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Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

For quite a while now, the CSS spec has included a lot of really useful mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2()), exponential functions (pow(), exp(), sqrt(), log(), hypot()), sign-related functions (abs(), sign()) and stepped value functions (round(), mod(), rem()).

However, these are not yet implemented in any browser, so this article is going to show how, using CSS features we already have, we can compute the values that abs(), sign(), round() and mod() should return. And then we’ll see what cool things this allows us to build today.

Screenshot collage - a 2x2 grid. The first one shows the items of a full-screen navigation sliding down with a delay that's proportional to the distance to the selected one. The second one shows a cube with each face made of neon tiles; these tiles shrink and go inwards, into the cube, with a delay that depends on the distance from the midlines of the top face. The third one is a time progress with a tooltip showing the elapsed time in a mm::ss format. The fourth one is a 3D rotating musical toy with wooden and metallic stars and a wooden crescent moon hanging from the top.
A few of the things these functions allow us to make.

Note that none of these techniques were ever meant to work in browsers from back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the internet. Some of them even depend on the browser supporting the ability to register custom properties (using @property), which means they’re limited to Chromium for now.

The computed equivalents


We can get this by using the new CSS max() function, which is already implemented in the current versions of all major browsers.

Let’s say we have a custom property, --a. We don’t know whether this is positive or negative and we want to get its absolute value. We do this by picking the maximum between this value and its additive inverse:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));

If --a is positive, this means it’s greater than zero, and multiplying it with -1 gives us a negative number, which is always smaller than zero. That, in turn, is always smaller than the positive --a, so the result returned by max() is equal to var(--a).

If --a is negative, this means it’s smaller than zero, and that multiplying it by -1 gives us a positive number, which is always bigger than zero, which, in turn, is always bigger than the negative --a. So, the result returned by max() is equal to -1*var(--a).


This is something we can get using the previous section as the sign of a number is that number divided by its absolute value:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

A very important thing to note here is that this only works if --a is unitless, as we cannot divide by a number with a unit inside calc().

Also, if --a is 0, this solution works only if we register --sign (this is only supported in Chromium browsers at this point) with an initial-value of 0:

@property --sign {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

This is because --a, being 0, also makes --abs compute to 0 — and dividing by 0 is invalid in CSS calc() — so we need to make sure --sign gets reset to 0 in this situation. Keep in mind that this does not happen if we simply set it to 0 in the CSS prior to setting it to the calc() value and we don’t register it:

--abs: max(var(--a), -1*var(--a));
--sign: 0; /* doesn't help */
--sign: calc(var(--a)/var(--abs));

In practice, I’ve also often used the following version for integers:

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a), 1);

Here, we’re using a clamp() function. This takes three arguments: a minimum allowed value -1, a preferred value var(--a) and a maximum allowed value, 1. The value returned is the preferred value as long as it’s between the lower and upper bounds and the limit that gets exceeded otherwise.

If --a is a negative integer, this means it’s smaller or equal to -1, the lower bound (or the minimum allowed value) of our clamp() function, so the value returned is -1. If it’s a positive integer, this means it’s greater or equal to 1, the upper bound (or the maximum allowed value) of the clamp() function, so the value returned is 1. And finally, if --a is 0, it’s between the lower and upper limits, so the function returns its value (0 in this case).

This method has the advantage of being simpler without requiring Houdini support. That said, note that it only works for unitless values (comparing a length or an angle value with integers like ±1 is like comparing apples and oranges — it doesn’t work!) that are either exactly 0 or at least as big as 1 in absolute value. For a subunitary value, like -.05, our method above fails, as the value returned is -.05, not -1!

My first thought was that we can extend this technique to subunitary values by introducing a limit value that’s smaller than the smallest non-zero value we know --a can possibly take. For example, let’s say our limit is .000001 — this would allow us to correctly get -1 as the sign for -.05, and 1 as the sign for .0001!

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1*var(--lim), var(--a), var(--lim));

Temani Afif suggested a simpler version that would multiply --a by a very large number in order to produce a superunitary value.

--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)*10000, 1);

I eventually settled on dividing --a by the limit value because it just feels a bit more intuitive to see what minimum non-zero value it won’t go below.

--lim: .000001;
--sign: clamp(-1, var(--a)/var(--lim), 1);

--round (as well as --ceil and --floor)

This is one I was stuck on for a while until I got a clever suggestion for a similar problem from Christian Schaefer. Just like the case of the sign, this only works on unitless values and requires registering the --round variable as an <integer> so that we force rounding on whatever value we set it to:

@property --round {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem { --round: var(--a); }

By extension, we can get --floor and --ceil if we subtract or add .5:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

@property --ceil {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a) - .5);
  --ceil: calc(var(--a) + .5)


This builds on the --floor technique in order to get an integer quotient, which then allows us to get the modulo value. This means that both our values must be unitless.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false /* or true depending on context */

.my-elem {
  --floor: calc(var(--a)/var(--b) - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--a) - var(--b)*var(--floor))

Use cases

What sort of things can we do with the technique? Let’s take a good look at three use cases.

Effortless symmetry in staggered animations (and not only!)

While the absolute value can help us get symmetrical results for a lot of properties, animation-delay and transition-delay are the ones where I’ve been using it the most, so let’s see some examples of that!

We put --n items within a container, each of these items having an index --i. Both --n and --i are variables we pass to the CSS via style attributes.

- let n = 16;

.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    .item(style=`--i: ${i}`)

This gives us the following compiled HTML:

<div class='wrap' style='--n: 16'>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 0'></div>
  <div class='item' style='--i: 1'></div>
  <!-- more such items -->

We set a few styles such that the items are laid out in a row and are square with a non-zero edge length:

$r: 2.5vw;

.wrap {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-evenly;

.item { padding: $r; }
Screenshot showing the items lined in a row and DevTools with the HTML structure and the styles applied.
The result so far.

Now we add two sets of keyframes to animate a scaling transform and a box-shadow. The first set of keyframes, grow, makes our items scale up from nothing at 0% to full size at 50%, after which they stay at their full size until the end. The second set of keyframes, melt, shows us the items having inset box shadows that cover them fully up to the midway point in the animation (at 50%). That’s also when the items reach full size after growing from nothing. Then the spread radius of these inset shadows shrinks until it gets down to nothing at 100%.

$r: 2.5vw;

.item {
  padding: $r;
  animation: a $t infinite;
  animation-name: grow, melt;

@keyframes grow {
  0% { transform: scale(0); }
  50%, 100% { transform: none; }

@keyframes melt {
  0%, 50% { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 $r; }
  100% { box-shadow: inset 0 0; }
Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear. The cycle then repeats. In this case, all tiles animate at the same time.
The base animation (live demo).

Now comes the interesting part! We compute the middle between the index of the first item and that of the last one. This is the arithmetic mean of the two (since our indices are zero-based, the first and last are 0 and n - 1 respectively):

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));

We get the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between this middle, --m, and the item index, --i, then use it to compute the animation-delay:

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc(var(--abs)/var(--m)*#{$t}) infinite backwards;
animation-name: grow, melt;

The absolute value ,--abs, of the difference between the middle, --m, and the item index, --i, can be as small as 0 (for the middle item, if --n is odd) and as big as --m (for the end items). This means dividing it by --m always gives us a value in the [0, 1] interval, which we then multiply with the animation duration $t to ensure every item has a delay between 0s and the animation-duration.

Note that we’ve also set animation-fill-mode to backwards. Since most items will start the animations later, this tells the browser to keep them with the styles in the 0% keyframes until then.

In this particular case, we wouldn’t see any difference without it either because, while the items would be at full size (not scaled to nothing like in the 0% keyframe of the grow animation), they would also have no box-shadow until they start animating. However, in a lot of other cases, it does make a difference and we shouldn’t forget about it.

Another possibility (one that doesn’t involve setting the animation-fill-mode) would be to ensure the animation-delay is always smaller or at most equal to 0 by subtracting a full animation-duration out of it.

--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
animation: a $t calc((var(--abs)/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t}) infinite;
animation-name: grow, melt;

Both options are valid, and which one you use depends on what you prefer to happen at the very beginning. I generally tend to go for negative delays because they make more sense when recording the looping animation to make a gif like the one below, which illustrates how the animation-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the middle.

