The click
event is quite simple and easy to use; you listen for the event and run code when the event is fired. It works on just about every HTML element there is, a core feature of the DOM API.
As often the case with the DOM and JavaScript, there are nuances to consider. Some nuances with the click event are typically not much a concern. They are minor and probably most people would never even notice them in the majority of use cases.
Take, for example, the click
event listening to the grandfather of interactive elements, the <button>
element. There are nuances associated with button clicks and these nuances, like the difference between a “click” from a mouse pointer and “click” from the keyboard. Seen this way, a click is not always a “click” the way it’s typically defined. I actually have run into situations (though not many) where distinguishing between those two types of clicks comes in handy.
How do we distinguish between different types of clicks? That’s what we’re diving into!
First things first
The <button>
element, as described by MDN, is simply:
The HTML element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality. By default, HTML buttons are presented in a style resembling the platform the user agent runs on, but you can change buttons’ appearance with CSS.
The part we’ll cover is obviously the “anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality” part of that description. As you may know, a button element can have native functionality within a form, for example it can submit a form in some situations. We are only really concerning ourselves over the basic clicking function of the element. So consider just a simple button placed on the page for specific functionality when someone interacts with it.
Consider that I said “interacts with it” instead of just clicking it. For historical and usability reasons, one can “click” the button by putting focus on it with tabbing and then using the Space or Enter key on the keyboard. This is a bit of overlap with keyboard navigation and accessibility; this native feature existed way before accessibility was a concern. Yet the legacy feature does help a great deal with accessibility for obvious reasons.
In the example above, you can click the button and its text label will change. After a moment the original text will reset. You can also click somewhere else within the pen, tab to put focus on the button, and then use Space or Enter to “click” it. The same text appears and resets as well. There is no JavaScript to handle the keyboard functionality; it’s a native feature of the browser. Fundamentally, in this example the button is only aware of the click event, but not how it happened.
One interesting difference to consider is the behavior of a button across different browsers, especially the way it is styled. The buttons in these examples are set to shift colors on its active state; so you click it and it turns purple. Consider this image that shows the states when interacting with the keyboard.

The first is the static state, the second is when the button has focus from a keyboard tabbing onto it, the third is the keyboard interaction, and the fourth is the result of the interaction. With Firefox you will only see the first two and last states; when interacting with either Enter or Space keys to “click” it you do not see the third state. It stays with the second, or “focused”, state during the interaction and then shifts to the last one. The text changes as expected but the colors do not. Chrome gives us a bit more as you’ll see the first two states the same as Firefox. If you use the Space key to “click” the button you’ll see the third state with the color change and then the last. Interestingly enough, with Chrome if you use Enter to interact with the button you won’t see the third state with the color change, much like Firefox. In case you are curious, Safari behaves the same as Chrome.
The code for the event listener is quite simple:
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
button.innerText = 'Button Clicked!';
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
Now, let’s consider something here with this code. What if you found yourself in a situation where you wanted to know what caused the “click” to happen? The click event is usually tied to a pointer device, typically the mouse, and yet here the Space or Enter key are triggering the same event. Other form elements have similar functionality depending on context, but any elements that are not interactive by default would require an additional keyboard event to work. The button element doesn’t require this additional event listener.
I won’t go too far into reasons for wanting to know what triggered the click event. I can say that I have occasionally ran into situations where it was helpful to know. Sometimes for styling reasons, sometimes accessibility, and sometimes for specific functionality. Often different context or situations provide for different reasons.
Consider the following not as The Way™ but more of an exploration of these nuances we’re talking about. We’ll explore handling the various ways to interact with a button element, the events generated, and leveraging specific features of these events. Hopefully the following examples can provide some helpful information from the events; or possibly spread out to other HTML elements, as needed.
Which is which?
One simple way to know a keyboard versus mouse click event is leveraging the keyup
and mouseup
events, taking the click event out of the equation.
Now, when you use the mouse or the keyboard, the changed text reflects which event is which. The keyboard version will even inform you of a Space versus Enter key being used.
Here’s the new code:
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
function reset () {
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
button.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {
if (e.button === 0) {
button.innerText = 'MouseUp Event!';
button.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
if (e.code === 'Space' || e.code === 'Enter') {
button.innerText = `KeyUp Event: ${e.code}`;
A bit verbose, true, but we’ll get to a slight refactor in a bit. This example gets the point across about a nuance that needs to be handled. The mouseup
and keyup
events have their own features to account for in this situation.
