Direct link to the article Platform News: Defaulting to Logical CSS, Fugu APIs, Custom Media Queries, and WordPress vs. Italics

Platform News: Defaulting to Logical CSS, Fugu APIs, Custom Media Queries, and WordPress vs. Italics

Looks like 2021 is the time to start using CSS Logical Properties! Plus, Chrome recently shipped a few APIs that have raised eyebrows, SVG allows us to disable its aspect ratio, WordPress focuses on the accessibility of its typography, and …

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Direct link to the article Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions)

Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions)

The Media Queries Level 4 Interaction Media Features — pointer, hover, any-pointer and any-hover — are meant to allow sites to implement different styles and functionality (either CSS-specific interactivity like :hover, or JavaScript behaviors, when queried using window.matchMedia), depending on the particular characteristics of a user’s input device.
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Patrick H. Lauke on (Updated on )