color – CSS-Tricks Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Tue, 23 Aug 2022 16:56:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 color – CSS-Tricks 32 32 45537868 A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features Thu, 10 Feb 2022 23:01:55 +0000 I was just writing in my “What’s new in since CSS3?” article about recent and possible future changes to CSS colors. It’s weirdly a lot. There are just as many or more new and upcoming ways to define colors than …

A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I was just writing in my “What’s new in since CSS3?” article about recent and possible future changes to CSS colors. It’s weirdly a lot. There are just as many or more new and upcoming ways to define colors than what we have now. I thought we’d take a really quick look.

First, a major heads up. This stuff is so complicated. I barely understand it. But here are some aspects:

  • Before all this upcoming change, we only had RGB as a color model, and everything dealt with that.
  • We had different “color spaces” that handled it differently (e.g. the rgb() function mapped that RGB color model as a cube with linear coordinates, the hsl() function mapped that RGB color model as a cylinder) but it was all sRGB gamut.
  • With the upcoming changes, we’re getting new color models and (!) we’re getting new functions that map that color model differently. So I think it’s kind of a double-triple whammy.

I can’t personally educate you on all the nitty-gritty details — I’m writing this because I bet there are a lot of you like me, wondering why you should care at all about this, and this is my attempt to understand why I should care about all of it.

Display-P3 is one that opens up a ton of more vibrant color that was able to be expressed before.

body {
  background: color(display-p3 1 0.08 0); /* super red! */

It turns out that modern monitors can display way more colors, particularly extra vibrant ones, but we just have no way of defining those colors with classic CSS color syntaxes, like HEX, RGB, and HSL. Super weird, right?! But if you use Display-P3, you get a wider range of access to these vibrant colors.

Screenshot of a super bright pink in a CodePen preview using the display-p3 CSS color syntax.
That white line in Safari DevTools is showing us the “extra” range of Display-P3

The dev shop Panic latched onto this early on and started using these colors as a “secret weapon”:

Jen Simmons also covers how to use them, including a fallback for non-supporting browsers:


HWB is the one that is more “for humans” except that’s a bit debatable and it’s still based on sRGB.

I had no idea hwb() was a thing — shout out to Stefan Judis for blogging about it.

I normally think of HSL as the CSS color format that is “for humans” (and good for programmatic control) because, well, manipulating 360° of Hue and 0-100% of both Saturation and Lightness make some kind of obvious sense.

But in hwb(), we’ve got Hue (the same as HSL, I think), then Whiteness and Blackness. Stefan:

Adding White and Black to a color affects its saturation. Suppose you add the same amount of White and Black to a color, the color tone stays the same, but color loses saturation. This works up to 50% White and 50% Black (hwb(0deg 50% 50%)), which results in an achromatic color.

Showing six gradients going from red to black and the impact that change CSS color values in hwb has on the transition between colors.

Stefan expressed some doubt that this is any easier to understand than HSL, and I tend to agree. I probably just need to get more used to it, but it seems to be more abstract than simply changing the lightness or saturation.

HWB is limited to the same color gamut (sRGB) as all the old color formats all. No new colors are unlocked here.


LAB is like rgb() of a much wider gamut

div {
  background: lab(150% -400 400);

I liked Eric Portis’ explanation of LAB when I went around asking about it:

LAB is like RGB in that there are three linear components. Lower numbers mean less of the thing, bigger numbers mean more of the thing. So you could use LAB to specify the brightest, greenest green that ever bright-greened, and it’ll be super bright and green for everybody, but brighter and greener on monitors with wider gamuts.

So, we get all the extra color, which is awesome, but sRGB had this other problem (aside from being limited in color expression), that it isn’t perceptually uniform. Brian Kardell:

The sRGB space is not perceptually uniform. The same mathematical movement has different degrees of perceived effect depending on where you are at in the color space. If you want to read a designer’s experience with this, here’s an interesting example which does a good job struggling to do well.

The classic example here is how, in HSL, colors with the exact same “Lightness” really don’t feel the same at all.

But in LAB, apparently, it is perceptually uniform, meaning that programmatically manipulating colors is a much more sane task. And another bonus is that LAB colors are specced as being device-independent. Here’s Michelle Barker:

LAB and LCH are defined in the specification as device-independent colors. LAB is a color space that can be accessed in software like Photoshop and is recommended if you want a color to look the same on-screen as, say, printed on a t-shirt.


LCH is like hsl() of a much wider gamut

Remember how I said HSL is “for humans” in that it is easier understand than RGB? Changing the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness makes a lot of logical sense. Similar here with lch() where we’ve got Lightness, Chroma, and Hue. Back to my conversation with Eric Portis:

LCH is more like HSL: a polar space. H = hue = a circle. So doing math to pick complementary colors (or whatever transforms you’re after) becomes trivial (just add 180 — or whatever!)

I suppose you’d pick LCH just because you like the syntax of it or because it makes some complicated programmatic thing you’re trying to do easier — and you get the fact that it can express 50% more colors for free.

We get the perceptual uniformity here, too. Here’s Lea Verou who seems excited that lightness will actually mean something:

In HSL, lightness is meaningless. Colors can have the same lightness value, with wildly different perceptual lightness. […] With LCH, any colors with the same lightness are equally perceptually light, and any colors with the same chroma are equally perceptually saturated.

Another benefit of the new model is that we can wipe our hands clean of the “gray dead zone” in CSS color gradients. I think because of this perceptual uniformity stuff, two rich colors won’t get cheeky and gradient themselves through non-rich territory.

Two gradients going from blue to pink, one on top of the other. The first uses the LCH CSS color syntax and the second use HSL. HSL has noticeable gray areas.
There will always be tradeoffs in color models, especially with gradients. (Demo)

Here’s a small personal prediction: I’d say that lch() is probably going to be a designer favorite. Soon there are going to be a ton of new color choices and it’s too difficult and weird to always be picking different ones. LCH seems to have the most bang for the mental buck.



LAB ‘n’ friends seems so new because it is new… to CSS. But LAB was invented in the 1940s. In a conversation with Adam Argyle, he used a memorable phrase: All the color spaces have an Achilles’ heel. That is, something they kinda suck at. For sRGB, it’s the grey dead zone thing, as well as the limited color gamut. LAB is great and all, but it certainly has its own weaknesses. For example, a blue-to-white gradient in LAB travels pretty awkwardly through purpletown.

In December 2020, Björn Ottosson is all like “Hey, a new color space just dropped,” and now OKLAB exists. Apparently the CSS powers-that-be see enough value in that color space that both oklab() and oklch() are already specced. I guess we should care because they are just generally better, but don’t quote me on that.

Why is it Display P3 uses the color() function but the other’s don’t?

I don’t really know. I think the CSS color() function is a bit newer and that’s just how Safari dunked it in there to start. I have no idea if Display P3 will get its own dedicated function, or if we all should just start using CSS color(), or what.

/* This is how you use Display P3 */
color(display-p3 1 0.08 0); 

/* But this doesn't work */
color(oklch 42.1% 0.192 328.6);

/* You gotta do this instead 🤷‍♀️ */
oklch(42.1% 0.192 328.6);

/* But you can use the color space within a gradient... */
background-image: linear-gradient(
    to right 
    in oklch,
    lch(50% 100 100), 
    lch(50% 100 250)

The relative color syntax is super useful.

There is this really cool ability called “relative color syntax” where you can basically deconstruct a CSS color while moving it into another format. Say you have the (obviously) most famous CSS HEX color ever, fog dog, and you wanna kick it into HSL instead:

body {
  background: hsl(from #f06d06 h s l);

Maybe that’s not all that useful immediately, but hey, now we’re able to add alpha to it! There is literally no other way to apply alpha to an existing HEX color, so that’s kinda huge:

body {
  background: hsl(from #f06d06 h s l / 0.5);

But I can also mess with it. Say I wanna saturate fog dog a bit before I add opacity because the lower opacity will naturally dull it out and I wanna combat that. I can use calc() on the implied variables there:

body {
  background: hsl(from #f06d06 h calc(s + 20%) l / 0.5);

That’s so cool. I’m sure we’ll see some amazing things come from this. And it certainly isn’t limited to HSL. I was just using HSL because it’s what is comfortable to me right now. I could start with the named color red and mess with it in LCH if I want:

body {
  background: lch(from red l calc(c + 15) h / 0.25);

This stuff is going to be most useful when liberally combined with custom properties.

There are no special functions just for alpha anymore.

Just to be clear: no commas preceding the alpha value in a CSS color function — just a forward slash instead:

/* Old! */
rgb(255, 0, 0);
rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);

/* New! */
rgb(255 0 0);
rgb(255 0 0 / 0.5);
hsl(0deg 40% 40%)
hsl(0deg 40% 40% / 90%) /* can be percentage rather than 0.9 or whatever */

/* The New color stuff ONLY has the single base function, no alpha secondardy function */
lab(49% 39 80)
lab(49% 39 80 / 0.25)

/* Display P3, with the color function, essentially works the same way with the slash */
color(display-p3 1 0.08 0 / 0.25); 

You can even define your own CSS color space.

But I literally can’t even think about that. It blows my mind, sorry.