With the mouseup
event, about every button on the mouse could trigger this event. We usually wouldn’t want the right mouse button triggering a “click” event on the button, for instance. So we look for the e.button
with the value of 0 to identify the primary mouse button. That way it works the same as with the click event yet we know for a fact it was the mouse.
With the keyup
event, the same thing happens where about every key on the keyboard will trigger this event. So we look at the event’s code
property to wait for the Space or Enter key to be pressed. So now it works the same as the click event but we know the keyboard was used. We even know which of the two keys we’re expecting to work on the button.
Another take to determine which is which
While the previous example works, it seems like a bit too much code for such a simple concept. We really just want to know if the “click” came from a mouse or a keyboard. In most cases we probably wouldn’t care if the source of the click was either the Space or Enter keys. But, if we do care, we can take advantage of the keyup
event properties to note which is which.
Buried in the various specifications about the click
event (which leads us to the UI Events specification) there are certain properties assigned to the event. Some browsers have more, but I want to focus on the detail
property for the moment. This property is tied directly to the mouse input that fired the event itself. So if the mouse button was used then the property should return a 1 as the value. It can also potentially report a higher number representing multiple clicks that is often tied to the double-click threshold determined by the OS of the device. As a bonus, this property reports a zero for the click event being caused by something other than the mouse input, such as the keyboard.
I’ll take a moment for a shout out to Jimmy down in the comments. I originally had a different method to determining keyboard versus mouse clicking, yet it wasn’t consistent across all browsers since Safari reported values slightly different. Jimmy suggested the detail property as it was more consistent; so I updated my examples accordingly. Thanks to Jimmy for the suggestion!
Here’s our new code:
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
button.innerText = e.detail === 0 ? 'Keyboard Click Event!' : 'Mouse Click Event!';
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
Back to just the click
event, but this time we look for the property value to determine whether this is a keyboard or mouse “click.” Although notice we no longer have a way to determine what key was used on the keyboard, but that is not much of a concern in this context.
Which one out of many?
Now is a good time to talk about Pointer Events. As described by MDN:
Much of today‘s web content assumes the user’s pointing device will be a mouse. However, since many devices support other types of pointing input devices, such as pen/stylus and touch surfaces, extensions to the existing pointing device event models are needed. Pointer events address that need.
So now let’s consider having a need for knowing what type of pointer was involved in clicking that button. Relying on just the click event doesn’t really provide this information. Chrome does have an interesting property in the click event, sourceCapabilities
. This property in turn has a property named firesTouchEvents
that is a boolean. This information isn’t always available since Firefox and Safari do not support this yet. Yet the pointer event is available much everywhere, even IE11 of all browsers.
This event can provide interesting data about touch or pen events. Things like pressure, contact size, tilt, and more. For our example here we’re just going to focus on pointerType
, which tells us the device type that caused the event.
Another point to make in relation to the detail property in the click event mentioned above. The pointer event also has a detail property but at this time the spec states that the value of that property should always be zero. Which obviously conflicts with the previous idea that a value of zero means the keyboard and a value above zero means mouse input. Since we can’t rely on that property in the pointer event, that it makes it difficult to include both click and pointer events within the same situation. To be fair, you probably wouldn’t want to do that anyway.
Clicking on the button will now tell you the pointer that was used. The code for this is quite simple:
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
button.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => {
button.innerText = `Pointer Event: ${e.pointerType}`;
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
Really, not that much different than the previous examples. We listen for the pointerup
event on the button and output the event’s pointerType
. The difference now is there is no event listener for a click event. So tabbing onto the button and using space or enter key does nothing. The click event still fires, but we’re not listening for it. At this point we only have code tied to the button that only responds to the pointer event.
That obviously leaves a gap in functionality, the keyboard interactivity, so we still need to include a click event. Since we’re already using the pointer event for the more traditional mouse click (and other pointer events) we have to lock down the click event. We need to only allow the keyboard itself to trigger the click event.
The code for this is similar to the “Which Is Which” example up above. The difference being we use pointerup
instead of mouseup
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
function reset () {
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
button.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => {
button.innerText = `Pointer Event: ${e.pointerType}`;
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (e.detail === 0) {
button.innerText = 'Keyboard ||Click Event!';
Here we’re using the detail property again to determine if the click was caused by the keyboard. This way a mouse click would be handled by the pointer event. If one wanted to know if the key used was space or enter, then the keyup example above could be used. Even then, the keyup event could be used instead of the click event depending on how you wanted to approach it.
Anoher take to determine which one out of many
In the ever-present need to refactor for cleaner code, we can try a different way to code this.