Animated gif. Shows 16 black square tiles in a row, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. Only now, they don't all animate at the same time. The closer they are to the middle, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very ends of the row being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered looping animation.

For a visual comparison between the two options, you can rerun the following demo to see what happens at the very beginning.

A fancier example would be the following:

Navigation links sliding up and then back down with a delay proportional to how far they are from the selected one.

Here, each and every one of the --n navigation links and corresponding recipe articles have an index --idx. Whenever a navigation link is hovered or focused, its --idx value is read and set to the current index, --k, on the body. If none of these items is hovered or focused, --k gets set to a value outside the [0, n) interval (e.g. -1).

The absolute value, --abs, of the difference between --k and a link’s index, --idx, can tell us whether that’s the currently selected (hovered or focused) item. If this absolute value is 0, then our item is the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 0 and --sel is 1). If this absolute value is bigger than 0, then our item is not the currently selected one (i.e. --not-sel is 1 and --sel is 0).

Given both --idx and --k are integers, it results that their difference is also an integer. This means the absolute value, --abs, of this difference is either 0 (when the item is selected), or bigger or equal to 1 (when the item is not selected).

When we put all of this into code, this is what we get:

--abs: Max(var(--k) - var(--idx), var(--idx) - var(--k));
--not-sel: Min(1, var(--abs));
--sel: calc(1 - var(--not-sel));

The --sel and --not-sel properties (which are always integers that always add up to 1) determine the size of the navigation links (the width in the wide screen scenario and the height in the narrow screen scenario), whether they’re greyscaled or not and whether or not their text content is hidden. This is something we won’t get into here, as it is outside the scope of this article and I’ve already explained in a lot of detail in a previous one.

What is relevant here is that, when a navigation link is clicked, it slides out of sight (up in the wide screen case, and left in the narrow screen case), followed by all the others around it, each with a transition-delay that depends on how far they are from the one that was clicked (that is, on the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between their index, --idx, and the index of the currently selected item, --k), revealing the corresponding recipe article. These transition-delay values are symmetrical with respect to the currently selected item.

transition: transform 1s calc(var(--abs)*.05s);

The actual transition and delay are actually a bit more complex because more properties than just the transform get animated and, for transform in particular, there’s an additional delay when going back from the recipe article to the navigation links because we wait for the <article> element to disappear before we let the links slide down. But what were’re interested in is that component of the delay that makes the links is closer to the selected one start sliding out of sight before those further away. And that’s computed as above, using the --abs variable.

You can play with the interactive demo below.

Things get even more interesting in 2D, so let’s now make our row a grid!

We start by changing the structure a bit so that we have 8 columns and 8 rows (which means we have 8·8 = 64 items in total on the grid).

- let n = 8;
- let m = n*n;

  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    | .item:nth-child(#{n}n + #{i + 1}) { --i: #{i} }
    | .item:nth-child(n + #{n*i + 1}) { --j: #{i} }
.wrap(style=`--n: ${n}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < m; i++)

The above Pug code compiles to the following HTML:

  .item:nth-child(8n + 1) { --i: 0 } /* items on 1st column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 1) { --j: 0 } /* items starting from 1st row */
  .item:nth-child(8n + 2) { --i: 1 } /* items on 2nd column */
  .item:nth-child(n + 9) { --j: 1 } /* items starting from 2nd row */
  /* 6 more such pairs */
<div class='wrap' style='--n: 8'>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <div class='item'></div>
  <!-- 62 more such items -->

Just like the previous case, we compute a middle index, --m, but since we’ve moved from 1D to 2D, we now have two differences in absolute value to compute, one for each of the two dimensions (one for the columns, --abs-i, and one for the rows, --abs-j).

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
--abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));

We use the exact same two sets of @keyframes, but the animation-delay changes a bit, so it depends on both --abs-i and --abs-j. These absolute values can be as small as 0 (for tiles in the dead middle of the columns and rows) and as big as --m (for tiles at the ends of the columns and rows), meaning that the ratio between either of them and --m is always in the [0, 1] interval. This means the sum of these two ratios is always in the [0, 2] interval. If we want to reduce it to the [0, 1] interval, we need to divide it by 2 (or multiply by .5, same thing).

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i)/var(--m) + var(--abs-j)/var(--m))*#{$t});

This gives us delays that are in the [0s, $t] interval. We can take the denominator, var(--m), out of the parenthesis to simplify the above formula a bit:

animation-delay: calc(.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m)*#{$t});

Just like the previous case, this makes grid items start animating later the further they are from the middle of the grid. We should use animation-fill-mode: backwards to ensure they stay in the state specified by the 0% keyframes until the delay time has elapsed and they start animating.

Alternatively, we can subtract one animation duration $t from all delays to make sure all grid items have already started their animation when the page loads.

animation-delay: calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

This gives us the following result:

Animated gif. Shows an 8x8 grid of tiles, each of them growing from nothing to full size, then melting from the inside until they disappear, with the cycle then repeating. The smaller the sum of their distances to the middle is, the sooner they start their animation, those at the very corners of the grid being one full cycle behind those in the very middle.
The staggered 2D animation (live demo).

Let’s now see a few more interesting examples. We won’t be going into details about the “how” behind them as the symmetrical value technique works exactly the same as for the previous ones and the rest is outside the scope of this article. However, there is a link to a CodePen demo in the caption for each of the examples below, and most of these Pens also come with a recording that shows me coding them from scratch.

In the first example, each grid item is made up of two triangles that shrink down to nothing at opposite ends of the diagonal they meet along and then grow back to full size. Since this is an alternating animation, we let the delays to stretch across two iterations (a normal one and a reversed one), which means we don’t divide the sum of ratios in half anymore and we subtract 2 to ensure every item has a negative delay.

animation: s $t ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation-delay: calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 2)*#{$t});
Grid wave: pulsing triangles (live demo)

In the second example, each grid item has a gradient at an angle that animates from 0deg to 1turn. This is possible via Houdini as explained in this article about the state of animating gradients with CSS.

Field wave: cell gradient rotation (live demo)

The third example is very similar, except the animated angle is used by a conic-gradient instead of a linear one and also by the hue of the first stop.

Rainbow hour wave (live demo)

In the fourth example, each grid cell contains seven rainbow dots that oscillate up and down. The oscillation delay has a component that depends on the cell indices in the exact same manner as the previous grids (the only thing that’s different here is the number of columns differs from the number of rows, so we need to compute two middle indices, one along each of the two dimensions) and a component that depends on the dot index, --idx, relative to the number of dots per cell, --n-dots.

--k: calc(var(--idx)/var(--n-dots));
--mi: calc(.5*(var(--n-cols) - 1));
--abs-i: max(var(--mi) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--mi));
--mj: calc(.5*(var(--n-rows) - 1));
--abs-j: max(var(--mj) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--mj));
  calc((var(--abs-i)/var(--mi) + var(--abs-j)/var(--mj) + var(--k) - 3)*#{$t});
Rainbow dot wave: dot oscillation (live demo)

In the fifth example, the tiles making up the cube faces shrink and move inwards. The animation-delay for the top face is computed exactly as in our first 2D demo.

Breathe into me: neon waterfall (live demo and a previous iteration)

In the sixth example, we have a grid of columns oscillating up and down.

Column wave (live demo)

The animation-delay isn’t the only property we can set to have symmetrical values. We can also do this with the items’ dimensions. In the seventh example below, the tiles are distributed around half a dozen rings starting from the vertical (y) axis and are scaled using a factor that depends on how far they are from the top point of the rings. This is basically the 1D case with the axis curved on a circle.

Circular grid melt (live demo)

The eighth example shows ten arms of baubles that wrap around a big sphere. The size of these baubles depends on how far they are from the poles, the closest ones being the smallest. This is done by computing the middle index, --m, for the dots on an arm and the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between it and the current bauble index, --j, then using the ratio between this absolute value and the middle index to get the sizing factor, --f, which we then use when setting the padding.