A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 11 362285
Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients Mon, 07 Feb 2022 21:46:18 +0000 A little gradient generator tool from Tom Quinonero. You’d think fading one color to another would be an obvious, simple, solved problem — it’s actually anything but!

Tom’s generator does two things that help make a gradient better:

  1. You

Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

A little gradient generator tool from Tom Quinonero. You’d think fading one color to another would be an obvious, simple, solved problem — it’s actually anything but!

Tom’s generator does two things that help make a gradient better:

  1. You can pick an “interpolation space.” Gradients that use the sRGB color space (pretty much all the color stuff we have in CSS today) have a bad habit of going through a gray dead zone, and if you interpolate the gradient in another color space, it can turn out nicer (and yet convert it back to RGB to use today).
  2. Easing the colors, though the use of multiple color-stops, which can result in a less abrupt and more pleasing look.
Showing a color wheel with a line indicating the two colors in a gradient that goes from yellow to light blue. The resulting gradient is at top showing some gray tones as a result of the color space.
See the gray in the middle there?

Different gradient apps with different color spaces

Josh has another similar app, as does Erik Kennedy. So stinkin’ interesting how different gradients are in different color spaces. Think of the color spaces as a physical map where individual colors are points on the map. Gradients are dumb. They just walk straight from one point on the map to the next. The colors underneath their feet as they walk make a massive difference in how the gradient turns out.

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Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 0 363102
useRainbow() Fri, 07 Jan 2022 14:59:04 +0000 I took a break from work and started some small, personal projects (toys). One of those small projects is where I keep all of my doodles, visual short stories and jokes. Check it out!

However, this post is not …

useRainbow() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I took a break from work and started some small, personal projects (toys). One of those small projects is where I keep all of my doodles, visual short stories and jokes. Check it out!

However, this post is not about my break from work, other experiments, or the site itself. People seem to like one particular technique I used in the design, notably, the background effect applied that transitions between colors when the user browses the content:

Some asked me how this effect was implemented (including going as far as reading the minified code, which is very flattering).

So, here’s a quick gist, followed up with some context:

export const useRainbowBg = () =>
useEffect(() => {
  const cb = () => {
    const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight
    const contentHeight = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().height
    const viewportsPerRotation = Math.min(
      contentHeight / viewportHeight
    const from = 51
    const progress =
      window.scrollY / (viewportHeight * viewportsPerRotation)
    const h = (from + 360 * progress) % 360 = `hsl(${h}deg, 100%, 50%)`
  window.addEventListener('scroll', cb, { passive: true })
  return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', cb)

In short, I map the scroll position into the hue in the HSL color notation. Let’s break this down.

Color models

There are many ways of describing colors in CSS, with the two most common ones being RGB (left) and HSL (right):

RGB is an additive color palette. This means that mixing 100% of red, green and blue produces white, mixing 100% red and 100% green but 0% blue produces yellow, and so on. This is different from, say, using oil paint or the CMYK color model, where the resulting tone would be black(-ish)1.

We’re used to this approach because it’s easy to describe in code, but specifying colors in terms of hue, saturation and luminosity seems more natural, especially if you come from a design background, or… you know, are a human being using a human language.

We’ve gotten used to RGB as developers, but in spoken language, using it would feel unnatural and confusing. Façade would be very hard to use in RGB.

On the other hand, HSL can often be much more intuitive to work with. For instance, if I want to make a color slightly colder, I can just move the hue slider a bit towards blue and I should get closer to what I have in mind. With RGB, if we make the color appear colder by including more blue, the resulting tone will be a bit brighter as the blue component contributes to the overall lightness. This means that you’d have to lower the red and green values to compensate.

To see how this works in practice, try maxing out the blue color in the example below.

The first thing that stands out is that all tones are shifted towards blue and the overall brightness of the picture is increased. In the case of the effect we’re discussing, that would be undesirable.

Now, let’s try to do the same with the HSL color circle. Drag the slider to the left, by ca. 90 degrees:

In this scenario, using HSL not only turns Susan into a vampire, but also maintains a similar2 level of brightness. And that’s exactly what I’m looking for.

So, what I mean by saying this:

How does this work? In short, I map the scroll position into the hue in the HSL color notation. Rafal, 2 days earlier

…is that that every time we detect a scroll event, I try to map it to an angle on the hue circle:

I didn’t want to start with red as it would make me hungry and the base yellow fits the design a bit better, so I applied a small initial shift—hence const from = 51 set as the initial offset.

And, as far as the basic implementation goes, that’s it!

Now, there are three other areas of improvement.

useRainbow performance

We’re triggering a repaint on every scroll, so I was a bit worried that older mobile devices, or even some hi-end laptops plugged in to 4k screens might not be able to maintain solid 60fps. But, I’m happy with the results so far. Using passive event listeners provided a bit of a boost, especially on mobile.

If I realize that performance is a problem, especially with more content down the line, I’ll probably focus on:

  • removing the unnecessary call to getBoundingClientRect on every scroll handler call, and
  • deferring or throttling background color changes using requestAnimationFrame.

I expect the first improvement to have some impact, but the benefits of the second one should be negligible.

Measure before optimizing. Obsessing about the performance only makes sense when issues become noticeable, be it through a drop in framerate or battery impact. Your iPhone Pro has more computing power than many low-end laptops, so it’s a good idea to test on those devices too. It’s good to have a crappy old Android phone exacly for that purpose if you can spare a few quid.

Perceptually uniform color spaces

You might’ve noticed that in the previous illustrations some fully saturated colors seemed darker than others. That’s because the color spaces we normally use when coding don’t reflect the way the human eye works. I’ll leave the in-depth explanation to someone much more experienced than me, but suffice to say (gross oversimplification alert!) that, generally, the same amount of red/green/yellow will appear brighter than blue. This means that in some cases the text on the page will be harder to read.

For now, this isn’t an issue as I’ve just put this thing online and titles serve a secondary purpose. But there’s a solution to the problem and it’s not overly complicated: use a perceptually uniform color space. There’s a bunch of libraries that do it out of the box, both in JavaScript/TypeScript and CSS/Sass/<pick your CSS flavor here>. hsluv seems like a good starting point.


Note that I’ll be focusing on the visual effect itself and not discussing the rest of the site (e.g. alt tags, document structure, etc…). I’d like to focus on contrast, color blindness and people who rely on prefers-reduced-motion. The site is a living document; there’s always so much to improve. For instance, contrast can be an issue in a few, non-critical places. I’m happy to accept feedback and implement it: hit me up!.

color blindness

I wanted to make sure that the effect doesn’t break the site completely for people with color blindness. So I focused on the most common types: deuteranomaly and protanomaly (red-green color blindness), but also ran wider tests. I used Photoshop and Colorblindly (Chrome extension) for some rudimentary checks.


The prefers-reduced-motion CSS media feature is used to detect if the user has requested that the system minimize the amount of non-essential motion it uses.


This site doesn’t contain many animations (besides the Little Sausage Angels you’ll see if you hit “Share”), but I was wondering if people who rely on prefers-reduced-motion would like the background color to stay constant.

The short answer is: I don’t know. My intuition is that rotating colors don’t really qualify as motion, but my experience and understanding of the problem is, to say the least, limited. In situations like this, I’d rather depend on user research than guesses.

Luckily, the site had its five minutes of fame on Reddit which proved to be a decent opportunity to collect feedback. None of the users brought up an issue with the background effect so far. I’m also lucky enough to know a bunch of accessibility specialists, such as Sandrina Pereira. Her suggestion was that (a) background animations definitely qualify as motion, and (b) perhaps the effect feels natural because it’s a direct result of a user interaction.


The late-90s Geocities web felt playful and weird. It was fun in an uninhibited, somewhat less performative, way. I wanted to incorporate some of this look and feel in the site. But still, I didn’t want to make it feel esoteric to the point where you’d need to up your hipsterdom-level to 9000 and browse it exclusively throught Netscape 7. All of that, while listening to the new Nirvana Unplugged album.

I still wanted decent UX on mobile and desktop, and some space for easter eggs (something you can’t do when living in the strange and abusive relationship with social media we’ve grown so accustomed to).

As a kid, I had built six websites before I even got access to the Internet for the first time. Now, after being burned out for three years, even considering changing my job, it was the first time I genuinely enjoyed coding. I forgot how much fun it was!

Now, go out, pet your cat, and make stuff!

P.S. Check out Cameron’s World.

P.P.S. The code for interactive diagrams can be found on GitHub.


  1. Hence the K component in CMYK meaning “black.” Using B would be confusing as it means “blue” in other color models.
  2. It’s not perfect since the perceptual color space differs from what’s described using RGB/HSL.

useRainbow() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 3 359823
Color Alpha Anywhere Tue, 16 Nov 2021 01:03:32 +0000 In my “Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage” article, I noted a situation about colors and CSS custom properties where I went “too far” with breaking up HSL color values. Breaking every single color into its H, S, and L parts …

Color Alpha Anywhere originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

In my “Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage” article, I noted a situation about colors and CSS custom properties where I went “too far” with breaking up HSL color values. Breaking every single color into its H, S, and L parts is may be a step too far.

But you probably do want to split it up like this:

html {
  --color-1-hsl: 200deg 15% 73%;
  --color-1: hsl(var(--color-1-hsl));

So, two custom properties per color in your color system. Why? Because now you’ve got a really easy way to use it and you’ve got a way to apply alpha to the color if you want.

