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Glossary of Terms for theme.json
Working With Web Feeds: It’s More Than RSS
Between Google Chrome experimenting with “following” sites, along with a growing frustration of how social media platforms limit a creator’s reach to their fans through algorithmic feeds, there’s been renewed interest in RSS feeds and they’re primed for a …
ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks at JSON modules, which is already live in Chrome 91 (but nothing else). It looks just like an ES Modules-style import, only you asset the type at the end.
import configData from './config-data.json' assert {type:
… CSS-Trickz: An Experiment with Netlify’s On-Demand Builders
WordPress sites have an API by default. Wanna see this site’s most recent posts, with just a specific set of data… in JSON format? Here ya go. Alex Riviere made a joke site using that.
At first, the site …
Jonathan Neal tweeted a heck of a little CSS trick the other day, putting JSON inside CSS and plucking it out with JavaScript. Valid values for custom properties are quite liberal! So this looks for a CSS rule (e.g. a …
Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS
Sometimes our sites need a little sprinkling of content management. Not always. Not a lot. But a bit. The CMS market is thriving with affordable, approachable products, so we’re not short of options. Thankfully, it is a very different world …
Using Structured Data to Enhance Search Engine Optimization
SEO is often considered the snake oil of the web. How many times have you scrolled through attention-grabbing headlines on know how to improve your SEO? Everyone and their uncle seems to have some “magic” cure to land high in …

I wonder how many startup ideas have something to do with air travel? 🤔
It’s such a big industry with so many pain points its no wonder that it inspires ideas for building new products. Here’s the thing about a …
Query JSON documents in the Terminal with GROQ
JSON documents are everywhere today, but they are rarely structured the way you want them to be. They often include too much data, have weirdly named fields, or place the data in unnecessary nested objects. Graph-Relational Object Queries (GROQ) …

Announcing JSON Feed
Manton Reece and Brent Simmons have just published their thoughts on JSON Feed which is a new standard for making a feed, like a collection of blog posts. The format itself is similar to RSS and Atom but since it’s …