Recently, while looking for some ideas on what to code as I have zero artistic sense so the only thing I can do is find pretty things that other people have come up with and remake them with clean and compact code… I came across these candy ghost buttons!
They seemed like the perfect choice for a cool little thing I could quickly code. Less than fifteen minutes later, this was my Chromium result:

I thought the technique was worth sharing, so in this article, we’ll be going through how I first did it and what other options we have.
The starting point
A button is created with… are you ready for this? A button
element! This button
element has a data-ico
attribute in which we drop an emoji. It also has a stop list custom property, --slist
, set in the style
<button data-ico="👻" style="--slist: #ffda5f, #f9376b">boo!</button>
After writing the article, I learned that Safari has a host of problems with clipping to text
, namely, it doesn’t work on button
elements, or on elements with display: flex
(and perhaps grid
too?), not to mention the text of an element’s children. Sadly, this means all of the techniques presented here fail in Safari. The only workaround is to apply all the button
styles from here on a span
element nested inside the button
, covering its parent’s border-box
. And, in case this helps anyone else who, like me, is on Linux without physical access to an Apple device (unless you count the iPhone 5 someone on the fourth floor — who you don’t want to bother with stuff like this more than twice a month anyway — bought recently), I’ve also learned to use Epiphany in the future. Thanks to Brian for the suggestion!
For the CSS part, we add the icon in an ::after
pseudo-element and use a grid
layout on the button
in order to have nice alignment for both the text and the icon. On the button
, we also set a border
, a padding
, a border-radius
, use the stop list, --slist
, for a diagonal gradient and prettify the font
button {
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-gap: .5em;
border: solid .25em transparent;
padding: 1em 1.5em;
border-radius: 9em;
linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist))
font: 700 1.5em/ 1.25 ubuntu, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
&::after { content: attr(data-ico) }
There’s one thing to clarify about the code above. On the highlighted line, we set both the background-origin
and the background-clip
to border-box
. background-origin
both puts the 0 0
point for background-position
in the top-left corner of the box it’s set to and gives us the box whose dimensions the background-size
is relative to.
That is, if background-origin
is set to padding-box
, the 0 0
point for background-position
is in the top left-corner of the padding-box
. If background-origin
is set to border-box
, the 0 0
point for background-position
is in the top-left corner of the border-box
. If background-origin
is set to padding-box
, a background-size
of 50% 25%
means 50%
of the padding-box
width and 25%
of the padding-box
height. If background-origin
is set to border-box
, the same background-size
of 50% 25%
means 50%
of the border-box
width and 25%
of the border-box
The default value for background-origin
is padding-box
, meaning that a default-sized 100% 100%
gradient will cover the padding-box
and then repeat itself underneath the border
(where we cannot see it if the border
is fully opaque). However, in our case, the border
is fully transparent
and we want our gradient to stretch across the entire border-box
. This means we need to change the background-origin
value to border-box

The simple, but sadly non-standard Chromium solution
This involves using three mask
layers and compositing them. If you need a refresher on mask
compositing, you can check out this crash course.
Note that in the case of CSS mask
layers, only the alpha channel matters, as every pixel of the masked element gets the alpha of the corresponding mask
pixel, while the RGB channels don’t influence the result in any way, so they may be any valid value. Below, you can see the effect of a purple
to transparent
gradient overlay versus the effect of using the exact same gradient as a mask

We’re going to start with the bottom two layers. The first one is a fully opaque layer, fully covering the entire border-box
, meaning that it has an alpha of 1
absolutely everywhere. The other one is also fully opaque, but restricted (by using mask-clip
) to the padding-box
, which means that, while this layer has an alpha of 1 all across the padding-box
, it’s fully transparent
in the border
area, having an alpha of 0
If you have a hard time picturing this, a good trick is to think of an element’s layout boxes as nested rectangles, the way they’re illustrated below.

In our case, the bottom layer is fully opaque (the alpha value is 1
) across the entire orange box (the border-box
). The second layer, that we place on top of the first one, is fully opaque (the alpha value is 1
) all across the red box (the padding-box
) and fully transparent
(with an alpha of 0
) in the area between the padding
limit and the border
One really cool thing about the limits of these boxes is that corner rounding is determined by the border-radius
(and, in the case of the padding-box
, by the border-width
as well). This is illustrated by the interactive demo below, where we can see how the corner rounding of the border-box
is given by the border-radius
value, while the corner rounding of the padding-box
is computed as the border-radius
minus the border-width
(limited at 0
in case the difference is a negative value).
Now let’s get back to our mask
layers, one being fully opaque all across the entire border-box
, while the one on top of it is fully opaque across the padding-box
area and fully transparent in the border
area (between the padding
limit and the border
limit). These two layers get composited using the exclude
operation (called xor
in the non-standard WebKit version).