.card {
  background: var(--color-1);
.card-with-alpha {
  background: hsl(var(--color-1-hsl) / 0.5);

There’s not really any other way to take an existing color in CSS and apply alpha transparency to it. Well, I say that, but actually

/* Future CSS! (works in Safari TP right now) */
.card-with-alpha {
  background: hsl(from var(--color-1) h s l / 0.5);

That’s neat, but I’m not entirely sure when we’ll be able to rely on that in production.

You know what else we can’t use for anything super important in production? Houdini paint worklets. No Firefox or Safari yet on those.

A bummer, because Dave almost had this thing cracked! The insight here is that Houdini paint worklets basically return an image that you paint with <canvas> APIs. You can paint a rectangle in Canvas with any color format, then set the globalAlpha, return that as an image, and so that basically unlocks alpha on any color format! It works (in Chrome):

Dave chucked the code on GitHub and blogged it. Of course, it made a good video as well:

Like and subscribe.

But if you need a system like this on production, just do the custom properties technique I listed first.

A previous version of this post was tweetbombed, but I’m blogging it here because real bloggers blog.

Color Alpha Anywhere originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 5 356611
Wanna see a whiter white? Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:09:36 +0000 Heck of a CSS trick here from Dongsung Kim.

There are hidden HDR videos playing at the corners of this page. When a HDR-capable browser encounters one, it switches to HDR mode. For some reason, CSS backdrop-filter + brightness >100%

Wanna see a whiter white? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Heck of a CSS trick here from Dongsung Kim.

There are hidden HDR videos playing at the corners of this page. When a HDR-capable browser encounters one, it switches to HDR mode. For some reason, CSS backdrop-filter + brightness >100% combo seems to behave like HDR—reaching beyond the user-controlled display brightness, up to the maximum HDR brightness—while the everything in between follow[s] along. At least that’s the overall idea, but I still don’t know exactly why it works; especially why with those two CSS properties.

As I look at that demo in Chrome, I see an extra-white text-shadow. In Safari, I see extra-white text. In Firefox, the whites match so I see nothing. Probably a bug.

I wouldn’t recommend actually using the trick, as I’d think the extra-whiteness almost certainly takes extra battery power that a user isn’t opting into, even without the video playing—even though it does feel like a bummer that our screens are capable of whiter whites than we normally have access to. The good news is that the gamut of color on the web is expanding, generally.

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Wanna see a whiter white? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 346388
Mixing Colors in Pure CSS Mon, 16 Nov 2020 15:21:46 +0000 Red + Blue = Purple… right?

Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around …

Mixing Colors in Pure CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Red + Blue = Purple… right?

Is there some way to express that in CSS? Well, not easily. There is a proposal draft for a color-mix function and some degree of interest from Chrome, but it doesn’t seem right around the corner. It would be nice to have native CSS color mixing, as it would give designers greater flexibility when working with colors. One example is to create tinted variants of a single base color to form a design palette.

But this is CSS-Tricks so let’s do some CSS tricks.

We have a calc() function in CSS for manipulating numbers. But we have very few ways to operate directly on colors, even though some color formats (e.g. hsl() and rgb()) are based on numeric values.

Mixing colors with animation

We can transition from one color to another in CSS. This works:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  background: red; 

And here’s that with animations:

div {
  background: blue;
  transition: 0.2s;
div:hover {
  animation: change-color 0.2s forwards;

@keyframes change-color {
  to {
    background: red;

This is an keyframe animation that runs infinitely, where you can see the color moving between red and blue. Open the console and click the page — you can see that even JavaScript can tell you the current color at any exact point in the animation.

So what if we pause the animation somewhere in the middle? Color mixing works! Here is a paused animation that is 0.5s through it’s 1s duration, so exactly halfway through:

We accomplished that by setting an animation-delay of -0.5s. And what color is halfway between red and blue? Purple. We can adjust that animation-delay to specify the percentage of two colors.

This works for Chromium core browsers and Firefox. In Safari, you must change animation-name to force browser to recalculate the animation progress.

This trick can also be used for adding alpha channel to a color, which is typically useful for theming.

Getting the mixed color to a CSS custom property

This is a neat trick so far, but it’s not very practical to apply an animation on any element you need to use a mixed color on, and then have to set all the properties you want to change within the @keyframes.

We can improve on this a smidge if we add in a couple more CSS features:

  1. Use a @property typed CSS custom property, so it can be created as a proper color, and thus animated as a color.
  2. Use a Sass @function to easily call keyframes at a particular point.

Now we still need to call animation, but the result is that a custom property is altered that we can use on any other property.

Mixing Colors in Pure CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 325117
Using JavaScript to Adjust Saturation and Brightness of RGB Colors Tue, 06 Oct 2020 14:36:55 +0000 Lately I’ve been taking a look into designing with color (or “colour” as we spell it where I’m from in New Zealand). Looking at Adam Wathan and Steve Schroger’s advice on the subject, we find that we’re going to …

Using JavaScript to Adjust Saturation and Brightness of RGB Colors originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Lately I’ve been taking a look into designing with color (or “colour” as we spell it where I’m from in New Zealand). Looking at Adam Wathan and Steve Schroger’s advice on the subject, we find that we’re going to need more than just five nice looking hex codes from a color palette generator when building an application. We’re going to need a lot of grays and a few primary colors. From these primary colors we’ll want a variety of levels of brightness and saturation.

I’ve mainly been using hex codes or RGB colors when developing applications and I’ve found I get slowed down by trying to work out different levels of lightness and saturation from a single hue.  So, to save you from getting RSI by carefully moving the color picker in VS Code, or continually opening hexcolortool, let’s look at some code to help you manipulate those colors.

HSL values

An effective way to write web colors is to use HSL values, especially if you plan to alter the colors manually. HSL stands for hue, saturation, lightness. Using HSL, you can declare your hue as a number from 0 to 360. Then you can note down a percentage for saturation and lightness respectively. For instance:

div {
  background-color: hsl(155, 30%, 80%);

This will give you a light, muted, mint green color. What if we needed to throw some dark text over this div? We could use a color close to black, but consistent with the background. For example, we can grab the same HSL values and pull the lightness down to 5%: 

div {
  background-color: hsl(155, 30%, 80%);
  color: hsl(155, 30%, 5%);

Nice. Now we have text that is very close to black, but looks a bit more natural, and is tied to its background. But what if this wasn’t a paragraph of text, but a call-to-action button instead? We can draw some more attention by ramping up the saturation and lowering the lightness a little on the background:

.call-to-action {
  background-color: hsl(155, 80%, 60%);
  color: hsl(155, 30%, 5%);

Or, what if there was some text that wasn’t as important? We could turn back up the brightness on the text, and lower the saturation. This takes away some of the contrast and allows this less important text to fade into the background a bit more. That said, we need to be careful to keep a high enough contrast for accessibility and readability, so let’s lighten the background again:

div {
  background-color: hsl(155, 30%, 80%);
  color: hsl(155, 30%, 5%);

.lessimportant {
  color: hsl(155, 15%, 40%);

HSL values are supported in all major browsers and they are a superior way of defining colors compared to RGB. This is because they allow you to be more declarative with the hue, saturation and lightness of a color.

But, what if you’ve already committed to using RGB values? Or you get an email from your boss asking “is this going to work on IE 8?”


There are a lot of great color libraries out there that are able to convert HSL values back into hex codes or RGB colors. Most of them also have a variety of manipulation functions to help build a color scheme.

Here is a list of some libraries I know:

  • If converting between formats is a problem, try colvertize by Philipp Mildenberger. It’s a lightweight library providing a lot of conversion methods and a few manipulation methods.
  • Then we have color, maintained by Josh Junon. This allows you to declare, process and extract colors using a fluent interface. It provides a variety of conversions and manipulation methods.
  • Another one is TinyColor by Brian Grinstead over at Mozilla, which can handle a whole lot of input types as well as utility functions. It also provides a few functions to help generate color schemes.

Also here is a great CSS-Tricks article on converting color formats.

Colour Grid Tool

Another option is you can try out a color tool I built called Colour Grid. To quote Refactoring UI, “As tempting as it is, you can’t rely purely on math to craft the perfect color palette.”

Naturally, after reading this, I built a React app to mathematically craft a color palette. Okay, it won’t solve all your problems, but it might start you off with some options. The app will create 100 different levels of saturation and lightness based the hue you select. You can either click a grid item to copy the hex code, or copy a color as a CSS custom property from a text area at the end. This could be something to try if you need a quick way to get variations from one or two hues. 

Here are some techniques I learned for processing RGB colors as well for if you are using RGB colors and need a way to transform them.

How to find the lightness of an RGB color

Disclaimer: This technique does not account for the intrinsic value of a hue. The intrinsic value of a hue is its inherent brightness before you’ve started adding any black or white. It’s illustrated by the fact pure yellow looks a lot brighter to us than a pure purple.

This technique produces the level of lightness based on a programmatic measure of how much white or black is mixed in. The perceived brightness is affected by more than this measure so remember to also use your eyes to judge the level of light you need.

The level of lightness of an RGB color can be worked out by finding the average of the highest and lowest of the RGB values, then dividing this by 255 (the middle color does not affect the lightness).

