A Guide to SVG Animations (SMIL)

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Sara Soueidan on (Updated on )

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Update December 2015: At the time of this update, SMIL seems to be kinda dying. Sarah Drasner has a guide on how you can replace some of it’s features.

The following is a guest post by Sara Soueidan. Sara has a knack for digging deep into web features and explaining the heck out of them for the rest of us. Here she digs into SMIL (and friends), and animation syntax built right into SVG, and gives us this epic guide.

Table of contents


SVG graphics can be animated using animation elements. The animation elements were initially defined in the SMIL Animation specification; these elements include:

  • <animate></animate>– which allows you to animate scalar attributes and properties over a period of time.
  • <set></set> – which is a convenient shorthand for animate, which is useful for assigning animation values to non-numeric attributes and properties, such as the visibility property.
  • <animatemotion></animatemotion> – which moves an element along a motion path.
  • <animatecolor></animatecolor> – which modifies the color value of particular attributes or properties over time. Note that the element has been deprecated in favor of simply using the animate element to target properties that can take color values. Even though it’s still present in the SVG 1.1 specification, it is clearly noted that it has been deprecated; and it has been completely removed from the SVG 2 specification.

In addition to the animation elements defined in the SMIL spec, SVG includes extensions compatible with the SMIL animations spec; these extensions include attributes that extend the functionality of the element and additional animation elements. The SVG extensions include:

  • <animatetransform></animatetransform> – allows you to animate one of SVG’s transformation attributes over time, such as the transform attribute.
  • path (attribute) – allows any feature from SVG’s path data syntax to be specified in a path attribute to the animateMotion element (SMIL Animation only allows a subset of SVG’s path data syntax within a path attribute). We’ll talk more about animateMotion in an upcoming section.
  • <mpath></mpath> – used in conjunction with the animateMotion element to reference a motion path that is to be used as a path for the motion. The mpath element is included inside the animateMotion element, before the closing tag.
  • keypoints (attribute) – used as an attribute for animateMotion to provide precise control of the velocity of motion path animations.
  • rotate (attribute) – used as an attribute for animateMotion to control whether an object is automatically rotated so that its x-axis points in the same direction (or opposite direction) as the directional tangent vector of the motion path. This attribute is the key to making motion along a path work as you’d expect. More about this in the animateMotion section.

SVG animations can be similar to CSS animations and transitions via by their nature. Keyframes are created, things move, colors change, etc. However, they can do somethings that CSS animations can’t do, which we’ll cover.

Why use SVG animations?

SVGs can be styled and animated with CSS (slides). Basically, any transformation or transition animation that can be applied to an HTML element can also be applied to an SVG element. But there are some SVG properties that cannot be animated through CSS that can through SVG. An SVG path, for example, comes with a set of data (a d="" attribute) that defines that path’s shape. This data can be modified and animated through SMIL, but not CSS. This is because SVG elements are described by a set of attributes known as SVG presentation attributes. Some of these attributes can be set, modified, and animated using CSS, and others can’t.

So, many animations and effects can simply not be achieved using CSS at this time. The CSS SVG animation gaps can be filled by using either JavaScript or the declarative SVG animations derived from SMIL.

If you prefer using JavaScript, I recommend using snap.svg by Dmitry Baranovsky, which is described as being “the jQuery of SVG”. Here’s a collection of examples of that.

Or if you prefer a more declarative animation approach, you can use the SVG animation elements as we’ll cover in this guide!

Another advantage to SMIL over JS animations is that JS animations don’t work when the SVG is embedded as an img or used as a background-image in CSS. SMIL animations do work in both cases (or should, browser support pending). That’s a big advantage, in my opinion. You may find yourself choosing SMIL over other options because of that. This article is a guide to help you get started using SMIL today.

Browser support and fallbacks

Browser support for SMIL animations is pretty decent. They work in all browsers except in Internet Explorer and Opera Mini. For a thorough overview of browser support, you can refer to the compatibility table on Can I Use.

If you need to provide a fallback for SMIL animations, you can test for browser support on-the-fly using Modernizr. If SMIL is not supported, you can then provide some kind of fallback (JavaScript animations, an alternate experience, etc).

Specifying the target of the animation with xlink:href

No matter which of the four animation elements you choose, you need to specify the target of the animation defined by that element.

In order to specify a target, you can use the xlink:href attribute. The attribute takes a URI reference to the element which is the target of this animation and which therefore will be modified over time. The target element must be part of the current SVG document fragment.

<rect id="cool_shape" ...="">
  <animate xlink:href="#cool_shape" ...=""></animate>

If you’ve come across SVG animation elements before, you’ve probably seen them nested inside the element that they’re supposed to animate. This is possible as well as per the spec:

If the xlink:href attribute is not provided, then the target element will be the immediate parent element of the current animation element.

<rect id="cool_shape" ...="">
  <animate ...=""></animate>

So if you want to “encapsulate” the animation into the element it applies to, you can do that. And if you want to keep the animations separate somewhere else in the document, you can do that too, and specify the target of each animation using xlink:href. Both ways work just fine.

