What are CSS Modules and why do we need them?

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I’ve been intrigued by CSS Modules lately. If you haven’t heard of them, this post is for you. We’ll be looking at the project and it’s goals and aims. If you’re intrigued, stay tuned, as the next post will be about how to get started using the idea. If you’re looking to implement or level up your usage, part 3 will be about using them in a React environment.

Article Series:

  1. What are CSS Modules and why do we need them? (You are here!)
  2. Getting Started with CSS Modules
  3. React + CSS Modules = 😍

What are CSS Modules?

According to the repo, CSS modules are:

CSS files in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.

So CSS Modules is not an official spec or an implementation in the browser but rather a process in a build step (with the help of Webpack or Browserify) that changes class names and selectors to be scoped (i.e. kinda like namespaced).

What does this look like and why do it? We’ll get to that in a sec. First, remember how HTML and CSS normally work. A class is applied in HTML:

<h1 class="title">An example heading</h1>

And that class is styled in CSS:

.title {
  background-color: red;

As long as that CSS is applied to the HTML document, the background of that <h1> would be red. We don’t need to process the CSS or the HTML. The browser understands both those file formats.

CSS Modules takes a different approach. Instead of writing plain HTML, we need to write all of our markup in a JavaScript file, like index.js. Here’s an example of how that might work (we’ll take a look at a more realistic example later):

import styles from "./styles.css";

element.innerHTML = 
  `<h1 class="${styles.title}">
     An example heading

During our build step, the compiler would search through that styles.css file that we’ve imported, then look through the JavaScript we’ve written and make the .title class accessible via styles.title. Our build step would then process both these things into new, separate HTML and CSS files, with a new string of characters replacing both the HTML class and the CSS selector class.

Our generated HTML might look like this:

<h1 class="_styles__title_309571057">
  An example heading

Our generated CSS might look like this:

._styles__title_309571057 {
  background-color: red;

The class attribute and selector .title is entirely gone, replaced by this entirely new string; Our original CSS is not being served to the browser at all.

As Kitty Giraudel said in his tutorial on the subject:

[the classes] are dynamically generated, unique, and mapped to the correct styles.

This is what is meant by styles being scoped. They are scoped to particular templates. If we have a buttons.css file we would import it only into a buttons.js template and a .btn class within would be inaccessible to some other template (e.g. forms.js), unless we imported it specifically there too.

Why would we want to mess with the CSS and HTML to do this? Why on earth would we want to work this way?

Why should we use CSS Modules?

With CSS Modules, it’s a guarantee that all the styles for a single component:

  1. Live in one place
  2. Only apply to that component and nothing else

Plus, any component can have a true dependency, like:

import buttons from "./buttons.css";
import padding from "./padding.css";

element.innerHTML = `<div class="${buttons.red} ${padding.large}">`;

This approach is designed to fix the problem of the global scope in CSS.

Have you ever been tempted by a lack of time or resources to simply write CSS as quickly as possible, without considering what else you might affect?

Have you ever slapped some random bits and junk at the bottom of a stylesheet, intending to get around to organizing it but never do?

Have you ever run across styles that you weren’t entirely sure what they did or if they were even being used?

Have you ever wondered if you could get rid of some styles without breaking something? Wondered if the styles stood on their own or depended on other things? Or overwrote styles elsewhere?

These are questions that can lead to big headaches, bloated project deadlines and sad, wistful looks out of the window.

With CSS Modules, and the concept of local scope by default, this problem is avoided. You’re always forced to think about the consequences as you write styles.

For instance, if you use random-gross-class in HTML without applying it as a CSS modules-style class, the style will not be applied, as the CSS selector will be transformed to ._style_random-gross-class_0038089.

The composes keyword

Let’s say we have a module called type.css for our text styles. In that file we might have the following:

.serif-font {
  font-family: Georgia, serif;

.display {
  composes: serif-font;
  font-size: 30px;
  line-height: 35px;

We would declare one of those classes in our template like so:

import type from "./type.css";

element.innerHTML = 
  `<h1 class="${type.display}">
    This is a heading

This would result in markup like:

<h1 class="_type__display_0980340 _type__serif_404840">
  Heading title

Both classes have been bound to the element by the use of the composes keyword, thus avoiding some of the problems of similar solutions, like Sass’ @extend.

We can even compose from a specific class in a separate CSS file:

.element {
  composes: dark-red from "./colors.css";
  font-size: 30px;
  line-height: 1.2;

BEM not required

We don’t need to use BEM when we’re making a CSS module. This is for two reasons:

  1. Easy parsing – Code like type.display is just as legible for developers as the BEM-y .font-size__serif--large. Likely even easier to mentally parse when the BEM selectors get long.
  2. Local scope – Say we have a class like .big in one module where it changes the font-size. In another we use the exact same class .big that increases padding and font-size in a different amount. It simply doesn’t matter! They won’t conflict, because the styles are scoped very deliberately. Even if a module imports both stylesheets, then it has a custom name which our build process makes specifically for that class. In other words, specificity issues disappear with CSS Modules.

Cool, huh?

These are only some of the benefits of writing CSS Modules.

If you’re interested in learning more, Glen Madden has written extensively about some of the other benefits to this approach.

The next article in this series will look at how to get a project up and running with Webpack and CSS Modules. We’ll be using the latest ES2015 features to do this and looking at some example code to guide us through the process.

Further reading

Article Series:

  1. What are CSS Modules and why do we need them? (You are here!)
  2. Getting Started with CSS Modules
  3. React + CSS Modules = 😍