your life.