Sarah Drasner and I dig into Vue! Vue is a very popular JavaScript framework that is absolutely exploding. Sarah is on the core team and is about the most passionate fan of Vue I’ve ever known.
Watchers of our videos might recall Sarah and I doing a video on React a few years ago in which we tackled a simple comment form. That video has certainly aged, so it’s probably not super useful anymore, but in this video, we also get around to tackling a comment form. And so much more!
- Remember Sarah also has a whole guide on Vue here on CSS-Tricks.
- At the end of the video we show off the amazing Vue CLI.
- Nuxt gives Vue even more superpowers, including routing, Vuex (state management), server-side rendering, Babel, and more.
- We used a non-minified version of Vue so that Vue DevTools would work.
Here’s the Pen we ended up with during the whole first part of the screencast:
See the Pen Vue is cool. by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
… and the comment form example that Sarah built and walks through:
See the Pen Vue Comment Form by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
My own first crack at Vue was this cheezy never-ending inbox.