Specifying the target property of the animation with attributeName and attributeType

All animation elements also share another attribute: attributeName. The attributeName attribute is used to specify the name of the attribute that you’re animating.

For example, if you want to animate the position of the center of a on the x-axis, you do that by specifying cx as the value for the attributeName attribute.

attributeName takes only one value, not a list of values, so, you can only animate one attribute at a time. If you want to animate more than one attribute, you need to define more than one animation for the element. This is something that I wish were different, and that I think CSS has an advantage over SMIL for. But then again, because of the values possible for other animation attributes (which we’ll cover next), it only makes sense to define only one attribute name at a time, otherwise the other attribute values can become too complex to work with.

When you specify the attribute name, you can add an XMLNS (short for XML namespace) prefix to indicate the namespace of the attribute. The namespace can also be specified using the attributeType attribute. For example, some attributes are part of the CSS namespace (which means that the attribute can be found as a CSS property as well) and others are XML-only. A table showing these attributes can be found here. The attributes in the table are not all of the SVG attributes. They are only the ones that can be set using CSS. Some of them are already available as CSS properties.

If the value for attributeType is not explicitly set or is set to auto, the browser must first search through the list of CSS properties for a matching property name, and if none is found, search the default XML namespace for the element.

For example, the following snippet animates the opacity of an SVG rectangle. Since the opacity attribute is also available as a CSS property, the attributeType is set to the CSS namespace:


We’ll go over the other animation attributes in the upcoming examples below. Except where otherwise noted, all of the animation attributes are common to all of the animation elements.

Animating an element’s attribute from one value to another over a duration of time, and specifying the end state: from, by, to, dur and fill

Let’s start by moving a circle from one position to another. We’re going to do that by changing the value of its cx attribute (which specifies the x-position of its center).

We’re going to use the element to do that. This element is used to animate one attribute at a time. Attributes that take numerical values and colors are usually animated with . For a list of attributes that can be animated, refer to this table.

In order to change a value to another over a period of time, the from, to, and dur attributes are used. In addition to these, you will also want to specify when the animation should start with the begin attribute.

<circle id="my-circle" r="30" cx="50" cy="50" fill="orange">
  <animate xlink:href="#my-circle" attributename="cx" from="50" to="450" dur="1s" begin="click" fill="freeze"></animate>

In the above example, we’ve defined a circle, and then called an animation on that circle. The center of the circle moves from the initial position at 50 units, to 450 units along the x-axis.

The begin value is set to click. This means that the circle will move when it is clicked. You can set this value to a time value as well. For example, begin="0s" will start the animation as soon as the page is loaded. You can delay an animation by setting a positive time value. For example, begin="2s" starts the animation two seconds after load.

What’s even more interesting about begin is that you can define values like click + 1s to start an animation one second after the element is clicked! What’s more, you can use other values that allow you to sync animations without having calculate the duration and delays of other animations. More about this later.

The dur attribute is similar to the animation-duration equivalent in CSS.

The from and to attributes are similar to the from and to keyframes in an animation’s @keyframe block in CSS:

@keyframes moveCircle {
  from { /* start value */ }
  to { /* end value */ }

The fill attribute (which is rather unfortunately named the same as the fill attribute which defines the fill color of an element) is similar to the animation-fill-mode property, which specifies whether or not the element should return to its initial state after the animation is over. The values in SVG are similar to those in CSS, except use different names:

  • freeze: The animation effect is defined to freeze the effect value at the last value of the active duration. The animation effect is “frozen” for the remainder of the document duration (or until the animation is restarted).
  • remove: The animation effect is removed (no longer applied) when the active duration of the animation is over. After the active end of the animation, the animation no longer affects the target (unless the animation is restarted).

Try changing the values in the live demo to see how the animation is affected:

The by attribute is used to specify a relative offset for the animation. As the name suggests, you can use it to specify the amount by which you want the animation to progress. The effect of by is almost only visible when you’re progressing over the animation duration in discrete steps, similar to the way it works with the CSS steps() function. The SVG equivalent to the CSS steps() function is calcMode="discrete". We’ll get to the calcMode attribute later in the article.

Another case where the effect of by is more obvious is when you only specify the to attribute. An example of that would be if you use it with the set element which we will also cover later in the article.

And last but not least, by also comes in useful when you’re working with additive and accumulative animations. We will go over that later in the article.

Restarting Animations with restart

It may be useful to prevent an animation from being restarted while it is active. To do that, SVG offers the restart attribute. You can set this attribute to one of three possible values:

  • always: The animation can be restarted any time. This is the default value.
  • whenNotActive: The animation can only be restarted when it is not active (i.e. after the active end). Attempts to restart the animation during its active duration are ignored.
  • never: The element cannot be restarted for the remainder of the current simple duration of the parent time container. (In the case of SVG, since the parent time container is the SVG document fragment, then the animation cannot be restarted for the remainder of the document duration.)

