I’ve said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren’t like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes. HSL(a) is Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and alpha, if we need it.
hsl(120, 100%, 40%)
Hue isn’t intuitive, but it’s not that weird. You take a trip around the color wheel from 0 to 360. Saturation is more obvious where 0% has all the color sucked out, like grayscale, and 100% is fully rich color at that hue. Lightness is “normal” at 50% and adds white or black as you go toward 100% and 0%, respectively. I’m sure that’s not the correct scientific or technical way of explaining it, but that’s the brain logic.
There are still issues with using HSL, which Brian Kardell explains in depth. I’m far from a color expert, but I think I see what Brian (and Adam) are saying in that article. Say you have three different colors and they all have the exact same lightness in HSL. That doesn’t mean they are all actually the same lightness. That’s kinda weird, particularly when you’re using this color format as part of a system of colors.
The good news is that there are color features already specced as a CSS Level 4 module that help with this: Lab and LCH. Check out the example from Adam where the colors in Lab have values that reflect their actual lightness much more accurately to how we perceive it.
HSL vs LAB:: lightness 💡
Same colors from our tricky color poll, but this time I've shown LAB's version of the same color over top. Notice how much closer LAB's lightness value is to the results of our poll!
🎨 color spaces aren't all the same y'all! https://t.co/AIEs0amdWY pic.twitter.com/xkEguq3KZG
— Adam Argyle (@argyleink) December 3, 2019
There are color spaces like Lab and LCH which deal with the full spectrum and have qualities like perceptual uniformness. Thus, if we want great color functions for use in real design systems everyone seems to agree that having support to do said math in the Lab/LCH color spaces is the ideal enabling feature.
In the bug ticket for Chrome, Tab thinks these would be almost trivial to implement.
Note that lab()/lch()/gray() can all be eagerly converted into our existing color infrastructure; they don’t introduce any fundamentally new concepts, they’re just a better way to specify colors, more closely associated with how our eyes actually function rather than being closely tied to how rgb pixels function.
The conversion functions to turn it into rgb are a little bit of code, but it’s just some exponentials and a bit of matrix multiplication, and it’s well-documented in the spec.
This should be a GoodFirstBug sort of thing, I think.
First of, very interesting article, thanks for that!
“I’ve said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren’t like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes.”
I’d argue, RGB is the easiest format for guessing what a color looks like (after all, we’re used to working with 3 primary colors, complementary colors and so on from highschool), but HSL is the best format for understanding the relations between to colors.
That makes both approaches very useful. In fact, often when I’m designing a color scheme, I start to experiment with RGB colors and convert them to HSL later on, when I put together the shades of my base colors.
You can use the LAB color space today via d3-color! https://github.com/d3/d3-color#lab
HSLuv does the trick, it emulates the HSL experience for CIELUV LCh (converts a non uniform color solid into a uniform color cylinder). Check it out and e.g. give any color a lightness of 49.8, which should result in an AA 4.5:1 contrast ratio regardless of the color you pick: http://www.hsluv.org/
Great for design systems and naming, no more –color-300, 400, 500.. but –color-AA-4_5, –color-AAA-7_0 instead.
This also makes it possible to calculate the contrast on the fly if you build out a scale with all the steps, because you can maintain the distance in contrast you need by looking at your color naming alone!
Hi. It would be great to have a sass Add-on in CodePen like https://github.com/hsluv/hsluv-sass and a sass tools for contrasting colors like these https://codepen.io/giana/project/full/ZWbGzD !
Just noting Lea’s article:
LCH colors in CSS: what, why, and how?