--m: calc(.5*(var(--n-dots) - 1));
--abs: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
--f: calc(1.05 - var(--abs)/var(--m));
padding: calc(var(--f)*#{$r});
Travel inside the sphere (live demo)

Different styles for items before and after a certain (selected or middle) one

Let’s say we have a bunch of radio buttons and labels, with the labels having an index set as a custom property, --i. We want the labels before the selected item to have a green background, the label of the selected item to have a blue background and the rest of the labels to be grey. On the body, we set the index of the currently selected option as another custom property, --k.

- let n = 8;
- let k = Math.round((n - 1)*Math.random());

body(style=`--k: ${k}`)
  - for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    - let id = `r${i}`;
    input(type='radio' name='r' id=id checked=i===k)
    label(for=id style=`--i: ${i}`) Option ##{i}

This compiles to the following HTML:

<body style='--k: 1'>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r0'/>
  <label for='r0' style='--i: 0'>Option #0</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r1' checked='checked'/>
  <label for='r1' style='--i: 1'>Option #1</label>
  <input type='radio' name='r' id='r2'/>
  <label for='r2' style='--i: 2'>Option #2</label>
  <!-- more options -->

We set a few layout and prettifying styles, including a gradient background on the labels that creates three vertical stripes, each occupying a third of the background-size (which, for now, is just the default 100%, the full element width):

$c: #6daa7e, #335f7c, #6a6d6b;

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: .25em 0;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, max-content);
  align-items: center;
  font: 1.25em/ 1.5 ubuntu, trebuchet ms, sans-serif;

label {
  padding: 0 .25em;
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0);
  color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;
Screenshot showing radio inputs and their labels on two grid columns. The labels have a vertical three stripe background with the first stripe being green, the second one blue and the last one grey.
The result so far.

From the JavaScript, we update the value of --k whenever we select a different option:

addEventListener('change', e => {
  let _t =;'--k','r', ''))

Now comes the interesting part! For our label elements, we compute the sign, --sgn, of the difference between the label index, --i, and the index of the currently selected option, --k. We then use this --sgn value to compute the background-position when the background-size is set to 300% — that is, three times the label’s width because we may have of three possible backgrounds: one for the case when the label is for an option before the selected one, a second for the case when the label is for the selected option, and a third for the case when the label is for an option after the selected one.

--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--k), 1);
      nth($c, 1) 33.333%, 
      nth($c, 2) 0 66.667%, 
      nth($c, 3) 0) 
    calc(50%*(1 + var(--sgn)))/ 300%

If --i is smaller than --k (the case of a label for an option before the selected one), then --sgn is -1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + -1) = 50%*0 = 0%, meaning we only see the first vertical stripe (the green one).

If --i is equal --k (the case of the label for the selected option), then --sgn is 0 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 0) = 50%*1 = 50%, so we only see the vertical stripe in the middle (the blue one).

If --i is greater than --k (the case of a label for an option after the selected one), then --sgn is 1 and the background-position computes to 50%*(1 + 1) = 50%*2 = 100%, meaning we only see the last vertical stripe (the grey one).

A more aesthetically appealing example would be the following navigation where the vertical bar is on the side closest to the selected option and, for the selected one, it spreads across the entire element.

This uses a structure that’s similar to that of the previous demo, with radio inputs and labels for the navigation items. The moving “background” is actually an ::after pseudo-element whose translation value depends on the sign, --sgn. The text is a ::before pseudo-element whose position is supposed to be in the middle of the white area, so its translation value also depends on --sgn.

/* relevant styles */
label {
  --sgn: clamp(-1, var(--k) - var(--i), 1);
  &::before {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*-.5*#{$pad}))
  &::after {
    transform: translate(calc(var(--sgn)*(100% - #{$pad})))

Let’s now quickly look at a few more demos where computing the sign (and maybe the absolute value as well) comes in handy.

First up, we have a square grid of cells with a radial-gradient whose radius shrinks from covering the entire cell to nothing. This animation has a delay computed as explained in the previous section. What’s new here is that the coordinates of the radial-gradient circle depend on where the cell is positioned with respect to the middle of the grid — that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 2s;

@property --p {
  syntax: '<length-percentage>';
  initial-value: -1px;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--m) - var(--i));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, var(--dif-i)/.5, 1);
  --dif-j: calc(var(--m) - var(--j));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, var(--dif-j)/.5, 1);
      at calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-i)) calc(50% + 50%*var(--sgn-j)), 
      currentcolor var(--p), transparent calc(var(--p) + 1px))
      nth($c, 2);
    calc((.5*(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--m) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes p { 0% { --p: 100%; } }
Sinking feeling (live demo)

Then we have a double spiral of tiny spheres where both the sphere diameter --d and the radial distance --x that contributes to determining the sphere position depend on the absolute value --abs of the difference between each one’s index, --i, and the middle index, --m. The sign, --sgn, of this difference is used to determine the spiral rotation direction. This depends on where each sphere is with respect to the middle – that is, whether its index ,--i, is smaller or bigger than the middle index, --m.

/* relevant styles */
--m: calc(.5*(var(--p) - 1));
--abs: max(calc(var(--m) - var(--i)), calc(var(--i) - var(--m)));
--sgn: clamp(-1, var(--i) - var(--m), 1);
--d: calc(3px + var(--abs)/var(--p)*#{$d}); /* sphere diameter */
--a: calc(var(--k)*1turn/var(--n-dot)); /* angle used to determine sphere position */
--x: calc(var(--abs)*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* how far from spiral axis */
--z: calc((var(--i) - var(--m))*2*#{$d}/var(--n-dot)); /* position with respect to screen plane */
width: var(--d); height: var(--d);
  /* change rotation direction by changing x axis direction */
  translate3d(var(--x), 0, var(--z)) 
  /* reverse rotation so the sphere is always seen from the front */
  /* reverse scaling so lighting on sphere looks consistent */
No perspective (live demo)

Finally, we have a grid of non-square boxes with a border. These boxes have a mask created using a conic-gradient with an animated start angle, --ang. Whether these boxes are flipped horizontally or vertically depends on where they are with respect to the middle – that is, on the signs of the differences between the column --i and row --j indices and the middle index, --m. The animation-delay depends on the absolute values of these differences and is computed as explained in the previous section. We also have a gooey filter for a nicer “wormy” look, but we won’t be going into that here.

/* relevant CSS */
$t: 1s;

@property --ang {
  syntax: '<angle>';
  initial-value: 0deg;
  inherits: false;

.box {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --dif-i: calc(var(--i) - var(--m));
  --dif-j: calc(var(--j) - var(--m));
  --abs-i: max(var(--dif-i), -1*var(--dif-i));
  --abs-j: max(var(--dif-j), -1*var(--dif-j));
  --sgn-i: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-i), 1);
  --sgn-j: clamp(-1, 2*var(--dif-j), 1);
  transform: scale(var(--sgn-i), var(--sgn-j));
    repeating-conic-gradient(from var(--ang, 0deg), 
        red 0% 12.5%, transparent 0% 50%);
  animation: ang $t ease-in-out infinite;
    calc(((var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j))/var(--n) - 1)*#{$t});

@keyframes ang { to { --ang: .5turn; } }
Consumed by worms (live demo)

Time (and not only) formatting

Let’s say we have an element for which we store a number of seconds in a custom property, --val, and we want to display this in a mm:ss format, for example.

We use the floor of the ratio between --val and 60 (the number of seconds in a minute) to get the number of minutes and modulo for the number of seconds past that number of minutes. Then we use a clever little counter trick to display the formatted time in a pseudo-element.

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --min: calc(var(--val)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--val) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: min var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 02:09 */
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This works in most situations, but we encounter a problem when --val is exactly 0. In this case, 0/60 is 0 and then subtracting .5, we get -.5, which gets rounded to what’s the bigger adjacent integer in absolute value. That is, -1, not 0! This means our result will end up being -01:60, not 00:00!

Fortunately, we have a simple fix and that’s to slightly alter the formula for getting the number of minutes, --min:

--min: max(0, var(--val)/60 - .5);

There are other formatting options too, as illustrated below:

/* shows time formatted as 2:09 */
content: counter(min) ':' counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

/* shows time formatted as 2m9s */
content: counter(min) 'm' counter(sec) 's';

We can also apply the same technique to format the time as hh:mm:ss (live test).