Naming animations and synchronizing them

Suppose we want to animate the position and the color of the circle, such that the change in color happens at the end of the moving animation. We can do that by setting the begin value of the color-changing animation to be equal to the duration of the moving animation; this is how we would normally do it in CSS.

SMIL, however, has a nice event-handling feature. We mentioned before that the begin attribute accepts values like click + 5s. This value is called an “event value”, and is in this case made up of an event reference followed by a “clock value”. The interesting part here is the naming of the second part: the “clock value”. Why is it not simply a “time value”? Well the answer is that you can literally use a clock value like “10min” or “01:33” which is equivalent to “1 minute and 33 seconds”, or even “02:30:03” (two hours, 30 minutes, and 3 seconds). At the time of this writing, clock values are not fully implemented in any browser.

So, if we were to go back to the previous demo and use click + 01:30, if a browser started supporting it, the animation would fire 1 minute and 30 seconds after the circle is clicked.

Another kind of value it can accept is the ID of another animation followed by an event reference. If you have two (or more) animations (whether they are applied to the same element or not!) and you want to synchronize them so that one of them starts relative to the other, you can do that without having to know the duration of the other animation.

For example, in the next demo, the blue rectangle starts moving 1 second after the circle animation starts. This is done by giving each animation an ID, and then using that ID with the begin event as shown in the following code:

<circle id="orange-circle" r="30" cx="50" cy="50" fill="orange">
  <rect id="blue-rectangle" width="50" height="50" x="25" y="200" fill="#0099cc"></rect>
    begin="circ-anim.begin + 1s" 

The begin="circ-anim.begin + 1s" is the part that tells the browser to start the rectangle’s animation 1 second after the beginning of the circle’s. You can check the live demo out:

You can also start the rectangle animation after the circle animation ends using the end event:


You could even start it before the end of the circle’s animation:

  begin="circ-anim.end - 3s" 

Repeating Animations with repeatCount

If you want to run an animation more than once, you can do that using the repeatCount attribute. You can specify the number of times you want it to repeat, or use the indefinite keyword to have it repeat endlessly. So, if we were to repeat the circle’s animation for two times, the code would look like so:


You can check the live demo out here. In the demo, I’ve set the repeat count to be 2 on the circle, and indefinite on the square.

Notice how the animation restarts from the initial from value instead of the value it reached at the end of the animation. Unfortunately, SMIL does not include a way to go back and forth between the start and end values like CSS animations allow us to do. In CSS, the animation-direction property specifies whether or not an animation should play in reverse on some or all cycles or iterations. animation-direction: alternate value means that the animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. This means that the first cycle will play from beginning to end, then the second cycle will play from the end back to the beginning, then the third cycle will play from the beginning to the end, and so on.

In SMIL to do that you would have to use JavaScript to explicitly change the values of the from and to attributes. Jon McPartland of the Big Bite Creative wrote a post a while back explaining how he did this for a menu icon animation that he worked on.

Another workaround is to specify the end value as the middle value and then have the end value be the same as the initial value. For example, you can set the animation to start from a value, and end at the same value as well with to, except that you specify what you would have set to be a final value, as an intermediate value between from and to.
In CSS we would do that using something like this:

@keyframes example {
  from, to {
    left: 0;

  50% {
    left: 300px;

The equivalent in SMIL is to use the values attribute, which we will explain shortly.

That said, the above workaround may or may not work for you depending on the kind of animation you’re after, and whether or not you are chaining animations, repeating them, or doing additive animations.

Here’s a nice, simple infinite animation using some delayed begin times by Miles Elam:

Restricting repetition time with repeatDur

Setting an element to repeat indefinitely may get annoying or not user-friendly if the animation resumes for a long time. So, it may be a good idea to restrict the repetition time to a certain period of time, and stop the repetition after some time relative to the beginning of the document. This is known as presentation time.

The presentation time indicates the position in the timeline relative to the document begin of a given document fragment. It is specified using the repeatDur attribute. Its syntax is similar to that of a clock value, but instead of being relative to another animation event or an interaction event, it’s relative to the beginning of the document.

For example, the following snippet will stop the repetition of the animation 1 minute and 30 seconds after the document begin:


And here is the live demo:

Synchronizing animations based on number of repetitions

Now let’s go back a step to the synchronizing between two animations topic. Indeed, in SMIL, you can synchronize animations so that one animation starts based on the number of repetitions of another. For example, you can start an animation after the nth-repetition of another, plus or minus an amount of time you may want to add.
The following example starts the rectangle’s animation at the second repetition of the circle’s animation:


The following is a live demo where the rectangle’s animation starts 2 seconds after the second repetition of the circle’s animation.

And here is an example David Eisenberg put together for SVG Essentials (2nd Edition).

Controlling animation keyframe values: keyTimes and values

In CSS, we can specify the values that we want our animated property to take in a certain frame during the animation. For example, if you’re animating the left offset of an element, instead of animating it from, say, 0 to 300 directly, you can animate it so that it takes certain values during certain frames like this:

@keyframes example {
  0% {
    left: 0;
  50% {
    left: 320px;
  80% {
    left: 270px;
  100% {
    left: 300px;

The 0%, 20%, 80%, and 100% are the frames of the animation, and the values in each frame’s block are the values for each frame. The effect described above is one of an element bouncing off a wall, then back to the final position.