This will give you a decimal between zero and one representing the lightness. Here is a JavaScript function for this:

function getLightnessOfRGB(rgbString) {
  // First convert to an array of integers by removing the whitespace, taking the 3rd char to the 2nd last then splitting by ','
  const rgbIntArray = (rgbString.replace(/ /g, '').slice(4, -1).split(',').map(e => parseInt(e)));

  // Get the highest and lowest out of red green and blue
  const highest = Math.max(...rgbIntArray);
  const lowest = Math.min(...rgbIntArray);

  // Return the average divided by 255
  return (highest + lowest) / 2 / 255;

Here’s a CodePen using this function:

How to saturate an RGB color without changing lightness or hue

What can we do with our newfound ability to find the lightness of an RGB? It can help us saturate an RGB color without changing the lightness.

Saturating an RGB comes with a few problems, though:

  • There is no information in the RGB format of a gray color to tell us what the saturated version will look like because gray doesn’t have a hue. So if we’re going to write a function to saturate a color, we need to deal with this case.
  • We can’t actually get to a pure hue unless the color is 50% lightness — anything else will be diluted by either black or white. So we have a choice of whether to keep the same lightness as we saturate the color, or move the color towards 50% lightness to get the most vibrant version. For this example, we’ll keep the same level of lightness.

Let’s start start with the color rgb(205, 228, 219) — a light, muted cyan. To saturate a color we need to increase the difference between the lowest and highest RGB value. This will move it toward a pure hue.

If we want to keep the lightness the same, we’re going to need to increase the highest value and decrease the lowest value by an equal amount. But because the RGB values need to be clamped between 0 and 255, our saturation options will be limited when the color is lighter or darker. This means there is a range of saturation we have available for any given lightness.

Let’s grab the saturation range available for our color. We can work it out by finding the lowest of these two:

  • The difference between the RGB values of a gray with the same lightness as our color, and 255
  • The difference between the RGB values of a gray with the same lightness as our color, and 0 (which is just the gray value itself)

To get a fully gray version of a color, we can grab the end result of the getLightnessOfRGB function from the previous section and multiply it by 255. Then use this number for all three of our RGB values to get a gray that’s the same lightness as our original color. 

Let’s do this now:

// Using the previous "getLightnessOfRGB" function
const grayVal = getLightnessOfRGB('rgb(205, 228, 219)')*255; // 217
// So a gray version of our color would look like rgb(217,217,217);
// Now let's get the saturation range available:
const saturationRange =  Math.round(Math.min(255-grayVal,grayVal)); // 38

Let’s say we want to saturate the color by 50%. To do this  want to increase the highest RGB value and decrease the lowest by 50% of the saturation range. However, this may put us over 255 or under zero, so we need to clamp the change by the minimum of these two values:

  • The difference between the highest RGB value and 255
  • The difference between the lowest RGB value and 0 (which is the value itself)
// Get the maximum change by getting the minimum out of: 
// (255 - the highest value) OR (the lowest value)
const maxChange = Math.min(255-228, 205); // 27

// Now we will be changing our values by the lowest out of:
// (the saturation range * the increase fraction) OR (the maximum change)
const changeAmount = Math.min(saturationRange/0.5, maxChange) // 19

This means we need to add 19 to the highest RGB value (green) and subtract 19 from the lowest RGB value:

const redResult = 205 - 19; // 186
const greenResult= 228 + 19; // 247

What about the third value?

This is where things get a bit more complicated. The middle value’s distance from gray can be worked with the ratio between it and the distance from gray of either of the other two values.

As we move the highest and lowest values further away from gray, the middle value increases/decreases in proportion with them. 

Now let’s get the difference between the highest value and full gray. Then the difference between the middle value and the full gray. Then we’ll get the ratio between these. I’m going to also remove the rounding from working out the gray value to make this more exact:

const grayVal = getLightnessOfRGB('rgb(205, 228, 219)')*255;
const highDiff = grayVal - 228; // -11 subtracting green - the highest value
const midDiff = grayVal - 219; // -2 subtracting blue - the middle value
const middleValueRatio = midDiff / highDiff; // 0.21739130434782608

Then what we need to do is get the difference between our new RGB green value (after we added 19 to it) and the gray value, then multiply this by our ratio. We add this back on to the gray value and that’s our answer for our newly saturated blue:

// 247 is the green value after we applied the saturation transformation
const newBlue = Math.round(grayVal+(247-grayVal)*middleValueRatio); // 223

So after we’ve applied our transformations, we we get an RGB color of rgb(186, 247, 223 — a more vibrant version of the color we started with. But its kept its lightness and hue.

Here are a couple of JavaScript functions that work together to saturate a color by 10%. The second function here returns an array of objects representing the RGB values in order of size. This second function is used in all of the rest of the functions in this article.

If you give it a gray, it will just return the same color:

function saturateByTenth(rgb) {
  const rgbIntArray = (rgb.replace(/ /g, '').slice(4, -1).split(',').map(e => parseInt(e)));
  const grayVal = getLightnessOfRGB(rgb)*255;
  const [lowest,middle,highest] = getLowestMiddleHighest(rgbIntArray);

  if(lowest.val===highest.val){return rgb;}
  const saturationRange =  Math.round(Math.min(255-grayVal,grayVal));
  const maxChange = Math.min((255-highest.val),lowest.val);
  const changeAmount = Math.min(saturationRange/10, maxChange);
  const middleValueRatio =(grayVal-middle.val)/(grayVal-highest.val);
  const returnArray=[];
  returnArray[highest.index]= Math.round(highest.val+changeAmount);
  returnArray[lowest.index]= Math.round(lowest.val-changeAmount);
  returnArray[middle.index]= Math.round(grayVal+(returnArray[highest.index]-grayVal)*middleValueRatio);
   return (`rgb(${[returnArray].join()})`);

function getLowestMiddleHighest(rgbIntArray) {
  let highest = {val:-1,index:-1};
  let lowest = {val:Infinity,index:-1};,index)=>{
      highest = {val:val,index:index};
      lowest = {val:val,index:index};

  let middle = {index: (3 - highest.index - lowest.index)};
  middle.val = rgbIntArray[middle.index];
  return [lowest,middle,highest];

How to desaturate an RGB Color

If we completely desaturate a color, we’ll end up with a shade of gray. RGB grays will always have three equal RGB values, so we could just use the grayVal from the previous function to make a gray color with the same lightness as any given color.

What if we don’t want to go straight to gray, and only want to slightly desaturate a color? We can do this by reversing the previous example.

Let’s look at another example. If we start with rgb(173, 31, 104), we have a saturated rouge. Let’s grab the decimal measure of lightness and multiply it by 255 to get the gray version:

const grayVal = Math.round(getLightnessOfRGB('rgb(173, 31, 104)') * 255); // 102

This means that if we fully desaturate this color to gray we’re going to end up with rgb(102, 102, 102). Let’s desaturate it by 30%.

First, we need to find the saturation range of the color again:

const saturationRange = Math.round(Math.min(255-grayVal,grayVal)); // 102

To desaturate our color by 30%, we want to move the highest and lowest color by 30% of this range toward full gray. But we also need to clamp the change amount by the distance between either of these colors (the distance will be the same for the highest and lowest), and full gray.

// Get the maximum change by getting the difference between the lowest (green) and the gray value
const maxChange = grayVal-31; // 71
// Now grab the value that represents 30% of our saturation range
const changeAmount = Math.min(saturationRange * 0.3, maxChange) // 30.59999

And add this change amount to the lowest RGB value and subtract it from the highest value: 

const newGreen =Math.Round(31+changeAmount); // 62
const newRed =Math.Round(173-changeAmount); // 142

Then use the same ratio technique as the last function to find the value for the third color:

const highDiff = grayVal - 173; // -71 subtracting red - the highest value
const midDiff = grayVal - 104; // -2 subtracting blue - the middle value
const middleValueRatio = midDiff / highDiff; // 0.02816901408
const newBlue = Math.Round(grayVal+(142.4-grayVal)*middleValueRatio); // 103

So that means the RGB representation of our rouge desaturated by 30% would be rgb(142, 62, 103). The hue and the lightness are exactly the same, but it’s a bit less vibrant.

Here’s a JavaScript function that will desaturate a color by 10%. It’s basically a reverse of the previous function.

function desaturateByTenth(rgb) {
  const rgbIntArray = (rgb.replace(/ /g, '').slice(4, -1).split(',').map(e => parseInt(e)));
  //grab the values in order of magnitude 
  //this uses the getLowestMiddleHighest function from the saturate section
  const [lowest,middle,highest] = getLowestMiddleHighest(rgbIntArray);
  const grayVal = getLightnessOfRGB(rgb) * 255;

  if(lowest.val===highest.val){return rgb;}
  const saturationRange =  Math.round(Math.min(255-grayVal,grayVal));
  const maxChange = grayVal-lowest.val;
  const changeAmount = Math.min(saturationRange/10, maxChange);
  const middleValueRatio =(grayVal-middle.val)/(grayVal-highest.val);
  const returnArray=[];
  returnArray[highest.index]= Math.round(highest.val-changeAmount);
  returnArray[lowest.index]= Math.round(lowest.val+changeAmount);
  returnArray[middle.index]= Math.round(grayVal+(returnArray[highest.index]-grayVal)*middleValueRatio);
  return (`rgb(${[returnArray].join()})`);

Here’s a CodePen to experiment with the effect of these saturation functions:

How to lighten an RGB color keeping the hue the same

To lighten an RGB value and keep the hue the same, we need to increase each RGB value by the same proportion of difference between the value and 255. Let’s say we have this color: rgb(0, 153, 255). That’s a fully saturated blue/cyan. Let’s look at the difference between each RGB value and 255: 

  • Red is zero, so the difference is 255. 
  • Green is 153, so the difference is 102. 
  • Blue is 255, so the difference is zero. 

