custom properties – CSS-Tricks Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Tue, 09 Jul 2024 15:18:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 custom properties – CSS-Tricks 32 32 45537868 “If” CSS Gets Inline Conditionals Tue, 09 Jul 2024 15:18:11 +0000 A few sirens went off a couple of weeks ago when the CSS Working Group (CSSWG) resolved to add an if() conditional to the CSS Values Module Level 5 specification. It was Lea Verou’s X post that same day that …

“If” CSS Gets Inline Conditionals originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

A few sirens went off a couple of weeks ago when the CSS Working Group (CSSWG) resolved to add an if() conditional to the CSS Values Module Level 5 specification. It was Lea Verou’s X post that same day that caught my attention:

Lea is the one who opened the GitHub issue leading to the discussion and in a stroke of coincidence — or serendipity, perhaps — the resolution came in on her birthday. That had to be quite a whirlwind of a day! What did you get for your birthday? “Oh, you know, just an accepted proposal to the CSS spec.” Wild, just wild.

The accepted proposal is a green light for the CSSWG to work on the idea with the intent of circulating a draft specification for further input and considerations en route to, hopefully, become a recommended CSS feature. So, it’s gonna be a hot minute before any of this is baked, that is, if it gets fully baked.

But the idea of applying styles based on a conditional requirement is super exciting and worth an early look at the idea. I scribbled some notes about it on my blog the same day Lea posted to X and thought I’d distill those here for posterity while rounding up more details that have come up since then.

This isn’t a new idea

Many proposals are born from previously rejected proposals and if() is no different. And, indeed, we have gained several CSS features in recent days that allow for conditional styling — :has() and Container Style Queries being two of the more obvious examples. Lea even cites a 2018 ticket that looks and reads a lot like the accepted proposal.

The difference?

Style queries had already shipped, and we could simply reference the same syntax for conditions (plus media() and supports() from Tab’s @when proposal) whereas in the 2018 proposal how conditions would work was largely undefined.

Lea Verou, “Inline conditionals in CSS?”

I like how Lea points out that CSS goes on to describe how CSS has always been a conditional language:

Folks… CSS had conditionals from the very beginning. Every selector is essentially a conditional!

Lea Verou, “Inline conditionals in CSS?”

True! The Cascade is the vehicle for evaluating selectors and matching them to HTML elements on a page. What if() brings to the table is a way to write inline conditions with selectors.


It boils down to this:

<if()> = if( <container-query>, [<declaration-value>]{1, 2} )


  • Values can be nested to produce multiple branches.
  • If a third argument is not provided, it becomes equivalent to an empty token stream.

All of this is conceptual at the moment and nothing is set in stone. We’re likely to see things change as the CSSWG works on the feature. But as it currently stands, the idea seems to revolve around specifying a condition, and setting one of two declared styles — one as the “default” style, and one as the “updated” style when a match occurs.

.element {
    /* If the style declares the following custom property: */
    if(style(--variant: success),
      var(--color-green-50), /* Matched condition */
      var(--color-blue-50);  /* Default style */

In this case, we’re looking for a style() condition where a CSS variable called --variant is declared and is set to a value of success, and:

  • …if --variant is set to success, we set the value of success to --color-green-50 which is a variable mapped to some greenish color value.
  • …if --variant is not set to success, we set the value of the success to --color-blue-50 which is a variable mapped to some bluish color value.

The default style would be optional, so I think it can be omitted in some cases for slightly better legibility:

.element {
    /* If the style declares the following custom property: */
    if(style(--variant: success),
      var(--color-green-50) /* Matched condition */

The syntax definition up top mentions that we could support a third argument in addition to the matched condition and default style that allows us to nest conditions within conditions:

background-color: if(
  style(--variant: success), var(--color-success-60), 
    if(style(--variant: warning), var(--color-warning-60), 
      if(style(--variant: danger), var(--color-danger-60), 
        if(style(--variant: primary), var(--color-primary)

Oomph, looks like some wild inception is happening in there! Lea goes on to suggest a syntax that would result in a much flatter structure:

<if()> = if( 
  [ <container-query>, [<declaration-value>]{2}  ]#{0, },
  <container-query>, [<declaration-value>]{1, 2} 

In other words, nested conditions are much more flat as they can be declared outside of the initial condition. Same concept as before, but a different syntax:

background-color: if(
  style(--variant: success), var(--color-success-60), 
  style(--variant: warning), var(--color-warning-60),
  style(--variant: danger), var(--color-danger-60), 
  style(--variant: primary), var(--color-primary)

So, rather than one if() statement inside another if() statement, we can lump all of the possible matching conditions into a single statement.

We’re attempting to match an if() condition by querying an element’s styles. There is no corresponding size() function for querying dimensions — container queries implicitly assume size:

.element {
  background: var(--color-primary);

  /* Condition */
  @container parent (width >= 60ch) {
    /* Applied styles */
    background: var(--color-success-60);

And container queries become style queries when we call the style() function instead:

.element {
  background: orangered;

  /* Condition */
  @container parent style(--variant: success) {
    /* Applied styles */
    background: dodgerblue;

Style queries make a lot more sense to me when they’re viewed in the context of if(). Without if(), it’s easy to question the general usefulness of style queries. But in this light, it’s clear that style queries are part of a much bigger picture that goes beyond container queries alone.

There’s still plenty of things to suss out with the if() syntax. For example, Tab Atkins describes a possible scenario that could lead to confusion between what is the matched condition and default style parameters. So, who knows how this all shakes out in the end!

Conditions supporting other conditions

As we’ve already noted, if() is far from the only type of conditional check already provided in CSS. What would it look like to write an inline conditional statement that checks for other conditions, such as @supports and @media?

In code:

background-color: if(
  supports( /* etc. */ ),
  @media( /* etc. */ )

The challenge would be container supporting size queries. As mentioned earlier, there is no explicit size() function; instead it’s more like an anonymous function.

@andruud has a succinctly describes the challenge in the GitHub discussion:

I don’t see why we couldn’t do supports() and media(), but size queries would cause cycles with layout that are hard/impossible to even detect. (That’s why we needed the restrictions we currently have for size CQs in the first place.

“Can’t we already do this with [X] approach?”

When we were looking at the syntax earlier, you may have noticed that if() is just as much about custom properties as it is about conditionals. Several workarounds have emerged over the years to mimic what we’d gain if() we could set a custom property value conditionally, including:

  • Using custom properties as a Boolean to apply styles or not depending on whether it is equal to 0 or 1. (Ana has a wonderful article on this.)
  • Using a placeholder custom property with an empty value that’s set when another custom property is set, i.e. “the custom property toggle trick” as Chris describes it.
  • Container Style Queries! The problem (besides lack of implementation) is that containers only apply styles to their descendants, i.e., they cannot apply styles to themselves when they meet a certain condition, only its contents.

Lea gets deep into this in a separate post titled “Inline conditional statements in CSS, now?” that includes a table that outlines and compares approaches, which I’ll simply paste below. The explanations are full of complex CSS nerdery but are extremely helpful for understanding the need for if() and how it compares to the clever “hacks” we’ve used for years.

MethodInput valuesOutput valuesProsCons
Binary Linear InterpolationNumbersQuantitativeCan be used as part of a valueLimited output range
Togglesvar(--alias) (actual values are too weird to expose raw)AnyCan be used in part of a valueWeird values that need to be aliased
Paused animationsNumbersAnyNormal, decoupled declarationsTakes over animation property

Cascade weirdness
Type GrindingKeywordsAny value supported by the syntax descriptorHigh flexibility for exposed APIGood encapsulationMust insert CSS into light DOM

Tedious code (though can be automated with build tools)

No Firefox support (though that’s changing)
Variable animation nameKeywordsAnyNormal, decoupled declarationsImpractical outside of Shadow DOM due to name clashes

Takes over animation property

Cascade weirdness

Happy birthday, Lea!

Belated by two weeks, but thanks for sharing the spoils of your big day with us! 🎂


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“If” CSS Gets Inline Conditionals originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 6 379002
How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties Thu, 22 Sep 2022 15:17:21 +0000 SVG is the best format for icons on a website, there is no doubt about that. It allows you to have sharp icons no matter the screen pixel density, you can change the styles of the SVG on hover …

How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

SVG is the best format for icons on a website, there is no doubt about that. It allows you to have sharp icons no matter the screen pixel density, you can change the styles of the SVG on hover and you can even animate the icons with CSS or JavaScript.

There are many ways to include an SVG on a page and each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the last couple of years, I have been using a Sass function to import directly my icons in my CSS and avoid having to mess up my HTML markup.

I have a Sass list with all the source codes of my icons. Each icon is then encoded into a data URI with a Sass function and stored in a custom property on the root of the page.


What I have for you here is a Sass function that creates a SVG icon library directly in your CSS.

The SVG source code is compiled with the Sass function that encodes them in data URI and then stores the icons in CSS custom properties. You can then use any icon anywhere in your CSS like as if it was an external image.

This is an example pulled straight from the code of my personal site:

.c-filters__summary h2:after {
  content: var(--svg-down-arrow);
  position: relative;
  top: 2px;
  margin-left: auto;
  animation: closeSummary .25s ease-out;


Sass structure

/* All the icons source codes */
$svg-icons: (
  burger: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0...'

/* Sass function to encode the icons */
@function svg($name) {
  @return url('data:image/svg+xml, #{$encodedSVG} ');

/* Store each icon into a custom property */
:root {
  @each $name, $code in $svg-icons {
    --svg-#{$name}: #{svg($name)};

/* Append a burger icon in my button */
.menu::after {
  content: var(--svg-burger);

This technique has both pros and cons, so please take them into account before implementing this solution on your project:


  • There are no HTTP requests for the SVG files.
  • All of the icons are stored in one place.
  • If you need to update an icon, you don’t have to go over each HTML templates file.
  • The icons are cached along with your CSS.
  • You can manually edit the source code of the icons.
  • It does not pollute your HTML by adding extra markup.
  • You can still change the color or some aspect of the icon with CSS.


  • You cannot animate or update a specific part of the SVG with CSS.
  • The more icons you have, the heavier your CSS compiled file will be.

I mostly use this technique for icons rather than logos or illustrations. An encoded SVG is always going to be heavier than its original file, so I still load my complex SVG with an external file either with an <img> tag or in my CSS with url(path/to/file.svg).

Encoding SVG into data URI

Encoding your SVG as data URIs is not new. In fact Chris Coyier wrote a post about it over 10 years ago to explain how to use this technique and why you should (or should not) use it.

There are two ways to use an SVG in your CSS with data URI:

  • As an external image (using background-image,border-image,list-style-image,…)
  • As the content of a pseudo element (e.g. ::before or ::after)

Here is a basic example showing how you how to use those two methods:

The main issue with this particular implementation is that you have to convert the SVG manually every time you need a new icon and it is not really pleasant to have this long string of unreadable code in your CSS.

This is where Sass comes to the rescue!

Using a Sass function

By using Sass, we can make our life simpler by copying the source code of our SVG directly in our codebase, letting Sass encode them properly to avoid any browser error.

This solution is mostly inspired by an existing function developed by Threespot Media and available in their repository.

Here are the four steps of this technique:

  • Create a variable with all your SVG icons listed.
  • List all the characters that needs to be skipped for a data URI.
  • Implement a function to encode the SVGs to a data URI format.
  • Use your function in your code.

1. Icons list

* Add all the icons of your project in this Sass list
$svg-icons: (
  burger: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24.8 18.92" width="24.8" height="18.92"><path d="M23.8,9.46H1m22.8,8.46H1M23.8,1H1" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/></svg>'

2. List of escaped characters

* Characters to escape from SVGs
* This list allows you to have inline CSS in your SVG code as well
$fs-escape-chars: (
  ' ': '%20',
  '\'': '%22',
  '"': '%27',
  '#': '%23',
  '/': '%2F',
  ':': '%3A',
  '(': '%28',
  ')': '%29',
  '%': '%25',
  '<': '%3C',
  '>': '%3E',
  '\\': '%5C',
  '^': '%5E',
  '{': '%7B',
  '|': '%7C',
  '}': '%7D',

3. Encode function

* You can call this function by using `svg(nameOfTheSVG)`
@function svg($name) {
  // Check if icon exists
  @if not map-has-key($svg-icons, $name) {
    @error 'icon “#{$name}” does not exists in $svg-icons map';
    @return false;

  // Get icon data
  $icon-map: map-get($svg-icons, $name);

  $escaped-string: '';
  $unquote-icon: unquote($icon-map);
  // Loop through each character in string
  @for $i from 1 through str-length($unquote-icon) {
    $char: str-slice($unquote-icon, $i, $i);

    // Check if character is in symbol map
    $char-lookup: map-get($fs-escape-chars, $char);

    // If it is, use escaped version
    @if $char-lookup != null {
        $char: $char-lookup;

    // Append character to escaped string
    $escaped-string: $escaped-string + $char;

  // Return inline SVG data
  @return url('data:image/svg+xml, #{$escaped-string} ');

4. Add an SVG in your page

button {
  &::after {
    /* Import inline SVG */
    content: svg(burger);

If you have followed those steps, Sass should compile your code properly and output the following:

button::after {
  content: url("data:image/svg+xml,,9.46H1m22.8,8.46H1M23.8,1H1%27%20fill=%27none%27%20stroke=%27%23000%27%20stroke-linecap=%27round%27%20stroke-width=%272%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E ");

Custom properties

The now-implemented Sass svg() function works great. But its biggest flaw is that an icon that is needed in multiple places in your code will be duplicated and could increase your compiled CSS file weight by a lot!

To avoid this, we can store all our icons into CSS variables and use a reference to the variable instead of outputting the encoded URI every time.

We will keep the same code we had before, but this time we will first output all the icons from the Sass list into the root of our webpage:

  * Convert all icons into custom properties
  * They will be available to any HTML tag since they are attached to the :root

:root {
  @each $name, $code in $svg-icons {
    --svg-#{$name}: #{svg($name)};

Now, instead of calling the svg() function every time we need an icon, we have to use the variable that was created with the --svg prefix.

button::after {
  /* Import inline SVG */
  content: var(--svg-burger);

Optimizing your SVGs

This technique does not provide any optimization on the source code of the SVG you are using. Make sure that you don’t leave unnecessary code; otherwise they will be encoded as well and will increase your CSS file size.

You can check this great list of tools and information on how to optimize properly your SVG. My favorite tool is Jake Archibald’s SVGOMG — simply drag your file in there and copy the outputted code.

Bonus: Updating the icon on hover

With this technique, we cannot select with CSS specific parts of the SVG. For example, there is no way to change the fill color of the icon when the user hovers the button. But there are a few tricks we can use with CSS to still be able to modify the look of our icon.

For example, if you have a black icon and you want to have it white on hover, you can use the invert() CSS filter. We can also play with the hue-rotate() filter.

Bonus #2: Updating the icon using CSS mask-image property

Another trick to be able to change the color of your icon, is to use it as a mask on your pseudo-element with a background. Set your pseudo-element as inline-block with a background-color and define a width & height for the size needed.

Once you have a rectangle with the color needed, apply those four values to only keep the shape of the SVG needed:

  • mask-image: var(--svg-burger): The reference to our icon.
  • mask-repeat: no-repeat: To prevent the mask to be duplicated.
  • mask-size: contain: To make the icon fit perfectly in the rectangle.
  • mask-position: center: To center our icon in the pseudo-element.

Don’t forget that all CSS mask properties still need to be prefixed with -webkit- for most browsers as of September 2022.

Thanks to Christopher and Mike for letting me know about this trick in the comments!

That’s it!

I hope you find this little helper function handy in your own projects. Let me know what you think of the approach — I’d be interested to know how you’d make this better or tackle it differently!

How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 6 373111
Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:58:09 +0000 Gradients have been a part of the CSS spectrum for quite some time now. We see a lot of radial and linear gradients in a lot of projects, but there is one type of gradient that seems to be a …

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Gradients have been a part of the CSS spectrum for quite some time now. We see a lot of radial and linear gradients in a lot of projects, but there is one type of gradient that seems to be a bit lonely: the conic gradient. We’re going to make a watch face using this type of gradient.

Working with conic gradients

What we’re making consists of a gradient with color transitions rotated around a center point and can have multiple color values. For this clock to work, we will also be using the angle value of a conic gradient which defines the rotation or starting point. The angle is defined by using a from value.

background-image: conic-gradient(from 45deg, #6e7dab, #5762d5);

What is interesting about this, is that a starting angle can have a negative value in CSS, which will come in handy later.

A simple elegant example of a conical gradient:

Building our basic clock

Let’s start by adding some HTML for the clock and the hands:

Let’s create some default styling for our clock. For this to work properly, we will update CSS variables with JavaScript later on, so let’s scope these variables inside our .clock selector. For easy tweaking, let’s add the colors of the hands as well.

.clock {
  /* general clock vars */
  --hour-hand-color: #000;
  --hour-hand-degrees: 0deg;
  --minute-hand-color: #000;
  --minute-hand-degrees: 0deg;
  --second-hand-color: hotpink;
  --second-hand-degrees: 0deg;

  position: relative;
  min-width: 320px;
  width: 25vw;
  height: 25vw;
  min-height: 320px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  border: 7px solid #000;

/* clock hands */
.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  bottom: 50%;
  height: 45%;
  width: 4px;
  margin-left: -2px;
  background: var(--second-hand-color);
  border-radius: 6px;
  transform-origin: bottom center;
  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 2.7, 0.58, 1);
.second-hand {
  transform: rotate(var(--second-hand-degrees));
.hour-hand {
  height: 35%;
  border-radius: 40px;
  background-color: var(--hour-hand-color);
  transform: rotate(var(--hour-hand-degrees));
.minute-hand {
  height: 50%;
  background: var(--minute-hand-color);
  transform: rotate(var(--minute-hand-degrees));

This sets us up with the general styling we need for the clock. We’ve set transform-origin on the hands so that they properly rotate around the face of the clock. There are also a few custom properties in there to set angles on the hands that we’ll update with JavaScript to get the timing just right so that each hand maps to seconds, minutes, and hours accordingly.

Here’s what we have so far:

Alright, let’s move on to updating those custom properties!