@property --hrs {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --min {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

code {
  --hrs: max(0, var(--val)/3600 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--val) - var(--hrs)*3600);
  --min: max(0, var(--mod)/60 - .5);
  --sec: calc(var(--mod) - var(--min)*60);
  counter-reset: hrs var(--hrs) var(--min) sec var(--sec);
  &::after {
    /* so we get the time formatted as 00:02:09 */
      counter(hrs, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(min, decimal-leading-zero) ':' 
      counter(sec, decimal-leading-zero);

This is a technique I’ve used for styling the output of native range sliders such as the one below.

Screenshot showing a styled slider with a tooltip above the thumb indicating the elapsed time formatted as mm:ss. On the right of the slider, there's the remaining time formatted as -mm:ss.
Styled range input indicating time (live demo)

Time isn’t the only thing we can use this for. Counter values have to be integer values, which means the modulo trick also comes in handy for displaying decimals, as in the second slider seen below.

Screenshot showing three styled sliders withe second one having a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

A couple more such examples:

Screenshot showing multiple styled sliders with the third one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)
Screenshot showing two styled sliders with the second one being focused and showing a tooltip above the thumb indicating the decimal value.
Styled range inputs, one of which has a decimal output (live demo)

Even more use cases

Let’s say we have a volume slider with an icon at each end. Depending on the direction we move the slider’s thumb in, one of the two icons gets highlighted. This is possible by getting the absolute value, --abs, of the difference between each icon’s sign, --sgn-ico (-1 for the one before the slider, and 1 for the one after the slider), and the sign of the difference, --sgn-dir, between the slider’s current value, --val, and its previous value, --prv. If this is 0, then we’re moving in the direction of the current icon so we set its opacity to 1. Otherwise, we’re moving away from the current icon, so we keep its opacity at .15.

This means that, whenever the range input’s value changes, not only do we need to update its current value, --val, on its parent, but we need to update its previous value, which is another custom property, --prv, on the same parent wrapper:

addEventListener('input', e => {
  let _t =, _p = _t.parentNode;'--prv','--val'))'--val', +_t.value)

The sign of their difference is the sign of the direction, --sgn-dir, we’re going in and the current icon is highlighted if its sign, --sgn-ico, and the sign of the direction we’re going in, --sgn-dir, coincide. That is, if the absolute value, --abs, of their difference is 0 and, at the same time, the parent wrapper is selected (it’s either being hovered or the range input in it has focus).

[role='group'] {
  --dir: calc(var(--val) - var(--prv));
  --sgn-dir: clamp(-1, var(--dir), 1);
  --sel: 0; /* is the slider focused or hovered? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  &:hover, &:focus-within { --sel: 1; }

.ico {
  --abs: max(var(--sgn-dir) - var(--sgn-ico), var(--sgn-ico) - var(--sgn-dir));
  --hlg: calc(var(--sel)*(1 - min(1, var(--abs)))); /* highlight current icon? Yes 1/ No 0 */
  opacity: calc(1 - .85*(1 - var(--hlg)));

Another use case is making property values of items on a grid depend on the parity of the sum of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. For example, let’s say we do this for the background-color:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
Background depending on parity of sum of horizontal and vertical distances to the middle (live demo)

We can spice things up by using the modulo 2 of the floor of the sum divided by 2:

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

@property --int {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.cell {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: max(0, var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --int: max(0, var(--floor)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--floor) - var(--int)*2);
  background: hsl(calc(90 + var(--mod)*180), 50%, 65%);
Screenshot showing a 16x16 grid where each tile is either lime or purple.
A more interesting variation of the previous demo (live demo)

We could also make both the direction of a rotation and that of a conic-gradient() depend on the same parity of the sum, --sum, of horizontal --abs-i and vertical --abs-j distances from the middle, --m. This is achieved by horizontally flipping the element if the sum, --sum, is even. In the example below, the rotation and size are also animated via Houdini (they both depend on a custom property, --f, which we register and then animate from 0 to 1), and so are the worm hue, --hue, and the conic-gradient() mask, both animations having a delay computed exactly as in previous examples.

@property --floor {
  syntax: '<integer>';
  initial-value: 0;
  inherits: false;

.🐛 {
  --m: calc(.5*(var(--n) - 1));
  --abs-i: max(var(--m) - var(--i), var(--i) - var(--m));
  --abs-j: max(var(--m) - var(--j), var(--j) - var(--m));
  --sum: calc(var(--abs-i) + var(--abs-j));
  --floor: calc(var(--sum)/2 - .5);
  --mod: calc(var(--sum) - var(--floor)*2);
  --sgn: calc(2*var(--mod) - 1); /* -1 if --mod is 0; 1 id --mod is 1 */
  --hue: calc(var(--sgn)*var(--f)*360);
Grid wave: triangular rainbow worms (live demo).

Finally, another big use case for the techniques explained so far is shading not just convex, but also concave animated 3D shapes using absolutely no JavaScript! This is one topic that’s absolutely massive on its own and explaining everything would take an article as long as this one, so I won’t be going into it at all here. But I have made a few videos where I code a couple of such basic pure CSS 3D shapes (including a wooden star and a differently shaped metallic one) from scratch and you can, of course, also check out the CSS for the following example on CodePen.

Musical toy (live demo)

Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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A Complete Guide to CSS Functions Mon, 04 May 2020 15:14:37 +0000 Like any other programming language, CSS has functions. They can be inserted where you’d place a value, or in some cases, accompanying another value declaration.

A Complete Guide to CSS Functions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.



Like any other programming language, CSS has functions. They can be inserted where you’d place a value, or in some cases, accompanying another value declaration. Some CSS functions even let you nest other functions within them!


In programming, functions are a named portion of code that performs a specific task. An example of this could be a function written in JavaScript called sayWoof():

function sayWoof() {

We can use this function later in our code, after we have defined our desired behavior. For this example, any time you type sayWoof() in your website or web app’s JavaScript it will print “Woof!” into the browser’s console.

Functions can also use arguments, which are slots for things like numbers or bits of text that you can feed into the function’s logic to have it modify them. It works like this in JavaScript:

function countDogs(amount) {
  console.log("There are " + amount + " dogs!");

Here, we have a function called countDogs() that has an argument called amount. When a number is provided for amount, it will take that number and add it to a pre-specified sentence. This lets us create sentences that tell us how many dogs we’ve counted.

countDogs(3); // There are 3 dogs!
countDogs(276); // There are 276 dogs!
countDogs("many"); // There are many dogs!

Some programming languages come with baked-in functions to help prevent you from having to reinvent the wheel for every new project. Typically, these functions are built to help make working with the main strengths and features of the language easier. 

Take libraries, for example. Libraries are collections of opinionated code made to help make development faster and easier, effectively just curated function collections — think FitVids.js for creating flexible video elements.

Basics of CSS Functions

Anatomy of a CSS declaration. Inside of a selector class called .selector there is a declaration of background-image: url(‘parchment.jpg’); Arrows label the property (background-image), the function (url), and the argument (parchment.jpg).

Unlike other programming languages, we cannot create our own functions in CSS, per se. That kind of logic is reserved for CSS selectors, which allow you to create powerful conditional styling rules

As opposed to other programming languages — where the output of a function typically invisibly affects other logic down the line — the output of CSS functions are visual in nature. This output is used to control both layout and presentation of content. For example: 

.has-orange-glow {
  filter: drop-shadow(0.25rem 0 0.75rem #ef9035);

The CSS filter function drop-shadow() uses the arguments we provide it to create an orange outer glow effect on whatever it is applied to.

In the following demo, I have a JavaScript function named toggleOrangeGlow that toggles the application of the class .has-orange-glow on the CSS-Tricks logo. Combining this with a CSS transition, we’re able to create a cool glowing effect:

You may be familiar with some CSS functions, but the language has a surprisingly expansive list! 

Much like any other technology on the web, different CSS functions have different levels of browser support. Make sure you research and test to ensure your experience works for everyone, and use things like @supports to provide quality alternate experiences.