The name of this operation is pretty suggestive in the situation where the alphas of the two layers are either 0
or 1
, as they are in our case — the alpha of the first layer is 1
everywhere, while the alpha of the second layer (that we place on top of the first) is 1
inside the padding-box
and 0
in the border
area between the padding
limit and the border
In this situation, it’s pretty intuitive that the rules of boolean logic apply — XOR-ing two identical values gives us 0
, while XOR-ing two different ones gives us 1
All across the padding-box
, both the first layer and the second one have an alpha of 1
, so compositing them using this operation gives us an alpha of 0
for the resulting layer in this area. However, in the border
area (outside the padding
limit, but inside the border
limit), the first layer has an alpha of 1
, while the second one has an alpha of 0
, so we get an alpha of 1
for the resulting layer in this area.
This is illustrated by the interactive demo below, where you can switch between viewing the two mask
layers separated in 3D and viewing them stacked and composited using this operation.
Putting things into code, we have:
button {
/* same base styles */
--full: linear-gradient(red 0 0);
-webkit-mask: var(--full) padding-box, var(--full);
-webkit-mask-composite: xor;
mask: var(--full) padding-box exclude, var(--full);
Before we move further, let’s discuss a few fine-tuning details about the CSS above.
First off, since the fully opaque layers may be anything (the alpha channel is fixed, always 1
and the RGB channels don’t mater), I usually make them red
— only three characters! In the same vein, using a conic gradient instead of a linear one would also save us one character, but I rarely ever do that since we still have mobile browsers that support masking, but not conic gradients. Using a linear one ensures we have support all across the board. Well, save for IE and pre-Chromium Edge but, then again, not much cool shiny stuff works in those anyway.
Second, we’re using gradients for both layers. We’re not using a plain background-color
for the bottom one because we cannot set a separate background-clip
for the background-color
itself. If we were to have the background-image
layer clipped to the padding-box
, then this background-clip
value would also apply to the background-color
underneath — it would be clipped to the padding-box
too and we’d have no way to make it cover the entire border-box
Third, we’re not explicitly setting a mask-clip
value for the bottom layer since the default for this property is precisely the value we want in this case, border-box
Fourth, we can include the standard mask-composite
(supported by Firefox) in the mask
shorthand, but not the non-standard one (supported by WebKit browsers).
And finally, we always set the standard version last so it overrides any non-standard version that may also be supported.
The result of our code so far (still cross-browser at this point) looks like below. We’ve also added a background-image
on the root so that it’s obvious we have real transparency across the padding-box

(live demo).This is not what we want. While we have a nice gradient border
(and by the way, this is my preferred method of getting a gradient border
since we have real transparency all across the padding-box
and not just a cover), we are now missing the text.
So the next step is to add back the text using yet another mask
layer on top of the previous ones, this time one that’s restricted to text
(while also making the actual text fully transparent
so that we can see the gradient background
through it) and XOR this third mask
layer with the result of XOR-ing the first two (result that can be seen in the screenshot above).
The interactive demo below allows viewing the three mask
layers both separated in 3D as well as stacked and composited.
Note that the text
value for mask-clip
is non-standard, so, sadly, this only works in Chrome. In Firefox, we just don’t get any masking on the button anymore and having made the text transparent
, we don’t even get graceful degradation.
button {
/* same base styles */
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
--full: linear-gradient(red 0 0);
-webkit-mask: var(--full) text, var(--full) padding-box, var(--full);
-webkit-mask-composite: xor;
/* sadly, still same result as before :( */
mask: var(--full) padding-box exclude, var(--full);
If we don’t want to make our button
unusable this way, we should put the code that applies the mask
and makes the text transparent
in a @supports
button {
/* same base styles */
@supports (-webkit-mask-clip: text) {
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
--full: linear-gradient(red 0 0);
-webkit-mask: var(--full) text, var(--full) padding-box, var(--full);
-webkit-mask-composite: xor;

I really like this method, it’s the simplest we have at this point and I’d really wish text
was a standard value for mask-clip
and all browsers supported it properly.
However, we also have a few other methods of achieving the candy ghost button effect, and although they’re either more convoluted or more limited than the non-standard Chromium-only one we’ve just discussed, they’re also better supported. So let’s take a look at those.
The extra pseudo-element solution
This involves setting the same initial styles as before, but, instead of using a mask
, we clip the background
to the text
button {
/* same base styles */
linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist))
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent
Just like before, we need to also make the actual text transparent
, so we can see through it to the pastel gradient background
behind it that is now clipped to its shape.