Adding the JavaScript for our basic clock

First off, we’re going to target our clock and create a function:

const clock = document.getElementById("clock");
function setDate() {
  // Code to set the current time and hand angles.

Inside of our function we’re going to fetch the current time using the Date() function to calculate the correct angle of the hands:

const now = new Date();
const secondsAngle = now.getSeconds() * 6; 
const minsAngle = now.getMinutes() * 6 + secondsAngle / 60;
const hourAngle = ((now.getHours() % 12) / 12) * 360 + minsAngle / 12;

Here is how this calculation works:

  • Seconds: We take 60 seconds and multiply it by 6, which happens to be 360, the perfect number of angles in a full circle.
  • Minutes: Same as seconds, but now we add the seconds angle and divide it by 60 to increase the angle just a little bit within the minute for a more accurate result.
  • Hours: First, we calculate the remainder of the hour and divide it by 12. Then we divide that remainder by 12 again to get a decimal value we can multiply by 360. For example, when we’re at the 23rd hour, 23 / 12 = remain 11. Divide this by 12 and we get 0.916 which then gets multiplied by 360 for a grand total of 330. Here, we will do the same thing we did with the minutes and add the minutes angle, divided by 12, for a more accurate result.

Now that we have our angles, the only thing left to do is to update the variables of our clock by adding the following at the end of our function:"--second-hand-degrees", secondsAngle + "deg");"--minute-hand-degrees", minsAngle + "deg");"--hour-hand-degrees", hourAngle + "deg");

Last, but not least, we will trigger the function with an interval of a second to get a working clock:

const clock = document.getElementById("clock");
function setDate() {
  // etc.
// Tick tick tick
setInterval(setDate, 1000);

See the working demo of our basic clock:

Applying this to a conical gradient

OK, so the hands of our clock are working. What we really want is to map them to a conical gradient that updates as the time changes. You may have seen the same effect if you have an Apple Watch with the “Gradient” face active:

Black Apple Watch on a person's wrist showing a deep purple conic gradient face.
Credit: Macworld

To do this, let’s start by updating our .clock element with a conic gradient and two custom properties that control the starting and ending angles :

.clock {
  /* same as before */

  /* conic gradient vars */
  --start: 0deg;
  --end: 0deg;

  /* same as before */

      from var(--start),
      rgb(255 255 255) 2deg,
      rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5) var(--end),
      rgb(255 255 255) 2deg,
      rgb(0 0 0 / 0.7)

You can play around with this a bit to style it just the way you like it. I added some extra colors in the gradient to my liking, but as long as you have a starting point and an ending point, you’re good to go.

Next up, we will update our setDate() function so that it updates the variables for our starting and ending points on the conic gradient. The starting point will be our seconds hand, which is easy to find because it will be the same as the angle of our minutes. To make this end at the hours hand, we should make our ending point the same as the hourAngle variable in the script, but subtract our starting point from it.

let startPosition = minsAngle;
let endPosition = hourAngle - minsAngle;

Now we can update our variables with JavaScript again:"--start", startPosition + "deg");"--end", endPosition + "deg");

It looks like we could be done at this point, but there is a catch! This calculation works fine as long as the minutes hand has a smaller angle than the hours hand. Our conic gradient will get messy the moment when the minutes hand has moved past it. To fix this, we will use a negative value as a starting point. Luckily, it’s easy to spot when this happens. Before updating our variables we’ll add the following:

if (minsAngle > hourAngle) {
  startPosition = minsAngle - 360;
  endPosition = hourAngle - startPosition;

By subtracting 360 from our minutes angle, we are able to set a negative value for our startposition variable. Because of this negative starting point, our end position should be updated by the hour angle, subtracted by the starting position.

There we go — now the hour and minute hands are set to gradient angles:

That’s it! But don’t let that stop you from taking this even further. Create your own styles and share them with me in the comments so I can check them out.. Here is a little inspiration to get you going:

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 8 373184
Interpolating Numeric CSS Variables Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:17:25 +0000 We can make variables in CSS pretty easily:

:root {
  --scale: 1;

And we can declare them on any element:

.thing {
  transform: scale(var(--scale));

Even better for an example like this is applying the variable on a user …

Interpolating Numeric CSS Variables originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

We can make variables in CSS pretty easily:

:root {
  --scale: 1;

And we can declare them on any element:

.thing {
  transform: scale(var(--scale));

Even better for an example like this is applying the variable on a user interaction, say :hover:

:root {
  --scale: 1;

.thing {
  height: 100px;
  transform: scale(var(--scale));
  width: 100px;

.thing:hover {
  --scale: 3;

But if we wanted to use that variable in an animation… nada.

:root {
  --scale: 1;

@keyframes scale {
  from { --scale: 0; }
  to { --scale: 3; }

/* Nope! */
.thing {
  animation: scale .25s ease-in;
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;

That’s because the variable is recognized as a string and what we need is a number that can be interpolated between two numeric values. That’s where we can call on @property to not only register the variable as a custom property, but define its syntax as a number:

@property --scale {
  syntax: "<number>";
  initial-value: 1;
  inherits: true;

Now we get the animation!

You’re going to want to check browser support since @property has only landed in Chrome (starting in version 85) as of this writing. And if you’re hoping to sniff it out with @supports, we’re currently out of luck because it doesn’t accept at-rules as values… yet. That will change once at-rule()becomes a real thing.

Interpolating Numeric CSS Variables originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 9 372839
Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values Fri, 11 Feb 2022 15:30:11 +0000 Imagine you have an element with a multi-value CSS property, such as transform: optional custom property values:

.el {
  transform: translate(100px) scale(1.5) skew(5deg);

Now imagine you don’t always want all the transform values to be applied, so some …

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Imagine you have an element with a multi-value CSS property, such as transform: optional custom property values:

.el {
  transform: translate(100px) scale(1.5) skew(5deg);

Now imagine you don’t always want all the transform values to be applied, so some are optional. You might think of CSS optional custom property values:

.el {
  /*         |-- default ---| |-- optional --| */
  transform: translate(100px) var(--transform);

But surprisingly using optional custom property values like this does not work as intended. If the --transform variable is not defined the whole property will not be applied. I’ve got a little “trick” to fix this and it looks like this:

.el {
  transform: translate(100px) var(--transform, );

Notice the difference? There is a fallback defined in there that is set to an empty value: (, )

That’s the trick, and it’s very useful! Here’s what the specification has to say:

In an exception to the usual comma elision rules, which require commas to be omitted when they’re not separating values, a bare comma, with nothing following it, must be treated as valid in var(), indicating an empty fallback value.

This is somewhat spiritually related to the The CSS Custom Property Toggle Trick that takes advantage of a custom property having the value of an empty space.


Like I said, this is useful and works for any multi-value CSS property. The following demo shows it using text-shadow, background, and filter in addition to the transform example we just discussed.

See the Pen CSS var – Fallback To Nothing by Yair Even Or (@vsync) on CodePen.

Some properties that accept multiple values, like text-shadow, require special treatment because they only work with a comma delimiter. In those cases, when the CSS custom property is defined, you (as the code author) know it is only to be used in a situation where a value is already defined where the custom property is used. Then a comma should be inserted directly in the custom property before the first value, like this:

--text-shadow: ,0 0 5px black;

This, of course, inhibits the ability to use this variable in places where it’s the only value of some property. That can be solved, though, by creating “layers” of variables for abstraction purposes, i.e. the custom property is pointing to lower level custom properties.

Beware of Sass compiler

While exploring this trick, I uncovered a bug in the Sass compiler that strips away the empty value (,) fallback, which goes against the spec. I’ve reported the bug and hope it will be fixed up soon.

As a temporary workaround, a fallback that causes no rendering can be used, such as:

transform: translate(100px) var(--transform, scale(1));

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 363027
How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle Wed, 12 Jan 2022 15:29:38 +0000 You know how you can get cardboard boxes that come totally flat? You fold ‘em up and tape ‘em to make them into a useful box. Then when it’s time to recycle them, you cut them back apart to flatten …

How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

You know how you can get cardboard boxes that come totally flat? You fold ‘em up and tape ‘em to make them into a useful box. Then when it’s time to recycle them, you cut them back apart to flatten them. Recently, someone reached out to me about essentially this concept as a 3D animation and I thought it would make an interesting tutorial to do it entirely in CSS, so here we are!

How might that animation look? How could we create that packing timeline? Could the sizing be flexible? Let’s make a pure CSS package toggle.

Here’s what we’re working towards. Tap to pack and unpack the cardboard box.

Where to start?

Where do you even start with something like this? It’s best to plan ahead. We know we’re going to have a template for our package. And that will need folding up in three dimensions. If working with 3D in CSS is new to you, I recommend this article to get you started.

If you’re familiar with 3D CSS, it might be tempting to construct a cuboid and go from there. But, that’s going to pose some problems. We need to consider how a package goes from 2D to 3D.

Let’s start by creating a template. We need to plan ahead with our markup and think about how we want our packing animation to work. Let’s start with some HTML.

<div class="scene">
  <div class="package__wrapper">
    <div class="package">
      <div class="package__side package__side--main">
        <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
        <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
        <div class="package__side package__side--tabbed">
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
        <div class="package__side package__side--extra">
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
          <div class="package__side package__side--flipped">
            <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
            <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>

Mixins are a good idea

There’s quite a bit happening there. It’s a lot of divs. I often like to use Pug for generating markup so I can split things up into reusable blocks. For example, every side will have two flaps. We can create a Pug mixin for the sides and use attributes to apply a modifier class name to make all that markup a lot easier to write.

mixin flaps()
mixin side()
  .package__side(class=`package__side--${attributes.class || 'side'}`)
    if block


We’re using two mixins. One creates the flaps for each side of the box. The other creates the sides of the box. Notice in the side mixin we are making use of block. That is where children of mixin usage get rendered which is particularly useful, as we need to nest some of the sides to make our lives easier later.

Our generated markup:

<div class="scene">
  <div class="package__wrapper">
    <div class="package">
      <div class="package__side package__side--main">
        <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
        <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
        <div class="package__side package__side--tabbed">
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
        <div class="package__side package__side--extra">
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
          <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>
          <div class="package__side package__side--flipped">
            <div class="package__flap package__flap--top"></div>
            <div class="package__flap package__flap--bottom"></div>

Nesting the sides

Nesting the sides makes it easier to fold up our package. Much like each side has two flaps. The children of a side can inherit the sides’ transform and then apply their own. If we started with a cuboid, it would be hard to leverage this.

Screenshot showing HTML markup on the left and a rendering the unfolded cardboard box on the right. The markup shows how one of the box’s sides is a parent container that sets the broad side of the box and contains children for the corresponding top and bottom flaps. Orange arrows connect each element to the visual rendering to outline which parts of the box correspond in HTML correspond to the visual rendering.

Check out this demo that flips between nested and non-nested elements to see the difference in action.

Each box has a transform-origin set to the bottom right corner with 100% 100%. Checking the “Transform” toggle rotates each box 90deg. But, see how the behavior of that transform changes if we nest the elements.

We’re flipping between the two versions of markup but not changing anything else.


<div class="boxes boxes--nested">
  <div class="box">
    <div class="box">
      <div class="box">
        <div class="box"></div>

Not nested:

<div class="boxes">
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>
  <div class="box"></div>

Transforming all the things

After applying some styles to our HTML, we have our package template.

The styles specify the different colors and position the sides to the package. Each side gets a position that’s relative to the “main” side. (You’ll see why all that nesting is useful in a moment.)

There are some things to be aware of. Much like working with cuboids, we are using --height, --width, and --depth variables for sizing. This will make it easier to change our package sizing down the line.

.package {
  height: calc(var(--height, 20) * 1vmin);
  width: calc(var(--width, 20) * 1vmin);

Why define sizing like this? We are using a unit-less default sizing of 20, an idea I picked up from Lea Verou’s 2016 CSS ConfAsia talk (starting at 52:44). Using custom properties as “data” instead of “values,” we are free to do what we want with them using calc(). Additionally, JavaScript doesn’t have to care about value units and we can change to pixels, a percentage, etc., without having to make changes elsewhere. You could refactor this into a coefficient in the --root, but it could also quickly become overkill.

The flaps for each side also need a size ever so smaller than the sides they are a part of. This is so we can see a slight gap as we would in real life. Also, the flaps on two sides need to sit a little lower. This is so that when we fold them up, we don’t get z-index fighting between them.

.package__flap {
  width: 99.5%;
  height: 49.5%;
  background: var(--flap-bg, var(--face-4));
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, 0);
.package__flap--top {
  transform-origin: 50% 100%;
  bottom: 100%;
.package__flap--bottom {
  top: 100%;
  transform-origin: 50% 0%;
.package__side--extra > .package__flap--bottom,
.package__side--tabbed > .package__flap--bottom {
  top: 99%;
.package__side--extra > .package__flap--top,
.package__side--tabbed > .package__flap--top {
  bottom: 99%;

We’re also starting to consider the transform-origin for the individual pieces. A top flap will rotate from its bottom edge and a bottom flap will rotate from its top edge.

We can use a pseudo-element for the tab on that right side. We are using clip-path to get that desired shape.

.package__side--tabbed:after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  left: 99.5%;
  height: 100%;
  width: 10%;
  background: var(--face-3);
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0%, 100% 20%, 100% 80%, 0 100%);
  clip-path: polygon(0 0%, 100% 20%, 100% 80%, 0 100%);
  transform-origin: 0% 50%;

Let’s start working with our template on a 3D plane. We can start by rotating the .scene on the X and Y axis.

.scene {
  transform: rotateX(-24deg) rotateY(-32deg) rotateX(90deg);

Folding up

We’re ready to start folding up our template! Our template will fold up based on a custom property, --packaged. If the value is 1, then we can fold up the template. For example, let’s fold some of the sides and the pseudo-element tab.

.package__side--tabbed:after {
  transform: rotateY(calc(var(--packaged, 0) * -90deg)); 
.package__side--extra {
  transform: rotateY(calc(var(--packaged, 0) * 90deg));

Or, we could write a rule for all sides that aren’t the “main” one.

.package__side:not(.package__side--main):after {
  transform: rotateY(calc((var(--packaged, 0) * var(--rotation, 90)) * 1deg));
.package__side--tabbed { --rotation: -90; }

And that would cover all the sides.

Remember when I said the nested sides allow us to inherit a parent’s transform? If we update our demo so we can change the value of --packaged, we can see how the value affects the transforms. Try sliding the --packaged value between 1 and 0 and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Now that we have a way to toggle the folding state of our template, we can start working on some motion. Our previous demo flips between the two states. We can make use of transition for that. The quickest way? Add a transition to the transform of every child in the .scene.

.scene *,
.scene *::after {
  transition: transform calc(var(--speed, 0.2) * 1s);

Multi-step transitions!

But we don’t fold the template all up in one go — in real life, there’s a sequence to it where we’d fold up one side and its flap first then move on to the next, and so on. Scoped custom properties are perfect for this.

.scene *,
.scene *::after {
  transition: transform calc(var(--speed, 0.2) * 1s) calc((var(--step, 1) * var(--delay, 0.2)) * 1s);

Here we are saying that, for each transition, use a transition-delay of --step multiplied by --delay. The --delay value won’t change but each element can define which “step” it is in the sequence. And then we can be explicit about the order in which things happen.

.package__side--extra {
  --step: 1;
.package__side--tabbed {
  --step: 2;
.package__side--tabbed::after {
  --step: 3;

Consider the following demo for a better idea of how this works. Change the slider values to update the order in which things happen. Can you change which car wins?

That same technique is key for what we are going to for. We could even introduce an --initial-delay that adds a slight pause to everything for even more realism.

.car {
  animation-delay: calc((var(--step, 0) * var(--delay-step, 0)) * 1s);

If we look back at our package, we can take this further and apply a “step” to all the elements that are going to transform. It’s quite verbose but it does the job. Alternatively, you could inline these values in the markup.

.package__side--extra > .package__flap--bottom {
  --step: 4;
.package__side--tabbed > .package__flap--bottom {
  --step: 5;
.package__side--main > .package__flap--bottom {
  --step: 6;
.package__side--flipped > .package__flap--bottom {
  --step: 7;
.package__side--extra > .package__flap--top {
  --step: 8;
.package__side--tabbed > .package__flap--top {
  --step: 9;
.package__side--main > .package__flap--top {
  --step: 10;
.package__side--flipped > .package__flap--top {
  --step: 11;

But, it doesn’t feel very realistic.

Maybe we oughta flip the box, too

If I were folding up the box in real life, I’d likely flip the box up before folding in the top flaps. So how might we do that? Well, those with an eager eye might have noticed the .package__wrapper element. We are going to use this to slide the package. Then we’re going to rotate the package on the x-axis. This will create the impression of flipping the package onto its side.

.package {
  transform-origin: 50% 100%;
  transform: rotateX(calc(var(--packaged, 0) * -90deg));
.package__wrapper {
  transform: translate(0, calc(var(--packaged, 0) * -100%));

Adjusting the --step declarations accordingly gives us something like this.

Unfolding the box

If you flip between the folded and not folded states, you’ll notice that the unfold doesn’t look right. The unfolding sequence should be the exact reverse of the folding sequence. We could flip the --step based on --packaged and the number of steps. Our latest step is 15. We can update our transition to this:

.scene *,
.scene *:after {
  --no-of-steps: 15;
  --step-delay: calc(var(--step, 1) - ((1 - var(--packaged, 0)) * (var(--step) - ((var(--no-of-steps) + 1) - var(--step)))));
  transition: transform calc(var(--speed, 0.2) * 1s) calc((var(--step-delay) * var(--delay, 0.2)) * 1s);

That is quite the mouthful of calc to reverse the transition-delay. But, it works! We must remind ourselves to keep that --no-of-steps value up to date though!

We do have another option. As we continue down the “pure CSS” route, we will eventually make use of the checkbox hack to toggling between the folding states. We could have two sets of defined “steps” where one set is active when our checkbox gets checked. It’s certainly a more verbose solution. But, it does give us more finite control.

/* Folding */
:checked ~ .scene .package__side--extra {
  --step: 1;
/* Unfolding */
.package__side--extra {
  --step: 15;

Sizing and centering

Before we ditch the use of [dat.gui]( in our demo, let’s have a play with the size of our package. We want to check that our package remains centered while folding and flipping. In this demo, the package has a larger --height and the .scene has a dashed border.

