We’ve covered “inline SVG” – which is dropping the SVG syntax right into HTML. You can use that same inline SVG in other places as well, like in an <img>
or background-image
. It’s pretty weird.
It’s like:
<img src='data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg ... > ... </svg>'>
You drop the entire SVG syntax in there where you see the <svg>
start there.
Likewise in CSS:
.bg {
background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg ...> ... </svg>');
Beyond that, you can convert SVG into Base64 encoding, and that works as the Data URI as well, like:
<img alt="" src=" etc">
And that works in CSS as well (probably other places, anywhere you would use a graphic.)
See the Pen SVG using Data URI (Multiple Ways) by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
I’m unsure what the advantages are when using
compared to using just an inline SVG?One potential thing is DOM weight. With inline SVG, all the shapes are in the DOM, where as an
is just that one DOM node.We use data uris for icons that are repeated. You can have a CSS class that you can apply to everywhere you want the image. If you’re trying to squeeze out every tiny bit of performance, it can be a good strategy.
Instead, you can re-use svg icons via
<use />
tag.Base64 is an encoding.
UTF-8 mainly uses 1 byte (a number from 0-255) for each character. (This assumes you are using only characters that don’t need more, like those in a typical SVG.) Base64 can take any binary data, like an SVG text file or an image file and use 64 different characters to encode that data.
, and'I just broke CSS;
, which can be put in a CSS string.It will always make your file bigger, but will ensure you can put it anywhere use can use the 64 characters of base64. In CSS, your linebreaks break the document, but in base64 they are encoded, so there is no issue. It is mainly useful for files that have characters you can’t put in your document. Opening an PNG in your text editor and trying to copy and paste it into a CSS file is not likely to end well. ;)
How about base 64 encoded svg filters in files… Then webpack them into filter:url(require(‘blur.svg’)); – Now that’s a use case right there. Css backdrop filter early anyone?
list-style-image is working fine with the below code but hover is not working. hover is working when tags in html but not CSS, any solution would be great help. thanks in advance.
Base64 encoding isn’t the only available choice. For example, by default it expects URI encoding. If you took it into your head, you could URI-encode an entire SVG file. If you’re already using a preprocessor like LESS or SASS, there may not be much benefit to doing it that way. Without a preprocessor, URI-encoding makes it less somewhat less cumbersome to futz with color values. This can be a sanity saver if you’re working with an irresolute designer.
If I generate an SVG icon, save the base64 encoded string and use that string in a thousand img tags, does the browser have to decode the string and reparse the SVG for each img tag?
Can I use an animated SVG as a background img for a div that would allow me to input text content inside?
Just guessing without seeing an example, but you might be able to do that. Check out this recent post where a background image was animated directly in the
property. I’d imagine you can work atext
element in the SVG markup as well. But, you can see how that would get tough to manage really fast.I am kinda forced to use this in LeafletJS for custom markers ( i don’t want to use png’s), but now i can figure out, how to dynamically apply new classes. Really simple
on hover
styling can be done with cssfilter
, but not much. Pretty basic. But i would like to have come fancy styling, like outlining, multiple colored segments and so on. So i need to apply classes. Not sure hot to achieve that. One reason why i want to use SVG is because i can pass dynamic text value into it.For example – simple LeafletJS marker:
Would be thankful for any links/resources.
Found data URIs pretty useful for placing into documents, some tiny icons where a whole inline svg element might appear to clutter the markup, lessens the DOM weight. Keeps markup cleaner :)
It is possible to save above ddata:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8, as png image. Please help
One advantage of data URI of SVG image in the image tag is helpful to create the PDF using the WKHTMLTOPDF and other PHP PDF library.
Any way to use a data uri that includes newlines?
IINM, the bit about being able to just drop an svg into a data URL is bogus. Many SVGs contain ‘#’, for example. SVGs in strings need to be encoded first, using (eg) window.encodeURIComponent(svg).
<img src=`data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${window.encodeURIComponent(` …
>The way data uris are handled varies quite a bit in different browsers.
ref: https://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2011-September/075456.html
thanks, had no idea what SVG was and how it is used, but understanding that it is a set of instructions for an image, and how it is used within CSS files was helpful… not a developer
the correct syntax is
, not;utf8
, but it works either way since utf-8 is the default encoding for svgDavid Waterman is right, some special chars have to be encoded in a data URI, especially # (%23) and % (%25). Please correct the article above.
#12: data:image/svg+xml;utf-8 is enough, but not obsolete.
SVG support for data URIs has been dropped as of December 2023. https://developer.chrome.com/blog/migrate-way-from-data-urls-in-svg-use