Now when we lighten the color, we need to increase each RGB value by the same fraction of our differences. One thing to note is that we are essentially mixing white into our color. This means that the color will slowly lose its saturation as it lightens.

Let’s increase the lightness on this color by a tenth. We’ll start with out lowest RGB value, red. We add on a tenth of 255 to this value. We also need to use Math.min to make sure that the value doesn’t increase over 255:

const red = 0;
const newRed = Math.round( red + Math.min( 255-red, 25.5 )); // 26

Now the other two RGB values need to increase by the same fraction of distance to 255.

To work this out, we get the difference between the lowest RGB value (before we increased it) and 255. Red was zero so our difference is 255. Then we get the amount the lowest RGB value increased in our transformation. Red increased from zero to 26, so our increase is 26.

Dividing the increase by the difference between the original color and 255 gives us a fraction we can use to work out the other values.

const redDiff = 255 - red; // 255
const redIncrease = newRed - red; // 26
const increaseFraction = redIncrease / redDiff; // 0.10196

Now we multiply the difference between the other RGB values and 255 by this fraction. This gives us the amount we need to add to each value.

const newGreen = Math.round(153 + (255 - 153) * increaseFraction); // 163
const newBlue = Math.round(255 + (255 - 255) * increaseFraction); // 255

This means the color we end up with is rgb(26, 163, 255). That’s still the same hue, but a touch lighter.

Here’s a function that does this: 

function lightenByTenth(rgb) {

  const rgbIntArray = rgb.replace(/ /g, '').slice(4, -1).split(',').map(e => parseInt(e));
  // Grab the values in order of magnitude 
  // This uses the getLowestMiddleHighest function from the saturate section
  const [lowest,middle,highest]=getLowestMiddleHighest(rgbIntArray);
    return rgb;
  const returnArray = [];

  // First work out increase on lower value
  returnArray[lowest.index]= Math.round(lowest.val+(Math.min(255-lowest.val,25.5)));

  // Then apply to the middle and higher values
  const increaseFraction  = (returnArray[lowest.index]-lowest.val)/ (255-lowest.val);
  returnArray[middle.index]= middle.val +(255-middle.val)*increaseFraction ;
  returnArray[highest.index]= highest.val +(255-highest.val)*increaseFraction ;
  // Convert the array back into an rgb string
  return (`rgb(${returnArray.join()})`);

How to darken an RGB color keeping the hue the same

Darkening an RGB color is pretty similar. Instead of adding to the values to get 255, we’re subtracting from the values to get toward zero.

Also we start our transformation by reducing the highest value and getting the fraction of this decrease. We use this fraction to reduce the other two values by their distance to zero. This is a reversal of what we did lightening a color.

Darkening a color will also cause it to slowly lose its level of saturation.

function darkenByTenth(rgb) {
  // Our rgb to int array function again
  const rgbIntArray = rgb.replace(/ /g, '').slice(4, -1).split(',').map(e => parseInt(e));
  //grab the values in order of magnitude 
  //this uses the function from the saturate function
  const [lowest,middle,highest]=getLowestMiddleHighest(rgbIntArray);
    return rgb;

  const returnArray = [];

  returnArray[highest.index] = highest.val-(Math.min(highest.val,25.5));
  const decreaseFraction  =(highest.val-returnArray[highest.index])/ (highest.val);
  returnArray[middle.index]= middle.val -middle.val*decreaseFraction; 
  returnArray[lowest.index]= lowest.val -lowest.val*decreaseFraction;              
  // Convert the array back into an rgb string
  return (`rgb(${returnArray.join()}) `);

Here’s a CodePen to experiment with the effect of the lightness functions:

If you ever do need to work with RGB colors, these functions will help you get you started. You can also give the HSL format a try, as well as the color libraries to extend browser support, and the Colour Grid tool for conversions.

Using JavaScript to Adjust Saturation and Brightness of RGB Colors originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web Wed, 27 May 2020 20:54:57 +0000 CSS was introduced to the web all the way back in 1996. At the time, most computer monitors were pretty terrible. The colors of CSS — whether defined with the RGB, HSL, or hexadecimal format — catered to the monitors …

The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS was introduced to the web all the way back in 1996. At the time, most computer monitors were pretty terrible. The colors of CSS — whether defined with the RGB, HSL, or hexadecimal format — catered to the monitors of the time, all within the sRGB colorspace.

Most newer devices have a wide-gamut display. A gamut is the range of colors that can be displayed. A wide-gamut display is capable of showing more colors than sRGB. They use the Display P3 colorspace. (There’s also Rec.2020, an even larger colorspace, but that’s pretty rare and not currently worth thinking about.) As Lea Verou of the CSS working group put it, “Our websites are washed out because screens advanced faster than CSS Color did.” If we want to make full use of the range of colors that the majority of screens are capable of displaying, we need to use new CSS colors formats: lab, lch or display-p3.

Examples in the wild can be found on the website of Panic (creators of the once popular Coda text editor and the still very popular Untitled Goose Game) or the marketing site for a product called Playdate. They both make use of strikingly vibrant and intense colors that are uniquely vivid by making use of display-p3.

Screenshot taken from the Panic website showing bright pink text against a stark black background.
Panic’s website features an eye-catching shade of pink.

To get some idea of the range of colors that are missing from sRGB, check out the following Pen. The inner boxes contain a color beyond the sRGB gamut. The outer boxes show that color clamped to the sRGB color gamut (meaning the nearest equivalent color that a browser is capable of showing without using display-p3, lab, or lch). (Note that support is currently limited to Safari users.)

The color picker in Safari Technology Preview helpfully shows which colors lie outside of the sRGB color gamut.

Screenshot of a color picker going from bright green to black with a light curved line signifying the point where colors go past the typical sRGB range.
Any color above or to the right of the white line lie outside of the sRGB gamut

A tale of new syntaxes

Before jumping into the syntax for lab(), lch(), and the color() function, let’s take a look at the new rgb() and hsl() syntaxes (which are supported in all web browsers, minus Internet Explorer).

TypeOld SyntaxNew Syntax
RGBrgb(0, 128, 255)rgb(0 128 255)
RGBargba(0, 128, 255, 0.5)rgb(0 128 255 50%)
HSLhsl(198, 28%, 50%)hsl(198 28% 50%)
HSLahsla(198, 28%, 0.5)hsl(198deg 28% 50% / 50%)
Source: @mathias 

In the older syntax, each number is comma separated: rgb(200, 100, 20);. Commas are no longer necessary, so the space separated value rgb(200 100 20); is valid. To specify transparency, we can now use rgb(200 100 20 / 50%) rather than using  rgba() or hsla(). There’s no real benefit to the newer syntaxes but it’s worth looking at because they match the syntax for lch(), lab() and color()

Lablab(56.29% -10.93 16.58 / 50%)
color()color(sRGB 0 0.5 1 / 50%)
LCHlch(56.29% 19.86 236.62 / 50%

lab(), lch() and color() always use space separated numbers (no commas allowed) and a forward slash followed by a percentage to specify transparency. Let’s take a look at how they work.  

The CSS color() function and display-p3 colorspace

The color() function allows a color to be specified in a particular colorspace (rather than using the sRGB colorspace used by rgb(), hsl(), or hex). The colorspace we need to specify in order to use wide-gamut color is display-p3, which uses three numeric values, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color: 1 0 0 is total red, 0 0 1 is total blue, and 0 1 0 is total green.

background-color: color(display-p3 1 0 0.331); /* vibrant pink color */

At the time of writing, display-p3 is the only way to access high-gamut colors, having been supported in Safari since 2017. However, lab() and lch() will be better options once they are implemented (Chrome and Safari are currently working on it). Here’s a take from Lea Verou

display-p3 is not perceptually uniform, and is difficult to create variants (lighter or darker, more or less vivid etc) by tweaking its parameters. Furthermore, it’s a short-term solution. It works now, because screens that can display a wider gamut than P3 are rare. Once hardware advances again, color(display-p3 ...) will have the same problem as sRGB colors have today. LCH and Lab are device independent, and can represent the entire gamut of human vision so they will work regardless of how hardware advances.

A better lightness: Lab and LCH

You may have seen articles around the web arguing that HSL is easier to reason about than RGB or Hexadecimal values. 

Here’s Chris Coyier in 2015:

The real appeal of HSLa is that it makes more intuitive sense what changing the values will do to the color. Increasing the second value will increase the saturation of that color. Decreasing the third value will decrease the lightness of that color. That makes creating your own color variations on the fly way easier.