We may as well tweak our transform to better center the package while we’re at it:

/* Considers package height by translating on z-axis */
.scene {
  transform: rotateX(calc(var(--rotate-x, -24) * 1deg)) rotateY(calc(var(--rotate-y, -32) * 1deg)) rotateX(90deg) translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--height, 20) * -0.5vmin));
/* Considers package depth by sliding the depth before flipping */
.package__wrapper {
  transform: translate(0, calc((var(--packaged, 0) * var(--depth, 20)) * -1vmin));

This gives us reliable centering in the scene. It all comes down to preference though!

Adding in the checkbox hack

Now let’s get dat.gui out of the way and make this “pure” CSS. For this, we need to introduce a bunch of controls in the HTML. We are going to use a checkbox for folding and unfolding our package. Then we’re going to use a radio button to pick a package size.

<input id="package" type="checkbox"/>

<input id="one" type="radio" name="size"/>
<label class="size-label one" for="one">S</label>

<input id="two" type="radio" name="size" checked="checked"/>
<label class="size-label two" for="two">M</label>

<input id="three" type="radio" name="size"/>
<label class="size-label three" for="three">L</label>

<input id="four" type="radio" name="size"/>
<label class="size-label four" for="four">XL</label>

<label class="close" for="package">Close Package</label>
<label class="open" for="package">Open Package</label>

In the final demo, we will hide the inputs and make use of the label elements. For now, though, let’s leave them all visible. The trick is to use the sibling combinator (~) when certain controls get :checked. We can then set custom property values on the .scene.

#package:checked ~ .scene {
  --packaged: 1;
#one:checked ~ .scene {
  --height: 10;
  --width: 20;
  --depth: 20;
#two:checked ~ .scene {
  --height: 20;
  --width: 20;
  --depth: 20;
#three:checked ~ .scene {
  --height: 20;
  --width: 30;
  --depth: 20;
#four:checked ~ .scene {
  --height: 30;
  --width: 20;
  --depth: 30;

And here is the demo with that working!

Final polish

Now we’re in a place to make things look “pretty” and add some extra touches. Let’s start by hiding all the inputs.

input {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  padding: 0;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
  white-space: nowrap;
  border-width: 0;

We can style the sizing options as rounded buttons:

.size-label {
  position: fixed;
  top: var(--top);
  right: 1rem;
  z-index: 3;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #262626;
  height: 44px;
  width: 44px;
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
  background: #fcfcfc;
  border-radius: 50%;
  cursor: pointer;
  border: 4px solid #8bb1b1;
  transform: translate(0, calc(var(--y, 0) * 1%)) scale(var(--scale, 1));
  transition: transform 0.1s;
.size-label:hover {
  --y: -5;
.size-label:active {
  --y: 2;
  --scale: 0.9;

We want to be able to tap anywhere to toggle between folding and unfolding our package. So our .open and .close labels will take up the full screen. Wondering why we have two labels? It’s a little trick. If we use a transition-delay and scale up the appropriate label, we can hide both labels while the package transitions. This is how we combat spam tapping (even though it won’t stop a user hitting the space bar on a keyboard).

.open {
  position: fixed;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;
  z-index: 2;
  transform: scale(var(--scale, 1)) translate3d(0, 0, 50vmin);
  transition: transform 0s var(--reveal-delay, calc(((var(--no-of-steps, 15) + 1) * var(--delay, 0.2)) * 1s));

#package:checked ~ .close,
.open {
  --scale: 0;
  --reveal-delay: 0s;
#package:checked ~ .open {
  --scale: 1;
  --reveal-delay: calc(((var(--no-of-steps, 15) + 1) * var(--delay, 0.2)) * 1s);

Check out this demo to see where we’ve added background-color to both .open and .close. Neither label is visible during the transition.

We’ve got complete functionality! But, our package is a little underwhelming at the moment. Let’s add extra details to make things more “box”-like with things like parcel tape and packing labels.

Little details like this are only limited by our imagination! We can use our --packaged custom property to affect anything. For example, the .package__tape is transitioning the scaleY transform:

.package__tape {
  transform: translate3d(-50%, var(--offset-y), -2px) scaleX(var(--packaged, 0));

The thing to remember is that whenever we add a new feature that affects the sequence, we need to update our steps. Not only the --step values, but also the --no-of-steps value.

That’s it!

That’s how you make a pure CSS 3D package toggle. Are you going to drop this into your website? Unlikely! But, it’s fun to see how you might achieve these things with CSS. Custom properties are so powerful.

Why not get super festive and give the gift of CSS!

Stay Awesome! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 0 Lea Verou: CSS Variables: var(--subtitle) - CSSConf.Asia 2016 nonadult 360168
Don’t Fight the Cascade, Control It! Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:22:08 +0000 If you’re disciplined and make use of the inheritance that the CSS cascade provides, you’ll end up writing less CSS. But because our styles often comes from all kinds of sources — and can be a pain to structure and …

Don’t Fight the Cascade, Control It! originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

If you’re disciplined and make use of the inheritance that the CSS cascade provides, you’ll end up writing less CSS. But because our styles often comes from all kinds of sources — and can be a pain to structure and maintain—the cascade can be a source of frustration, and the reason we end up with more CSS than necessary.

Some years ago, Harry Roberts came up with ITCSS and it’s a clever way of structuring CSS.

Mixed with BEM, ITCSS has become a popular way that people write and organize CSS.

However, even with ITCSS and BEM, there are still times where we still struggle with the cascade. For example, I’m sure you’ve had to @import external CSS components at a specific location to prevent breaking things, or reach for the dreaded !important at some point in time.

Recently, some new tools were added to our CSS toolbox, and they allow us to finally control the cascade. Let’s look at them.

O cascade, :where art thou?

Using the :where pseudo-selector allows us to remove specificity to “just after the user-agent default styles,” no matter where or when the CSS is loaded into the document. That means the specificity of the whole thing is literally zero — totally wiped out. This is handy for generic components, which we’ll look into in a moment.

First, imagine some generic <table> styles, using :where:

:where(table) {
  background-color: tan;

Now, if you add some other table styles before the :where selector, like this:

table {
  background-color: hotpink;

:where(table) {
  background-color: tan;

…the table background becomes hotpink, even though the table selector is specified before the :where selector in the cascade. That’s the beauty of :where, and why it’s already being used for CSS resets.

:where has a sibling, which has almost the exact opposite effect: the :is selector.

The specificity of the :is() pseudo-class is replaced by the specificity of its most specific argument. Thus, a selector written with :is() does not necessarily have equivalent specificity to the equivalent selector written without :is(). Selectors Level 4 specification

Expanding on our previous example:

:is(table) {
  --tbl-bgc: orange;
table {
  --tbl-bgc: tan;
:where(table) {
  --tbl-bgc: hotpink;
  background-color: var(--tbl-bgc);

The <table class="c-tbl"> background color will be tan because the specificity of :is is the same as table, but table is placed after.

However, if we were to change it to this:

:is(table, .c-tbl) {
  --tbl-bgc: orange;

…the background color will be orange, since :is has the weight of it’s heaviest selector, which is .c-tbl.

Example: A configurable table component

Now, let’s see how we can use :where in our components. We’ll be building a table component, starting with the HTML:

Let’s wrap .c-tbl in a :where-selector and, just for fun, add rounded corners to the table. That means we need border-collapse: separate, as we can’t use border-radius on table cells when the table is using border-collapse: collapse:

:where(.c-tbl) {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 0;
  table-layout: auto;
  width: 99.9%;

The cells use different styling for the <thead> and <tbody>-cells:

:where(.c-tbl thead th) {
  background-color: hsl(200, 60%, 40%);
  border-style: solid;
  border-block-start-width: 0;
  border-inline-end-width: 1px;
  border-block-end-width: 0;
  border-inline-start-width: 0;
  color: hsl(200, 60%, 99%);
  padding-block: 1.25ch;
  padding-inline: 2ch;
  text-transform: uppercase;
:where(.c-tbl tbody td) {
  background-color: #FFF;
  border-color: hsl(200, 60%, 80%);
  border-style: solid;
  border-block-start-width: 0;
  border-inline-end-width: 1px;
  border-block-end-width: 1px;
  border-inline-start-width: 0;
  padding-block: 1.25ch;
  padding-inline: 2ch;

And, because of our rounded corners and the missing border-collapse: collapse, we need to add some extra styles, specifically for the table borders and a hover state on the cells:

:where(.c-tbl tr td:first-of-type) {
  border-inline-start-width: 1px;
:where(.c-tbl tr th:last-of-type) {
  border-inline-color: hsl(200, 60%, 40%);
:where(.c-tbl tr th:first-of-type) {
  border-inline-start-color: hsl(200, 60%, 40%);
:where(.c-tbl thead th:first-of-type) {
  border-start-start-radius: 0.5rem;
:where(.c-tbl thead th:last-of-type) {
  border-start-end-radius: 0.5rem;
:where(.c-tbl tbody tr:last-of-type td:first-of-type) {
  border-end-start-radius: 0.5rem;
:where(.c-tbl tr:last-of-type td:last-of-type) {
  border-end-end-radius: 0.5rem;
/* hover */
@media (hover: hover) {
  :where(.c-tbl) tr:hover td {
    background-color: hsl(200, 60%, 95%);

Now we can create variations of our table component by injecting other styles before or after our generic styles (courtesy of the specificity-stripping powers of :where), either by overwriting the .c-tbl element or by adding a BEM-style modifier-class (e.g. c-tbl--purple):

<table class="c-tbl c-tbl--purple">
.c-tbl--purple th {
  background-color: hsl(330, 50%, 40%)
.c-tbl--purple td {
  border-color: hsl(330, 40%, 80%);
.c-tbl--purple tr th:last-of-type {
  border-inline-color: hsl(330, 50%, 40%);
.c-tbl--purple tr th:first-of-type {
  border-inline-start-color: hsl(330, 50%, 40%);

Cool! But notice how we keep repeating colors? And what if we want to change the border-radius or the border-width? That would end up with a lot of repeated CSS.

Let’s move all of these to CSS custom properties and, while we’re at it, we can move all configurable properties to the top of the component’s “scope“ — which is the table element itself — so we can easily play around with them later.

CSS Custom Properties

I’m going to switch things up in the HTML and use a data-component attribute on the table element that can be targeted for styling.

<table data-component="table" id="table">

That data-component will hold the generic styles that we can use on any instance of the component, i.e. the styles the table needs no matter what color variation we apply. The styles for a specific table component instance will be contained in a regular class, using custom properties from the generic component.

[data-component="table"] {
  /* Styles needed for all table variations */
.c-tbl--purple {
  /* Styles for the purple variation */

If we place all the generic styles in a data-attribute, we can use whatever naming convention we want. This way, we don’t have to worry if your boss insists on naming the table’s classes something like .BIGCORP__TABLE, .table-component or something else.

In the generic component, each CSS property points to a custom property. Properties, that have to work on child-elements, like border-color, are specified at the root of the generic component:

:where([data-component="table"]) {
  /* These will will be used multiple times, and in other selectors */
  --tbl-hue: 200;
  --tbl-sat: 50%;
  --tbl-bdc: hsl(var(--tbl-hue), var(--tbl-sat), 80%);

/* Here, it's used on a child-node: */
:where([data-component="table"] td) {
  border-color: var(--tbl-bdc);

For other properties, decide whether it should have a static value, or be configurable with its own custom property. If you’re using custom properties, remember to define a default value that the table can fall back to in the event that a variation class is missing.

:where([data-component="table"]) {
  /* These are optional, with fallbacks */
  background-color: var(--tbl-bgc, transparent);
  border-collapse: var(--tbl-bdcl, separate);

If you’re wondering how I’m naming the custom properties, I’m using a component-prefix (e.g. --tbl) followed by an Emmett-abbreviation (e.g. -bgc). In this case, --tbl is the component-prefix, -bgc is the background color, and -bdcl is the border collapse. So, for example, --tbl-bgc is the table component’s background color. I only use this naming convention when working with component properties, as opposed to global properties which I tend to keep more general.

Now, if we open up DevTools, we can play around with the custom properties. For example, We can change --tbl-hue to a different hue value in the HSL color, set --tbl-bdrs: 0 to remove border-radius, and so on.

A :where CSS rule set showing the custom properties of the table showing how the cascade’s specificity scan be used in context.

When working with your own components, this is the point in time you’ll discover which parameters (i.e. the custom property values) the component needs to make things look just right.

We can also use custom properties to control column alignment and width:

:where[data-component="table"] tr > *:nth-of-type(1)) {
  text-align: var(--ca1, initial);
  width: var(--cw1, initial);
  /* repeat for column 2 and 3, or use a SCSS-loop ... */

In DevTools, select the table and add these to the element.styles selector: {
  --ca2: center; /* Align second column center */
  --ca3: right; /* Align third column right */

Now, let’s create our specific component styles, using a regular class, .c-tbl (which stands for “component-table” in BEM parlance). Let’s toss that class in the table markup.

<table class="c-tbl" data-component="table" id="table">

Now, let’s change the --tbl-hue value in the CSS just to see how this works before we start messing around with all of the property values:

.c-tbl {
  --tbl-hue: 330;

Notice, that we only need to update properties rather than writing entirely new CSS! Changing one little property updates the table’s color — no new classes or overriding properties lower in the cascade.

Notice how the border colors change as well. That’s because all the colors in the table inherit from the --tbl-hue variable

We can write a more complex selector, but still update a single property, to get something like zebra-striping:

.c-tbl tr:nth-child(even) td {
  --tbl-td-bgc: hsl(var(--tbl-hue), var(--tbl-sat), 95%);

And remember: It doesn’t matter where you load the class. Because our generic styles are using :where, the specificity is wiped out, and any custom styles for a specific variation will be applied no matter where they are used. That’s the beauty of using :where to take control of the cascade!

And best of all, we can create all kinds of table components from the generic styles with a few lines of CSS.

Purple table with zebra-striped columns
Light table with a “noinlineborder” parameter… which we’ll cover next

Adding parameters with another data-attribute

So far, so good! The generic table component is very simple. But what if it requires something more akin to real parameters? Perhaps for things like:

  • zebra-striped rows and columns
  • a sticky header and sticky column
  • hover-state options, such as hover row, hover cell, hover column

We could simply add BEM-style modifier classes, but we can actually accomplish it more efficiently by adding another data-attribute to the mix. Perhaps a data-param that holds the parameters like this:

<table data-component="table" data-param="zebrarow stickyrow">

Then, in our CSS, we can use an attribute-selector to match a whole word in a list of parameters. For example, zebra-striped rows:

[data-component="table"][data-param~="zebrarow"] tr:nth-child(even) td {
  --tbl-td-bgc: var(--tbl-zebra-bgc);

Or zebra-striping columns:

[data-component="table"][data-param~="zebracol"] td:nth-of-type(odd) {
  --tbl-td-bgc: var(--tbl-zebra-bgc);

Let’s go nuts and make both the table header and the first column sticky:

[data-component="table"][data-param~="stickycol"] thead tr th:first-child,[data-component="table"][data-param~="stickycol"] tbody tr td:first-child {
  --tbl-td-bgc: var(--tbl-zebra-bgc);
  inset-inline-start: 0;
  position: sticky;
[data-component="table"][data-param~="stickyrow"] thead th {
  inset-block-start: -1px;
  position: sticky;

Here’s a demo that allows you to change one parameter at a time:

The default light theme in the demo is this:

.c-tbl--light {
  --tbl-bdrs: 0;
  --tbl-sat: 15%;
  --tbl-th-bgc: #eee;
  --tbl-th-bdc: #eee;
  --tbl-th-c: #555;
  --tbl-th-tt: normal;

…where data-param is set to noinlineborder which corresponds to these styles:

[data-param~="noinlineborder"] thead tr > th {
  border-block-start-width: 0;
  border-inline-end-width: 0;
  border-block-end-width: var(--tbl-bdw);
  border-inline-start-width: 0;

I know my data-attribute way of styling and configuring generic components is very opinionated. That’s just how I roll, so please feel free to stick with whatever method you’re most comfortable working with, whether it’s a BEM modifier class or something else.

The bottom line is this: embrace :where and :is and the cascade-controlling powers they provide. And, if possible, construct the CSS in such a way that you wind up writing as little new CSS as possible when creating new component variations!

Cascade Layers

The last cascade-busting tool I want to look at is “Cascade Layers.” At the time of this writing, it’s an experimental feature defined in the CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5 specification that you can access in Safari or Chrome by enabling the #enable-cascade-layers flag.

Bramus Van Damme sums up the concept nicely:

The true power of Cascade Layers comes from its unique position in the Cascade: before Selector Specificity and Order Of Appearance. Because of that we don’t need to worry about the Selector Specificity of the CSS that is used in other Layers, nor about the order in which we load CSS into these Layers — something that will come in very handy for larger teams or when loading in third-party CSS.

Perhaps even nicer is his illustration showing where Cascade Layers fall in the cascade:

Credit: Bramus Van Damme

At the beginning of this article, I mentioned ITCSS — a way of taming the cascade by specifying the load-order of generic styles, components etc. Cascade Layers allow us to inject a stylesheet at a given location. So a simplified version of this structure in Cascade Layers looks like this:

@layer generic, components;

With this single line, we’ve decided the order of our layers. First come the generic styles, followed by the component-specific ones.

Let’s pretend that we’re loading our generic styles somewhere much later than our component styles:

@layer components {
  body {
    background-color: lightseagreen;

/* MUCH, much later... */

@layer generic { 
  body {
    background-color: tomato;

The background-color will be lightseagreen because our component styles layer is set after the generic styles layer. So, the styles in the components layer “win” even if they are written before the generic layer styles.

Again, just another tool for controlling how the CSS cascade applies styles, allowing us more flexibility to organize things logically rather than wrestling with specificity.

Now you’re in control!

