Articles Tagged
New Nuxt Features past v2.10
Nuxt offers an incredible developer experience, with a lot of performance and application setup best practices baked in. In recent releases, they’ve been working on taking this developer experience to the next level, with some newer features that speed up …
What I Learned Building a Word Game App With Nuxt on Google Play
I fell in love with coding the moment I created my first CSS :hover
effect. Years later, that initial bite into interactivity on the web led me to a new goal: making a game.…
Comparing Static Site Generator Build Times
There are so many static site generators (SSGs). It’s overwhelming trying to decide where to start. While an abundance of helpful articles may help wade through the (popular) options, they don’t magically make the decision easy.
I’ve been on a …
Setting up and Customizing the Ant Design System in a Nuxt App
I don’t typically work with UI libraries because they can be cumbersome and hard to override, which can contribute to a bloated. However, Ant Design has recently gained some some of my affection because it’s easy to use, has extensible …
How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The Jamstack
Just this morning, Chris shared a streamlined way to get a static site up and running with Netlify. As it happens, Sarah and I also wrote up a little something that expands that idea where a static site can …
Creating Dynamic Routes in a Nuxt Application
In this post, we’ll be using an ecommerce store demo I built and deployed to Netlify to show how we can make dynamic routes for incoming data. It’s a fairly common use-case: you get data from an API, and you …
Native-Like Animations for Page Transitions on the Web
Some of the most inspiring examples I’ve seen of front-end development have involved some sort of page transitions that look slick like they do in mobile apps. However, even though the imagination for these types of interactions seem to abound, …
VuePress Static Site Generator
VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of …
Routing and Route Protection in Server-Rendered Vue Apps Using Nuxt.js
You might have had some experience trying to render an app built with Vue on a server. The concept and implementation details of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) are challenging for beginners as well as experienced developers. The challenges get more daunting when you have to do things like data fetching, routing and protecting authenticated routes. This article will walk you through how to overcome these challenges with Nuxt.js.

Simple Server Side Rendering, Routing, and Page Transitions with Nuxt.js
A bit of a wordy title, huh? What is server side rendering? What does it have to do with routing and page transitions? What the heck is Nuxt.js? Funnily enough, even though it sounds complex, working with Nuxt.js and exploring …