While HSL might be easier to understand than hexadecimal or RGB, it’s far from perfect. The way it calculates lightness simply doesn’t match human perception. According to HSL, hsl(240deg 100% 50%) and hsl(60deg 100% 50%) have the same lightness, 50%. Let’s compare the two.

To the human eye, the blue looks darker. As Brian Kardell puts it: 

Doing things like mixing colors, lightening, darkening, can be done well only if they include a sense of how our eyes really work rather than how machines like to think about storing and displaying.

Here’s a visual example from Lea Verou that demonstrates the superiority of Lab/LCH over HSL. She comments

A trick for aesthetically pleasing gradients of the same color at different lightnesses is to convert to Lab, vary the L instead, and then convert back to HSL/RGB.

“The perceived brightness of all of the hues in a spectrum with the same saturation and lightness. […] It’s quite clear they’re different.” —Brian Kardell (Image: Rob Waychert)

Lab and LCH both use the CIELAB colorspace which is designed to align with human vision. If you give two colors the same lightness value, they appear to the human eye to have the same lightness, regardless of their hue.


background-color: lab(40% 83 -104); /* a shade of purple */

The L in lab() stands for lightness and is written as a percentage (which can go up to 400% for extra bright white, but will generally be between 0% and 100% ). A and B don’t stand for anything — they’re color channels. A is a numerical value between green (negative values) and red (positive values) while B is a numerical value between blue (negative values) and yellow (positive values). Lightness is pretty easy for us to understand. The red/green value and blue/yellow value, however, aren’t exactly intuitive. LCH is probably a better alternative.


background-color: lch(69% 56 244); /* a shade of blue */

lch() is the most human-readable of the new color values. L again stand for lightness (and works in exactly the same way), C is for chroma, and H is for hue. Chroma is largely analogous to saturation, but it can also be thought of as the color intensity or vibrancy. Unlike the other new color formats, you can actually predict the sort of effect changing these individual values will have — its similar to HSL in this way. The best way to get your head around it is to try out this LCH color picker.

Defining fallbacks

We have two kinds of support to think about: browser support for the new CSS color values and the ability of screens to display these colors.

Falling back to the closest matching sRGB value for browsers that don’t support color functions is easy and exactly like we’re used to defining fallback properties:

.pink-text {
  color: rgb(255, 0, 79); /* Will be used as a fallback */
  color: color(display-p3 1 0 0.331); /* Will be used if supported */

The second line of code in the example above will be ignored if the browser doesn’t understand it and the rgb() value will be used instead, thanks to the cascade. It would be laborious to type out two lines of CSS every time you want to specify a color. CSS variables are a great way to deal with this. In this example we’ll use @supports to tell if the browser has support for color functions in CSS:

/* */
:root {
  --bright-green: rgb(0, 255, 0);

/* Display-P3 color, when supported. */
@supports (color: color(display-p3 1 1 1)) {
  :root {
    --bright-green: color(display-p3 0 1 0);

header {
  color: var(--bright-green);

If the color is particularly important to your design, you could utilize a background-image as most browsers do support high-gamut colors in images.

@supports not (color: color(display-p3 1 0 0.331)) {
  @supports (-webkit-background-clip: text){
    .pink-text {
      background-image: url("pink-P3.png");
      background-size: cover;
      -webkit-background-clip: text;
      -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

.pink-text {
  color: rgb(255, 0, 79);
  color: color(display-p3 1 0 0.331);

There is a PostCSS plugin that converts lab() and lch() functions to rgb(). If you’re into Sass there is a tool from Miriam Suzanne called Blend.

A media query for color

@supports tells us whether the browser supports the relevant CSS syntax. What it doesn’t tell us  is whether a user’s monitor can actually display certain color values. If a monitor doesn’t support high-gamut color, the screen will display the nearest equivalent sRGB color. This means all monitors are catered for without writing any extra code.

However, if you’d rather choose the fallback color manually yourself rather than let the browser calculate one for you, you can pass a second color value to the color()  function. This would, however, require browser support for the color function (but support for the second argument hasn’t landed in any browser yet).

background-color: color(display-p3 1 0 0.331, #f54281);

Should you need greater control to do something fancy, the Media Queries Level 4 spec brings a new color-gamut media query that can help us here.

@media (color-gamut: p3) { 
  /* Code to run only on hardware that supports P3 color */

In this example, we are obviously checking for P3 support, but we could also check for the rec-2020 colorspace we alluded to earlier, which has an even wider gamut than P3. The number of screens supporting rec-2020 is currently minimal and only include high-definition televisions, meaning they won’t be a common target for developers in the near future. You can also check for sRGB support, but that is almost all monitors nowadays. The color-gamut query, on the other hand, has reasonably good browser support at the time of writing.

Sidenote: dynamic-range media query

In the Safari 13.1 release notes, the dynamic-range media query is is used to conditionally apply a P3 color.  Apparently, that’s not a good use case. According to Florian Rivoal (editor of the Media Queries specification), this query is designed to be used for video:

[S]ome screen can show ultra-bright lights for brief amounts of times, that are used in videos for things like sparks, direct sunlight, etc. This is much brighter than white, and isn’t meant to be used with static images. It would be uncomfortable, and would also damage the screen.

One more sidenote: Design tool support

Unfortunately popular web design tools like Figma, Sketch and XD do not currently support Lab, LCH or P3 colorspaces. Photoshop, however, does have a Lab color picker.

There we have it! CSS colors are expanding at a time when screens support more colors than ever. It’s an exciting time for color nerds out there!

The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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No-Comma Color Functions in CSS Mon, 04 May 2020 14:48:22 +0000 There have been a couple of viral tweets about this lately, one from Adam Argyle and one from Mathias Bynes. This is a nice change that makes CSS a bit more clear. Before, every single color function actually needs …

No-Comma Color Functions in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

There have been a couple of viral tweets about this lately, one from Adam Argyle and one from Mathias Bynes. This is a nice change that makes CSS a bit more clear. Before, every single color function actually needs two functions, one for transparency and one without, this eliminates that need and brings the syntax more-inline with CSS grammar overall.

Lemme remake the code blocks from Mathias’ tweet here:

/* Old Syntax */
rgb(0, 128, 255)

rgba(0, 128, 255, 0.5)

hsl(198, 38% 50%)

hsla(198, 28%, 50%, 0.5)
/* New Syntax */
rgb(0 128 255)

rgb(0 128 255 / 50%)

hsl(198deg 28% 50%)

hsl(198deg 28% 50% / 50%)

lab(56.29% -10.93 16.58 / 50%)

lch(56.29% 19.86 236.62 / 50%)

color(sRGB 0 0.50 1 / 50%)

Thought party:

  • The browser support is pretty good: everything but IE 11.
  • If you need IE 11 support, you can preprocess it (or not use it). PostCSS’s preset-env does it as well as the very specific plugin postcss-color-rgb (weird it doesn’t do HSL also).
  • If you don’t like it, you literally never need to use it. No browser will ever pull support for such an important feature.
  • The reason to switch is muscle memory and consistent-looking codebases as new color functions (e.g, lab, lch, and color) will only support this new syntax.
  • There is a weird hybrid between old and new. You can pass an opacity value to rgb() and it still works like rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.5);.
  • If you need it in Sass (which is apparently a pain to support), there is a weird workaround. I would guess Sass will get around to supporting it. If they can’t, this is the kind of barb that drives people away from projects.
  • Prettier, which is in the business of cleaning up your code from the perspective of spacing and syntax, could intervene here and convert syntax, but it’s not going to (the Prettier stance is to not change the AST).
  • I imagine DevTools will start showing colors in this format, which will drive adoption.
  • Remember even hex code colors have a fancy new format.

No-Comma Color Functions in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Creating Color Themes With Custom Properties, HSL, and a Little calc() Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:01:21 +0000 Before the advent of CSS custom properties (we might call them “variables” in this article as that’s the spirit of them), implementing multiple color schemes on the same website usually meant writing separate stylesheets. Definitely not the most maintainable thing …

Creating Color Themes With Custom Properties, HSL, and a Little calc() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Before the advent of CSS custom properties (we might call them “variables” in this article as that’s the spirit of them), implementing multiple color schemes on the same website usually meant writing separate stylesheets. Definitely not the most maintainable thing in the world. Nowadays, though, we can define variables in a single stylesheet and let CSS do the magic.

Even if you aren’t offering something like user-generated or user-chosen color themes, you might still use the concept of theming on your website. For example, it is fairly common to use different colors themes across different areas of the site.

We’re going to build out an example like this:

Same layout, different colors.

In this example, all that changes between sections is the color hue; the variations in lightness are always the same. Here’s an example of a simplified color palette for a specific hue:

A palette of multiple hues might look something like this:

This would take effort to do with RGB color value, but in HSL only one value changes.

Enter custom properties

Custom properties have been around for a while and are widely supported. Polyfills and other solutions for IE 11 are also available.

The syntax is very similar to traditional CSS. Here is an overview of the basic usage:

It’s common to see variables defined on the :root pseudo-element, which is always <html> in HTML, but with higher specificity. That said, variables can be defined on any element which is useful for scoping specific variables to specific elements. For example, here are variables defined on data attributes:

Adding calc() to the mix

Variables don’t have to be fixed values. We can leverage the power of the calc() function to automatically calculate values for us while adhering to a uniform pattern:

Since CSS doesn’t support loops, a preprocessor would be handy to generate a part of the code. But remember: CSS variables are not the same as Sass variables.

