AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is a modern image file format specification for storing images that offer a much more significant file reduction when compared to other formats like JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP. Version 1.0.0 of the AVIF specification was finalized in February 2019 and released by Alliance for Open Media to the public.
In this article, you will learn about some browser-based tools and command line tools for creating AVIF images.
Why use AVIF over JPGs, PNGS, WebP, and GIF?
- Lossless compression and lossy compression
- JPEG suffers from awful banding
- WebP is much better, but there’s still noticeable blockiness compared to the AVIF
- Multiple color space
- 8, 10, 12-bit color depth
Jake Archibald, wrote an article a few years back on this new image format and also helped us to identify some disadvantages to compressing images, normally you should look out for these two when compressing to AVIF:
- If a user looks at the image in the context of the page, and it strikes them as ugly due to compression, then that level of compression is not acceptable. But, one tiny notch above that boundary is fine.
- It’s okay for the image to lose noticeable detail compared to the original unless that detail is significant to the context of the image.
See also: Addy Osmani at Smashing Magazine goes in-depth on using AVIF and WebP.
Browser Solutions

Squoosh is a popular image compression web app that allows you to convert images in numerous formats to other widely used compressed formats, including AVIF.
- File-size limit: 4MB
- Image optimization settings (located on the right side)
- Download controls – this includes seeing the size of the resulting file and the percentage reduction from the original image
- Free to use

AVIF.io is an image tool that doesn’t require any form of code. All you need to do is upload your selected images in PNG, JPG, GIF, etc. and it would return compressed versions of them.
- Conversion settings (located on the top-right of upload banner)
- Free to use
You can find answers to your questions on the AVIF.io FAQ page.
Command Line Solutions
by lovell lets you take your images (PNG, JPEG, etc.) stored in a folder and converts them to AVIF images of your specified reduction size.
Here are the requirements and what you need to do:
- Node.js 12.13.0+
Install the package:
npm install avif
Run the command in your terminal:
npx avif --input="./imgs/*" --output="./output/" --verbose
– represents the location of all your image files./output/
– represents the location of your output folder
- Free to use
- Speed of conversion can be set
You can find out about more commands via the avif-cli GitHub page.
sharp is another useful tool for converting large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly AVIF images.
Here are the requirements and what you need to do:
- Node.js 12.13.0+
Install the package:
npm install sharp
Create a JavaScript file named sharp-example.js
and copy this code:
const sharp = require('sharp')
const convertToAVIF = () => {
.toFormat('avif', {palette: true})
.toFile(__dirname + 'path_to_output_image')
Where path_to_image
represents the path to your image with its name and extension, i.e.:
And path_to_output_image
represents the path you want your image to be stored with its name and new extension, i.e.:
Run the command in your terminal:
node sharp-example.js
And there! You should have a compressed AVIF file in your output location!
- Free to use
- Images can be rotated, blurred, resized, cropped, scaled, and more using
See also: Stanley Ulili’s article on How To Process Images in Node.js With Sharp.
AVIF is a technology that front-end developers should consider for their projects. These tools allow you to convert your existing JPEG and PNG images to AVIF format. But as with adopting any new tool in your workflow, the benefits and downsides will need to be properly evaluated in accordance with your particular use case.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead!
Thanks for overview. Useful.
There’s also a Photoshop plugin available:
Thank you for the review.
Squoosh also has an available cli option at:
“there’s still noticeable blockiness compared to the AVIF”
Referring to canIuse, it’s the opposite. Or?
What I mean by blockiness is a drop in image quality, but in this case, it reflects in a specific area.
An article linked to this explains it best with visual examples of this fact as mine focuses on the useful tools for creating avif images.
Check out Addy Osmani’s article on Using Modern Image Formats: AVIF And WebP – https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/09/modern-image-formats-avif-webp/#comparing-formats
Particularly, the “Comparing Formats” section.
Hope this helped!
“avif-cli by lovell lets you take AVIF images stored in a folder and converts them to AVIF images”
It lets you take non-AVIF images, too, right?
Thank you for the observation.
It’s been corrected.
What a nice overview of some popular tools.
Another browser-based solution that I use is MConverter.
Unlike the other two web apps mentioned in the article, this one uses the File System Access API, so that you can directly save the AVIF images to any folder of your choosing. This saves me some time, as I’d previously need to manually move the converted files from the Downloads folder.