Alright, we have the gradient text, but now we’re missing the gradient border
. So we’re going to add it using an absolutely positioned ::before
pseudo-element that covers the entire border-box
area of the button
and inherits the border
, border-radius
and background
from its parent (save for the background-clip
, which gets reset to border-box
$b: .25em;
button {
/* same as before */
position: relative;
border: solid $b transparent;
&::before {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
inset: -$b;
border: inherit;
border-radius: inherit;
background: inherit;
background-clip: border-box;
content: '';
inset: -$b
is a shorthand for:
top: -$b;
right: -$b;
bottom: -$b;
left: -$b
Note that we’re using the border-width
value ($b
) with a minus sign here. The 0
value would make the margin-box
of the pseudo (identical to the border-box
in this case since we have no margin
on the ::before
) only cover the padding-box
of its button
parent and we want it to cover the entire border-box
. Also, the positive direction is inwards, but we need to go outwards by a border-width
to get from the padding
limit to the border
limit, hence the minus sign — we’re going in the negative direction.
We’ve also set a negative z-index
on this absolutely positioned element since we don’t want it to be on top of the button
text and prevent us from selecting it. At this point, text selection is the only way we can distinguish the text from the background
, but we’ll soon fix that!

Note that since pseudo-element content isn’t selectable, the selection only includes the button’s actual text content and not the emoji in the ::after
pseudo-element as well.
The next step is to add a two layer mask
with an exclude
compositing operation between them in order to leave just the border
area of this pseudo-element visible.
button {
/* same as before */
&::before {
/* same as before */
--full: linear-gradient(red 0 0);
-webkit-mask: var(--full) padding-box, var(--full);
-webkit-mask-composite: xor;
mask: var(--full) padding-box exclude, var(--full);
This is pretty much what we did for the actual button
in one of the intermediate stages of the previous method.

I find this to be the best approach in most cases when we want something cross-browser and that doesn’t include IE or pre-Chromium Edge, none of which ever supported masking.
The At this point, some of you may be screaming at the screen that there’s no need to use the ::before
pseudo-element when we could use a gradient border-image
to create this sort of a ghost button — it’s a tactic that has worked for over three quarters of a decade!
However, there’s a very big problem with using border-image
for pill-shaped buttons: this property doesn’t play nice with border-radius
, as it can be seen in the interactive demo below. As soon as we set a border-image
on an element with border-radius
, we lose the corner rounding of the border
, even through, funny enough, the background
will still respect this rounding.
Still, this may be a simple solution in the case where don’t need corner rounding or the desired corner rounding is at most the size of the border-width
In the no corner rounding case, save for dropping the now pointless border-radius
, we don’t need to change the initial styles much:
button {
/* same base styles */
--img: linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist));
border: solid .25em;
border-image: var(--img) 1;
background: var(--img) border-box;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
The result can be seen below, cross-browser (should be supported supported even in pre-Chromium Edge).

method (live demo).The trick with the desired corner rounding being smaller than the border-width
relies on the way border-radius
works. When we set this property, the radius we set represents the rounding for the corners of the border-box
. The rounding for the corners of the padding-box
(which is the inner rounding of the border
) is the border-radius
minus the border-width
if this difference is positive and 0
(no rounding) otherwise. This means we have no inner rounding for the border
if the border-radius
is smaller than or equal to the border-width
In this situation, we can use the inset()
function as a clip-path
value since it also offers the possibility of rounding the corners of the clipping rectangle. If you need a refresher on the basics of this function, you can check out the illustration below:

function works.inset()
cuts out everything outside a clipping rectangle defined by the distances to the edges of the element’s border-box
, specified the same way we’d specify margin
, border
or padding
(with one, two, three or four values) and the corner rounding for this rectangle, specified the same way we’d specify border-radius
(any valid border-radius
value is also valid here).
In our case, the distances to the edges of the border-box
are all 0
(we don’t want to chop anything off any of the edges of the button
), but we have a rounding that has to be at most at big as the border-width
so that not having any inner border
rounding makes sense.
$b: .25em;
button {
/* same as before */
border: solid $b transparent;
clip-path: inset(0 round $b)
Note that the clip-path
is also going to cut out any outer shadows we may add on the button
element, whether they’re added via box-shadow
or filter: drop-shadow()