Yep, works the same as before. Now the code is:
const button = document.querySelector('#button');
function btn_handler (e) {
if (e.type === 'click' && e.detail > 0) {
return false;
} else if (e.pointerType) {
button.innerText = `Pointer Event: ${e.pointerType}`;
} else if (e.detail === 0) {
button.innerText = 'Keyboard Click Event!';
} else {
button.innerText = 'Something clicked this?';
window.setTimeout(() => {
button.innerText = '"click" me';
}, 2000);
button.addEventListener('pointerup', btn_handler);
button.addEventListener('click', btn_handler);
Another scaled down version to consider: this time we’ve reduced our code down to a single handler method that both pointerup
and click
events call. First we detect if the mouse “click” caused the event because the detail property has a value higher than zero; if it does, we wish to ignore it in favor of the pointer event.
Then the method checks for the pointer event, and upon finding that, it reports which pointer type occurred. Otherwise, the method checks for keyboard interactions, if detail equals zero, and reports accordingly. If neither of those are the culprit, it just reports that something caused this code to run.
So here we have a decent number of examples on how to handle button interactions while reporting the source of those interactions. Yet, this is just one of the handful of form elements that we are so accustomed to using in projects. How does similar code work with other elements?
Checking checkboxes
Indeed, similar code does work very much the same way with checkboxes.
There are a few more nuances, as you might expect by now. The normal usage of <input
is a related label element that is tied to the input via the for
attribute. One major feature of this combination is that clicking on the label element will check the related checkbox.
Now, if we were to attach event listeners for the click
event on both elements, we get back what should be obvious results, even if they are a bit strange. For example, we get one click
event fired when clicking the checkbox. If we click the label, we get two click
events fired instead. If we were to console.log
the target of those events, we’ll see on the double event that one is for the label (which makes sense as we clicked it), but there’s a second event from the checkbox. Even though I know these should be the expected results, it is a bit strange because we’re expecting results from user interactions. Yet the results include interactions caused by the browser.
So, the next step is to look at what happens if we were to listen for pointerup
, just like some of the previous examples, in the same scenarios. In that case, we don’t get two events when clicking on the label element. This also makes sense as we’re no longer listening for the click
event that is being fired from the checkbox when the label is clicked.
There’s yet another scenario to consider. Remember that we have the option to put the checkbox inside the label element, which is common with custom-built checkboxes for styling purposes.
<label for="newsletter">
<input type="checkbox" />
Subscribe to my newsletter
In this case, we really only need to put an event listener on the label and not the checkbox itself. This reduces the number of event listeners involved, and yet we get the same results. Clicks events are fired as a single event for clicking on the label and two events if you click on the checkbox. The pointerup
events do the same as before as well, single events if clicking on either element.
These are all things to consider when trying to mimic the behavior of the previous examples with the button element. Thankfully, there’s not too much to it. Here’s an example of seeing what type of interaction was done with a checkbox form element:
This example includes both types of checkbox scenarios mentioned above; the top line is a checkbox/label combination with the for
attribute, and the bottom one is a checkbox inside the label. Clicking either one will output a message below them stating which type of interaction happened. So click on one with a mouse or use the keyboard to navigate to them and then interact with Space; just like the button examples, it should tell you which interaction type causes it.
To make things easier in terms of how many event listeners I needed, I wrapped the checkboxes with a container div that actually responds to the checkbox interactions. You wouldn’t necessarily have to do it this way, but it was a convenient way to do this for my needs.
const checkbox_container = document.querySelector('#checkbox_container');
const checkbox_msg = document.querySelector('#checkbox_msg');
function chk_handler (e) {
if ( === 'LABEL' || === 'INPUT') {
if (e.pointerType) {
checkbox_msg.innerText = `Pointer Event: ${e.pointerType}`;
} else if (e.code === 'Space') {
checkbox_msg.innerText = `Keyboard Event: ${e.code}`;
window.setTimeout(() => {
checkbox_msg.innerText = 'waiting...';
}, 2000);
checkbox_container.addEventListener('pointerup', chk_handler);
checkbox_container.addEventListener('keyup', chk_handler);
So, since we’re listening for these events on a container div I wanted to lock down the targets to just the label and the input. Technically it would be possible in some cases to “click” on the container div itself; which we wouldn’t want to happen. Then we check for a pointer event and update the message. After that we try to identify the Space key code that would have come from the keyup event. You may remember that the button examples above used both the Enter and Space keys. It turns out that checkboxes often don’t react to the Enter key in browsers. Another fun nuance to keep in mind.