In SMIL, you can control the values per frame in a similar way, but the syntax is quite different.

To specify the keyframes, you use the keyTimes attribute. And then to specify the value of the animated property for each frame, you use the values attributes. The naming conventions in SMIL are quite convenient.

If we were to go back to our moving circle, and use values similar to the ones in the CSS keyframes above, the code will look like the following:

  values="50; 490; 350; 450" 
  keytimes="0; 0.5; 0.8; 1" 

So what did we do there?

The first thing to notice here is that the keyframe times and intermediate values are specified as lists. The keyTimes attribute is a semicolon-separated list of time values used to control the pacing of the animation. Each time in the list corresponds to a value in the values attribute list, and defines when the value is used in the animation function. Each time value in the keyTimes list is specified as a floating point value between 0 and 1 (inclusive), representing a proportional offset into the simple duration of the animation element. So the keytimes are similar to those in CSS, except that, instead of specifying them as percentages, you specify them as a fraction.

The following is the live demo for the above code. Click on the circle to start the animation.

Note that if a list of values is used, the animation will apply the values in order over the course of the animation. If a list of values is specified, any from, to and by attribute values are ignored.

At this point, it is also worth mentioning that you can use values attribute without the keyTimes attribute — the values are automatically spread out evenly through the time (for every calcMode value other than paced (see next section).

Controlling animation pace with custom easing: calcMode, and keySplines

I’m going to go for a CSS-SMIL comparison again because the SMIL syntax and concepts will be much simpler to understand if you’re already familiar with CSS animations.

In CSS, you can choose to change the default uniform animation pace and specify a custom easing function that controls the animation, using the animation-timing-function property. The timing function can be one of a few predefined keywords, or a cubic bezier function. The latter can be created using a tool such as this tool by Lea Verou.

In SMIL, the animation pace is specified using the calcMode attribute. The default animation pace is linear for all animation elements except animateMotion (we’ll get to it later in the article). In addition to the linear value, you can set the value to: discrete, paced, or spline.

  • discrete specifies that the animation function will jump from one value to the next without any interpolation. This is similar to the steps() function in CSS.
  • paced is similar to linear, except that it will ignore any intermediate progress times defined by keyTimes. It calculates out the distance between subsequent values and divides up the time accordingly. If your values are all in a linear order, you won’t notice the difference. But if they go back and forth, or if they are colours (which are treated as three-dimensional vector values), you will definitely see the intermediary values. Here’s a demo courtesy of Amelia Bellamy-Royds that shows the difference between the three calcMode values mentioned so far.
  • The fourth value accepted by calcMode is spline. It interpolates from one value in the values list to the next according to a time function defined by a cubic bezier spline. The points of the spline are defined in the keyTimes attribute, and the control points for each interval are defined in the keySplines attribute.

You’ve probably noticed the new attribute in the last sentence: the keySplines attribute. So, what does the keySplines attribute do?

Again, to the CSS equivalents.

In CSS, you can specify the animation pace inside every keyframe, instead of specifying one animation pace for the entire animation. This gives you better control over how each keyframe animation should proceed. An example using this feature is creating a bouncing ball effect. The keyframes for that may look like this:

@keyframes bounce {
  0% {
    top: 0;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  15% {
    top: 200px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  30% {
    top: 70px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  45% {
    top: 200px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  60% {
    top: 120px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  75% {
    top: 200px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  90% {
    top: 170px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  100% {
    top: 200px;
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;

Instead of keyword easing functions, we could have used the corresponding cubic-bezier functions:

  • ease-in = cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)
  • ease-out = cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)

Let’s start by specifying the key times and list of values for our orange circle to undergo the same bouncing effect:

  values="50; 250; 120;250; 170; 250; 210; 250" 
  keytimes="0; 0.15; 0.3; 0.45; 0.6; 0.75; 0.9; 1" 

The animation will be begin on click, and will freeze once it reaches the end value. Next, in order to specify the pace of each keyframe, we’re going to add the keySplines attribute.

The keySplines attribute takes in set of bezier control points associated with the keyTimes list, defining a cubic bezier function that controls interval pacing. The attribute value is a semicolon-separated list of control point descriptions. Each control point description is a set of four values: x1 y1 x2 y2, describing the bezier control points for one time segment. The values must all be in the range 0 to 1, and the attribute is ignored unless the calcMode is set to spline.

Instead of taking cubic-bezier functions as values, keySplines takes the coordinates of the two control points that are used to draw the curve. The control points can be seen in the following screenshot taken from Lea’s tool. The screenshot also shows the coordinates of each point, each colored with the same color as the point itself. For the keySplines attribute, it is these values that we are going to use to define the pace of the keyframe animations.