The whole point here is that the CSS cascade is becoming a lot easier to wrangle, thanks to new features. We saw how the :where and :is pseudo-selectors allows us to control specificity, either by stripping out the specificity of an entire ruleset or taking on the specificity of the most specific argument, respectively. Then we used CSS Custom Properties to override styles without writing a new class to override another. From there, we took a slight detour down data-attribute lane to help us add more flexibility to create component variations merely by adding arguments to the HTML. And, finally, we poked at Cascade Layers which should prove handy for specifying the loading order or styles using @layer.

If you leave with only one takeaway from this article, I hope it’s that the CSS cascade is no longer the enemy it’s often made to be. We are gaining the tools to stop fighting it and start leaning into even more.

Header photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Don’t Fight the Cascade, Control It! originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 4 359886
The surprising behavior of !important in CSS custom property values Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:19:08 +0000 Huh! I did not realize that CSS custom properties had their own resolution behavior for how !important works in their values. Uh, despite writing a guide about them. 😬 But hey it’s now updated.

Stefan Judis documents it clearly. …

The surprising behavior of !important in CSS custom property values originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Huh! I did not realize that CSS custom properties had their own resolution behavior for how !important works in their values. Uh, despite writing a guide about them. 😬 But hey it’s now updated.

Stefan Judis documents it clearly. The deal is that !important is not at all used in the final value. So:

div {
  --color: red !important;
  color: var(--color);
  color: yellow;

It kinda feels like red should win, but because !important is ultimately stripped from the custom property value, yellow wins it out. And it’s not because the color declaration comes last — if color: red !important; was the first declaration, then red would win.

But it’s not like !important is just stripped and ignored; it’s used in a scoped way, affecting which custom property value wins. But then !important is gone when that value is applied. Stefan’s example:

div {
    `!important` overrules the
    other `--color` definitions
  --color: red !important;
  color: var(--color);

.class {
  --color: blue;

#id {
  --color: yellow;

This feels weird (to me) as you’d think yellow declared on #id would win because it has the highest specificity. But that’s the deal with the scoped behavior — !important makes red the winner, then is applied to the color as such.

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The surprising behavior of !important in CSS custom property values originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 6 359430
Parallax Powered by CSS Custom Properties Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:13:46 +0000 Good friend Kent C. Dodds has recently dropped his new website which had a lot of work go into it. I was fortunate enough that Kent reached out a while back and asked if I could come up with some …

Parallax Powered by CSS Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Good friend Kent C. Dodds has recently dropped his new website which had a lot of work go into it. I was fortunate enough that Kent reached out a while back and asked if I could come up with some “whimsy” for the site. ✨

One of the first things that drew my attention was the large image of Kody (🐨) on the landing page. He’s surrounded by objects and that, to me, screamed, “Make me move!”

Life-like illustration of an animatronic panda in a warn jacket and riding a snowboard while surrounded by a bunch of objects, like leaves, skis, and other gadgets.

I have built parallax-style scenes before that respond to cursor movement, but not to this scale and not for a React application. The neat thing about this? We can power the whole thing with only two CSS custom properties.

Let’s start by grabbing our user’s cursor position. This is as straightforward as:

const UPDATE = ({ x, y }) => {
  document.body.innerText = `x: ${x}; y: ${y}`
document.addEventListener('pointermove', UPDATE)

We want to map these values around a center point. For example, the left side of the viewport should be -1 for x, and 1 for the right side. We can reference an element and work out the value from its center using a mapping function. In this project, I was able to use GSAP and that meant using some of its utility functions. They already provide a mapRange() function for this purpose. Pass in two ranges and you’ll get a function you can use to get the mapped value.

const mapRange = (inputLower, inputUpper, outputLower, outputUpper) => {
  const INPUT_RANGE = inputUpper - inputLower
  const OUTPUT_RANGE = outputUpper - outputLower
  return value => outputLower + (((value - inputLower) / INPUT_RANGE) * OUTPUT_RANGE || 0)
// const MAPPER = mapRange(0, 100, 0, 10000)
// MAPPER(50) === 5000

What if we want to use the window as the container element? We can map the value to the width and height of it.

import gsap from ''

const BOUNDS = 100

const UPDATE = ({ x, y }) => {
  const boundX = gsap.utils.mapRange(0, window.innerWidth, -BOUNDS, BOUNDS, x)
  const boundY = gsap.utils.mapRange(0, window.innerHeight, -BOUNDS, BOUNDS, y)
  document.body.innerText = `x: ${Math.floor(boundX) / 100}; y: ${Math.floor(boundY) / 100};`

document.addEventListener('pointermove', UPDATE)

That gives us a range of x and y values that we can plug into our CSS. Note how we are dividing the values by 100 to get a fractional value. This should make sense when we integrate these values with our CSS a little later.

Now, what if we have an element that we want to map that value against, and within a certain proximity? In other words, we want our handler to look up the position of the element, work out the proximity range, and then map the cursor position to that range. The ideal solution here is to create a function that generates our handler for us. Then we can reuse it. For the purpose of this article, though, we’re operating on a “happy path” where we are avoiding type checks or checking for the callback value, etc.

const CONTAINER = document.querySelector('.container')

const generateHandler = (element, proximity, cb) => ({x, y}) => {
  const bounds = 100
  const elementBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect()
  const centerX = elementBounds.left + elementBounds.width / 2
  const centerY = + elementBounds.height / 2
  const boundX = gsap.utils.mapRange(centerX - proximity, centerX + proximity, -bounds, bounds, x)
  const boundY = gsap.utils.mapRange(centerY - proximity, centerY + proximity, -bounds, bounds, y)
  cb(boundX / 100, boundY / 100)

document.addEventListener('pointermove', generateHandler(CONTAINER, 100, (x, y) => {
  CONTAINER.innerText = `x: ${x.toFixed(1)}; y: ${y.toFixed(1)};`

In this demo, our proximity is 100. We’ll style it with a blue background to make it obvious. We pass a callback that gets fired each time the values for x and y get mapped to the bounds. We can divide these values in the callback or do what we want with them.

But wait, there’s an issue with that demo. The values go outside the bounds of -1 and 1. We need to clamp those values. GreenSock has another utility method we can use for this. It’s the equal of using a combination of Math.min and Math.max. As we already have the dependency, there’s no point in reinventing the wheel! We could clamp the values in the function. But, choosing to do so in our callback will be more flexible as we’ll show coming up.

We could do this with CSS clamp() if we’d like. 😉

document.addEventListener('pointermove', generateHandler(CONTAINER, 100, (x, y) => {
  CONTAINER.innerText = `
    x: ${gsap.utils.clamp(-1, 1, x.toFixed(1))};
    y: ${gsap.utils.clamp(-1, 1, y.toFixed(1))};

Now we have clamped values!

In this demo, adjust the proximity and drag the container around to see how the handler holds up.

That’s the majority of JavaScript for this project! All that’s left to do is pass these values to CSS-land. And we can do that in our callback. Let’s use custom properties named ratio-x and ratio-y.

const UPDATE = (x, y) => {
  const clampedX = gsap.utils.clamp(-1, 1, x.toFixed(1))
  const clampedY = gsap.utils.clamp(-1, 1, y.toFixed(1))'--ratio-x', clampedX)'--ratio-y', clampedY)
  CONTAINER.innerText = `x: ${clampedX}; y: ${clampedY};`

document.addEventListener('pointermove', generateHandler(CONTAINER, 100, UPDATE))

Now that we have some values we can use in our CSS, we can combine them with calc() any way we like. For example, this demo changes the scale of the container element based on the y value. It then updates the hue of the container based on the x value.

The neat thing here is that the JavaScript doesn’t care about what you do with the values. It’s done its part. That’s the magic of using scoped custom properties.

.container {
  --hue: calc(180 - (var(--ratio-x, 0) * 180));
  background: hsl(var(--hue, 25), 100%, 80%);
  transform: scale(calc(2 - var(--ratio-y, 0)));

Another interesting point is considering whether you want to clamp the values or not. In this demo, if we didn’t clamp x, we could have the hue update wherever we are on the page.

Making a scene

We have the technique in place! Now we can do pretty much whatever we want with it. It’s kinda wherever your imagination takes you. I’ve used this same set up for a bunch of things.

Our demos so far have only made changes to the containing element. But, as we may as well mention again, the power of custom property scope is epic.

My task was to make things move on Kent’s site. When I first saw the image of Kody with a bunch of objects, I could see all the individual pieces doing their own thing—all powered by those two custom properties that we pass in. How might that look though? The key is inline custom properties for each child of our container.

For now, we could update our markup to include some children:

<div class="container">
  <div class="container__item"></div>
  <div class="container__item"></div>
  <div class="container__item"></div>

Then we update the styles to include some scoped styles for container__item:

.container__item {
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(var(--y, 0) * 1%);
  left: calc(var(--x, 0) * 1%);
  height: calc(var(--size, 20) * 1px);
  width: calc(var(--size, 20) * 1px);
  background: hsl(var(--hue, 0), 80%, 80%);
  transition: transform 0.1s;
    translate(-50%, -50%)
      calc(var(--move-x, 0) * var(--ratio-x, 0) * 100%),
      calc(var(--move-y, 0) * var(--ratio-y, 0) * 100%)
    rotate(calc(var(--rotate, 0) * var(--ratio-x, 0) * 1deg))

The important part there is how we’re making use of --ratio-x and --ratio-y inside the transform. Each item declares its own level of movement and rotation via --move-x, etc. Each item is also positioned with scoped custom properties, --x and --y.

That’s the key to these CSS powered parallax scenes. It’s all about bouncing coefficients against each other!

If we update our markup with some inline values for those properties, here’s what we get:

<div class="container">
  <div class="container__item" style="--move-x: -1; --rotate: 90; --x: 10; --y: 60; --size: 30; --hue: 220;"></div>
  <div class="container__item" style="--move-x: 1.6; --move-y: -2; --rotate: -45; --x: 75; --y: 20; --size: 50; --hue: 240;"></div>
  <div class="container__item" style="--move-x: -3; --move-y: 1; --rotate: 360; --x: 75; --y: 80; --size: 40; --hue: 260;"></div>

Leveraging that scope, we can get something like this! That’s pretty neat. It almost looks like a shield.

But, how do you take a static image and turn it into a responsive parallax scene? First, we’re going to have to create all those child elements and position them. And to do this we can use the “tracing” technique we use with CSS art.

This next demo shows the image we’re using inside a parallax container with children. To explain this part, we’ve created three children and given them a red background. The image is fixed with a reduced opacity and lines up with our parallax container.

Each parallax item gets created from a CONFIG object. For this demo, I’m using Pug to generate these in HTML for brevity. In the final project, I’m using React which we can show later. Using Pug here saves me writing out all the inline CSS custom properties individually.

  const CONFIG = [
      positionX: 50,
      positionY: 55,
      height: 59,
      width: 55,
      positionX: 74,
      positionY: 15,
      height: 17,
      width: 17,
      positionX: 12,
      positionY: 51,
      height: 24,
      width: 19,

  - for (const ITEM of CONFIG)
    .parallax__item(style=`--width: ${ITEM.width}; --height: ${ITEM.height}; --x: ${ITEM.positionX}; --y: ${ITEM.positionY};`)

How do we get those values? It’s a lot of trial and error and is definitely time consuming. To make it responsive, the positioning and sizing use percentage values.

.parallax {
  height: 50vmin;
  width: calc(50 * (484 / 479) * 1vmin); // Maintain aspect ratio where 'aspect-ratio' doesn't work to that scale.
  background: hsla(180, 50%, 50%, 0.25);
  position: relative;

.parallax__item {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(var(--x, 50) * 1%);
  top: calc(var(--y, 50) * 1%);
  height: calc(var(--height, auto) * 1%);
  width: calc(var(--width, auto) * 1%);
  background: hsla(0, 50%, 50%, 0.5);
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Once we’ve made elements for all the items, we get something like the following demo. This uses the config object from the final work:

Don’t worry if things aren’t perfectly lined up. Everything is going to be moving anyway! That’s the joy of using a config object—we get tweak it how we like.

How do we get the image into those items? Well, it’s tempting to create separate images for each item. But, that would result in a lot of network requests for each image which is bad for performance. Instead, we can create an image sprite. In fact, that’s exactly what I did.

An image sprite of the original Kody image, showing each object and and Kody lined up from left to right.

Then to keep things responsive, we can use a percentage value for the background-size and background-position properties in the CSS. We make this part of the config and then inline those values, too. The config structure can be anything.

  const ITEMS = [
      identifier: 'kody-blue',
      backgroundPositionX: 84.4,
      backgroundPositionY: 50,
      size: 739,
      config: {
        positionX: 50,
        positionY: 54,
        height: 58,
        width: 55,

  - for (const ITEM of ITEMS)
    .parallax__item(style=`--pos-x: ${ITEM.backgroundPositionX}; --pos-y: ${ITEM.backgroundPositionY}; --size: ${ITEM.size}; --width: ${ITEM.config.width}; --height: ${ITEM.config.height}; --x: ${ITEM.config.positionX}; --y: ${ITEM.config.positionY};`)

Updating our CSS to account for this:

.parallax__item {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(var(--x, 50) * 1%);
  top: calc(var(--y, 50) * 1%);
  height: calc(var(--height, auto) * 1%);
  width: calc(var(--width, auto) * 1%);
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  background-image: url('kody-sprite.png');
  background-position: calc(var(--pos-x, 0) * 1%) calc(var(--pos-y, 0) * 1%);
  background-size: calc(var(--size, 0) * 1%);

And now we have a responsive traced scene with parallax items!

All that’s left to do is remove the tracing image and the background colors, and apply transforms.

In the first version, I used the values in a different way. I had the handler return values between -60 and 60. We can do that with our handler by manipulating the return values.

const UPDATE = (x, y) => {
    Math.floor(gsap.utils.clamp(-60, 60, x * 100))
    Math.floor(gsap.utils.clamp(-60, 60, y * 100))

Then, each item can be configured for:

  • the x, y, and z positions,
  • movement on the x and y axis, and
  • rotation and translation on the x and y axis.

The CSS transforms are quite long. This is what they look like:

.parallax {
  transform: rotateX(calc(((var(--rx, 0) * var(--range-y, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg))
    rotateY(calc(((var(--ry, 0) * var(--range-x, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg))
    rotate(calc(((var(--r, 0) * var(--range-x, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg));
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transition: transform 0.25s;

.parallax__item {
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
      calc(((var(--mx, 0) * var(--range-x, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1%),
      calc(((var(--my, 0) * var(--range-y, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1%),
      calc(var(--z, 0) * 1vmin)
    rotateX(calc(((var(--rx, 0) * var(--range-y, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg))
    rotateY(calc(((var(--ry, 0) * var(--range-x, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg))
    rotate(calc(((var(--r, 0) * var(--range-x, 0)) * var(--allow-motion)) * 1deg));
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transition: transform 0.25s;

What’s that --allow-motion thing doing? That’s not in the demo! True. This is a little trick for applying reduced motion. If we have users who prefer “reduced” motion, we can cater for that with a coefficient. The word “reduced” doesn’t have to mean “none” after all!

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  .parallax {
    --allow-motion: 0.1;
@media (hover: none) {
  .parallax {
    --allow-motion: 0;

This “final” demo shows how the --allow-motion value affects the scene. Move the slider to see how you can reduce the motion.

This demo also shows off another feature: the ability to choose a “team” that changes Kody’s color. The neat part here is that all that requires is pointing to a different part of our image sprite.

And that’s it for creating a CSS custom property powered parallax! But, I did mention this was something I built in React. And yes, that last demo uses React. In fact, this worked quite well in a component-based environment. We have an array of configuration objects and we can pass them into a <Parallax> component as children along with any transform coefficients.

const Parallax = ({
}: {
  config: ParallaxConfig
  children: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]
}) => {
  const containerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
    (x, y) => {
        '--range-x', Math.floor(gsap.utils.clamp(-60, 60, x * 100))
        '--range-y', Math.floor(gsap.utils.clamp(-60, 60, y * 100))
    () => window.innerWidth * 0.5,

  return (
          '--r': config.rotate,
          '--rx': config.rotateX,
          '--ry': config.rotateY,
        } as ContainerCSS

Then, if you spotted it, there’s a hook in there called useParallax. We pass a callback into this that receives the x and y value. We also pass in the proximity which can be a function, and the element to use.

const useParallax = (callback, elementRef, proximityArg = 100) => {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (!elementRef.current || !callback) return
    const UPDATE = ({ x, y }) => {
      const bounds = 100
      const proximity = typeof proximityArg === 'function' ? proximityArg() : proximityArg
      const elementBounds = elementRef.current.getBoundingClientRect()
      const centerX = elementBounds.left + elementBounds.width / 2
      const centerY = + elementBounds.height / 2
      const boundX = gsap.utils.mapRange(centerX - proximity, centerX + proximity, -bounds, bounds, x)
      const boundY = gsap.utils.mapRange(centerY - proximity, centerY + proximity, -bounds, bounds, y)
      callback(boundX / 100, boundY / 100)
    window.addEventListener('pointermove', UPDATE)
    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener('pointermove', UPDATE)
  }, [elementRef, callback])

Spinning this into a custom hook means I can reuse it elsewhere. In fact, removing the use of GSAP makes it a nice micro-package opportunity.

Lastly, the <ParallaxItem>. This is pretty straightforward. It’s a component that maps the props into inline CSS custom properties. In the project, I opted to map the background properties to a child of the ParallaxItem.

const ParallaxItem = ({
}: {
  config: ParallaxItemConfig
  children: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]
}) => {
  const params = {...DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...config}
  return (
      className='parallax__item absolute'
          '--x': params.positionX,
          '--y': params.positionY,
          '--z': params.positionZ,
          '--r': params.rotate,
          '--rx': params.rotateX,
          '--ry': params.rotateY,
          '--mx': params.moveX,
          '--my': params.moveY,
          '--height': params.height,
          '--width': params.width,
        } as ItemCSS

Tie all that together and you could end up with something like this:

const ITEMS = [
    identifier: 'kody-blue',
    backgroundPositionX: 84.4,
    backgroundPositionY: 50,
    size: 739,
    config: {
      positionX: 50,
      positionY: 54,
      moveX: 0.15,
      moveY: -0.25,
      height: 58,
      width: 55,
      rotate: 0.01,

const KodyParallax = () => (
  <Parallax config={{
    rotate: 0.01,
    rotateX: 0.1,
    rotateY: 0.25,
    { => (
      <ParallaxItem key={item.identifier} config={item.config} />

Which gives us our parallax scene!