Common CSS Functions


.el {
  background: url(/images/image.jpg);
Using url()

url() allows you to link to other resources to load them. This can include images, fonts, and even other stylesheets. For performance reasons, it’s good practice to limit the things you load via url(), as each declaration is an additional HTTP request.


/* <div data-example="foo"> */
div {
  content: attr(data-example);
Using attr()

This function allows us to reach into HTML, snag an attribute’s content, and feed it to the CSS content property. You’ll commonly see attr() used in print stylesheets, where it is used to show the URL of a link after its text. Another great application of this function is using it to show the alt description of an image if it fails to load.


.el {
  width: calc(100vw - 80px);
Using calc()

If there’s one function you should spend some time experimenting with, it’s calc(). We have a complete guide just on calc().

This function takes two arguments and calculates a result from the operator (+, -, *, /) you supply it, provided those arguments are numbers with or without an accompanying unit.

Unlike CSS preprocessors such as Sass, calc() can mix units, meaning you can do things like subtract 6rem from 100%. calc() is also updated on the fly, so if that 100% represents a width, it’ll still work if that width changes. calc() can also accept CSS Custom Properties as arguments, allowing you an incredible degree of flexibility


p:lang(en) {
  quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019" "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019";
Using lang()

Including a lang attribute in your HTML is a really important thing to do. When present in your HTML, you’re able to use the lang() function to target the presence of the attribute’s value and conditionally apply styling based on it. 

One common use for this selector is to set language-specific quotes, which is great for things like internationalization. 

Clever designers and developers might also use it as a hook for styling translated versions of their sites, where cultural and/or language considerations mean there’s different perceptions about things like negative space.


h3:not(:first-child) {
  margin-top: 0;
Using not()

This pseudo-class selector will select anything that isn’t what you specify. For example, you could target anything that isn’t an image with body:not(img). While this example is dangerously powerful, scoping :not() to more focused selectors such as BEM’s block class can give you a great deal of versatility. 

Currently, :not() supports only one selector for its argument, but support for multiple comma-separated arguments (e.g. div:not(.this, .that)) is being worked on!

CSS Custom Properties

There is only one function specific to CSS custom properties, but it makes the whole thing tick!

The var() function is used to reference a custom property declared earlier in the document. 

html {
  --color: orange;

p {
  color: var(--color);

It is incredibly powerful when combined with calc().

html {
  --scale: 1.2;
  --size: 0.8rem;

.size-2 {
  font-size: calc(var(--size) * var(--scale));
.size-2 {
  font-size: calc(var(--size) * var(--scale) * var(--scale));
More on using var()

Another example of this is declaring a custom property called --ratio: 1.618; in the root of the document, then invoking it later in our CSS to control line-height, like line-height: var(--ratio);.

Here, var() is a set of instructions that tells the browser, “Go find the argument called --ratio declared earlier in the document, take its value, and apply it here.” 

Remember! calc() lets us dynamically adjust things on the fly, including the argument you supply via var().

This allows us to create things like modular scale systems directly in CSS with just a few lines of code. If you change the value of --ratio, the whole modular scale system will update to match.

In the following CodePen demo, I’ve done exactly just that. Change the value of --scale in the Pen’s CSS to a different number to see what I mean:

It’s also worth mentioning that JavaScript’s setProperty method can update custom properties in real time. This allows us to quickly and efficiently make dynamic changes to things that previously might have required a lot of complicated code to achieve. 

Color Functions

Another common place you see CSS functions is when working with color.

rgb() and rgba()

.el {
  color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
  color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
  color: rgb(255 0 0 / 0.5);
Using rgb() and rgba()

These functions allow you to use numbers to describe the red (r), green (g), blue (b), and alpha (a) levels of a color. For example, a red color with a hex value of #fb1010 could also be described as rgba(251, 16, 16, 1). The red value, 251, is far higher than the green and blue values (16 and 16), as the color is mostly comprised of red information. 

The alpha value of 1 means that it is fully opaque, and won’t show anything behind what the color is applied to. If we change the alpha value to be 0.5, the color will be 50% transparent. If you use an rgb() function instead of rgba(), you don’t have to supply an alpha value. This used to mean you couldn’t supply an alpha value, but that function will take one now whether you use the old comma-syntax or the new slash-syntax.

hsl() and hsla()

.el {
  background: hsl(100, 100%, 50%);
  background: hsla(100, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
  background: hsl(100 100% 50% / 0.5);
Using hsl() and hsla()

Similar to rgb() and rgba(), hsl() and hsla() are functions that allow you to describe color. Instead of using red, green, and blue, they use hue (h), saturation (s), and lightness (l). 

I prefer using hsla() over rgba() because its model of describing color works really well with systematized color systems. Each of the color level values for these functions can be CSS Custom Properties, allowing you to create powerful, dynamic code.

New Color Functions

In the upcoming CSS Color Module Level 4 spec, we can ignore the a portion of rgba() and hsla(), as well as the commas. Now, spaces are used to separate the rgb and hsl arguments, with an optional / to indicate an alpha level.

We’ll also start seeing new functions like lab() and lch() that will use this new format

Pseudo Class Selector Functions

These selectors use specialized argument notation that specifies patterns of what to select. This allows you to do things like select every other element, every fifth element, every third element after the seventh element, etc.

Pseudo class selectors are incredibly versatile, yet often overlooked and under-appreciated. Many times, a thoughtful application of a few of these selectors can do the work of one or more node packages. 


.el:nth-child(3n) {
  background-color: #eee;

nth-child() allows you to target one or more of the elements present in a group of elements that are on the same level in the Document Object Model (DOM) tree.

In the right hands, :nth-child() is incredibly powerful. You can even solve fizzbuzz with it! If you’re looking for a good way to get started, Chris has a collection useful pseudo selector recipes.


.el:nth-last-child(2) {
  opacity: 0.75;
.el:last-child {
  opacity: 0.5;

This pseudo class selector targets elements in a group of one or more elements that are on the same level in the DOM. It starts counting from the last element in the group and works backwards through the list of available DOM nodes.



h2:nth-of-type(odd) {
  text-indent: 3rem;

:nth-of-type() matches a specified collection of elements of a given type. For example, a declaration of img:nth-of-type(5) would target the fifth image on a page.



section:nth-last-of-type(3) {
  background-color: darkorchid;

This pseudo class selector can target an element in a group of elements of a similar type. Much like :nth-last-child(), it starts counting from the last element in the group. Unlike :nth-last-child, it will skip elements that don’t apply as it works backwards. 


Animation Functions

Animation is an important part of adding that certain je ne sais quoi to your website or web app. Just remember to put your users’ needs first and honor their animation preferences.

Creating animations also requires controlling the state of things over time, so functions are a natural fit for making that happen.


.el {
    cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67);

Instead of keyword values like ease, ease-in-out, or linear, you can use cubic-bezier() to create a custom timing function for your animation. While you can read about the math that powers cubic beziers, I think it’s much more fun to play around with making one instead.

A custom cubic bezier curve created on There are also options to preview and compare your curve with CSS’s ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out transitions.
Lea Verou’s


.clip-me {
  clip-path: path('M0.5,1 C0.5,1,0,0.7,0,0.3 A0.25,0.25,1,1,1,0.5,0.3 A0.25,0.25,1,1,1,1,0.3 C1,0.7,0.5,1,0.5,1 Z');
.move-me {
  offset-path: path("M56.06,227 ...");

This function is paired with the offset-path property (or eventually, the clip-path property). It allows you to “draw” a SVG path that other elements can be animated to follow.


Both Michelle Barker and Dan Wilson have published excellent articles that go into more detail about this approach to animation.


.el {
  animation: 2s infinite alternate steps(10);

This relatively new function allows you to set the easing timing across an animation, which allows for a greater degree of control over what part of the animation occurs when. Dan Wilson has another excellent writeup of how it fits into the existing animation easing landscape. 

Sizing & Scaling (Transform) Functions

One common thing we do with animation is stretch and squash stuff. The following functions allow you to do exactly that. There is a catch, however: These CSS functions are a special subset, in that they can only work with the transform property.

scaleX(), scaleY(), scaleZ(), scale3d(), and scale()

.double {
  transform: scale(2);

Scaling functions let you increase or decrease the size of something along one or more axes. If you use scale3d() you can even do this in three dimensions!

translateX(), translateY(), translateZ(), translate3d(), and translate()

.center {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Translate functions let you reposition an element along one or more axes. Much like scale functions, you can also extend this manipulation into three dimensions.