Radioing your radio buttons
Thankfully, for radio button inputs, we can still use the same code with similar HTML structures. This mostly works the same because checkboxes and radio buttons are essentially created the same way—it’s just that radio buttons tend to come in groups tied together while checkboxes are individuals even in a group. As you’ll see in the following example, it works the same:
Again, same code attached to a similar container div to prevent having to do a number of event listeners for every related element.
When a nuance can be an opportunity
I felt that “nuance” was a good word choice because the things we covered here are not really “issues” with the typical negative connotation that word tends to have in programming circles. I always try to see such things as learning experiences or opportunities. How can I leverage things I know today to push a little further ahead, or maybe it’s time to explore outward into new things to solve problems I face. Hopefully, the examples above provide a somewhat different way to look at things depending on the needs of the project at hand.
Despite this article focusing more on form elements because of the click nuance they tend to have with keyboard interactions, some or all of this can be expanded into other elements. It all depends on the context of the situation. For example, I recall having to do multiple events on the same elements depending on the context many times; often for accessibility and keyboard navigation reasons. Have you built a custom <select>
element to have a nicer design than the standard one, that also responds to keyboard navigation? You’ll see what I mean when you get there.
Just remember: a “click” today doesn’t always have to be what we think a click has always been.
One little thing i noticed is that with the radiobuttons the cursorkeys on my keyboard will trigger a click event. Shouldn’t do that in my opinion. (chrome browser)
I would agree with you, but that’s a feature of the browser. After putting focus on a selected radio button in a group using the arrow keys selects the next or previous radio button. I would think it would be better to put focus instead so one could decide whether or not to select. I’m guessing the reasoning behind this is that once selected a radio button can’t be deselected so might as well select as you go. Yet now that the browser is selecting radio buttons for you by using arrow keys it’s also firing the click event.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to detect whether the object has received focus before the click event? Perhaps that is another means of identification?
That would be nice, but unfortunately the focus event doesn’t seem to provide quite as much information as the click event.
Another option is to use UIEvent.detail, which will always be
for keyboard events, and> 0
for mouse events.My first thought was “could that be possible”? I’ve looked into the detail property before (for double and triple clicks) but apparently I didn’t read into the spec well enough. The spec refers to click count within the click event definition, which I interpreted the count to be for the event itself. So I thought a keyboard or pointer source would give the same result. The spec defines what current click count means in a different section that’s actually above the click event section, so I totally missed it.
The MDN page you link gives a much better explanation.
I shall have to inquire about updating the article to use this property instead because it’s cleaner and closer to my original intent before I ran into my Safari problem.
Excellent. Thank you for the comment, the article can be better because of it.
What does it do for events triggered by touch?
Joseph, from what I’ve seen if the touch causes a click event then the detail property should work much the same. Although, if you use the pointer events like I discuss in part of the article has a similar detail property but it appears to be set to always be zero. So it can’t be relied on in that situation.
Tapping on the labels on the last two examples in latest iOS Safari shows these as keyboard events instead of touch. The checkbox/radio buttons themselves work, but not the labels.
Actually, due to Jimmy’s comment above I’m rethinking over certain aspects of the code examples to leverage his suggestion. That would also require a change to the radio and checkbox examples.
Another nuance worth checking is what happens when assistive technologies are thrown into the mix. Generally, screen readers etc will mimic a mouse interaction (for better compatibility with content that historically has not fully keyboard-accessible, but also to mask/obfuscate attempts at fingerprinting users as being “screen reader users”). For the specific case of the various screen/client/offset coordinates, some used to do some ingenious things (such as calculating the centre of the element, and passing that as the supposed x/y coordinates) – see the (quite outdated, these days) table of results I compiled aeons ago.
Yes, the screen readers sometimes makes things a bit different. Especially since, as your handy list points out, different screen readers can behave differently from other screen readers. My hope is that if a screen reader is mimicking a mouse interaction then it would across that way. In some cases you might expect different results based on how the user actually interacts with the page while a screen reader is active. For instance, they could use the built-in tools to navigate the page and yet use tab to navigate through form elements. Then they might use the built-in tools to interact with a button or the standard keyboard keys. At my job we’ve had situations where a person uses the mouse to interact with elements on the page wanting a screen reader to read out text they’ve selected. That one makes trying to determine what the person is doing and what they’re expectations might be very interesting indeed.
I wanted to mention that I have updated some of the article and some of the examples based on feedback in the comments. Hopefully the examples are more consistent across browsers. I think the suggestions made for better examples across the board.
I appreciate and thank you all for the feedback.
Tnx very much for the article! Really interesting. My thoughts immediately went to an article from Microsoft en Google where they announced better input controls.
Anybody knows this has allready taken place and were these only stylistic changes or also behavioural changes as being announced in better touch support.
new form controls