SMIL allows these values to be separated either by commas with optional whitespace, or by whitespace alone. The keyTimes values that define the associated segment are the bezier “anchor points”, and the keySplines values are the control points. Thus, there must be one fewer set of control points than there are keyTimes.

If we go back to the bouncing ball example, the control point coordinates for the ease-in and ease-out functions are shown in the following images:

So, to translate that into the SVG animation element, we get the following code:

  values="50; 250; 120;250; 170; 250; 210; 250" 
  keytimes="0; 0.15; 0.3; 0.45; 0.6; 0.75; 0.9; 1" 
    .42 0 1 1;
    0 0 .59 1;
    .42 0 1 1;
    0 0 .59 1;
    .42 0 1 1;
    0 0 .59 1;
    .42 0 1 1;
    0 0 .59 1;" 

Here’s the live demo:

If you only want to specify an overall easing function for the entire animation without any intermediate values, you would still have to specify the keyframes using the keyTimes attribute, but you would only specify the start and ending keyframes, namely 0; 1, and no intermediate values.

Additive & Accumulative Animations: additive and accumulate

Sometimes, it’s useful to define an animation that starts from where the previous animation ended; or one that uses the accumulative sum of the previous animations as a value to proceed by. For that, SVG has two conveniently named attributes: additive and accumulate.

Suppose you have an element whose width you want to “grow”, or a line whose length you want to increase, or an element that you want to move step by step from one position to the other, over separate steps. This feature is particularly useful for repeated animations.

Just like any other animation, you’re going to specify from and to values. However, when you set additive to sum, each of their values is going to be relative to the original value of the animated attribute.

So, back to our circle. For our circle, the initial position of cx is 50. When you set from="0" to="100", the zero if actually the original 50, and the 100 is actually 50 + 100; in other words, it’s practically kind of like “from="50" to="150"“.

By doing that, we get the following result:

This is all the additive attribute does. It just specifies whether the from and to values should be relative to the current value or not. The attribute only takes one of two values: sum and replace. The latter is the default value, and it basically means that the from and to values are going to replace the current/original values, which may end up causing a weird jump before the animation starts. (Try replacing sum with replace in the above example for a better comparison.)

However, what if we want the values to be added such that the second repetition starts off from the ending value of the previous one? This is where the accumulate attribute comes in.

The accumulate attribute controls whether or not the animation is cumulative. The default value is none, which means that, when the animation is repeated for example, it’s going to start back from the beginning. You can, however, set it to sum, which specifies that each repeat iteration after the first builds upon the last value of the previous iteration.

So, if we were to go back to the previous animation and specify accumulate="sum", we’d get the following prefferable result:

Note that the accumulate attribute is ignored if the target attribute value does not support addition, or if the animation element does not repeat. It will also be ignored if the animation function is specified with only the to attribute.

Specifying an animation’s end time with end

In addition to specifying when an animation begins, you can also specify when it ends, using the end attribute. For example, you can set an animation to repeat indefinitely, and then have it stop when another element starts animating. The end attribute takes values similar to those that the begin value takes. You can specify absolute or relative time values/offsets, repeat values, event values, etc.

For example, in the following demo, the orange circle moves slowly over a period of 30 seconds to the other side of the canvas. The green circle will also animate, but only when it’s clicked. The orange circle’s animation will end when the green circle’s animation starts. Click on the green circle to see the orange one stop:

The same kind of animation synchronization can be achieved for two animations applied to the same element, of course. For example, suppose we set the color of the circle to animate indefinitely changing from one value to another. Then, when the element is clicked, it moves to the other side. We’ll set it now so that the color animation stops as soon as the element is clicked and the moving animation is fired.

Defining animation intervals using multiple begin and end values

Indeed, both the begin and end attributes accept a list of semi-colon-separated values. Each value in the begin attribute will correspond to a value in the end attribute, thus forming active and inactive animation intervals.

You can think of this as being similar to a moving car, where the car’s tires are active and then inactive for periods of time, depending on whether or not the car is moving. You can even create the animated car effect by applying to animations to the car: one that translates the car or moves it along a path that is also an additive and accumulative animation, and another animation that rotates the car’s tires in intervals that would be synchronized with the translation.

An example specifying multiple beginning and ending times (i.e. intervals) is the following demo, where the rectangle is rotated based on the defined intervals, changing from active to inactive accordingly. (Rerun the demo if you miss the animation.)

Note that in the above example I’ve used the element to rotate the rectangle about its center. We’ll talk about this element in more detail in an upcoming section below.

Also note that, even if you set the repeatCount to indefinite, it will be overridden by the end values and will not repeat indefinitely.

Restricting the active duration of an element using min and max

Just like you can restrict the repetition time of an animation, you can even restrict the active duration of an animation. The min and max attributes specify the minimum and maximum value of the active duration, respectively. They provide us with a way to control the lower and upper bound of the element active duration. Both attributes take a clock value as a value.

For min, that specifies the length of the minimum value of the active duration, measured in element active time. Value must be greater than or equal to 0, which is the default value and does not constrain the active duration at all.