.cube {
  transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(50deg)

This function lets you adjust the appearance of an object to make it look like it is projecting up and out from its background.

rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ(), rotate3d(), and rotate()

.avatar {
  transform: rotate(25deg);

Rotate functions let you swivel an element along one or more axes, much like grasping a ball and turning it around in your hand.

skewX(), skewY(), and skew()

.header {
  transform: skew(25deg, 15deg);

Skew functions are a little different from scaling and rotation functions in that they apply a distortion effect relative to a single point. The amount of distortion is proportionate to the angle and distance declared, meaning that the further the effect continues in a direction the more pronounced it will be. 

Jorge Moreno also did us all a favor and made a great tool called CSS Transform Functions Visualizer. It allows you to adjust sizing and scaling in real time to better understand how all these functions work together:

As responsible web professionals, we should be mindful of our users and the fact that they may not be using new or powerful hardware to view our content. Large and complicated animations may slow down the experience, or even cause the browser to crash in extreme scenarios.

To prevent this, we can use techniques like will-change to prepare the browser for what’s in store, and the update media feature to remove animation on devices that do not support a fast refresh rate. 

Filter Functions

CSS filter functions are another special subset of CSS functions, in that they can only work with the filter property. Filters are special effects applied to an element, mimicking functionality of graphics editing programs such as Photoshop.

You can do some really wild things with CSS filter functions, stuff like recreating the effects you can apply to your posts on Instagram!


.avatar:hover {
  filter: brightness(150%);

This function adjusts how, um, bright something appears. Setting it to a low level will make it appear as if it has had a shadow cast over it. Setting it to a high level will blow it out, like an over-exposed photo.



.ghost {
  filter: blur(50%);

If you’re familiar with Photoshop’s Gaussian Blur filter, you know how blur() works. The more of this you apply, the more indistinct the thing you apply it to will look.



.wow {
  filter: contrast(200%);

contrast() will adjust the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of what is applied to.



.no-color {
  filter: grayscale(100%);

grayscale() removes the color information from what it is applied to. Remember that this isn’t an all-or-nothing affair! You can apply a partial grayscale effect to make something look weathered or washed out.

An interesting application of grayscale() could be lightly applying it to images when dark mode is enabled, to slightly diminish the overall vibrancy of color in a situation where the user may want less eye strain.



While invert() can be used to make something look like a photo negative, my favorite technique is to use it in a inverted colors media query to invert inverted images and video:

@media (inverted-colors: inverted) {
  video {
    filter: invert(100%);

This ensures that image and video content looks the way it should, regardless of a user’s expressed browsing mode preferences. 


.filter-visibility {
  filter: opacity(0);

This function controls how much of the background is visible through the element (and child elements) the function is applied to. 


An element that has 0% opacity will be completely transparent, although it will still be present in the DOM. If you need to remove an object completely, use other techniques such as the hidden attribute.


.full-color {
  filter: saturate(100%);

Applying this filter can enhance, or decrease the intensity of the color of what it is applied to. Enhancing an image’s saturation is a common technique photographers use to fix underexposed photos.



.is-old-timey {
  filter: sepia(1);

There are fancier ways to describe this, but realistically it’s a function that makes something look like it’s an old-timey photograph.



.fit-shape-shadow {
  filter: drop-shadow(3rem 0 0.5rem #e486da);

A drop shadow is a visual effect applied to an object that makes it appear like it is hovering off of the page. There’s a bit of a trick here, in that CSS also allows you to apply drop shadow effects to text and elements. It’s also distinct from the box-shadow property is that it applies drop shadows to the shape of an element rather than the actual box of an element.

Skilled designers and developers can take advantage of this to create complicated visual effects.



.change-color {
  filter: hue-rotate(180deg);

When a class with a declaration containing hue-rotate() is applied to an element, each pixel used to draw that element will have it’s hue valued shifted by the amount you specify. hue-rotate()‘s effect is applied to each and every pixel it is applied to, so all colors will update relative to their hue value’s starting point.

This can create a really psychedelic effect when applied to things that contain a lot of color information, such as photos.


SVG filters

filter() also lets us import SVGs filters to use to create specialized visual effects. The topic is too complicated to really do it justice in this article — if you’re looking for a good starting point, I recommend “The Art Of SVG Filters And Why It Is Awesome” by Dirk Weber.

The word “West!” rendered in a Wild West-style font, with layered teal drop shadows giving it a 3D effect. Behind it is a purple starburst pattern. Screenshot.
This effect was created by skillful application of SVG filter effects.

Comparison Functions

The idea with these functions is that we can compare multiple values and apply (or, represent, as the spec says) of the values when they’re evaluated.


.page-wrap {
  width: clamp(320px, 80%, 1200px);
body {
  font-size: clamp(12px, 1rem + 2vw, 18px);

When providing minimum, maximum, and preferred values as arguments, clamp() will honor the preferred value so long as it does not exceed the minimum and maximum boundaries. 

clamp() will allow us to author things like components whose size will scale along with the size of the viewport, but won’t shrink or grow past a specific size. This will be especially useful for creating CSS locks, where you can ensure a responsive type size will not get so small that it can’t be read.

max() and min()

.minimum-of-these {
  width: max(500px, 50%);
.maximum-of-these {
  width: min(320px, 90%);

These functions allow you to select either the maximum or minimum value from a range of values you provide. Much like clamp(), these functions allow us to make things responsive up until a certain point. 

Logical Combinations

The spec files these functions under a “Logical Combinations” heading, but it might be easier to think of them as functions for matching selectors.

:is() and :where()

:is() has had a bit of an identity crisis. Previously referred to as both matches() and vendor prefixed as :-webkit-any/:-moz-any, it now enjoys a standardized, agreed-upon name. It is a pseudo class selector that accepts a range of selectors as its argument. 

This allows an author to group and target a wide range of selectors in an efficient way. :where() is much like :is(), only it has a specificity of zero, while the specificity of :is() is set to the highest specificity in the provided selector list. 

:is(section, article, aside, nav) :is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
  color: #BADA55;

/* ... which is equivalent to: */
section h1, section h2, section h3, section h4, section h5, section h6, 
article h1, article h2, article h3, article h4, article h5, article h6, 
aside h1, aside h2, aside h3, aside h4, aside h5, aside h6, 
nav h1, nav h2, nav h3, nav h4, nav h5, nav h6 {
  color: #BADA55;

:is() and :where() allow us a good deal of flexibility about how we select things to style, especially for situations where you may not have as much control over the web site or web app’s stylesheet (e.g. third-party integrations, ads, etc.).

Gradient Functions

Gradients are created when you transition one color to one or more other colors. They are workhorses of modern user interfaces — skilled designers and developers use them to lend an air of polish and sophistication to their work.

Gradient functions allow you to specify a whole range of properties, including:

  • Color values,
  • The position on the gradient area where that color comes in,
  • What angle the gradient is positioned at.

And yes, you guessed it: the colors we use in a gradient can be described using CSS color functions!

linear-gradient() and repeating-linear-gradient()

Linear gradients apply the color transformation in a straight line, from one point to another — this line can be set at an angle as well. In cases where there’s more area than gradient, using repeating-linear-gradient() will, er, repeat the gradient you described until all the available area has been filled.


radial-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient()

Radial gradients are a lot like linear gradients, only instead of a straight line, color transformations radiate outward from a center point. They’re oftentimes used to create a semitransparent screen to help separate a modal from the background it is placed over.


conic-gradient() and repeating-conical-gradient

Conic gradients are different from radial gradients in that the color rotates around a circle. Because of this, we can do neat things like create donut charts. Unfortunately, support for conic gradients continues to be poor, so use them with caution.

A teal and red donut chart set to 36%. To the right of the chart is a range slider, also set to 36%. Screenshot.
An adjustable conic gradient donut chart made by Ana Tudor

Grid Functions

CSS Grid is a relatively new feature of the language. It allows us to efficiently create adaptive, robust layouts for multiple screen sizes. 

