Direct link to the article Repeatable, Staggered Animation Three Ways: Sass, GSAP and Web Animations API

Repeatable, Staggered Animation Three Ways: Sass, GSAP and Web Animations API

Staggered animation, also known as “follow through” or “overlapping action” is one of the twelve Disney principles of animation as defined by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in their 1981 book “The Illusion of Life”. At its core, the concept …

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Direct link to the article SMIL is dead! Long live SMIL! A Guide to Alternatives to SMIL Features

SMIL is dead! Long live SMIL! A Guide to Alternatives to SMIL Features

SMIL, SVG’s native animation specification, has been highly regarded because it offers so many bells and whistles for performant SVG animation rendering. Unfortunately, support for SMIL is waning in WebKit, and has never (nor will likely ever) exist for Microsoft’s …

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Sarah Drasner on (Updated on )