For max, the clock value specifies the length of the maximum value of the active duration, measured in element active time. Value must also be greater than 0. The default value for max is indefinite. This does not constrain the active duration at all.

If both min and max attributes are specified then the max value must be greater than or equal to the min value. If this requirement is not fulfilled then both attributes are ignored.

But what defines the active duration of an element? We mentioned the repeat duration before, in addition to the “simple duration”, which is the duration of the animation without any repetition (specified using dur), so how do all of these work together? Which overrides what? and then what about the end attribute which would override and simply end the animation?

The way it happens is that the browser will first compute the active duration based on the dur, repeatCount, repeatDur, and end values. Then, it runs the computed duration against the specified min and max values. If the result is within the bounds, this first computed duration value is correct and will not be changed. Otherwise two situations may occur:

  • If the first computed duration is greater than the max value, the active duration of the element is defined to be equal to the max value.
  • If the first computed duration is less than the min value, the active duration of the element becomes equal to the min value and the behavior of the element is as follows:
    • If the repeating duration (or the simple duration if the element doesn’t repeat) of the element is greater than min then the element is played normally for the (min constrained) active duration.
    • Otherwise the element is played normally for its repeating duration (or simple duration if the element does not repeat) and then is frozen or not shown depending on the value of the fill attribute.

That leaves us with how the browser actually computes the active duration. For sake of brevity, I’m not going to get into the details here. But there is a very comprehensive table in the specification that shows the different combinations of the dur, repeatCount, repeatDur, and end attributes, and then shows what the active duration will be based on each combination. You can check the table out and read more about this in this section of the specification.

Lastly, if an element is defined to begin before its parent (e.g. with a simple negative offset value), the minimum duration is measured from the calculated begin time not the observed begin. This means that the min value may have no observed effect.

Example: morphing paths

One of the attributes that can be animated in SMIL (but not in CSS) is the d attribute (short for data) of an SVG . The d attribute contains the data which defines the outline of the shape that you’re drawing. The path data consists of a set of commands and coordinates that tell the browser where and how to draw points, arcs, and lines that make up the final path.

Animating this attribute allows us to morph SVG paths and create shape tweening effects. But, in order to be able to morph shapes, the start, end, and any intermediate path shapes need to have the exact same number of vertices/points, and they need to appear in the same order. If the number of vertices doesn’t match, the animation wouldn’t work. The reason for this is that the shape changing actually happens by moving the vertices, and interpolating their positions, so if one vertex is missing or does not match, the paths won’t be interpolated anymore.

To animate an SVG path, you specify the attributeName to be d, and then set the from and to values that specify the start and end shapes, and you can use the values attribute to specify any intermediate values you want the shape to go through in between.

For the sake of brevity, I won’t get into the details of how to do this here. Instead, you can read this excellent article by Noah Blon, in which he explains how he created a shape-tweening kind-of-loading animation using . The live demo for Noah’s article is this:

And here’s another morphing example by Felix Hornoiu:

You can even morph the values of a path being used as a clipping mask! An example of that by Heather Buchel:

Animating along arbitrary paths: The Element

The element is my favorite SMIL animation element. You can use it to move an element along a path. You specify the motion path using one of two ways which we’re going to cover next, and then to set the element up so that is moves along that path.

The element accepts the same attributes mentioned earlier, plus three more: keyPoints, rotate, and path. Also, there is one difference regarding the calcMode attribute, where the default value is paced for , not linear.

Specifying the motion path using the path attribute

The path attribute is used to specify the motion path. It is expressed in the same format and interpreted the same way as the d attribute on the path element. The effect of a motion path animation is to add a supplemental transformation matrix onto the current transformation matrix for the referenced object which causes a translation along the x- and y-axes of the current user coordinate system by the computed X and Y values computed over time. In other words, the path specified is calculated relative to the element’s current position, by using the path data to transform the element onto the path position.

For our circle, we’re going to animate it along a path that looks like the following:

The code required for the circle to move along this path is:

<animatemotion xlink:href="#circle" dur="1s" begin="click" fill="freeze" path="M0,0c3.2-3.4,18.4-0.6,23.4-0.6c5.7,0.1,10.8,0.9,16.3,2.3 c13.5,3.5,26.1,9.6,38.5,16.2c12.3,6.5,21.3,16.8,31.9,25.4c10.8,8.7,21,18.3,31.7,26.9c9.3,7.4,20.9,11.5,31.4,16.7

There is one thing I want to focus on here: the coordinates in the path data. The path starts by moving (M) to the point with coordinates (0, 0), before it starts to draw a curve (c) to another point. It is important to note that the (0, 0) point is actually the position of the circle, no matter where it is — not the top-left corner of the coordinate system. As we mentioned above, the coordinates in the path attribute are relative to the current position of the element!