That’s it!

We just took a static image and turned it into a slick parallax scene powered by CSS custom properties! It’s funny because image sprites have been around a long time, but they still have a lot of use today!

Stay Awesome! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Parallax Powered by CSS Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 7 357192
Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage Thu, 14 Oct 2021 14:35:42 +0000 One way to work with Custom Properties is to think of them as design tokens. Colors, spacings, fonts, and whatnot. You set them at the root of the page and use them throughout your CSS. Very useful, and the classic …

Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

One way to work with Custom Properties is to think of them as design tokens. Colors, spacings, fonts, and whatnot. You set them at the root of the page and use them throughout your CSS. Very useful, and the classic use case for not only Custom Properties but for preprocessor variables for the last one million years.

Another way to work with Custom Properties, which can be done in addition to the design tokens approach, is to go a lot harder and use them for every major unique styling choice on any given element.

Imagine you have a Card like this (simplified for demonstration sake, of course):

.card {
  background: hsl(200deg 15% 73%);
  border: 4px solid rgb(255 255 255 / 0.5);
  padding: 2rem;
  border-radius: 8px;
.card > h2 {
  margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
  border-bottom: 3px solid rgba(0 0 0 / 0.2);


But then when you inevitably make variations of the card, you’re on your own to override these rulesets. A CSS Custom Property approach can be like:

.card {
  --card-background: hsl(200deg 15% 73%);
  --card-border: 4px solid rgb(255 255 255 / 0.5);
  --card-padding: 2rem;
  --card-border-radius: 8px;
  --card-title-margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
  --card-title-border: 3px solid rgba(0 0 0 / 0.2);

  background: var(--card-background);
  border: var(--card-border);
  padding: var(--card-padding);
  border-radius: var(--card-border-radius);
.card > h2 {
  margin: var(--card-title-margin);
  border-bottom: var(--card-title-border);

A little more verbose, for now, but look what happens when we want to do a variation:

.card-variation {
  --card-background: purple;
  --card-padding-block: 2.5rem;
  --card-title-margin: 0 0 2rem 0;

Here are three clear advantages right off the bat:

  • I’m only changing values that I’ve clearly set up to be changed. My main Card prototype maintains the integrity I want it to keep.
  • I can style children of the variation without having to re-write those selectors correctly.
  • I can now pass in styling overrides from the style attribute in the HTML for quick, one-off variations.

Less verbose with fallbacks

Rather than declaring the Custom Properties at the top and then using them right below, I can do both at the same time like this:

.card {
  background: var(--card-background, hsl(200deg 15% 73%));
  border: var(--card-border, 4px solid rgb(255 255 255 / 0.5));
  padding: var(--card-padding, 2rem);
  border-radius: var(--card-border-radius, 8px);
.card > h2 {
  margin: var(--card-title-margin, 0 0 1rem 0);
  border-bottom: var(--card-title-border, 3px solid rgba(0 0 0 / 0.2));

Now if something like --card-background does happen to get set, it will override the fallback value here. I don’t completely love this, because it means elements above .card can override it. That might be what you want, but it’s not exactly the same as declaring the values at the .card level to begin with. No strong opinions here.

Breaking it up even more

An example here is that you might want to individually control padding.

.card {
  --card-padding-block: 2rem;
  --card-padding-inline: 2rem;
  --card-padding: var(--card-padding-block) var(--card-padding-inline);

  padding: var(--card-padding);

Now a variation can control just a part of the padding if I want:

.card-variation {
  --card-padding-inline: 3rem;

You gotta be careful of the big gotcha though. Meaning if you declare all these at the root, this isn’t going to work, because those nested properties have already been resolved. But so long as it’s first declared on .card, you’ll be fine here.

Too far?

Say you wanted super ultimate control over every part of a value. For example:

html {
  --color-1-h: 200deg;
  --color-1-s: 15%;
  --color-1-l: 73%;
  --color-1-hsl: var(--color-1-h) var(--color-1-s) var(--color-1-l);
  --color-1: hsl(var(--color-1-hsl));

That’s kinda neat, but it’s likely too far. Colors are almost certainly going to be declared at the root and left alone, so the great gotcha is going to make overriding the low-level child properties impossible. Besides, if you have a --color-1, you probably have a 2-9 (or more) as well, which is all well and good because there is far more delicate design magic to a color system than simple mathematical manipulations of color parts.

Deliverable design systems?

There is no doubt that Tailwind has enjoyed a lot of popularity. It uses an atomic approach where a slew of HTML classes control one property each. I’d argue some of that popularity is driven by the fact that if you choose from these pre-configured classes, that the design ends up fairly nice. You can’t go off the rails. You’re choosing from a limited selection of values that have been designed to look good.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that a Custom Properties heavy-based approach to styling is exactly the same. For example, you’ll still need to think of a class name abstraction rather than apply styling directly to the HTML element. But, it might enjoy some of the same constraints/limitations that make Tailwind and other atomic class approaches desirable. If you can only pick from a pre-defined set of --spacing-x values, --color-x values, and --font-x values, you might achieve a more cohesive design than you would have otherwise.

Personally, I’ve found inching toward a design system that is more heavily based on Custom Properties feels good — if nothing else to make variations and overrides more sensible to manage.

What about third-party design systems delivering what they deliver as… nothing but a big ol’ set of Custom Properties to use at your leisure?


Third-party deliverables don’t even have to be the entire kitchen sink like this. For example, Adam Argyle’s provides a “Hackpack” that is nothing but Custom Properties of transition animation helpers.

Understandabilty cost

One pushback I’ve heard against this more all-in approach on Custom Properties is newcomer understandability. If you wrote the system, it probably makes perfect sense to you. But it’s an additional abstraction on top of CSS. CSS knowledge is shared by all, bespoke systems knowledge is only shared by the people actively working on it.

Rolling in fresh to a system heavily using Custom Properties is going to have a heck of a learning curve.


Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 5 353057
The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties Thu, 19 Aug 2021 19:04:48 +0000 I’ve seen this confuse more than a handful of people recently, including myself, so I’m making sure it’s written down.

Let’s chuck a couple of custom properties into CSS:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

Let’s use them right …

The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I’ve seen this confuse more than a handful of people recently, including myself, so I’m making sure it’s written down.

Let’s chuck a couple of custom properties into CSS:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

Let’s use them right away to make a background gradient:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

  --bg: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));

Now say there is a couple of divs sitting on the page:

<div class="variation"></div>

Lemme style them up:

div {
  background: var(--bg);

That totally works! Hell yes!

Now lemme style that variation. I don’t want it to go from red to blue, I want it to go from green to blue. Easy cheesy, I’ll update red to green:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

  --bg: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));
div {
  background: var(--bg);
.variation {
  --color-1: green;

Nope! (Sirens blaring, horns honking, farm animals taking cover).

That doesn’t work, friends.

The problem, as best I understand it, is that --bg was never declared on either of the divs. It can use --bg, because it was declared higher up, but by the time it is being used there, the value of it is locked. Just because you change some other property that --bg happens to use at the time it was declared, it doesn’t mean that property goes out searching for places it was used and updating everything that’s used it as a dependency.

Ugh, that explanation doesn’t feel quite right. But it’s the best I got.

The solution? Well, there are a few.

Solution 1: Scope the variable to where you’re using it.

You could do this:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

div {
  --bg: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));
  background: var(--bg);
.variant {
  --color-1: green;

Now that --bg is declared on both divs, the change to the --color-1 dependency does work.

Solution 2: Comma-separate the selector where you set most of the variables.

Say you do the common thing where you set a bunch of variables at the :root. Then you run into this problem. You can just add extra selectors to that main declaration to make sure you hit the right scope.

div {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

  --bg: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));
div {
  background: var(--bg);
.variation {
  --color-1: green;

In some other perhaps less-contrived example, it might look something like this:

.whatever-it-is-a-bandaid {
  --padding-inline: 1rem;
  --padding-block: 1rem;
  --padding: var(--padding-block) var(--padding-inline);

.button {
  padding: var(--padding);
.button.less-wide {
  --padding-inline: 0.5rem;

Solution 3: Blanket Mode

Screw it — put the variables everywhere.

* {
  --access: me;
  --whereever: you;
  --want: to;

  --hogwild: var(--access) var(--whereever);

This is not a good plan. I overheard a chat recently in which a medium-sized site experienced a 500ms page rendering delay because every draw to the page needed to compute all the properties. It “works” but it’s one of the rare cases where you can cause legit performance problems with a selector.

Solution 4: Introduce a new “default” property and fallback

All credit here to Stephen Shaw who’s exploration on all this is one of the places I saw this confusion in the first place.

Let’s go back to our first demonstration of this problem:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;

  --bg: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));

What we want to do is give ourselves two things:

  1. A way to override the entire background
  2. A way to overide a part of the gradient background

So we’re gonna do it this way:

html {
  --color-1: red;
  --color-2: blue;
div {
  --bg-default: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));
  background: var(--bg, var(--bg-default));

Notice that we haven’t declared --bg at all. It’s just sitting there waiting for a value, and if it ever gets one, that’s the value that “wins.” But without one, it’ll fall back to our --bg-default. Now…

  1. If I set --color-1 or --color-2, it replaces that part of the gradient as expected (so long as I do it on a selector that touches one of the divs).
  2. Or, I can set --bg to reset the entire background to whatever I want.

Feels like a nice way to handle things.

Sometimes there are actual bugs with CSS custom properties. This isn’t one of them. Even though it sort of feels like a bug to me, apparently it’s not. Just one of those things you gotta know about.

The Big Gotcha With Custom Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 8 350054
Efficient Infinite Utility Helpers Using Inline CSS Custom Properties and calc() Fri, 06 Aug 2021 14:55:06 +0000 I recently wrote a very basic Sass loop that outputs several padding and margin utility classes. Nothing fancy, really, just a Sass map with 11 spacing values, looped over to create classes for both padding and margin on each side. …

Efficient Infinite Utility Helpers Using Inline CSS Custom Properties and calc() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I recently wrote a very basic Sass loop that outputs several padding and margin utility classes. Nothing fancy, really, just a Sass map with 11 spacing values, looped over to create classes for both padding and margin on each side. As we’ll see, this works, but it ends up a pretty hefty amount of CSS. We’re going to refactor it to use CSS custom properties and make the system much more trim.

Here’s the original Sass implementation:

$space-stops: (
  '0': 0,
  '1': 0.25rem,
  '2': 0.5rem,
  '3': 0.75rem,
  '4': 1rem,
  '5': 1.25rem,
  '6': 1.5rem,
  '7': 1.75rem,
  '8': 2rem,
  '9': 2.25rem,
  '10': 2.5rem,

@each $key, $val in $space-stops {
  .p-#{$key} {
    padding: #{$val} !important;
  .pt-#{$key} {
    padding-top: #{$val} !important;
  .pr-#{$key} {
    padding-right: #{$val} !important;
  .pb-#{$key} {
    padding-bottom: #{$val} !important;
  .pl-#{$key} {
    padding-left: #{$val} !important;
  .px-#{$key} {
    padding-right: #{$val} !important;
    padding-left: #{$val} !important;
  .py-#{$key} {
    padding-top: #{$val} !important;
    padding-bottom: #{$val} !important;

  .m-#{$key} {
    margin: #{$val} !important;
  .mt-#{$key} {
    margin-top: #{$val} !important;
  .mr-#{$key} {
    margin-right: #{$val} !important;
  .mb-#{$key} {
    margin-bottom: #{$val} !important;
  .ml-#{$key} {
    margin-left: #{$val} !important;
  .mx-#{$key} {
    margin-right: #{$val} !important;
    margin-left: #{$val} !important;
  .my-#{$key} {
    margin-top: #{$val} !important;
    margin-bottom: #{$val} !important;

This very much works. It outputs all the utility classes we need. But, it can also get bloated quickly. In my case, they were about 8.6kb uncompressed and under 1kb compressed. (Brotli was 542 bytes, and gzip came in at 925 bytes.)

Since they are extremely repetitive, they compress well, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that all these classes were overkill. Plus, I hadn’t even done any small/medium/large breakpoints which are fairly typical for these kinds of helper classes.

Here’s a contrived example of what the responsive version might look like with small/medium/large classes added. We’ll re-use the $space-stops map defined previously and throw our repetitious code into a mixin

@mixin finite-spacing-utils($bp: '') {
    @each $key, $val in $space-stops {
        .p-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding: #{$val} !important;
        .pt-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-top: #{$val} !important;
        .pr-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-right: #{$val} !important;
        .pb-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-bottom: #{$val} !important;
        .pl-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-left: #{$val} !important;
        .px-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-right: #{$val} !important;
            padding-left: #{$val} !important;
        .py-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            padding-top: #{$val} !important;
            padding-bottom: #{$val} !important;

        .m-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin: #{$val} !important;
        .mt-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-top: #{$val} !important;
        .mr-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-right: #{$val} !important;
        .mb-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-bottom: #{$val} !important;
        .ml-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-left: #{$val} !important;
        .mx-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-right: #{$val} !important;
            margin-left: #{$val} !important;
        .my-#{$key}#{$bp} {
            margin-top: #{$val} !important;
            margin-bottom: #{$val} !important;

@include finite-spacing-utils;

@media (min-width: 544px) {
    @include finite-spacing-utils($bp: '_sm');

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    @include finite-spacing-utils($bp: '_md');

@media (min-width: 1024px) {
    @include finite-spacing-utils($bp: '_lg');

That clocks in at about 41.7kb uncompressed (and about 1kb with Brotli, and 3kb with gzip). It still compresses well, but it’s a bit ridiculous.

I knew it was possible to reference data-* attributes from within CSS using the [attr() function, so I wondered if it was possible to use calc() and attr() together to create dynamically-calculated spacing utility helpers via data-* attributes — like data-m="1" or data-m="1@md" — then in the CSS to do something like margin: calc(attr(data-m) * 0.25rem) (assuming I’m using a spacing scale incrementing at 0.25rem intervals). That could be very powerful.

But the end of that story is: no, you (currently) can’t use attr() with any property except the content property. Bummer. But in searching for attr() and calc() information, I found this intriguing Stack Overflow comment by Simon Rigét that suggests setting a CSS variable directly within an inline style attribute. Aha!

So it’s possible to do something like <div style="--p: 4;"> then, in CSS:

:root {
  --p: 0;

[style*='--p:'] {
  padding: calc(0.25rem * var(--p)) !important;

In the case of the style="--p: 4;" example, you’d effectively end up with padding: 1rem !important;.

… and now you have an infinitely scalable spacing utility class monstrosity helper.

Here’s what that might look like in CSS:

:root {
  --p: 0;
  --pt: 0;
  --pr: 0;
  --pb: 0;
  --pl: 0;
  --px: 0;
  --py: 0;
  --m: 0;
  --mt: 0;
  --mr: 0;
  --mb: 0;
  --ml: 0;
  --mx: 0;
  --my: 0;

[style*='--p:'] {
  padding: calc(0.25rem * var(--p)) !important;
[style*='--pt:'] {
  padding-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--pt)) !important;
[style*='--pr:'] {
  padding-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--pr)) !important;
[style*='--pb:'] {
  padding-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--pb)) !important;
[style*='--pl:'] {
  padding-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--pl)) !important;
[style*='--px:'] {
  padding-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--px)) !important;
  padding-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--px)) !important;
[style*='--py:'] {
  padding-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--py)) !important;
  padding-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--py)) !important;

[style*='--m:'] {
  margin: calc(0.25rem * var(--m)) !important;
[style*='--mt:'] {
  margin-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--mt)) !important;
[style*='--mr:'] {
  margin-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--mr)) !important;
[style*='--mb:'] {
  margin-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--mb)) !important;
[style*='--ml:'] {
  margin-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--ml)) !important;
[style*='--mx:'] {
  margin-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--mx)) !important;
  margin-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--mx)) !important;
[style*='--my:'] {
  margin-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--my)) !important;
  margin-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--my)) !important;

This is a lot like the first Sass loop above, but there’s no loop going 11 times — and yet it’s infinite. It’s about 1.4kb uncompressed, 226 bytes with Brotli, or 284 bytes gzipped.

If you wanted to extend this for breakpoints, the unfortunate news is that you can’t put the “@” character in CSS variable names (although emojis and other UTF-8 characters are strangely permitted). So you could probably set up variable names like p_sm or sm_p. You’d have to add some extra CSS variables and some media queries to handle all this, but it won’t blow up exponentially the way traditional CSS classnames created with a Sass for-loop do.

Here’s the equivalent responsive version. We’ll use a Sass mixin again to cut down the repetition:

:root {
  --p: 0;
  --pt: 0;
  --pr: 0;
  --pb: 0;
  --pl: 0;
  --px: 0;
  --py: 0;
  --m: 0;
  --mt: 0;
  --mr: 0;
  --mb: 0;
  --ml: 0;
  --mx: 0;
  --my: 0;

@mixin infinite-spacing-utils($bp: '') {
    [style*='--p#{$bp}:'] {
        padding: calc(0.25rem * var(--p#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--pt#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--pt#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--pr#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--pr#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--pb#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--pb#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--pl#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--pl#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--px#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--px#{$bp})) !important;
        padding-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--px)#{$bp}) !important;
    [style*='--py#{$bp}:'] {
        padding-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--py#{$bp})) !important;
        padding-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--py#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--m#{$bp}:'] {
        margin: calc(0.25rem * var(--m#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--mt#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--mt#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--mr#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--mr#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--mb#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--mb#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--ml#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--ml#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--mx#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-right: calc(0.25rem * var(--mx#{$bp})) !important;
        margin-left: calc(0.25rem * var(--mx#{$bp})) !important;
    [style*='--my#{$bp}:'] {
        margin-top: calc(0.25rem * var(--my#{$bp})) !important;
        margin-bottom: calc(0.25rem * var(--my#{$bp})) !important;

@include infinite-spacing-utils;

@media (min-width: 544px) {
    @include infinite-spacing-utils($bp: '_sm');

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    @include infinite-spacing-utils($bp: '_md');

@media (min-width: 1024px) {
    @include infinite-spacing-utils($bp: '_lg');

That’s about 6.1kb uncompressed, 428 bytes with Brotli, and 563 with gzip.