method (live demo).While this technique cannot achieve the pill shape look, it does have the advantage of having great support nowadays and it may be all we need in certain situations.
The three solutions discussed so far can be seen compiled in the demo below, which also comes with a YouTube link where you can see me code each of them from scratch if you prefer to learn by watching things being built on video rather than reading about them.
All these methods create real transparency in the padding-box
outside the text, so they work for any background
we may have behind the button
. However, we also have a couple of other methods that may be worth mentioning, even though they come with restrictions in this department.
The cover solution
Just like the border-image
approach, this is a pretty limited tactic. It doesn’t work unless we have a solid or a fixed background
behind the button
It involves layering backgrounds with different background-clip
values, just like the cover technique for gradient borders. The only difference is that here we add one more gradient layer on top of the one emulating the background
behind our button
element and we clip this top layer to text
$c: #393939;
html { background: $c; }
button {
/* same as before */
--grad: linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist));
border: solid .25em transparent;
border-radius: 9em;
background: var(--grad) border-box,
linear-gradient($c 0 0) /* emulate bg behind button */,
var(--grad) border-box;
-webkit-background-clip: text, padding-box, border-box;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
Sadly, this approach fails in Firefox due to an old bug — just not applying any background-clip
while also making the text transparent
produces a pill-shaped button with no visible text.

cover solution (live demo).We could still make it cross-browser by using the cover method for the gradient border
on a ::before
pseudo and background-clip: text
on the actual button
, which is basically just a more limited version of the second solution we discussed — we still need to use a pseudo, but, since we use a cover, not a mask
, it only works if we have a solid or fixed background
behind the button
$b: .25em;
$c: #393939;
html { background: $c; }
button {
/* same base styles */
--grad: linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist));
border: solid $b transparent;
background: var(--grad) border-box;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
&::before {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
inset: -$b;
border: inherit;
border-radius: inherit;
background: linear-gradient($c 0 0) padding-box,
var(--grad) border-box;
content: '';
On the bright side, this more limited version should also work in pre-Chromium Edge.

behind the button (live demo).Below, there’s also the fixed background
$f: url(balls.jpg) 50%/ cover fixed;
html { background: $f; }
button {
/* same as before */
&::before {
/* same as before */
background: $f padding-box,
var(--grad) border-box

behind the button (live demo).Overall, I don’t think this is the best tactic unless we both fit into the background
limitation and we need to reproduce the effect in browsers that don’t support masking, but support clipping the background
to the text
, such as pre-Chromium Edge.
The blending solution
This approach is another limited one as it won’t work unless, for each and every gradient pixel that’s visible, its channels have values that are either all bigger or all smaller than than the corresponding pixel of the background
underneath the button
. However, this is not the worst limitation to have as it should probably lead to our page having better contrast.
Here, we start by making the parts where we want to have the gradient (i.e. the text, icon and border
) either white
or black
, depending on whether we have a dark theme with a light gradient or a light theme with a dark gradient, respectively. The rest of the button
(the area around the text and icon, but inside the border
) is the inverse of the previously chosen color
if we set the color
value to black
and black
In our case, we have a pretty light gradient button
on a dark background
, so we start with white
for the text, icon and border, and black
for the background
. The hex channel values of our two gradient stops are ff
), da
), 5f
) and f9
), 37
), 6b
), so we’d be safe with any background
pixels whose channel values are at most as big as min(ff, f9) = f9
for red, min(da, 37) = 37
for green and min(5f, 6b) = 5f
for blue.
This means having a background-color
behind our button
with channel values that are smaller or equal to f9
, 37
and 5f
, either on its own as a solid background
, or underneath a background-image
layer we blend with using the multiply
blend mode (which always produces a result that’s at least as dark as the darker of the two layers). We’re setting this background
on a pseudo-element since blending with the actual body
or the html
doesn’t work in Chrome.
$b: .25em;
body::before {
position: fixed;
inset: 0;
background: url(fog.jpg) 50%/ cover #f9375f;
background-blend-mode: multiply;
content: '';
button {
/* same base styles */
position: relative; /* so it shows on top of body::before */
border: solid $b;
background: #000;
color: #fff;
&::after {
filter: brightness(0) invert(1);
content: attr(data-ico);
Note that making the icon fully white
means making it first black
with brightness(0)
and then inverting this black
with invert(1)