Implementing CSS variables

What we’re basically trying to do is change the color of the same component on different sections of the same page. Like this:

We have three sections in tabs with their own IDs: #food, #lifestyle, and #travel. Each section corresponds to a different hue. The  data-theme-attribute on the div.wrapper element defines which hue is currently in use.

When #travel is the active tab, we’re using the --first-hue variable, which has a value of 180°. That is what gets used as the --hue value on the section, resulting in a teal color:

<div class="wrapper" data-theme="travel">
.wrapper[data-theme="travel"] {
  --hue: var(--first-hue);  /* = 180° = teal */

Clicking any of the tabs updates the data-theme attribute to the ID of the section, while removing the hash (#) from it. This takes a smidge of JavaScript. That’s one of the (many) nice things about CSS: they can be accessed and manipulated with JavaScript. This is a far cry from preprocessor variables, which compile into values at the build stage and are no longer accessible in the DOM.

<li><a href="#food">Food</a></li>
const wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper');
document.querySelector("nav").addEventListener('click', e => {
  // Get theme name from URL and ditch the hash
  wrapper.dataset.theme ='href').substr(1);

Progressive enhancement

When we use JavaScript, we should be mindful of scenarios where a user may have disabled it. Otherwise, our scripts — and our UI by extension — are inaccessible. This snippet ensures that the site content is still accessible, even in those situations:

// progressive enhancement:
// without JavaScript all sections are displayed, the theme is only set when the page loads
wrapper.dataset.theme = wrapper.querySelector('section').id;

This merely allows the tabs to scroll up the page to the corresponding section. Sure, theming is gone, but providing content is much more important.

While I chose to go with a single-page approach, it’s also possible to serve the sections as separate pages and set [data-theme] on the server side. 

Another approach

So far, we’ve assumed that color values change linearly and are thus subject to a mathematical approach. But even in situations where this is only partially true, we may still be able to benefit from the same concept. For instance, if lightness follows a pattern but hue doesn’t, we could split up the stylesheet like this:

    :root {
      --hue: 260;
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet-with-calculations-based-on-any-hue.css">

Supporting web components

Web components are an exciting (and evolving) concept. It’s enticing to think we can have encapsulated components that can be reused anywhere and theme them on a case-by-case basis. One component with many contexts!

We can use CSS variable theming with web components. It requires us to use a host-context() pseudo-selector. (Thanks to habemuscode for pointing this out to me!)

:host-context(body[data-theme="color-1"]) {
  --shade-1: var(--outsideHSL);

In summary…

Theming a website with CSS custom properties is much easier than the workaround approaches we’ve resorted to in the past. It’s more maintainable (one stylesheet), performant (less code), and opens up new possibilities (using JavaScript). Not to mention, CSS custom properties become even more powerful when they’re used with HSL colors and the calc() function.

We just looked at one example where we can change the color theme of a component based on the section where it is used. But again, there is much more opportunity here when we start to get into things like letting users change themes themselves – a topic that Chris explores in this article.

Creating Color Themes With Custom Properties, HSL, and a Little calc() originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3 Tue, 31 Mar 2020 14:38:52 +0000 Here’s something I’d never heard of before: Display-P3 support in CSS Color Module Level 4 spec. This is a new color profile supported by certain displays and it introduces a much wider range of colors that we can choose …

Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Here’s something I’d never heard of before: Display-P3 support in CSS Color Module Level 4 spec. This is a new color profile supported by certain displays and it introduces a much wider range of colors that we can choose from.

Right now the syntax looks something like this in CSS:

header {
  color: rgb(0, 255, 0); /* fallback color */
  color: color(display-p3 0 1 0);

It looks weird, huh? Over on the WebKit blog, Nikita Vasilyev shows how we can see these new colors in Safari’s DevTools:

Back in 2016, Dean Jackson wrote about improving color on the web and why Apple is interested in this much wider color gamut. The general idea is that more accurate colors make for a better and more vibrant user experience.

Also, it looks like all this is only available in Safari right now.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

The Best Color Functions in CSS? Mon, 20 Jan 2020 21:30:04 +0000 I’ve said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren’t like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes. HSL(a) is Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and alpha, if we need it.

hsl(120, 100%, 40%)

Hue …

The Best Color Functions in CSS? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I’ve said before that HSL is the best color format we have. Most of us aren’t like David DeSandro, who can read hex codes. HSL(a) is Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and alpha, if we need it.

hsl(120, 100%, 40%)

Hue isn’t intuitive, but it’s not that weird. You take a trip around the color wheel from 0 to 360. Saturation is more obvious where 0% has all the color sucked out, like grayscale, and 100% is fully rich color at that hue. Lightness is “normal” at 50% and adds white or black as you go toward 100% and 0%, respectively. I’m sure that’s not the correct scientific or technical way of explaining it, but that’s the brain logic.

There are still issues with using HSL, which Brian Kardell explains in depth. I’m far from a color expert, but I think I see what Brian (and Adam) are saying in that article. Say you have three different colors and they all have the exact same lightness in HSL. That doesn’t mean they are all actually the same lightness. That’s kinda weird, particularly when you’re using this color format as part of a system of colors.

The good news is that there are color features already specced as a CSS Level 4 module that help with this: Lab and LCH. Check out the example from Adam where the colors in Lab have values that reflect their actual lightness much more accurately to how we perceive it.


There are color spaces like Lab and LCH which deal with the full spectrum and have qualities like perceptual uniformness. Thus, if we want great color functions for use in real design systems everyone seems to agree that having support to do said math in the Lab/LCH color spaces is the ideal enabling feature.

In the bug ticket for Chrome, Tab thinks these would be almost trivial to implement.

Note that lab()/lch()/gray() can all be eagerly converted into our existing color infrastructure; they don’t introduce any fundamentally new concepts, they’re just a better way to specify colors, more closely associated with how our eyes actually function rather than being closely tied to how rgb pixels function.

The conversion functions to turn it into rgb are a little bit of code, but it’s just some exponentials and a bit of matrix multiplication, and it’s well-documented in the spec.

This should be a GoodFirstBug sort of thing, I think.

The Best Color Functions in CSS? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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So Many Color Links Fri, 27 Dec 2019 19:30:06 +0000 There’s been a run of tools, articles, and resources about color lately. Please allow me to close a few tabs by rounding them up here for your enjoyment.

Curated colors in context

Happy Hues demonstrates a bunch of color palettes …

So Many Color Links originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

There’s been a run of tools, articles, and resources about color lately. Please allow me to close a few tabs by rounding them up here for your enjoyment.

Curated colors in context

Happy Hues demonstrates a bunch of color palettes in the context of the site itself. That’s a nice way to do it, because choosing nice colors isn’t enough — it’s all about context. It can go bad, as the Refactoring UI blog demonstrates.

Dynamic, Date-Based Color with JavaScript, HSL, and CSS Variables

Rob Weychert shows off how he created date-based color schemes (so that every single day of the past 30 years would have a unique color scheme, each day looking slightly different than the day before).

Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS.

Una Kravets creates color themes just with CSS. No JavaScript. No CSS preprocessing. Just Custom Properties, HSL colors, and some calc() in Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS.

Color Tools

We’ve tweeted about color tools a lot. We’ve even threaded them up from time-to-time.

Visualizing Every Pantone Color of the Year

Adam Fuhrer took 20 years of top Pantone colors and matched them with wonderful photos. I love that the photos link to the personal sites of the actual photographers. It weirdly reminds me that you can browse Dribbble by color.

A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes

Stephanie Eckles blogged about using Sass to do math on colors to calculate and graph their luminance, saturation, and lightness, which can give you a by-the-numbers look to see if your color scheme is cohesive or not.


Leonardo is an interactive color palette tool that helps interpolate colors and generate variations based on contrast ratio.

Color Puns


So Many Color Links originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes Mon, 09 Dec 2019 16:03:11 +0000 For those who may not come from a design background, selecting a color palette is often based on personal preferences. Choosing colors might be done with an online color tool, sampling from an image, “borrowing” from favorite brands, or just …

A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

For those who may not come from a design background, selecting a color palette is often based on personal preferences. Choosing colors might be done with an online color tool, sampling from an image, “borrowing” from favorite brands, or just sort of randomly picking from a color wheel until a palette “just feels right.”

Our goal is to better understand what makes a palette “feel right” by exploring key color attributes with Sass color functions. By the end, you will become more familiar with:

  • The value of graphing a palette’s luminance, lightness, and saturation to assist in building balanced palettes
  • The importance of building accessible contrast checking into your tools
  • Advanced Sass functions to extend for your own explorations, including a CodePen you can manipulate and fork

What you’ll ultimately find, however, is that color on the web is a battle of hardware versus human perception.

What makes color graphing useful

You may be familiar with ways of declaring colors in stylesheets, such as RGB and RGBA values, HSL and HSLA values, and HEX codes.

rbga(102,51,153, 0.6)
hsl(270, 50%, 40%)
hsla(270, 50%, 40%, 0.6)

Those values give devices instructions on how to render color. Deeper attributes of a color can be exposed programmatically and leveraged to understand how a color relates to a broader palette.