Do I think that writing HTML like <div style="--px:2; --my:4;"> is pleasing to the eye, or good developer ergonomics… no, not particularly. But could this approach be viable in situations where you (for some reason) need extremely minimal CSS, or perhaps no external CSS file at all? Yes, I sure do.

It’s worth pointing out here that CSS variables assigned in inline styles do not leak out. They’re scoped only to the current element and don’t change the value of the variable globally. Thank goodness! The one oddity I have found so far is that DevTools (at least in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) do not report the styles using this technique in the “Computed” styles tab.

Also worth mentioning is that I’ve used good old padding  and margin properties with -top, -right, -bottom, and -left, but you could use the equivalent logical properties like padding-block and padding-inline. It’s even possible to shave off just a few more bytes by selectively mixing and matching logical properties with traditional properties. I managed to get it down to 400 bytes with Brotli and 521 with gzip this way.

Other use cases

This seems most appropriate for things that are on a (linear) incremental scale (which is why padding and margin seems like a good use case) but I could see this potentially working for widths and heights in grid systems (column numbers and/or widths). Maybe for typographic scales (but maybe not).

I’ve focused a lot on file size, but there may be some other uses here I’m not thinking of. Perhaps you wouldn’t write your code in this way, but a critical CSS tool could potentially refactor the code to use this approach.

Digging deeper

As I dug deeper, I found that Ahmad Shadeed blogged in 2019 about mixing calc() with CSS variable assignments within inline styles particularly for avatar sizes. Miriam Suzanne’s article on Smashing Magazine in 2019 didn’t use calc() but shared some amazing things you can do with variable assignments in inline styles.

Efficient Infinite Utility Helpers Using Inline CSS Custom Properties and calc() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today Wed, 28 Jul 2021 14:37:34 +0000 For quite a while now, the CSS spec has included a lot of really useful mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()), exponential functions (…

Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

For quite a while now, the CSS spec has included a lot of really useful mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()), exponential functions (pow(), exp(), sqrt(), log(), hypot()), sign-related functions (abs(), sign()) and stepped value functions (round(), mod(), rem()).

However, these are not yet implemented in any browser, so this article is going to show how, using CSS features we already have, we can compute the values that abs(), sign(), round() and mod() should return. And then we’ll see what cool things this allows us to build today.

Screenshot collage - a 2x2 grid. The first one shows the items of a full-screen navigation sliding down with a delay that's proportional to the distance to the selected one. The second one shows a cube with each face made of neon tiles; these tiles shrink and go inwards, into the cube, with a delay that depends on the distance from the midlines of the top face. The third one is a time progress with a tooltip showing the elapsed time in a mm::ss format. The fourth one is a 3D rotating musical toy with wooden and metallic stars and a wooden crescent moon hanging from the top.
A few of the things these functions allow us to make.

Note that none of these techniques were ever meant to work in browsers from back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the internet. Some of them even depend on the browser supporting the ability to register custom properties (using @property), which means they’re limited to Chromium for now.

The computed equivalents


We can get this by using the new CSS max() function, which is already implemented in the current versions of all major browsers.

Let’s say we have a custom property, --a. We don’t know whether this is positive or negative and we want to get its absolute value. We do this by picking the maximum between this value and its additive inverse:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));

If --a is positive, this means it’s greater than zero, and multiplying it with -1 gives us a negative number, which is always smaller than zero. That, in turn, is always smaller than the positive --a, so the result returned by max() is equal to var(--a).

If --a is negative, this means it’s smaller than zero, and that multiplying it by -1 gives us a positive number, which is always bigger than zero, which, in turn, is always bigger than the negative --a. So, the result returned by max() is equal to -1*var(--a).


This is something we can get using the previous section as the sign of a number is that number divided by its absolute value:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

A very important thing to note here is that this only works if --a is unitless, as we cannot divide by a number with a unit inside calc().

Also, if --a is 0, this solution works only if we register --sign (this is only supported in Chromium browsers at this point) with an initial-value of 0:

@property --sign {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

This is because --a, being 0, also makes --abs compute to 0 — and dividing by 0 is invalid in CSS calc() — so we need to make sure --sign gets reset to 0 in this situation. Keep in mind that this does not happen if we simply set it to 0 in the CSS prior to setting it to the calc() value and we don’t register it:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: 0; /* doesn't help */
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

In practice, I’ve also often used the following version for integers:

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a), 1);

Here, we’re using a clamp() function. This takes three arguments: a minimum allowed value -1, a preferred value var(--a) and a maximum allowed value, 1. The value returned is the preferred value as long as it’s between the lower and upper bounds and the limit that gets exceeded otherwise.

If --a is a negative integer, this means it’s smaller or equal to -1, the lower bound (or the minimum allowed value) of our clamp() function, so the value returned is -1. If it’s a positive integer, this means it’s greater or equal to 1, the upper bound (or the maximum allowed value) of the clamp() function, so the value returned is 1. And finally, if --a is 0, it’s between the lower and upper limits, so the function returns its value (0 in this case).

This method has the advantage of being simpler without requiring Houdini support. That said, note that it only works for unitless values (comparing a length or an angle value with integers like ±1 is like comparing apples and oranges — it doesn’t work!) that are either exactly 0 or at least as big as 1 in absolute value. For a subunitary value, like -.05, our method above fails, as the value returned is -.05, not -1!

My first thought was that we can extend this technique to subunitary values by introducing a limit value that’s smaller than the smallest non-zero value we know --a can possibly take. For example, let’s say our limit is .000001 — this would allow us to correctly get -1 as the sign for -.05, and 1 as the sign for .0001!

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1*var(--lim), var(--a), var(--lim));

Temani Afif suggested a simpler version that would multiply --a by a very large number in order to produce a superunitary value.

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)*10000, 1);

I eventually settled on dividing --a by the limit value because it just feels a bit more intuitive to see what minimum non-zero value it won’t go below.

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)/var(--lim), 1);

--round (as well as --ceil and --floor)

This is one I was stuck on for a while until I got a clever suggestion for a similar problem from Christian Schaefer. Just like the case of the sign, this only works on unitless values and requires registering the --round variable as an <integer> so that we force rounding on whatever value we set it to:

@property --round {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem { --round: var(--a); }

By extension, we can get --floor and --ceil if we subtract or add .5:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

@property --ceil {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a) - .5);
  --ceil: calc(var(--a) + .5)


This builds on the --floor technique in order to get an integer quotient, which then allows us to get the modulo value. This means that both our values must be unitless.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a)/var(--b) - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--a) - var(--b)*var(--floor))

Use cases

What sort of things can we do with the technique? Let’s take a good look at three use cases.

Effortless symmetry in staggered animations (and not only!)

While the absolute value can help us get symmetrical results for a lot of properties, animation-delay and transition-delay are the ones where I’ve been using it the most, so let’s see some examples of that!

We put --n items within a container, each of these items having an index --i. Both --n and --i are variables we pass to the CSS via style attributes.

- let n = 16;

.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    .item(style=`--i: ${i}`)

This gives us the following compiled HTML:

<div class='wrap' style='--n: 16'>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 0'></div>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 1'></div>
  <!-- more such items -->

We set a few styles such that the items are laid out in a row and are square with a non-zero edge length:

$r: 2.5vw;

.wrap {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-evenly;

.item { padding: $r; }
Screenshot showing the items lined in a row and DevTools with the HTML structure and the styles applied.
The result so far.

Now we add two sets of keyframes to animate a scaling transform and a box-shadow. The first set of keyframes, grow, makes our items scale up from nothing at 0% to full size at 50%, after which they stay at their full size until the end. The second set of keyframes, melt, shows us the items having inset box shadows that cover them fully up to the midway point in the animation (at 50%). That’s also when the items reach full size after growing from nothing. Then the spread radius of these inset shadows shrinks until it gets down to nothing at 100%.

$r: 2.5vw;

.item {
  padding: $r;
  animation: a $t infinite;
  animation-name: grow, melt;

@keyframes grow {
  0% { transform: scale(0); }
  50%, 100% { transform: none; }

@keyframes melt {
  0%, 50% { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 $r; }
  100% { box-shadow: inset 0 0; }
Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear. The cycle then repeats. In this case, all tiles animate at the same time.
The base animation (live demo).

Now comes the interesting part! We compute the middle between the index of the first item and that of the last one. This is the arithmetic mean of the two (since our indices are zero-based, the first and last are 0 and n - 1 respectively):

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));

We get the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between this middle, --m, and the item index, --i, then use it to compute the animation-delay:

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc(var(--abs)/var(--m)*#{$t}) infinite backwards;
animation-name: grow, melt;

The absolute value ,--abs, of the difference between the middle, --m, and the item index, --i, can be as small as 0 (for the middle item, if --n is odd) and as big as --m (for the end items). This means dividing it by --m always gives us a value in the [0, 1] interval, which we then multiply with the animation duration $t to ensure every item has a delay between 0s and the animation-duration.

Note that we’ve also set animation-fill-mode to backwards. Since most items will start the animations later, this tells the browser to keep them with the styles in the 0% keyframes until then.

In this particular case, we wouldn’t see any difference without it either because, while the items would be at full size (not scaled to nothing like in the 0% keyframe of the grow animation), they would also have no box-shadow until they start animating. However, in a lot of other cases, it does make a difference and we shouldn’t forget about it.

Another possibility (one that doesn’t involve setting the animation-fill-mode) would be to ensure the animation-delay is always smaller or at most equal to 0 by subtracting a full animation-duration out of it.

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc((var(--abs)/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t}) infinite;
animation-name: grow, melt;

Both options are valid, and which one you use depends on what you prefer to happen at the very beginning. I generally tend to go for negative delays because they make more sense when recording the looping animation to make a gif like the one below, which illustrates how the animation-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the middle.

Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. Only now, they don't all animate at the same time. The closer they are to the middle, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very ends of the row being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered looping animation.

For a visual comparison between the two options, you can rerun the following demo to see what happens at the very beginning.

A fancier example would be the following:

Navigation links sliding up and then back down with a delay proportional to how far they are from the selected one.

Here, each and every one of the --n navigation links and corresponding recipe articles have an index --idx. Whenever a navigation link is hovered or focused, its --idx value is read and set to the current index, --k, on the body. If none of these items is hovered or focused, --k gets set to a value outside the [0, n) interval (e.g. -1).

The absolute value, --abs, of the difference between --k and a link’s index, --idx, can tell us whether that’s the currently selected (hovered or focused) item. If this absolute value is 0, then our item is the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 0 and --sel is 1). If this absolute value is bigger than 0, then our item is not the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 1 and --sel is 0).

Given both --idx and --k are integers, it results that their difference is also an integer. This means the absolute value, --abs, of this difference is either 0 (when the item is selected), or bigger or equal to 1 (when the item is not selected).

When we put all of this into code, this is what we get:

--abs: Max(var(--k) - var(--idx), var(--idx) - var(--k));
--not-sel: Min(1, var(--abs));
--sel: calc(1 - var(--not-sel));

The --sel and --not-sel properties (which are always integers that always add up to 1) determine the size of the navigation links (the width in the wide screen scenario and the height in the narrow screen scenario), whether they’re greyscaled or not and whether or not their text content is hidden. This is something we won’t get into here, as it is outside the scope of this article and I’ve already explained in a lot of detail in a previous one.

What is relevant here is that, when a navigation link is clicked, it slides out of sight (up in the wide screen case, and left in the narrow screen case), followed by all the others around it, each with a transition-delay that depends on how far they are from the one that was clicked (that is, on the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between their index, --idx, and the index of the currently selected item, --k), revealing the corresponding recipe article. These transition-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the currently selected item.

transition: transform 1s calc(var(--abs)*.05s);

The actual transition and delay are actually a bit more complex because more properties than just the transform get animated and, for transform in particular, there’s an additional delay when going back from the recipe article to the navigation links because we wait for the <article> element to disappear before we let the links slide down. But what were’re interested in is that component of the delay that makes the links is closer to the selected one start sliding out of sight before those further away. And that’s computed as above, using the --abs variable.

You can play with the interactive demo below.

Things get even more interesting in 2D, so let’s now make our row a grid!

We start by changing the structure a bit so that we have 8 columns and 8 rows (which means we have 8·8 = 64 items in total on the grid).

- let n = 8;
- let m = n*n;

  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    | .item:nth-child(#{n}n + #{i + 1}) { --i: #{i} }
    | .item:nth-child(n + #{n*i + 1}) { --j: #{i} }
.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < m; i++)

The above Pug code compiles to the following HTML:

  .item:nth-child(8n + 1) { --i: 0 } /* items on 1st column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 1) { --j: 0 } /* items starting from 1st row */
  .item:nth-child(8n + 2) { --i: 1 } /* items on 2nd column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 9) { --j: 1 } /* items starting from 2nd row */
  /* 6 more such pairs */
<div class='wrap' style='--n: 8'>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <!-- 62 more such items -->

Just like the previous case, we compute a middle index, --m, but since we’ve moved from 1D to 2D, we now have two differences in absolute value to compute, one for each of the two dimensions (one for the columns, --abs-i, and one for the rows, --abs-j).

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
--abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));

We use the exact same two sets of @keyframes, but the animation-delay changes a bit, so it depends on both --abs-i and --abs-j. These absolute values can be as small as 0 (for tiles in the dead middle of the columns and rows) and as big as --m (for tiles at the ends of the columns and rows), meaning that the ratio between either of them and --m is always in the [0, 1] interval. This means the sum of these two ratios is always in the [0, 2] interval. If we want to reduce it to the [0, 1] interval, we need to divide it by 2 (or multiply by .5, same thing).

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i)/var(--m) + var(--abs-j)/var(--m))*#{$t});

This gives us delays that are in the [0s, $t] interval. We can take the denominator, var(--m), out of the parenthesis to simplify the above formula a bit:

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m)*#{$t});

Just like the previous case, this makes grid items start animating later the further they are from the middle of the grid. We should use animation-fill-mode: backwards to ensure they stay in the state specified by the 0% keyframes until the delay time has elapsed and they start animating.

Alternatively, we can subtract one animation duration $t from all delays to make sure all grid items have already started their animation when the page loads.

animation-delay: calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

This gives us the following result:

Animated gif. Shows an 8x8 grid of tiles, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. The smaller the sum of their distances to the middle is, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very corners of the grid being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered 2D animation (live demo).

Let’s now see a few more interesting examples. We won’t be going into details about the “how” behind them as the symmetrical value technique works exactly the same as for the previous ones and the rest is outside the scope of this article. However, there is a link to a CodePen demo in the caption for each of the examples below, and most of these Pens also come with a recording that shows me coding them from scratch.

In the first example, each grid item is made up of two triangles that shrink down to nothing at opposite ends of the diagonal they meet along and then grow back to full size. Since this is an alternating animation, we let the delays to stretch across two iterations (a normal one and a reversed one), which means we don’t divide the sum of ratios in half anymore and we subtract 2 to ensure every item has a negative delay.

animation: s $t ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation-delay: calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 2)*#{$t});
Grid wave: pulsing triangles (live demo)

In the second example, each grid item has a gradient at an angle that animates from 0deg to 1turn. This is possible via Houdini as explained in this article about the state of animating gradients with CSS.

Field wave: cell gradient rotation (live demo)

The third example is very similar, except the animated angle is used by a conic-gradient instead of a linear one and also by the hue of the first stop.

Rainbow hour wave (live demo)

In the fourth example, each grid cell contains seven rainbow dots that oscillate up and down. The oscillation delay has a component that depends on the cell indices in the exact same manner as the previous grids (the only thing that’s different here is the number of columns differs from the number of rows, so we need to compute two middle indices, one along each of the two dimensions) and a component that depends on the dot index, --idx, relative to the number of dots per cell, --n-dots.

--k: calc(var(--idx)/var(--n-dots));
--mi: calc(.5*(var(--n-cols) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--mi) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--mi));
--mj: calc(.5*(var(--n-rows) - 1));
--abs-j: max(var(--mj) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--mj));
  calc((var(--abs-i)/var(--mi) + var(--abs-j)/var(--mj) + var(--k) - 3)*#{$t});
Rainbow dot wave: dot oscillation (live demo)

In the fifth example, the tiles making up the cube faces shrink and move inwards. The animation-delay for the top face is computed exactly as in our first 2D demo.

Breathe into me: neon waterfall (live demo and a previous iteration)

In the sixth example, we have a grid of columns oscillating up and down.

Column wave (live demo)

The animation-delay isn’t the only property we can set to have symmetrical values. We can also do this with the items’ dimensions. In the seventh example below, the tiles are distributed around half a dozen rings starting from the vertical (y) axis and are scaled using a factor that depends on how far they are from the top point of the rings. This is basically the 1D case with the axis curved on a circle.

Circular grid melt (live demo)

The eighth example shows ten arms of baubles that wrap around a big sphere. The size of these baubles depends on how far they are from the poles, the closest ones being the smallest. This is done by computing the middle index, --m, for the dots on an arm and the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between it and the current bauble index, --j, then using the ratio between this absolute value and the middle index to get the sizing factor, --f, which we then use when setting the padding.

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n-dots) - 1));
--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
--f: calc(1.05 - var(--abs)/var(--m));
padding: calc(var(--f)*#{$r});
Travel inside the sphere (live demo)

Different styles for items before and after a certain (selected or middle) one

Let’s say we have a bunch of radio buttons and labels, with the labels having an index set as a custom property, --i. We want the labels before the selected item to have a green background, the label of the selected item to have a blue background and the rest of the labels to be grey. On the body, we set the index of the currently selected option as another custom property, --k.

