Comments on: :lang() Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:41:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Den Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:41:09 +0000 Hi! I recently created a website of the company, now I want to promote it. I managed to find some companies that can efficiently and cheaply to do this. For example, Site , or it is possible to employ the webmaster. Maybe someone heard about this company or can give advice?

By: Patanjali Sat, 08 Nov 2014 07:29:19 +0000 In reply to Patanjali.

Actually, defining my quotes in css properly made them independent of the lang attribute, though it does mean that one of the classes MUST be used on EVERY element where a lang attribute is used.

My styles (use as you wish) are:

body{quotes:'\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/“”‘’DEFAULT/
.Q_SuiDui * {quotes:'\2018' '\2019' '\201C' '\201D';}/‘’“”/
.Q_DuiSui * {quotes:'\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/“”‘’/
.Q_DS * {quotes:'\22' '\22' '\27' '\27';}/""''/
.Q_DsS * {quotes:'\301D' '\301E' '\27' '\27';}/〝〞''/
.Q_GdoGso * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\2039' '\203A';}/«»‹›/
.Q_GdoDui * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\201C' '\201D';}/«»“”/
.Q_GdoDol * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\201E' '\201D';}/«»„”/
.Q_NK * {quotes:'\300A' '\300B' '\3008' '\3009';}/《》〈〉/
.Q_CJK * {quotes:'\300C' '\300D' '\300E' '\300F';}/「」『』/
.Q_DooSoo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201C' '\201A' '\2018';}/„“‚‘/
.Q_DolSui * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/„”‘’/
.Q_DolSul * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2019' '\2019';}/„”’’/
.Q_DolGdo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\AB' '\BB';}/„”«»/
.Q_DolSuo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2019' '\2018';}/„”’‘/
.Q_DolGdi * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\BB' '\AB';}/„”»«/
.Q_GdiGsi * {quotes:'\BB' '\AB' '\203A' '\2039';}/»«›‹/
.Q_DulSul * {quotes:'\201D' '\201D' '\2019' '\2019';}/””’’/
.Q_Ja * {quotes:'\3010' '\3011' '\3016' '\3017';}/【】〖〗/

There is method in my class names. For example, DolGdo = Double opposite left Guillemot double outwards.

By: Patanjali Sat, 08 Nov 2014 07:08:20 +0000 As I wrote in my comments for the quotes topic, there are issues with tying quotes to the lang attribute, namely:
a) Quotes used in practice are often NOT what the ‘official’ quotes are (just look at most online versions of print newspapers in Western Europe, where most follow a US variant).
b) Chrome applies the ‘official’ quotes associated with the lang element, but not for the body element.
c) Chrome applies the quotes to a q element with a lang attribute itself, rather than than to only its embedded q elements.

A couple of sites to check for online usage:

By: sam Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:02:46 +0000 perfect! i was having a problem with using the DIR attribute. this came in handy.