The value of graphing color attributes is that we get a more complete picture of the relationship between colors. This reveals why a collection of colors may or may not feel right together. Graphing multiple color attributes helps hint at what adjustments can be made to create a more harmonious palette. We’ll look into examples of how to determine what to change in a later section.

Two useful measurements we can readily obtain using built-in Sass color functions are lightness and saturation.

  • Lightness refers to the mix of white or black with the color.
  • Saturation refers to the intensity of a color, with 100% saturation resulting in the purest color (no grey present).
$color: rebeccapurple;

@debug lightness($color);
// 40%

@debug saturation($color);
// 50%;

However, luminance may arguably be the most useful color attribute. Luminance, as represented in our tool, is calculated using the WCAG formula which assumes an sRGB color space. Luminance is used in the contrast calculations, and as a grander concept, also aims to get closer to quantifying the human perception of relative brightness to assess color relationships. This means that a tighter luminance value range among a palette is likely to be perceived as more balanced to the human eye. But machines are fallible, and there are exceptions to this rule that you may encounter as you manipulate palette values. For more extensive information on luminance, and a unique color space called CIELAB that aims to even more accurately represent the human perception of color uniformity, see the links at the end of this article.

Additionally, color contrast is exceptionally important for accessibility, particularly in terms of legibility and distinguishing UI elements, which can be calculated programmatically. That’s important in that it means tooling can test for passing values. It also means algorithms can, for example, return an appropriate text color when passed in the background color. So our tool will incorporate contrast checking as an additional way to gauge how to adjust your palette.

The functions demonstrated in this project can be extracted for helping plan a contrast-safe design system palette, or baked into a Sass framework that allows defining a custom theme.

Sass as a palette building tool

Sass provides several traditional programming features that make it perfect for our needs, such as creating and iterating through arrays and manipulating values with custom functions. When coupled with an online IDE, like CodePen, that has real-time processing, we can essentially create a web app to solve specific problems such as building a color palette.

Here is a preview of the tool we’re going to be using:

See the Pen
Sass Color Palette Grapher
by Stephanie Eckles (@5t3ph)
on CodePen.

Features of the Sass palette builder

  • It outputs an aspect ratio-controlled responsive graph for accurate plot point placement and value comparing.
  • It leverages the result of Sass color functions and math calculations to correctly plot points on a 0–100% scale.
  • It generates a gradient to provide a more traditional “swatch” view.
  • It uses built-in Sass functions to extract saturation and lightness values.
  • It creates luminance and contrast functions (forked from Material Web Components in addition to linking in required precomputed linear color channel values).
  • It returns appropriate text color for a given background, with a settings variable to change the ratio used.
  • It provides functions to uniformly scale saturation and lightness across a given palette.

Using the palette builder

To begin, you may wish to swap from among the provided example palettes to get a feel for how the graph values change for different types of color ranges. Simply copy a palette variable name and swap it for $default as the value of the $palette variable which can be found under the comment SWAP THE PALETTE VARIABLE.

Next, try switching the $contrastThreshold variable value between the predefined ratios, especially if you are less familiar with ensuring contrast passes WCAG guidelines.

Then try to adjust the $palette-scale-lightness or $palette-scale-saturation values. Those feed into the palette function and uniformly scale those measurements across the palette (up to the individual color’s limit).

Finally, have a go at adding your own palette, or swap out some colors within the examples. The tool is a great way to explore Sass color functions to adjust particular attributes of a color, some of which are demonstrated in the $default palette.

Interpreting the graphs and creating balanced, accessible palettes

The graphing tool defaults to displaying luminance due to it being the most reliable indicator of a balanced palette, as we discussed earlier. Depending on your needs, saturation and lightness can be useful metrics on their own, but mostly they are signalers that can help point to what needs adjusting to bring a palette’s luminance more in alignment. An exception may be creating a lightness scale based on each value in your established palette. You can swap to the $stripeBlue example for that.

The $default palette is actually in need of adjustment to get closer to balanced luminance:

The $default palette’s luminance graph

A palette that shows well-balanced luminance is the sample from Stripe ($stripe):

The $stripe palette luminance graph

Here’s where the tool invites a mind shift. Instead of manipulating a color wheel, it leverages Sass functions to programmatically adjust color attributes.

Check the saturation graph to see if you have room to play with the intensity of the color. My recommended adjustment is to wrap your color value with the scale-color function and pass an adjusted $saturation value, e.g. example: scale-color(#41b880, $saturation: 60%). The advantage of scale-color is that it fluidly adjusts the value based on the given percent.

Lightness can help explain why two colors feel different by assigning a value to their brightness measured against mixing them with white or black. In the $default palette, the change-color function is used for purple to align it’s relative $lightness value with the computed lightness() of the value used for the red.

The scale-color function also allows bundling both an adjusted $saturation and $lightness value, which is often the most useful. Note that provided percents can be negative.

By making use of Sass functions and checking the saturation and lightness graphs, the $defaultBalancedLuminance achieves balanced luminance. This palette also uses the map-get function to copy values from the $default palette and apply further adjustments instead of overwriting them, which is handy for testing multiple variations such as perhaps a hue shift across a palette.

The $defaultBalancedLuminance luminance graph

Take a minute to explore other available color functions. offers an excellent web app to review effects of Sass and Compass color functions.

Contrast comes into play when considering how the palette colors will actually be used in a UI. The tool defaults to the AA contrast most appropriate for all text: 4.5. If you are building for a light UI, then consider that any color used on text should achieve appropriate contrast with white when adjusting against luminance, indicated by the center color of the plot point.

Tip: The graph is set up with a transparent background, so you can add a background rule on body if you are developing for a darker UI.

Further reading

Color is an expansive topic and this article only hits the aspects related to Sass functions. But to truly understand how to create harmonious color systems, I recommend the following resources:

  • Color Spaces – is a super impressive deep-dive with interactive models of various color spaces and how they are computed.
  • Understanding Colors and Luminance – A beginner-friendly overview from MDN on color and luminance and their relationship to accessibility.
  • Perpetually Uniform Color Spaces – More information on perceptually uniform color systems, with an intro the tool HSLuv that converts values from the more familiar HSL color space to the luminance-tuned CIELUV color space.
  • Accessible Color Systems – A case study from Stripe about their experience building an accessible color system by creating custom tooling (which inspired this exploration and article).
  • A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web – This is a fantastic exploration of the mechanics of color on the web, available right here on CSS-Tricks.
  • Tanaguru Contrast Finder – An incredible tool to help if you are struggling to adjust colors to achieve accessible contrast.
  • ColorBox – A web app from Lyft that further explores color scales through graphing.
  • Designing Systematic Colors – Describes Mineral UI‘s exceptional effort to create color ramps to support consistent theming via a luminance-honed palette.
  • How we designed the new color palettes in Tableau 10 – Tableau exposed features of their custom tool that helped them create a refreshed palette based on CIELAB, including an approachable overview of that color space.

A Handy Sass-Powered Tool for Making Balanced Color Palettes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Color contrast accessibility tools Tue, 28 May 2019 23:02:24 +0000 Accessibility is all the rage these days, specifically when it comes to color contrast. I’ve stumbled upon a couple of tools this week that I think are pretty nifty for helping make sure that all of the text on our …

Color contrast accessibility tools originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Accessibility is all the rage these days, specifically when it comes to color contrast. I’ve stumbled upon a couple of tools this week that I think are pretty nifty for helping make sure that all of the text on our websites is legible regardless of what background color they might have.

First up is the Accessible Color Generator which happens to be a wonderful tool for picking alternative colors. Let’s say you’re working on a brand with color X. You can generate a host of other complimentary colors like this:

Next up is Contrast, a rather great MacOS app that sits in the menu bar at all times and helps identify accessible color pairings based on WCAG Guidelines. This one is particularly useful if you happen to be a designer:

This reminds me of a wonderful post about how the Lyft design team re-approached the way they use color in their app. Kevyn Arnott explains:

Color, at least on the surface, appears almost naively simple, yet as it scales across larger products it becomes unbelievably complex. You have thousands of people building products all at once, and those products are all heavily reliant on color. This puts a lot of pressure on the color system to ensure that all the products are being created consistently, but very hard to implement since it’s all too easy to apply colors on a one-off basis.

The team then went ahead and built which lets you systematically build out a ton of colors for your design systems work. It’s pretty nifty!

Plus the folks over at GOV.UK made their own color accessibility tool called Contrast Checker which (as you have guessed by the name) helps check the contrast between the background of an element and the page itself:

And, of course, there’s the trusty WebAIM contrast checker, which is a go-to for many developers out there.

Even DevTools can tell you about color contrast by looking at the colors right in there.

So far, we’ve looked at tools that check contrast. But there is a class of tooling that can automate accessible contrasts during development. Josh Bader wrote up an approach that enforces high contrast by pairing CSS custom properties with the calc() function. Facundo Corradini did something similar that switches font color based on the background color behind it.

Oh! And we may have something to look forward to with the color-adjust property. It is proposed in the CSS Color Module Level 4 specification and could give browsers more control to adjust color values that are declared in the stylesheet. It’s not really geared towards color contrast, but there’s something interesting about handing off the responsibility of rendering color values to the browser based on certain conditions.

Color contrast accessibility tools originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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