It’s worth acknowledging our roots. Before Grid, layout in CSS was largely a series of codified hacks to work with a language originally designed to format academic documents. Grid’s introduction is further acknowledgement that the language’s intent has changed. 

Modern CSS is an efficient, fault-tolerant language for controlling presentation and layout across a wide range of device form factors. Equipped with Grid and other properties like flexbox, we’re able to create layouts that would have been impossible to create in earlier iterations of CSS. 

Grid introduces the following CSS functions to help you use it.


This function “clamps” the size of grid rows or columns, letting you specify a maximum size a grid track can expand to. fit-content() accepts a range of values, but most notable among them are min-content and max-content. These values allow you to tie your layout to the content it contains. Impressive stuff!



minmax() allows you to set the minimum and maximum desired heights and widths of your grid rows and columns. This function can also use min-content and max-content, giving us a great deal of power and flexibility.



You can loop through patterns of grid column and rows using repeat(). This is great for two scenarios: 

  1. When you do know how many rows or columns you need, but typing them out would be laborious. A good example of this would be constructing the grid for a calendar.
  2. When you don’t know how many rows or columns you need. Here, you can specify a template that the browser will honor as it propagates content into your layout.

Shape Functions

Like filter() and transform(), shape CSS functions only work with one property: clip-path. This property is used to mask portions of something, allowing you to create all sorts of cool effects.


This function creates a circular shape for your mask, allowing you to specify its radius and position.



Like circle(), ellipse() will draw a rounded shape, only instead of a perfect circle, ellipse() lets you construct an oblong mask.



With polygon(), you are able to specify an arbitrary number of points, allowing you to draw complicated shapes. polygon() also takes an optional fill-rule argument, which specifies which part of the shape is the inside part.



This function will mask out a rectangle inside of the element you apply it to.


Miscellaneous Functions

These are the un-categorizable CSS functions, things that don’t fit neatly elsewhere.


Ever pointed a camera at its own video feed? That’s sort of what element() does. It allows you to specify the ID of another element to create an “image” of what that element looks like. You can then apply other CSS to that image, including stuff like CSS filters!

It might take a bit to wrap your head around the concept — and it has some support concerns — but element() is a potentially very powerful in the right hands.

Preethi Sam‘s “Using the Little-Known CSS element() Function to Create a Minimap Navigator” demonstrates how to use it to create a code minimap and is an excellent read.

Here, she’s created a minimap for reading through a longform article:


.responsive-background {
    image-set("image.png" 1x,
              "image-2x.png" 2x,
              "image-print.png" 600dpi

This function allows you to specify a list of images for the browser to select for a background image, based on what it knows about the capabilities of its display and its connection speed. It is analogous to what you would do with the srcset property.


::slotted(.marker) {
  background: lightyellow;

This is a pseudo-element selector used to target elements that have been placed into a slot inside a HTML template. ::slotted() is intended to be used when working with Web Components, which are custom, developer-defined HTML elements.

Not Ready for Prime Time

Like any other living programming language, CSS includes features and functionality that are actively being worked on. 

These functions can sometimes be previewed using browsers that have access to the bleeding edge. Firefox Nightly and Chrome Canary are two such browsers. Other features and functionality are so new that they only exist in what is being actively discussed by the W3C.


This function enables Alternate Annotation Forms, characters reserved for marking up things like notation and annotation. These characters typically will be outlined with a circle, square, or diamond shape.

Not many typefaces contain Alternate Annotation Forms, so it’s good to check to see if the typeface you’re using includes them before trying to get annotation() to work. Tools such as Wakamai Fondue can help with that.

he numbers 1 and 2 enclosed in hollow and solid-filled circles. Following them are the letters B and R enclosed in hollow and solid-filled squares. Screenshot.Stylistic Alternates.
Examples of annotation glyphs from Jonathan Harrell’s post, “Better Typography with Font Variants”

counter() and counters()

When you create an ordered list in HTML, the browser will automatically generate numbers for you and place them before your list item content. These pieces of browser-generated list content are called counters. 

By using a combination of the ::marker pseudo-element selector, the content property, and the counter() function, we can control the content and presentation of the counters on an ordered list. For browsers that don’t support counter() or counters() yet, you still get a decent experience due to the browser automatically falling back to its generated content:

For situations where you have nested ordered lists, the counters() function allows a child ordered list to access its parent. This allows us to control their content and presentation. If you want to learn more about the power of ::marker, counter(), and counters(), you can read “CSS Lists, Markers, And Counters” by Rachel Andrew.


This function will allow you to blend one background image into one or more other background images. Its proposed syntax is similar to gradient functions, where you can specify the stops where images start and end.


This function allows you to flip the orientation of a language’s reading order. For English, that means a left-to-right (ltr) reading order gets turned into right-to-left (rtl). Only Firefox currently has support for dir(), but you can achieve the same effect in Chromium-based browsers by using an attribute selector such as [dir="rtl"].



body {

env(), short for environment, allows you to create conditional logic that is triggered if the device’s User Agent matches up. It was popularized by the iPhone X as a method to work with its notch

That being said, device sniffing is a fallacious affair — you shouldn’t consider env() a way to cheat it. Instead, use it as intended: to make sure your design works for devices that impose unique hardware constraints on the viewport.


has() is a relational pseudo-class that will target an element that contains another element, provided there is at least one match in the HTML source. An example of this is be a:has(> img), which tells the browser to target any link that contains an image. 

A diagram showing how the CSS selector a:has(> img) targets only links that contain images in a collection of links that contain either images or paragraphs.

Interestingly, has() is currently being proposed as CSS you can only write in JavaScript. If I were to wager a guess as to why this is, it is to scope the selector for performance reasons. With this approach has() is triggered only after the browser has been told to process conditional logic, and therefore query the state of things.


.help::before {
  content: image("try.webp", "try.svg", "try.gif");

This function will let you insert either a static image (referenced with url(), or draw one dynamically via gradients and element()

Trigonometry functions

These functions will allow us to perform more advanced mathematical operations

  • Sine: sin()
  • Cosine: cos()
  • Tangent: tan()
  • Arccosine: acos()
  • Arcsine: asin()
  • Arctangent: atan()
  • Arctangent: atan2()
  • Square root: sqrt()
  • The square root of the sum of squares of its arguments: hypot()
  • Power: pow()

I’m especially excited to see what people who are more clever than I am will do with these functions, especially for things like animation!

:host() and :host-context()

To be honest, I’m a little hazy on the specifics of the jargon and mechanics that power the Shadow DOM. Here’s how the MDN describes host():

The :host() CSS pseudo-class function selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside (so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM) — but only if the selector given as the function’s parameter matches the shadow host.

And here’s what they have to say about :host-context():

The :host-context() CSS pseudo-class function selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside (so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM) — but only if the selector given as the function’s parameter matches the shadow host’s ancestor(s) in the place it sits inside the DOM hierarchy.

:nth-col() and :nth-last-col()

These pseudo-classes will allow you to select one or a specified series columns in a CSS grid to apply styling to them. A good mental model for how these functions will work is how CSS pseudo class selectors operate. Unlike pseudo class selectors, :nth-col() and :nth-last-col() should be able to target implicit grid columns.


This function allows you to specify a list of different kinds of characters to use for list bullets. Much like annotation(), you’ll want to make sure the typeface you use contains a glyph you want to use as a symbol before trying to get symbols() to work.

Deprecated Functions

Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you think they will. While deprecated CSS functions may still render in the browser for legacy support reasons, it isn’t recommended you use them going forward.

matrix() and matrix3d()

These functions were turned into more discrete sizing and scaling functions.


This function was part of the deprecated clip property. Use the clip-path property and its values instead.

target-counter(), target-counters(), and target-text()

These functions were intended to help work with fragment URLs for paged (printed) media. You can read more about them on the W3C’s CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module documentation


The web is typography, so it makes sense to give your type the care and attention it deserves. While CSS provides some functions specifically designed to unlock the potential of your website or webapp’s chosen typefaces, it is advised to not use the following functions to access these advanced features. 