- let n = 8;
- let k = Math.round((n - 1)*Math.random());

body(style=`--k: ${k}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    - let id = `r${i}`;
    input(type='radio' name='r' id=id checked=i===k)
    label(for=id style=`--i: ${i}`) Option ##{i}

This compiles to the following HTML:

<body style='--k: 1'>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r0'/>
  <label for='r0' style='--i: 0'>Option #0</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r1' checked='checked'/>
  <label for='r1' style='--i: 1'>Option #1</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r2'/>
  <label for='r2' style='--i: 2'>Option #2</label>
  <!-- more options -->

We set a few layout and prettifying styles, including a gradient background on the labels that creates three vertical stripes, each occupying a third of the background-size (which, for now, is just the default 100%, the full element width):

$c: #6daa7e, #335f7c, #6a6d6b;

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: .25em 0;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, max-content);
  align-items: center;
  font: 1.25em/ 1.5 ubuntu, trebuchet ms, sans-serif;

label {
  padding: 0 .25em;
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0);
  color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;
Screenshot showing radio inputs and their labels on two grid columns. The labels have a vertical three stripe background with the first stripe being green, the second one blue and the last one grey.
The result so far.

From the JavaScript, we update the value of --k whenever we select a different option:

addEventListener('change', e => {
  let _t =;'--k','r', ''))

Now comes the interesting part! For our label elements, we compute the sign, --sgn, of the difference between the label index, --i, and the index of the currently selected option, --k. We then use this --sgn value to compute the background-position when the background-size is set to 300% — that is, three times the label’s width because we may have of three possible backgrounds: one for the case when the label is for an option before the selected one, a second for the case when the label is for the selected option, and a third for the case when the label is for an option after the selected one.

--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--k), 1);
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0) 
    calc(50%*(1 + var(--sgn)))/ 300%

If --i is smaller than --k (the case of a label for an option before the selected one), then --sgn is -1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + -1) = 50%*0 = 0%, meaning we only see the first vertical stripe (the green one).

If --i is equal --k (the case of the label for the selected option), then --sgn is 0 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 0) = 50%*1 = 50%, so we only see the vertical stripe in the middle (the blue one).

If --i is greater than --k (the case of a label for an option after the selected one), then --sgn is 1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 1) = 50%*2 = 100%, meaning we only see the last vertical stripe (the grey one).

A more aesthetically appealing example would be the following navigation where the vertical bar is on the side closest to the selected option and, for the selected one, it spreads across the entire element.

This uses a structure that’s similar to that of the previous demo, with radio inputs and labels for the navigation items. The moving “background” is actually an ::after pseudo-element whose translation value depends on the sign, --sgn. The text is a ::before pseudo-element whose position is supposed to be in the middle of the white area, so its translation value also depends on --sgn.

/* relevant styles */
label {
  --sgn: clamp(-1, var(--k) - var(--i), 1);
  &::before {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*-.5*#{$pad}))
  &::after {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*(100% - #{$pad})))

Let’s now quickly look at a few more demos where computing the sign (and maybe the absolute value as well) comes in handy.

First up, we have a square grid of cells with a radial-gradient whose radius shrinks from covering the entire cell to nothing. This animation has a delay computed as explained in the previous section. What’s new here is that the coordinates of the radial-gradient circle depend on where the cell is positioned with respect to the middle of the grid — that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 2s;

@property --p {
  syntax: '<length-percentage>';
  initial-value: -1px;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--m) - var(--i));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, var(--dif-i)/.5, 1);
  --dif-j: calc(var(--m) - var(--j));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, var(--dif-j)/.5, 1);
      at calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-i)) calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-j)), 
      currentcolor var(--p), transparent calc(var(--p) + 1px))
      nth($c, 2);
    calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes p { 0% { --p: 100%; } }
Sinking feeling (live demo)

Then we have a double spiral of tiny spheres where both the sphere diameter --d and the radial distance --x that contributes to determining the sphere position depend on the absolute value --abs of the difference between each one’s index, --i, and the middle index, --m. The sign, --sgn, of this difference is used to determine the spiral rotation direction. This depends on where each sphere is with respect to the middle – that is, whether its index ,--i, is smaller or bigger than the middle index, --m.

/* relevant styles */
--m: calc(.5*(var(--p) - 1));
--abs: max(calc(var(--m) - var(--i)), calc(var(--i) - var(--m)));
--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--m), 1);
--d: calc(3px + var(--abs)/var(--p)*#{$d}); /* sphere diameter */
--a: calc(var(--k)*1turn/var(--n-dot)); /* angle used to determine sphere position */
--x: calc(var(--abs)*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* how far from spiral axis */
--z: calc((var(--i) - var(--m))*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* position with respect to screen plane */
width: var(--d); height: var(--d);
  /* change rotation direction by changing x axis direction */
  translate3d(var(--x), 0, var(--z)) 
  /* reverse rotation so the sphere is always seen from the front */
  /* reverse scaling so lighting on sphere looks consistent */
No perspective (live demo)

Finally, we have a grid of non-square boxes with a border. These boxes have a mask created using a conic-gradient with an animated start angle, --ang. Whether these boxes are flipped horizontally or vertically depends on where they are with respect to the middle – that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m. The animation-delay depends on the absolute values of these differences and is computed as explained in the previous section. We also have a gooey filter for a nicer “wormy” look, but we won’t be going into that here.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 1s;

@property --ang {
  syntax: '<angle>';
  initial-value: 0deg;
  inherits: false;

.box {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--i) - var(--m));
  --dif-j: calc(var(--j) - var(--m));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-i), 1);
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-j), 1);
  transform: scale(var(--sgn-i), var(--sgn-j));
    repeating-conic-gradient(from var(--ang, 0deg), 
        red 0% 12.5%, transparent 0% 50%);
  animation: ang $t ease-in-out infinite;
    calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--n) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes ang { to { --ang: .5turn; } }
Consumed by worms (live demo)

Time (and not only) formatting

Let’s say we have an element for which we store a number of seconds in a custom property, --val, and we want to display this in a mm:ss format, for example.

We use the floor of the ratio between --val and 60 (the number of seconds in a minute) to get the number of minutes and modulo for the number of seconds past that number of minutes. Then we use a clever little counter trick to display the formatted time in a pseudo-element.

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --min: calc(var(--val)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--val) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: min var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 02:09 */
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This works in most situations, but we encounter a problem when --val is exactly 0. In this case, 0/60 is 0 and then subtracting .5, we get -.5, which gets rounded to what’s the bigger adjacent integer in absolute value. That is, -1, not 0! This means our result will end up being -01:60, not 00:00!

Fortunately, we have a simple fix and that’s to slightly alter the formula for getting the number of minutes, --min:

--min: max(0, var(--val)/60 - .5);

There are other formatting options too, as illustrated below:

/* shows time formatted as 2:09 */
content: counter(min) ':' counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

/* shows time formatted as 2m9s */
content: counter(min) 'm' counter(sec) 's';

We can also apply the same technique to format the time as hh:mm:ss (live test).

@property --hrs {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --hrs: max(0, var(--val)/3600 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--val) - var(--hrs)*3600);
  --min: max(0, var(--mod)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--mod) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: hrs var(--hrs) var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 00:02:09 */
      counter(hrs, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This is a technique I’ve used for styling the output of native range sliders such as the one below.

Screenshot showing a styled slider with a tooltip above the thumb indicating the elapsed time formatted as mm:ss. On the right of the slider, there's the remaining time formatted as -mm:ss.
Styled range input indicating time (live demo)

Time isn’t the only thing we can use this for. Counter values have to be integer values, which means the modulo trick also comes in handy for displaying decimals, as in the second slider seen below.

Screenshot showing three styled sliders withe second one having a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

A couple more such examples:

Screenshot showing multiple styled sliders with the third one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)
Screenshot showing two styled sliders with the second one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

Even more use cases

Let’s say we have a volume slider with an icon at each end. Depending on the direction we move the slider’s thumb in, one of the two icons gets highlighted. This is possible by getting the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between each icon’s sign, --sgn-ico (-1 for the one before the slider, and 1 for the one after the slider), and the sign of the difference, --sgn-dir, between the slider’s current value, --val, and its previous value, --prv. If this is 0, then we’re moving in the direction of the current icon so we set its opacity to 1. Otherwise, we’re moving away from the current icon, so we keep its opacity at .15.

This means that, whenever the range input’s value changes, not only do we need to update its current value, --val, on its parent, but we need to update its previous value, which is another custom property, --prv, on the same parent wrapper:

addEventListener('input', e => {
  let _t =, _p = _t.parentNode;'--prv','--val'))'--val', +_t.value)

The sign of their difference is the sign of the direction, --sgn-dir, we’re going in and the current icon is highlighted if its sign, --sgn-ico, and the sign of the direction we’re going in, --sgn-dir, coincide. That is, if the absolute value, --abs, of their difference is 0 and, at the same time, the parent wrapper is selected (it’s either being hovered or the range input in it has focus).

[role='group'] {
  --dir: calc(var(--val) - var(--prv));
  --sgn-dir: clamp(-1, var(--dir), 1);
  --sel: 0; /* is the slider focused or hovered? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  &:hover, &:focus-within { --sel: 1; }

.ico {
  --abs: max(var(--sgn-dir) - var(--sgn-ico), var(--sgn-ico) - var(--sgn-dir));
  --hlg: calc(var(--sel)*(1 - min(1, var(--abs)))); /* highlight current icon? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  opacity: calc(1 - .85*(1 - var(--hlg)));

Another use case is making property values of items on a grid depend on the parity of the sum of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. For example, let’s say we do this for the background-color:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
Background depending on parity of sum of horizontal and vertical distances to the middle (live demo)

We can spice things up by using the modulo 2 of the floor of the sum divided by 2:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --int {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --int: max(0, var(--floor)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--floor) - var(--int)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
A more interesting variation of the previous demo (live demo)

We could also make both the direction of a rotation and that of a conic-gradient() depend on the same parity of the sum, --sum, of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. This is achieved by horizontally flipping the element if the sum, --sum, is even. In the example below, the rotation and size are also animated via Houdini (they both depend on a custom property, --f, which we register and then animate from 0 to 1), and so are the worm hue, --hue, and the conic-gradient() mask, both animations having a delay computed exactly as in previous examples.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.🐛 {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: calc(var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  --sgn: calc(2*var(--mod) - 1); /* -1 if --mod is 0; 1 id --mod is 1 */
  --hue: calc(var(--sgn)*var(--f)*360);
Grid wave: triangular rainbow worms (live demo).

Finally, another big use case for the techniques explained so far is shading not just convex, but also concave animated 3D shapes using absolutely no JavaScript! This is one topic that’s absolutely massive on its own and explaining everything would take an article as long as this one, so I won’t be going into it at all here. But I have made a few videos where I code a couple of such basic pure CSS 3D shapes (including a wooden star and a differently shaped metallic one) from scratch and you can, of course, also check out the CSS for the following example on CodePen.

Musical toy (live demo)

Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells the Current Time! Fri, 16 Jul 2021 14:43:01 +0000 Let’s build a fully functioning and settable “analog” clock with CSS custom properties and the calc() function. Then we’ll convert it into a “digital” clock as well. All this with no JavaScript!

Here’s a quick look at the clocks …

Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells the Current Time! originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Let’s build a fully functioning and settable “analog” clock with CSS custom properties and the calc() function. Then we’ll convert it into a “digital” clock as well. All this with no JavaScript!

Here’s a quick look at the clocks we’ll make:

Brushing up on the calc() function

CSS preprocessors teased us forever with the ability to calculate numerical CSS values. The problem with pre-processors is that they lack knowledge of the context after the CSS code has compiled. This is why it’s impossible to say you want your element width to be 100% of the container minus 50 pixels. This produces an error in a preprocessor:

width: 100% - 50px;
// error: Incompatible units: 'px' and '%'

Preprocessors, as their name suggests, preprocess your instructions, but their output is still just plain old CSS which is why they can’t reconcile different units in your arithmetic operations. Ana has gone into great detail on the conflicts between Sass and CSS features.

The good news is that native CSS calculations are not only possible, but we can even combine different units, like pixels and percentages with the calc() function:

width: calc(100% - 50px);

calc() can be used anywhere a length, frequency, angle, time, percentage, number, or integer is allowed. Check out the CSS Guide to CSS Functions for a complete overview.

What makes this even more powerful is the fact that you can combine calc() with CSS custom properties—something preprocessors are unable to handle.

The hands of the clock

Image of a round clock with a light grey background. The hours hand is dark blue pointed at 2, the minutes are light blue pointed at 9 and the seconds are yellow and pointed at 2.

Let’s lay out the foundations first with a few custom properties and the animation definition for the hands of the analog clock:

:root {
  --second: 1s;
  --minute: calc(var(--second) * 60);
  --hour: calc(var(--minute) * 60);
@keyframes rotate {
  from { transform: rotate(0); }
  to { transform: rotate(1turn); }

Everything starts in the root context with the --second custom property where we defined that a second should be, well, one second (1s). All future values and timings will be derived from this.

This property is essentially the heart of our clock and controls how fast or slow all of the clock’s hands go. Setting --second to 1s makes the clock match real-life time but we could make it go at half speed by setting it to 2s, or even 100 times faster by setting it to 10ms.

The first property we are calculating is the --minute hand, which we want equal to 60 times one second. We can reference the value from the --second property and multiply it by 60 with the help of calc() :

--minute: calc(var(--second) * 60);

The --hour hand property is defined using the exact same principle but multiplied by the --minute hand value:

--hour: calc(var(--minute) * 60);

We want all three hands on the clock to rotate from 0 to 360 degrees—around the shape of the clock face! The difference between the three animations is how long it takes each to go all the way around. Instead of using 360deg as our full-circle value, we can use the perfectly valid CSS value of 1turn.

@keyframes rotate {
  from { transform: rotate(0); }
  to { transform: rotate(1turn); }

These @keyframes simply tell the browser to turn the element around once during the animation. We have defined an animation named rotate and it is now ready to be assigned to the clock’s second hand:

.second.hand {
  animation: rotate steps(60) var(--minute) infinite;

We’re using the animation shorthand property to define the details of the animation. We added the name of the animation (rotate), how long we want the animation to run (var(--minute), or 60 seconds) and how many times to run it (infinite, meaning it never stops running). steps(60) is the animation timing function which tells the browser to perform the 1-turn animation in 60 equal steps. This way, the seconds hand ticks at each second rather than rotating smoothly along the circle.

While we are discussing CSS animations, we can define an animation delay (animation-delay) if we want the animation to start later, and we can change whether the animation should play forwards or backwards using animation-direction. We can even pause and restart the animations with animation-play-state.

The animation on the minute and hour hands will work very much like on the second hand. The difference is that multiple steps are unnecessary here—these hands can rotate in a smooth, linear fashion.

The minute hand takes one hour to complete one full turn, so:

.minute.hand {
  animation: rotate linear var(--hour) infinite;

On the other hand (pun intended) the hour hand takes twelve hours to go around the clock. We don’t have a separate custom property for this amount of time, like --half-day, so we will multiply --hour by twelve:

.hour.hand {
  animation: rotate linear calc(var(--hour) * 12) infinite;

You probably get the idea of how the hands of the clock work by now. But it would not be a complete example if we didn’t actually build the clock.

The clock face

So far, we’ve only looked at the CSS aspect of the clock. We also need some HTML for all that to work. Here’s what I’m using:

  <div class="clock">
    <div class="second hand"></div>
    <div class="minute hand"></div>
    <div class="hour hand"></div>

Let’s see what we have to do to style our clock:

.clock {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  background-color: var(--grey);
  margin: 0 auto;
  position: relative;

We made the clock 300px tall and wide, made the background color grey (using a custom property, --grey, we can define later) and turned it into a circle with a 50% border radius.

There are three hands on the clock. Let’s first move these to the center of the clock face with absolute positioning:

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;

Notice the name of this class (.hands) because all three hands use it for their base styles. That’s important because any changes to this class are applied to all three hands.

Let’s define the hand dimensions and color things up:

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  width: 10px;
  height: 150px;
  background-color: var(--blue);

The hands are now all in place:

A round clock with just one light blue hand pointing directly at 6.

Getting proper rotation

Let’s hold off celebrating just a moment. We have a few issues and they might not be obvious when the clock hands are this thin. What if we change them to be 100px wide:

A round clock with a light grey background. The light blue hand is thick and still pointed at 6, but

We can now see that if an element is positioned 50% from the left, it is aligned to the center of the parent element—but that’s not exactly what we need. To fix this, the left coordinate needs to be 50%, minus half the width of the hand, which is 50px in our case:

Grey circle with a red vertical line bisecting it in the center. Two red arrows are on the clock, one labeled 50% pointing at the red line and another labeled negative 50 pixels pointing away from the red line.

Working with multiple different measurements is a breeze for the calc() function:

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(50% - 50px);
  top: 50%;
  width: 100px;
  height: 150px;
  background-color: var(--grey);

This fixes our initial positioning, however, if we try to rotate the element we can see that the transform origin, which is the pivot point of the rotation, is at the center of the element:

Grey circle showing a blue rectangle on top rotated counter-clockwise.

We can use the transform-origin property to change the rotation origin point to be at the center of the x-axis and at the top on the y-axis:

.hand {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(50% - 50px);
  top: 50%;
  width: 100px;
  height: 150px;
  background-color: var(--grey);
  transform-origin: center 0;

This is great, but not perfect because our pixel values for the clock hands are hardcoded. What if we want our hands to have different widths and heights, and scale with the actual size of the clock? Yes, you guessed right: we need a few CSS custom properties!

.second {
  --width: 5px;
  --height: 140px;
  --color: var(--yellow);
.minute {
  --width: 10px;
  --height: 90px;
  --color: var(--blue);
.hour {
  --width: 10px;
  --height: 50px;
  --color: var(--dark-blue);

With this, we’ve defined custom properties for the individual hands. What’s interesting here is that we gave these properties the same names: --width, --height, and --color. How is it possible that we gave them different values but they don’t overwrite each other? And which value will I get back if I call var(--width), var(--height) or var(--color)?

Let’s look at the hour hand:

<div class="hour hand"></div>

We assigned new custom properties to the .hour class and they are locally scoped to the element, which includes the element and all its children. This means any CSS style applied to the element—or its children accessing the custom properties—will see and use the specific values that were set within their own scope. So if you call var(--width) inside the hour hand element or any ancestor elements inside that, the value returned from our example above is 10px. This also means that if we try using any of these properties outside these elements—for example inside the body element—they are inaccessible to those elements outside the scope.

Moving on to the hands for seconds and minutes, we enter a different scope. That means the custom properties can be redefined with different values.