and white
button (live demo).We then add a gradient ::before
pseudo-element, just like we did for the first cross-browser method.
button {
/* same styles as before */
position: relative;
&::before {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
inset: -$b;
border-radius: inherit;
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, var(--slist);
pointer-events: none;
content: '';
The only difference is that here, instead of giving it a negative z-index
, we give it a positive z-index
. That way it’s not just over the actual button
, but also over the ::after
pseudo and we set pointer-events
to none
in order to allow the mouse to interact with the actual button
content underneath.

and white
button (live demo).Now the next step is to keep the black
parts of our button
, but replace the white
parts (i.e., the text, icon and border
) with the gradient. We can do this with a darken
blend mode, where the two layers are the black and white button with the ::after
icon and the gradient pseudo on top of it.
For each of the RGB channels, this blend mode takes the values of the two layers and uses the darker (smaller) one for the result. Since everything is darker than white
, the resulting layer uses the gradient pixel values in that area. Since black
is darker than everything, the resulting layer is black
everywhere the button
is black
button {
/* same styles as before */
&::before {
/* same styles as before */
mix-blend-mode: darken;

Alright, but we’d only be done at this point if the background
behind the button
was pure black
. Otherwise, in the case of a background
whose every pixel is darker than the corresponding pixel of the gradient on our button
, we can apply a second blend mode, this time lighten
on the actual button
(previously, we had darken
on the ::before
For each of the RGB channels, this blend mode takes the values of the two layers and uses the lighter (bigger) one for the result. Since anything is lighter than black
, the resulting layer uses the background
behind the button
everywhere the button
is black
. And since a requirement is that every gradient pixel of the button
is lighter than the corresponding pixel of the background
behind it, the resulting layer uses the gradient pixel values in that area.
button {
/* same styles as before */
mix-blend-mode: lighten;

For a dark gradient button
on a light background
, we need to switch up the blend modes. That is, use lighten
on the ::before
pseudo and darken
on the button
itself. And first of all, we need to ensure the background
behind the button
is light enough.
Let’s say our gradient is between #602749
and #b14623
. The channel values of our gradient stops are 60
), 27
), 49
) and b1
), 46
), 23
), so the background
behind the button
needs to have channel values that are at least max(60, b1) = b1
for red, max(27, 46) = 46
for green and max(49, 23) = 49
for blue.
This means having a background-color
on our button
with channel values that are bigger or equal to b1
, 46
and 49
, either on its own as a solid background
, or underneath a background-image
layer, uses a screen
blend mode (which always produces a result that’s at least as light as the lighter of the two layers).
We also need to make the button
border, text and icon black
, while setting its background
to white
$b: .25em;
section {
background: url(fog.jpg) 50%/ cover #b14649;
background-blend-mode: screen;
button {
/* same as before */
border: solid $b;
background: #fff;
color: #000;
mix-blend-mode: darken;
&::before {
/* same as before */
mix-blend-mode: lighten
&::after {
filter: brightness(0);
content: attr(data-ico);
The icon in the ::after
pseudo-element is made black
by setting filter: brightness(0)
on it.

We also have the option of blending all the button
layers as a part of its background
, both for the light and dark theme, but, as mentioned before, Firefox just ignores any background-clip
declaration where text
is a part of a list of values and not the single value.
Well, that’s it! I hope you’re having (or had) a scary Halloween. Mine was definitely made horrific by all the bugs I got to discover… or rediscover, along with the reality that they haven’t been fixed in the meanwhile.
Yet another weird Safari bug with text clipping: I believe it uses the CPU instead of the GPU to render text clipping masks, which was resulting in massive performance problems whenever my site with a piece of gradient text was loaded, even when the element wasn’t onscreen.
I am viewing this oage in Firefox, and in the “compiled demo” section, the “Extra pseudo cross-browser solution” does not work, showing just background with no text or icons.
Oops! Fixed now, thanks for letting me know!
What abnout :hover and :focus style for this buttons?
I was thinking about an effect such as the one on hovering/ focusing the links here for the inner part of the button.
So something like this in the middle of the transition in our case.
I didn’t mention it because the article was already long and the whole discussion on getting it to work with either mask compositing or blending is quite complex. I may write an article just about that, but there are so many other things I’d like to write about as well.