Instead, use lower-level syntax via font-feature-settings. You can figure out if the font you’re using supports these features by using a  tool such as Wakamai Fondue.

character-variant(), styleset(), and stylistic()

Many typefaces made by professional foundries include alternate treatments for certain letters, or combinations of letters. One example use case is providing different variations of commonly-used letters for typefaces designed to look like handwriting, to help make it appear more natural-looking.

Two examples of the sentence, “Easy Sunday morning & my fox. The first sentence does not have Stylistic Alternates enabled. The second sentence does, with the alternate characters (a, “un”, “m, “rn” g, &, m, f, and x) highlighted in green. Screenshot.
Stylistic Alternates example by Tunghsiao Liu’s “OpenType Features in CSS”

Utilizing these functions activates these special alternate characters, provided they are present in the font’s glyph set

Unfortunately, it is not a standardized offering. Different typefaces will have different ranges of support, based on what the typographer chose to include. It would be wise to check to see if the font you’re using supports these special features before writing any code.


When you are importing a font via the url() function, the format() function is an optional hint that lets you manually specify the font’s file format. If this hint is provided, the browser won’t download the font if it does not recognize the specified file format.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src: url('mywebfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Cutting edge browsers */
       url('mywebfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Most modern Browsers */
       url('mywebfont.ttf') format('truetype'); /* Older Safari, Android, iOS */


You know when you’re reading a menu at a restaurant and there’s a series of periods that help you figure out what price is attached to what menu item? Those are leaders. 

The W3C had plans for them with its CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module, but it unfortunately seems like leader() never quite managed to take off. Fortunately, the W3C also provides an example of how to accomplish this effect using a clever application of the content property.


local() allows you to specify a font installed locally, meaning it is present on the device. Local fonts either ship with the device, or can be manually installed. 

Betting on someone installing a font so things look the way you want them to is very risky! Because of this, it is recommended you don’t specify a local font that needs to be manually installed. Your site won’t look the way it is intended to, even moreso if you don’t specify a fallback font.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'FeltTipPen';
  src: local('Felt Tip Pen Web'), /* Full font name */
       local('FeltTipPen-Regular'); /* Postscript name */


Special dingbat characters can be enabled using this function. Be careful, as not all dingbat characters are properly coded in a way that will work well if a user does something like change the font, or use a specialized browsing mode.


Swashes are alternate visual treatments for letters that give them an extra-fancy flourish. They’re commonly found in italic and cursive-style typefaces.

An example of a swash being applied to a script-style typeface. There’s two versions of the phrase, “Fred And Ginger”. The first version doesn’t have swashes activated. The second example does. In the second example, the letter F, and, and the letter G are highlighted to demonstrate them being activated. Screenshot.
Swash example by Tunghsiao Liu’s “OpenType Features in CSS”

Why so many?

CSS is maligned as frequently as it is misunderstood. The guiding thought to understanding why all these functions are made available to us is knowing that CSS isn’t prescriptive — not every website has to look like a Microsoft Word document. 

The technologies that power the web are designed in such a way that someone with enough interest can build whatever they want. It’s a powerful, revolutionary concept, a large part of why the web became so ubiquitous.

A Complete Guide to CSS Functions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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My New Favorite ES6 Toy: Destructured Objects as Parameters Tue, 06 Sep 2016 14:24:45 +0000 Like a lot of other developers, I’m working through my continued education learning what I can about ES6. One of the ways I’m doing this is to attend workshops by smart people. I went to Kyle Simpson’s ES6: The Good …

My New Favorite ES6 Toy: Destructured Objects as Parameters originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Like a lot of other developers, I’m working through my continued education learning what I can about ES6. One of the ways I’m doing this is to attend workshops by smart people. I went to Kyle Simpson’s ES6: The Good Parts course and found myself particularly interested in the practical applications of a piece of ES6 I had previously not noticed: Destructured Objects as Parameters.

Some background

As an application grows our function parameters can become bloated. This is a problem for a number of reasons:

  • We have to remember the specific ordering of these parameters when we call the function. If that’s more than three, it takes some context-shifting to compare.
  • We don’t have defaults out of the box
  • To properly self-document, we rely on naming very heavily. Naming arguments in code reviews are so fun!

How do we solve this with ES6?

Thinking very broadly about passing objects as parameters instead might seem at first to be pretty straightforward, and maybe even slightly more convoluted as people aren’t used to reading parameters and thinking of them this way. But look at all the issues from above that this solves:

  • You no longer have to remember the specific ordering
  • We can easily have optional parameters
  • We can have defaults, which is also nice because it’s self-documenting
  • We can have fallbacks for failure conditions, or decide not to if we want to show an error

Destructuring can help us easily extract and manipulate data from arrays or objects into distinct variables and make our parameters more meaningful. This helps us communicate our intentions to readers in the future and helps with maintenance.

What is destructuring?

Destructured objects as parameters combines a few things into one. Let’s start with the concept of destructuring as a whole before showing this particular application. There are a lot of uses and applications for destructuring, perhaps most commonly applied when you have a large JSON object or API and you want to extract meaningful variables from them. Destructuring is possible in ES5, but due to a combination of a lot of features in ES6, destructuring is a lot more legible and valuable.

We’re only going to be speaking about destructuring objects (not arrays), but it’s important to note that both are possible. We’ll start with a very basic and slim comparison of object destructuring in ES5 vs ES6:

Here is how we destructure an object in ES5:

var o = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
var chico = o.a,
    harpo = o.b,
    groucho = o.c;

console.log(chico, harpo, groucho);
// 1 2 3

And now, its ES6 counterpart:

const o = {chico: 1, harpo: 2, groucho: 3};

const { chico, harpo, groucho } = o;

console.log(chico, harpo, groucho);
// 1 2 3

This has some really useful practical applications. We can create top-level variables from objects, a few properties at a time, and even extract them when they are nested a few deep.

const o = {
  chico: 1, 
  harpo: 2, 
  groucho: 3,
  othermarx : {
    zeppo: 4,
    isthatamarxbrother: {
      gummo: 5,
      polly: 6

const { gummo, polly } = o.othermarx.isthatamarxbrother;

console.log(gummo, polly);

We can even rename them in the process, by doing something like const { gummo, polly:cousin } = o.othermarx.isthatamarxbrother;

This article will not go over all of destructuring so that we can focus on one practical application. If you’re interested in learning more about it, how it applies to arrays in ES6, and some other nice uses, here are some good resources:

How do we use this in a function?

Let’s start with a really bare-bones example of a function with some parameters. Let’s say we need to have a manifest with a lot of standard shipment data. This data stays the same, for the most part, but has some deviation from day to day. Defaults make a lot of sense here, but we would have to write out something like this:

function shipmentES5Defaults(params) {
  params = params === undefined ? {} : params;
  var items = params.items === undefined ? 'bananas' : params.items;
  var number = params.number === undefined ? 5: params.number;
  var pkg = params.pkg === undefined ? 'crates' : params.pkg;
  console.log("We have a shipment of " + items + " in " + number + " " + pkg + ".");

// We have a shipment of bananas in 5 crates.

  items: 'cherries',
  pkg: 'bags'
// We have a shipment of cherries in 5 bags.

This is nice, because we have our defaults and don’t return an undefined if something isn’t specified.

But in ES6, we can use the destructured object we just covered as our parameters, allowing us a quick and easy way to provide defaults. Aside from being useful, it’s a bit self-documenting as well. This is pretty helpful and a really nice way to write our functions with legibility in mind. Not to mention that the ES6 template literal makes the string really easy to both read and write.

function shipmentES6({ items = 'bananas', number = 5, package = 'boxes' } = {}) {
  console.log(`We have a shipment of ${items} in ${number} ${package}.`);

shipmentES6({ package: 'crates' });
// -> We have a shipment of bananas in 5 crates.
shipmentES6({ items: 'tomatoes', number: 18 });
// -> We have a shipment of tomatoes in 18 boxes.
// -> We have a shipment of bananas in 5 boxes.

Aside from all of these benefits, if you and your coworkers or collaborators get used to writing in this style, then if you don’t pass a default, you are also communicating that there are no defaults and you’d rather it error out.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll use this way of writing parameters to construct a SVG chart with no external libraries.

My New Favorite ES6 Toy: Destructured Objects as Parameters originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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