.second {
  --width: 5px;
  --height: 140px;
  --color: var(--yellow);
.minute {
  --width: 10px;
  --height: 90px;
  --color: var(--blue);
.hour {
  --width: 10px;
  --height: 50px;
  --color: var(--dark-blue);
.hand {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);
  width: var(--width);
  height: var(--height);
  background-color: var(--color);
  transform-origin: center 0;

The great thing about this is that the .hand class (which we assigned to all three hand elements) can reference these properties for the calculations and declarations. And each hand will receive its own properties from its own scope. In a way, we’re personalizing the .hand class for each element to avoid unnecessary repetition in our code.

Our clock is up and running and all hands are moving at the correct speed:

The finished clock. Grey background, with minutes and hours pointing to 6 and seconds pointing to 7.

We could stop here but let me suggest a few improvements. The hands on the clock start at 6 o’clock, but we could set their initial positions to 12 o’clock by rotating the clock 180 degrees. Let’s add this line to the .clock class:

.clock {
  /* same as before */
  transform: rotate(180deg);

The hands might look nice with rounded edges:

.hand {
  /* same as before */
  border-radius: calc(var(--width) / 2);

Our clock looks and works great! And all hands start from 12 o’clock, exactly how we want it!

Setting the clock

Even with all these awesome features, the clock is unusable as it fails terribly at telling the actual time. However, there are some hard limitations to what we can do about this. It’s simply not possible to access the local time with HTML and CSS to automatically set our clock. But we can prepare it for manual setup.

We can set the clock to start at a certain hour and minute and if we run the HTML at exactly that time it will keep the time accurately afterwards. This is basically how you set a real-world clock, so I think this is an acceptable solution. 😅

Let’s add the time we want to start the clock as custom properties inside the .clock class:

.clock {
  --setTimeHour: 16;
  --setTimeMinute: 20;
  /* same as before */

The current time for me as I write is coming up to 16:20 (or 4:20) so the clock will be set to that time. All I need to do is refresh the page at 16:20 and it will keep the time accurately.

OK, but… how can we set the time to these positions and rotate the hands if a CSS animation is already controlling the rotation?

Ideally, we want to rotate and set the hands of the clock to a specific position when the animation starts at the very beginning. Say you want to set the hour hand to 90 degrees so it starts at 3:00 pm and initialize the rotation animation from this position:

/* this will not work */
.hour.hand {
  transform: rotate(90deg);
  animation: rotate linear var(--hour) infinite;

Well, unfortunately, this will not work because the transform is immediately overridden by the animation, as it modifies the very same transform property. So, no matter what we set this to, it will go back to 0 degrees where the first keyframe of the animation starts.

We can set the rotation of the hand independently from the animation. For example, we could wrap the hand into an extra element. This extra parent element, the “setter,” would be responsible for setting the initial position, then the hand element inside could animate from 0 to 360 degrees independently. The starting 0-degree position would then be relative to what we set the parent setter element to.

This would work but luckily there’s a better option! Let me amaze you! 🪄✨✨

The animation-delay property is what we usually use to start the animation with some predefined delay.

The trick is to use a negative value, which starts the animation immediately, but from a specific point in the animation timeline!

To start 10 seconds into the animation:

animation-delay: -10s;

In case of the hour and minute hands, the actual value we need for the delay is calculated from the --setTimeHour and --setTimeMinute properties. To help with the calculation, let’s create two new properties with the amount of time shifting we need:

  • The hour hand needs to be the hour we want to set the clock, multiplied by an hour.
  • The minute hand shifts the minute we want to set the clock multiplied by a minute.
--setTimeHour: 16;
--setTimeMinute: 20;
--timeShiftHour: calc(var(--setTimeHour) * var(--hour));
--timeShiftMinute: calc(var(--setTimeMinute) * var(--minute));

These new properties contain the exact amount of time we need for the animation-delay property to set our clock. Let’s add these to our animation definitions:

.second.hand {
  animation: rotate steps(60) var(--minute) infinite;
.minute.hand {
  animation: rotate linear var(--hour) infinite;
  animation-delay: calc(var(--timeShiftMinute) * -1);
.hour.hand {
  animation: rotate linear calc(var(--hour) * 12) infinite;
  animation-delay: calc(var(--timeShiftHour) * -1);

Notice how we multiplied these values by -1 to convert them to a negative number.

We have almost reached perfection with this, but there’s a slight issue: if we set the number of minutes to 30, for example, the hour hand needs to already be halfway through to the next hour. An even worse situation would be to set the minutes to 59 and the hour hand is still at the beginning of the hour.

fix this, all we need to do is add the minute shift and the hour shift values together for the hour hand:

.hour.hand {
  animation: rotate linear calc(var(--hour) * 12) infinite;
  animation-delay: calc(
    (var(--timeShiftHour) + var(--timeShiftMinute)) * -1

And I think with this we have fixed everything. Let’s admire our beautiful, pure CSS, settable, analog clock:

Let’s go digital

In principle, an analog and a digital clock both use the same calculations, the difference being the visual representation of the calculations.

Clock with a rectangular light grey background with the numeric time reading 14 45 18 in 24-hour format.

Here’s my idea: we can create a digital clock by setting up tall, vertical columns of numbers and animate these instead of rotating the clock hands. Removing the overflow mask from the final version of the clock container reveals the trick:

The new HTML markup needs to contain all the numbers for all three sections of the clock from 00 to 59 on the second and minute sections and 00 to 23 on the hour section:

  <div class="clock">
    <div class="hour section">
        <!-- etc. -->
    <div class="minute section">
        <!-- etc. -->
    <div class="second section">
        <!-- etc. -->

To make these numbers line up, we need to write some CSS, but to get started with the styling we can copy over the custom properties from the :root scope of the analog clock straight away, as time is universal:

:root {
  --second: 1s;
  --minute: calc(var(--second) * 60);
  --hour: calc(var(--minute) * 60);

The outermost wrapper element, the .clock, still has the very same custom properties for setting the initial time. All that’s changed is that it becomes a flexbox container:

.clock {
  --setTimeHour: 14;
  --setTimeMinute: 01;
  --timeShiftHour: calc(var(--setTimeHour) * var(--hour));
  --timeShiftMinute: calc(var(--setTimeMinute) * var(--minute));

  width: 150px;
  height: 50px;
  background-color: var(--grey);
  margin: 0 auto;
  position: relative;
  display: flex;

The three unordered lists and the list items inside them that hold the numbers don’t need any special treatment. The numbers will stack on top of each other if their horizontal space is limited. Let’s just make sure that there is no list styling to prevent bullet points and that we center things for consistent placement:

.section > ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.section > ul > li {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  font-size: 32px;
  text-align: center;
  padding-top: 2px;

The layout is done!

Outside each unordered list is a <div> with a .section class. This is the element that wraps each section, so we can use it as a mask to hide the numbers that fall outside the visible area of the clock:

.section {
  position: relative;
  width: calc(100% / 3);
  overflow: hidden;

The structure of the clock is done and the rails are now ready to be animated.

Animating the digital clock

The basic idea behind the whole animation is that the three strips of numbers can be moved up and down within their masks to show different numbers from 0 to 59 for seconds and minutes, and 0 to 23 for hours (for a 24-hour format).

We can do this by changing the translateY transition function in CSS for the individual strips of numbers from 0 to -100%. This is because 100% on the y-axis represents the height of the whole strip. A value of 0% will show the first number, and 100% will show the last number of the current strip.

Previously, our animation was based on rotating a hand from 0 to 360 degrees. We now have a different animation that moves the number strips from 0 to -100% on the y-axis:

@keyframes tick {
  from { transform: translateY(0); }
  to { transform: translateY(-100%); }

Applying this animation to the seconds number strip can be done the same way as the analog clock. The only difference is the selector and the name of the animation that’s referenced:

.second > ul {
  animation: tick steps(60) var(--minute) infinite;

With the step(60) setting, the animation ticks between numbers like we did for the second hand on the analog clock. We could change this to ease and then the numbers would smoothly slide up and down as if they were on a ribbon of paper.

Assigning the new tick animation to the minute and hour sections is just as straightforward:

.minute > ul {
  animation: tick steps(60) var(--hour) infinite;
  animation-delay: calc(var(--timeShiftMinute) * -1);
.hour > ul {
  animation: tick steps(24) calc(24 * var(--hour)) infinite;
  animation-delay: calc(var(--timeShiftHour) * -1);

Again, the declarations are very similar, what’s different this time is the selector, the timing function, and the animation name.

The clock now ticks and keeps the correct time:

Time reading 14 1 10 in 24-hour format.

One more detail: The blinking colon (:)

Again we could stop here and call it a day. But there’s one last thing we can do to make our digital clock a little more realistic: make the colon separator between the minutes and seconds blink as each second passes.

We could add these colons in the HTML but they are not part of the content. We want them to be an enhancement to the appearance and style of the clock, so CSS is the right place to store this content. That’s what the content property is for and we can use it on the ::after pseudo-elements for the minutes and hours:

.hour::after {
  content: ":";
  margin-left: 2px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 6px;
  left: 44px;
  font-size: 24px;

That was easy! But how can we make the seconds colon blink too? We want it animated so we need to define a new animation? There are many ways to achieve this but I thought we should change the content property this time to demonstrate that, quite unexpectedly, it is possible to change its value during an animation:

@keyframes blink {
  from { content: ":"; }
  to { content: ""; }

Animating the content property is not going to work in every browser, so you could just change that to opacity or visibility as a safe option…

The final step is to assign the blink animation to the pseudo-element of the minute section:

.minute::after {
  animation: blink var(--second) infinite;

And with that, we are all done! The digital clock keeps the time accurately and we even managed to add a blinking separator between the numbers.

Book: All you need is HTML and CSS

This is just one example project from my new book, All you need is HTML and CSS. It’s available on Amazon in both the U.S and U.K.

If you are just getting started with web development, the ideas in the book will help you level up and build interactive, animated web interfaces without touching any JavaScript.

If you are a seasoned JavaScript developer, the book is a good reminder that many things can be built with HTML and CSS alone, especially now that we have a lot more powerful CSS tools and features, like the ones we covered in this article. There are many examples in the book pushing the limits including interactive carousels, accordions, calculating, counting, advanced input validation, state management, dismissible modal windows, and reacting to mouse and keyboard inputs. There’s even a fully working star rating widget and a shopping basket.

Thanks for spending the time to build clocks with me!

Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells the Current Time! originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables Tue, 06 Jul 2021 14:41:22 +0000 Normally, a project will have a set of pre-determined font sizes, usually as variables named in such a way that seeks some semblance of order and consistency. Any project of considerable size can use something like that. There are always …

The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Normally, a project will have a set of pre-determined font sizes, usually as variables named in such a way that seeks some semblance of order and consistency. Any project of considerable size can use something like that. There are always headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. You could set font sizes explicitly and directly everywhere (e.g. font-size: 18px). Raw CSS, as it were. I do see that occasionally — mixing not just sizes but also units like px, rem and em in mindless chaos.

That’s why the CSS of a project typically uses variables or mixins — we’re shooting for structure, maintainability and, ultimately, consistency. We all know naming is hard and it doesn’t take looking much further than naming font size variables to see why. How should we name a small font size variable so it’s clear that it’s smaller than a large font size variable? And what happens if we need to insert a new variable in between them — is that one named in a way that clearly explains its relationship to the other size variables?

We’ll continue talking about naming font size variables in this post. But, really, the issue extends beyond font sizes to any sort of size or length value. Think paddings, margins, widths, heights, border radii, etc. These things need structure and consistency, too!

How do you define font sizes in your project? Does it look something like this with custom variables:

:root {
  /* Font size variables */
  --small: 12px;
  --medium: 16px;
  --large: 24px;

Or perhaps in Sass (which is what we’ll be using throughout this article) you might have variables for $small, $medium, and $large font sizes.

Fine. After a while, let’s say the designer adds a new <h1> heading for a hero section. And it is very large. Larger than anything you have in the project. No problem, you reply. You add an $xlarge to the project, and go about your day.

The following day, the designer makes a nice form label, which again has a new font size. This new size, though, is larger than small, but smaller than medium.

Here we go.

What should you call it? $small-medium? $small-2? $smedium? Whatever you name it, you won’t be happy with it. Because there is no word for that.

Or should you maybe refactor it? Create a new $xsmall, and change all instances of $small to $xsmall? And then you can use $small for the form label? There’s a small risk that you will forget to change somewhere and, hey, presto: a bug. What happens next time, when something is introduced that has a larger size than the $medium variable value? Do we have to refactor $large and $xlarge too?

I suggest adhering to a scale, always. An easy fix would be to further abstraction, perhaps ditching numbers and sizes in favor of functional names, like $form-label instead of $small-2 or $xsmall.

But imagine having a set of font sizes like this:

$small: 12px;
$form-label: 14px;
$medium: 16px;
$large: 24px;

That is a broken scale. It’s a size concept and a component concept mixed together. It raises questions. Should an alert or a button be allowed to use $form-label? Yuck.

Maybe you have a Greek thing going on, naming the variables $alpha, $beta, $gamma? Let me ask you then, what is then bigger than $alpha? $alpha-large? Or wait, is $alpha the small one?

I have also seen names like $button-font-size, $label-font-size, $blockquote-font-size. That seems to me like one variable per element used, instead of a scale, and sounds like it could be a lot of duplicated code if the same value is being used in multiple places, but with different names.

Perhaps you’re working with one base font size and percentages only? Sure, but I would say you need variables for the percentages. That’s how Geoff handles font sizing and even he admits that the setup raises his own eyebrows. Calculations with subjectively-named variables might be clear to you, but crazy-looking and complicated for anyone else jumping into the project.

h1 {
  font-size: clamp(var(--text-size-large), calc(var(--text-size-base) * var(--text-size-scaler)), var(--text-size-huge));

We need a better system

Adding and removing stuff constantly is the way we want to work. This is modern day development — MVP, Agile, and all the other hot buzzwords.

What we need is a scale syntax that allows room for changes. Adding a new size to the scale should be easy without introducing breaking changes. I’m thinking of a kind of scale that is both flexible and infinite. It must be more sophisticated than $small, $medium and $large.

It should be also be descriptive and intuitive. Preferably, you shouldn’t have to look up the variable names in the settings file or the config, or wherever you store these things. I don’t have the slightest clue if $epsilon comes before or after $sigma. Do you?

Using existing systems

Before trying to invent something new, is there an existing syntax or system we can leverage? Here are a few I’ve encountered.

International system of units

Surely, you’re familiar with terms like “kilobyte” and “megabyte.” Europeans are very used to “millimeter” and “centimeter.” Other examples are “giga,” “tera,” and “peta.” These prefixes can be used for length, weight, volume and more. Could a $centi font size work? It is intuitive to a certain extent, that is, if you’re familiar with the metric system. This is a finite scale. And there’s no room to add new sizes because they are already set.

Traditional point-size names

Long before computers and desktop publishing, books and newspapers were printed with lead type. The type setters had different names for different sizes. The sizes have a reference to a point size (pt) and could, in theory, be used for pixel sizes (px).

The type sizes in this system are called “Nonpareil,” “Pica,” “Cicero,” and “Great Primer,” just to name a few. The names are different depending on continent and country. Plus, the same name can have different sizes, so… quite confusing.

That said, I do like this system in a way because it would be like paying respect to an old craftsmanship from times past. But the names are so weird and specifically meant for type sizing, that it feels like a stretch to use for things like breakpoints and spacing.

Placing everyday objects on a scale

How about using stuff from our everyday life? Say chili peppers.

There are many kinds of chili peppers. The $habanero, is hotter than the $cayenne, which is hotter than the $jalapeno. That would be fun, yeah?

But as much as I enjoy the idea of writing font-size: $tabasco, I see two problems. If you’re not into peppers, you cannot know which pepper is hotter than another pepper — so, it’s not universally intuitive. Also, the bell pepper is 0 on the Scoville scale, and nothing is below that. Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper in the world, so the scale is finite.

And yeah, peppers scale-wise are not larger or smaller, they are hotter. Bad concept. Maybe something more common, like types of balls?

There‘s a large range of different kinds of balls. You have handballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, etc. Need something larger than a medicine ball? Use $beach. Something smaller than a tennis ball? Use $pingpong. This is very intuitive, as I’d imagine everyone has played with all sorts of balls at some point, or at least are familiar of them from sports.

But is a ping pong ball larger than a golf ball? Who knows? Further, a bowling ball and a soccer ball are actually the same size. So… again, not perfect.

Scaling up to planets could work, but you would have to be knowledgeable in astronomy.

How about straight-up numbers? We’re unable to use numbers alone because tools like stylelinter will protest. But would something like this work:

$font-14: 14px;
$font-16: 16px;
$font-24: 24px;

Well, it’s infinite as there is always room for new additions. But it’s also incredibly specific, and there are some downsides to have the actual value be part of the name like that. Let’s assume that $font-18 is used in a lot of places. And now, they say, all places with 18px must be changed to 19px (because reasons). Now we need to rename the variable from $font-18 to $font-19 then change the value of $font-19 from 18px to 19px. And that’s before we finally update all places using $font-18 to $font-19. This is almost like using raw CSS. Low score for maintainability.

What about the animal kingdom?

Mother Nature has provided a myriad of species on this earth, which comes in handy in this situation. Imagine something like this:

$mouse: 12px;
$dog: 16px;
$hippo: 24px;

Need something smaller than a mouse? Use $bee, $ant or $flea. Larger than a bear? Try $moose or $hippo. Larger than an elephant? Well, you have the $whale, or heck, we can go prehistoric and use $t-rex. There’s always an animal to squeeze in here. Very versatile, very intuitive, also infinite (almost). And fun, too — I wouldn’t mind doing font-size: $squirrel. 🤩

But then again, even that might require needing to reference the variables, unless we know exactly which animals are contained in our zoo of font sizes. But maybe that’s not a big deal as long as it scales.

I have spent way too much time pondering this

Or have I? The code base is where you spend your working hours. It’s your work environment, just like chairs and monitors. And the workplace should be a nice place.

How do you handle your font size scales? Do you have one system for fonts and another for things like margins? Can anyone jump right into your code and understand how everything is organized? Please tell in the comments!

The Dilemma of Naming Font Size Variables originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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