The result of the above code is:

If you were to specify the path starting from a point other than (0, 0), the circle would abruptly jump by the amount specified in the beginning point. For example, suppose you draw a path in Illustrator and then export that path data to use as a motion path (that’s what I did the first time I did this); the exported path may look something like this:

<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M100.4,102.2c3.2-3.4,18.4-0.6,23.4-0.6c5.7,0.1,10.8,0.9,16.3,2.3

The starting point of the path in this case is (100.4, 102.2). If we were to use this data as the motion path, the circle will jump by ~100 units to the right and ~102 units downwards, and then start the motion along the path relative to the new position. So, make sure to keep this in mind when you prepare the motion path for your animation.

If used, attributes from, by, to and values specify a shape on the current canvas which represents the motion path.

Specifying the motion path using the element

There is also another way you can specify a motion path. Instead of using the relative path attribute, you can reference an external path using the element. The , a child of the element, would then reference the external path using the xlink:href attribute.

<animatemotion xlink:href="#circle" dur="1s" begin="click" fill="freeze">
 <mpath xlink:href="#motionPath"></mpath>

The motion path can be defined anywhere in the document; it can even be literally just defined inside a element and not rendered on the canvas at all. In the next example, the path is rendered because, in most cases, you may want to show the path that the element is moving along.

Note that, according to the specification:

The various (x, y) points of the shape provide a supplemental transformation matrix onto the CTM for the referenced object which causes a translation along the x- and y-axes of the current user coordinate system by the (x,y) values of the shape computed over time. Thus, the referenced object is translated over time by the offset of the motion path relative to the origin of the current user coordinate system. The supplemental transformation is applied on top of any transformations due to the target element’s transform property or any animations on that attribute due to animateTransform elements on the target element.

Again, the position of the circle is “multiplied” or “transformed” by the coordinates in the path data.

In the next example, we have a path in the middle of the canvas. The circle is positioned at the beginning of the path. Yet, when the motion path is applied, the circle does not start its motion from its current position. See the demo for a better explanation. Click on the circle to animate it.

See how the circle does follow the same shape of the path, but over a different position? This is due to the fact that the circle’s position is transformed by the values of the path data.

One way around this is to start with the circle being positioned at (0, 0), so that when the path data is used to transform it, it will start and proceed as expected.

Another way is to apply a transformation that “resets” the coordinates of the circle so that they compute to zero before the path is applied.

The following is a modified version of the above demo, using a closed path and repeating the motion animation indefinitely.

Override Rules for <animatemotion></animatemotion>

Since there are more than one way to do the same thing for animateMotion, it only makes sense to have override rules to specify which values override others.

The override rules for animateMotion are as follows:

  • Regarding the definition of the motion path, the mpath element overrides the the path attribute, which overrides values, which overrides from, by and to.
  • Regarding determining the points which correspond to the keyTimes attributes, the keyPoints attribute overrides path, which overrides values, which overrides from, by and to.

Setting an element’s orientation along a motion path with rotate

In our previous example, the element we were animating along the path happened to be a circle. But what if we’re animating an element that has a certain orientation like, say for example, a car icon? The car icon in the following example is designed by Freepik.

In this example, I’ve replaced the circle with a group with an ID of “car”, which contains the element making up the group. Then, in order to avoid the problem with the motion along the path mentioned above, I’ve applied a transformation to the car to that translates it by a specific amount, so that the initial position ends up at (0, 0). The values inside the transformations are actually the coordinates of the point where the first path of the car starts drawing (right after the move command M).

The car then starts moving along the motion path. But… this is how the motion looks like:

The car’s orientation is fixed, and does not change to match that of the motion path. In order to change that, we’re going to use the rotate attribute.

The rotate attribute takes one of three values:

  • auto: Indicates that the object is rotated over time by the angle of the direction (i.e., directional tangent vector) of the motion path.
  • auto-reverse: Indicates that the object is rotated over time by the angle of the direction (i.e., directional tangent vector) of the motion path plus 180 degrees.
  • a number: Indicates that the target element has a constant rotation transformation applied to it, where the rotation angle is the specified number of degrees.

To fix the orientation of the car in the above example, we’ll start with setting the rotation value to auto. We’ll end up with the following result:

If you want the car to move outside the path, the auto-reverse value fixes that.

This looks better, but we still have one problem: the car looks like it’s moving backwards along the path! In order to change that, we’d need to flip the car along its y-axis. This can be done by scaling it by a factor of “-1” along that axis. So, if we apply the transformation to the g with the car ID, the car will move forward as expected. The scaling transformation is just going to be chained with the previous translation we applied earlier.

And the final demo looks like this:

Controlling the animation distance along the motion path with keyPoints

The keyPoints attribute provides the ability to specify the progress along the motion path for each of the keyTimes specified values. If specified, keyPoints causes keyTimes to apply to the values in keyPoints rather than the points specified in the values attribute array or the points on the path attribute.

keyPoints takes a semicolon-separated list of floating point values between 0 and 1 and indicates how far along the motion path the object shall move at the moment in time specified by corresponding keyTimes value. Distance calculations are determined by the browser’s algorithms. Each progress value in the list corresponds to a value in the keyTimes attribute list. If a list of keyPoints is specified, there must be exactly as many values in the keyPoints list as in the keyTimes list.

One important thing to note here is to set the calcMode value to linear for keyPoints to work. It also looks like it should logically work with paced animation, if your key points move back and forth, but it doesn’t.

The following is an example by Amelia Bellamy-Royds (whose CodePen profile you should totally check out) that uses keyPoints to mimic the behavior is starting a motion along a path from a pre-defined offset, because we currently don’t have that ability by default in SMIL.

Moving text along an arbitrary path

Moving text along an arbitrary path is different from moving other SVG elements along paths. To animate text, you’re going to have to use the element, not the element.

First, let’s start by positioning the text along a path. This can be done by nesting a element inside the element. The text that is going to be positioned along a path will be defined inside the element, not as a child of the element.

The textPath is then going to reference the actual path that we want to use, just like we did in the previous examples. The referenced path can also be either rendered on the canvas, or defined inside a . Check the code in the following demo out.

To animate the text along that path, we’re going to use the element to animate the startOffset attribute.

The startOffset represents the offset of the text on the path. 0% is the beginning of the path; 100% represents the end of it. So if, for example, the offset is set to 50%, the text will start halfway through the path. I think you can see where we’re going from here.

By animating the startOffset, we’re going to create the effect of text moving along the path. Check the code in the following demo out.

Animating transformations: The <animatetransform></animatetransform> Element

The element animates a transformation attribute on a target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation and/or skewing. It takes the same attributes mentioned for the element, plus an additional attribute: type.

The type attribute is used to specify the type of the transformation that’s being animated. It takes one of five values: translate, scale, rotate, skewX, and skewY.

The from, by and to attributes take a value expressed using the same syntax that is available for the given transformation type:

  • For a type="translate", each individual value is expressed as <tx> [,<ty>]</ty></tx>.
  • For a type="scale", each individual value is expressed as <sx> [,<sy>]</sy></sx>.
  • For a type="rotate", each individual value is expressed as <rotate-angle> [<cx> <cy>]</cy></cx></rotate-angle>.
  • For a type="skewX" and type="skewY", each individual value is expressed as <skew-angle></skew-angle>.

If you’re unfamiliar with the syntax for the SVG transform attribute functions, and for the sake of brevity of this article, and because the syntax details and how it works is outside the scope of this article, I recommend you read the article I’ve written about this a while back before you move on with this guide: “Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations (Part 2): The transform Attribute”.

Back to a previous demo, where we rotated the pink rectangle using the <animatetransform></animatetransform> element. The code for the rotation looks like the following:

<rect id="deepPink-rectangle" width="50" height="50" x="50" y="50" fill="deepPink">
    from="0 75 75" 
    to="360 75 75" 

The from and to attributes specify the angle of rotation (start and end) and the center of rotation. In both, the center of rotation remains the same, of course. If you don’t specify the center, it will be the top left corner of the SVG canvas. The live demo for the above code is the following:

Here’s another fun example with a single animateTransform by Gabriel:

Animating a single transformation is simple, however, things can get really messy and complicated when multiple transformations are included, especially because one animateTransform can override another, so instead of adding and chaining effects, you may end up with the complete opposite. That, in addition to the way SVG coordinate systems and transformations actually work (refer to the article mentioned earlier on the topic). The examples are vast, and outside the scope of this article. For transforming SVGs, I recommend using CSS transforms. Implementations are working on making the latter work perfectly with SVG, so you may never have to use SMIL for animating transformations in SVG at all.

The <set></set> element

The set element provides a simple means of setting the value of an attribute for a specified duration. It supports all attribute types, including those that cannot reasonably be interpolated, such as string and boolean values. The set element is non-additive. The additive and accumulate attributes are not allowed, and will be ignored if specified.

Since is used to set an element to a specific value at and during a specific time, it does not accept all of the attributes mentioned for the previous animation elements. For example, it does not have a from or by attribute, because the value that changes does not change progressively over the period of time.

For set, you can specify the element you’re targeting, the attribute name and type, the to value, and the animation timing can be controlled with: begin, dur, end, min, max, restart, repeatCount, repeatDur, and fill.

The following is an example that sets the color of the rotating rectangle to blue when it is clicked. The color remains blue for a duration of 3 seconds, and then turns back to the original color. Every time the rectangle is clicked, the set animation is fired, and the color is changed for three seconds.

Elements, attributes and properties that can be animated

Not all SVG attributes can be animated, and not all of those that can be animated, can be animated using all the animation elements. For a complete list of all animatable attributes, and a table showing which of these can be animated by which elements, please refer to this section of the SVG Animation specification.

Final words

SMIL has a lot of potential, and I barely scratched the surface and only touched on the basics and technicalities of how they work in SVG. A lot of very impressive effects can be created, especially ones involving morphing and transforming shapes. The sky’s the limit. Go crazy! and don’t forget to share what you make with the community; we’d love to see what you’ve been up to. Thank you for reading!

This article has been updated based on this discussion in the comments below. Thanks for your input, Amelia. =)